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Everything posted by Michiyo

  1. Depending on which launcher you used "Tequila" or the "Homecoming Lancher" just run that launcher again, and then launch the game from it. You will always launch the game from your launcher of choice. That is how you keep your game updated when there are patches.
  2. I *host* the wiki, TYVM, so I far from hate it. PWiki was an amazing resource for the game back when it was live, and I'm absolutely humbled by the support that HCWiki has gotten since I started the project, and will ALWAYS be thankful for the base of PWiki as its starting point, and our awesome contributors that help make the new wiki what it is every day. But EVERY time I've seen you comment on the wiki it is to attack it as "out of date" or "out right wrong", entirely discounting the fact that it is CONSTANTLY being updated by the small handful of people who do so. No one is paid to update it, no one is paid to maintain it, no one is paid to keep it running. If you actually have any REAL interest in fixing the wiki join the club Start some discussions, and do something about it. Complaining that something is wrong doesn't get anything fixed. Saying that you don't have time to fix everything is hilarious because you are implying that everyone else DOES have time to fix what YOU think should take priority. If you think formatting, or order on a page should be different than it currently is, then start a topic in the club, see what others think. Also, She.
  3. I've thrown a few instances at this on my 12c/24t and 32c/64t servers. I've noticed a handful of processes actually fully hanging up (the date/time on the UI being a day or 2 old) and force closed them. I hope this hasn't caused any issues.
  4. Wiki is upgraded, and after a handful of close calls with a rollback, all of the extensions are as well. Sorry for the extended downtime.
  5. Heya all, quick heads up. Going to be locking the wiki to Read Only to upgrade the wiki to the latest version.
  6. I believe for 10.12 and newer you can use https://islandrum.eekstudio.com/mac-installer.zip Otherwise I think you're stuck with Island Rum.
  7. The wiki is player edited and maintained. If you find something wrong, then fix it. If you find something old, then update it. If you find something incomplete, then help complete it.
  8. Currently this patch is only available via the HCLauncher, the manifests for Tequila/Island Rum have not been updated yet.
  9. Ok, so the Wikis have been migrated over to a VPS. And my local hardware has been shutdown. Sadly I think I blew a 5volt regulator on the motherboard, but will need to dig more. The Wikis are however now safe in a nicely cooled Datacenter. Thank you all!
  10. Back down while I migrate it to a new server, not in my superheated garage.
  11. Hello all, thank you for all of the support! The Wikis are back up for now, but temps are looking to be roughly the same as yesterday, so I may have to take stuff back down again this afternoon.
  12. Hello all! As some of you may know, the Pacific North West of the United States is currently going through a record setting heatwave. Unfortunately the webserver that runs the HCWiki and FBSAWiki (And a lot of other stuff 😞 ) Runs in my garage, hardware failure is quoted @ 47c / 116f and it's currently 110 in my garage. I've shut the severs that run everything down to avoid damage. I hope to get the servers back up tomorrow, but that 100% depends on the heat. Sorry for the downtime, I hope you all understand.
  13. I've enabled .ogg uploads on the wiki, though I'm surprised these didn't just come over from the import from Paragon Wiki.. I'll see if I can get the original files, so that they don't all have to be re-uploaded.
  14. That is 100% *not* the patch notes for the Beta server. If you look @ the server list in HCLauncher, you'll see that Beta is marked as "Issue 27, Page 2 - 27.2.3865". The current release of HC is Issue 27, Page 1. Beta currently has the page 2 beta.
  15. "No False Pages found" I grabbed a snapshot of the DB, and ran a query to delete all pages between the 2 indexes you indicated above. Thank you for the investigative work!
  16. Wow this is super late, if you've already got help elsewhere awesome, but just in case https://forums.homecomingservers.com/gameaccount/ This page should not let you enter a name any longer than the maximum. You don't log into the game with your Forum username, but with the account name you setup on that page.
  17. A Discord user "Devidose" and I have verified this was changed, though I do not think it was intentional. On my server I reverted a commit that was supposed to drop a SO on arc completion and ran a CoT trial, and got a recipe on trial completion. I've let the other devs know.
  18. /release calls respawnYes(0), clicking the "Go To Base" button calls respawnYes(1). There is no slash command defined that calls "respawnYes(1)".
  19. The modified date there looks wrong for sure. I have ALSO made a even cruder replacement texture https://drive.pc-logix.com/s/SP7NpqKYeXZnNnz Which would go in the same path above of course. The file was modified 12/05
  20. We have basically exactly this template currently: https://fbsa.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Template:ReldinBox All of these are just templates, and associated templates that they require to work.
  21. If you're seeing 'Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN' the issue is likely some DNS Server up stream of you returning an old IP Address. Not much anyone can do for that other than changing which DNS Server you're using.
  22. You can also drop this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/572111085918879767/780960976928505876/map_V_PvP_03_01.texture file in the above path to fix this until a new Map Pack update can be released. I basically snipped the badge text out, rotated the map, then pasted it back in. I did NOT rotate the badge location icons or the text in the map as I do not have access to the resources used to create them. All locations SHOULD still be accurate though.
  23. Cons: If the image is ever removed from the external host, it's gone the wiki does not cache them. If the webhost that hosts the image goes down, it's gone. If the website you're linking from ever gets annoyed with "Hotlinking" (Linking to a file directly which effectively steals bandwidth from them) and disables hotlinking your image gets replaced with whatever they want. If the website is not under your control the content can be replaced without you knowing. Etc. Pros; IDK... you don't have to spend the extra minute to just upload it?
  24. This is now possible by simply using the File Name from HCWiki: [[Image:Align_Status_Hero.png]] Which will pull the file from HCWiki directly https://fbