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Everything posted by Cooltastic

  1. Yeah, this would be wonderful. Doubt it's in the realm of possibility though. I'm sure someone will be along to inform you of the numerous ways why I can't happen soon enough. But I'll just leave a +1 instead and it would be great for concept builds. Honestly, who's idea was it to mix lions in with wolves? *sigh*
  2. Now your just grasping. I said stand in front of a door and punch it. I didn't say anything about hammering nails. And if your swings are glancing off a closed door you have some real issues. Btw, I could absolutely care less about this topic. I only made a comment after reading what I thought was a silly comment. No need to white knight. I'm out.
  3. Yes, it does seem odd doesn't it. *rolls eyes* Maybe read the quote I was replying to and you might realize I only said what I did so they would understand that it can go both ways.
  4. Now go stand at the same door(in melee range) and punch it 1million times. How many punches do you think will miss?
  5. Ah yes, both good points. Hmm... yes I guess I didn't think the toggles out fully. There's a lot of sets to keep in mind. What if the toggles were less impactful, because I still think they would make for a good inherent. Titan toggle could just get Extra HP that would bring it up to tank/brute levels, or close to it. The Destroyer toggle could just be a Recharge buff. The Savior toggle could just get the Regen Aura. The Subjugator toggle could just get the crit chance vs mez'd enemies. A better way to implement these might be to only get 2 toggles no matter what. Say you pick an armor set and a support set. You would only receive the Titan and Savior toggles to switch between. Just shooting off ideas.
  6. I'm going to feed off of Steamy a bit and agree that the concept is a good one. I also like it as a Vet 100 reward, brings back some of that flair the game had on live, now that Khelds and VEATs are free from the get go.(Which was a damn good choice I might add, as I got to recreate my main right away.) We just have to come together and figure out the best way to implement it. So here's my thoughts. First we can't have people running around with Fire Armor/Fire Armor(Burn baby Burn!) To fix this, when choosing a Primary, certain secondaries become locked. If you choose and an Armor Primary, all Armor Secondaries are locked. If you choose Support Primary, all Support Secondaries are locked. But if you want to go Damage/Damage I don't see a huge problem with it other than gimping your survivability for the chance at unique concept builds(Like Dual Blades/Dual Pistols.) Secondly, I'd like to submit another idea for The Incarnate's(Might need a diff name) Inherent Ability. What if the Inherent gave the player 4 toggles at start. You could only have 1 of these toggles active at any time. The First would be The Titan(toggling this on increases your HP, Regen, DamRes, Def, and offers you Good Mez Prot/Mez Res.) The Second would be The Destroyer(toggling this on increases your Acc, Dam, Recharge, and offers MINIMAL Mez Prot/Mez Res.) The Third would be The Savior(toggling this on increases your Healing, Buffing and Debuffing Str, grants a constant regen aura that effects yourself and teammates, and offers MINIMAL Mez Res only.) The Fourth would be The Subjugator(toggling this on increases the duration of all control abilities, grants a 50% chance to Crit Mez'd enemies above 50% Health and a 100% chance to Crit Mez'd enemies under 50% Health, and offers MINIMAL Mez Res only.) Now you we have a rewarding Archetype that offers better customization and get's the ability to fill any role they desire. Edited: Just realized we would probably need some sort of pet mastermind toggle also. So 5 toggles to choose from.
  7. Thx for the ridiculously rude response. So here's another question for the OP, are you aware of the current lighting issue in game this month? Is there anyway to possibly turn the sun on in Kallisti during the contests? I mean, especially for the 2nd CC which will more than likely feature many dark looking characters.
  8. Are you guys judging a CC held on all 5 shards at the same time? And how will the finalist from each shard be judged against one another if they're not able to be seen together? Just curious how this is playing out, and what might be expected from us.
  9. That would be the idea, player does most of the dirty work as the Alpha and the pets are there for minimal damage support and aggro aid. The name is the only thing I could think of on the spot because of the dang Beast Mastery set lawl. If you guys come up with a better name I'm all all ears. I feel like the sweet spot would be for it to feel like playing a Scrapper/Sentinel but with pets as it's defense.
  10. Ah, good point you guys bring up about the duplicate attacks. Ok, so yeah guess those should def be replaced. I don't want to make this something that would be able to steal away a tank or brute's job either. I didn't realize bodyguard mode offered those kinds of resistance numbers(Damn.) I think they would have to probably tune those down a bit for this class. I also don't believe this class should be given a taunt either. Minimal Mez protection MIGHT work, but might make it OP so I dunno. I would say some KB protection would at least be warranted. Things I would suggest for replacing the player attacks on the Pet side would be... First 100% agree with the Build Up idea. Then maybe a pet moral booster which would increase the stats of your pets. Then maybe a long cooldown player invincibility ability that takes away access to all your other abilities for the duration. So basically you become a crazy unkillable target for a short duration but you aren't allowed to attack. Those last 2 abilities would work well together. If you see your health getting low, boost your pets and then go into your hibernative state.
  11. Also... I was looking over the sets some more and man these things are made to go together. Fire or Ice Assault/Demon Summoning Dark Assault/Necromancy Energy or Electricity Assault/Robotics Savage Assault/Beast Mastery Martial Assault/Ninjas or Mercenaries Pretty much anything/Thugs(can just be a superpowered boss) Thorny Assault would be the hardest to use, which is why I would also like to suggest a Devouring Earth pet set to go along with it. All the models and animations are already there to pick and choose from.
  12. Why wouldn't it be viable just by mashing them together as is how I suggested though? If you want to have armor go into bodyguard mode. If your being held, your pets will continue attacking which will draw the aggro off you for awhile. If a blaster is viable, then this should easily work fine as is imo. The only thing I would suggest adding, is a special Alpha Archetype Inherent that grants greatly increased regeneration to pets when out of combat. Possibly for yourself as well, but not sure on that.
  13. The whole idea for the Alpha is to make a more combat focused pet master. I'd like to pull all the Assault Secondaries from the Dominator Archetype and make those the Primaries for the Alpha. Then pull all the Pet Primaries from the Mastermind Archetype and make those the Secondaries for the Alpha. So now you have an Assault focused character who leads a horde/clan/pack/gang/army into battle. You no longer have the support to keep your pets alive, but you have the damage to keep most of attention focused on you. Your survivability should be descent enough for taking a few hits from bodyguard mode. But I imagine while being in a team you wouldn't have to rely on it as much. I just feel like these 2 sets coming together would be a perfect fit. We have an Assault set with Savage melee built in to go along with Beast pets. We have an Assault set with ninja stars to use with Ninja pets. I'm sure there's other great combinations that could come from this mash up.
  14. Honestly the game needs better looking helmets in general, a lot of the one's we have now kind of suck.
  15. You do realize we already have large glass dome's that replace human heads and a glass bubble that can go over human heads right? I fail to see the problem in making a giant dome shaped helmet. We have a few that are somewhat close, but fail to capture the full Look up Iron-Man's Hulkbuster armor, or even his very Mark 1 suit. Look up Bulletman. Look up Batman Armored Suit. There's many different takes, but all have a similar vibe to them. I could easily come up with character idea for using such an item... Super Soldier fashioned up like a tank, call him Abrams obviously. Armored Astronaut for dealing with harsh conditions. Kid driving a Mech Suit Cannonball esq hero Escaped prisoner who likes to bite(villain obviously) Aliens in War Armor Black shadow/demon creature that emanates from a magical helmet relic. Etc. Etc. Etc. Why wouldn't you add such an important and useful item to our character creator? You guys need to get your imaginations back. The only think I'll suggest is that we get 2 different versions. A wide dome for the HUGE body and a narrow dome for the Normal bodies. With a few different texture's if possible(Metal and Stone being the most important.)
  16. lol, interneting can be hard I guess. No worries. Btw, your suggestions not a bad one. I took part in some of the League ToTing in PI with my lv 47char and kept getting exemplared at random times to 20s or lower which kind of makes things difficult to kill. So yeah, it's a bit of an issue. But I don't know if ToTing is that big of a deal to add a vote system as most content you would use a League for wouldn't have leaders leaving randomly.
  17. Some people be rude as hell and shouldn't be allowed on forums.
  18. I would just like to see him added to the starting area's. Could perch him in a tree close to where you spawn in or something.
  19. This could be fixed simply by having the trial version award everyone the badge upon getting teleported into the zone at the start of the trial version.
  20. I had another thought on what to do with Rage. Since nobody took my previous post seriously. -_- But anyway, what if... We completely redo Rage. Let's make a toggle that can be turned on, and then once on can be raised or lowered by stack counts. Basically while on, you are given 2 additional abilities that allow you to give additional stacks of Rage and another that removes stacks of Rage. A pop up tray can be used(removed by Null if you wish) or you can manually place the extra abilities where ever you like. Now that's it a toggle there are no more crashes, there is no cost to activate, and there is also no cost to maintain this toggle(you'll see why in a sec.) When Rage is toggle'd on you are given +5% To-hit/ +20% dam and all your other abilities cost 20% more endurance to use. These numbers continue to stack to whatever amount you want to set your rage at up to a max of 10 stacks of Rage. At 10 stacks we would see +50% To-hit/ +200% dam and all of your other abilities would cost 200% more. Example: Taking Knockout Blow or Foot Stomp at base end cost of 18.5. With 10 stacks of Rage those abilities would now cost 55.5 endurance to use in order to do significantly more damage. With IO's and end reduction using more stacks becomes a lot more manageable. But still impacts offers a significant impact to play. You could probably get these 2 attacks down to around 5 end cost, but if you want to use Max Rage they'd end up costing 15 instead with the increased recharge times you'll also most likely have that is going to tire you out quite rapidly. Of course these proposed numbers are just what came to mind, they can obviously be find tuned a bit if need be. This New Rage would give more choice to the Super Strength player. Say you're going up against some end sappers, your going to want to take them out as quickly as possible before they can sap you dry. Turn up your rage so you can do some good burst damage to them, then lower it back down to finish off the group. Or drop your rage down to 1 and hold out longer holding aggro while your team takes out the sappers. The choice is the players. This would make the set a hell of a lot more interesting to play imo. And it turns Rage into a completely balanced ability.
  21. But where's the POWER BOMB!
  22. If this does get implemented, instead of summoning an Icon employee I would LOVE to be able to summon a classic telephone booth(just have to spring up out of the ground.) The phone booth stays up for about 5 mins unless someone is using it than it will stay up until that person exits. Anyone around is free to use the booth while it's been summoned, but only 1 person can be using it at a time. When you click on the doors there's a lil animation of you opening the doors and walking inside. This is a classic superhero trope that I honestly can't believe isn't in the game in some form yet. Even as a costume change animation or something. But honestly this implementation would be the best possible fit for it.
  23. What I would do for Regen is give it more resistance and less regen when at high health, and then flip them when on lower amounts of health. Giving a nice balance at 50% health. That way the burst attacks taken wont be as scary, and then your regen can kick to max potential after actually being hurt. It makes sense conceptually too, you're body is naturally more resilient when you aren't suffering from any wounds, but if your hurt you become less resilient to fending off further damage. But your body starts to regenerate those wounds. Anyway, that's what I would do.
  24. Well... Gravity Controllers do get to pull all sorts of random objects out of the ground, so why not Super Strong hero's too. Who care's if it doesn't make sense, it's for the greater good! +1
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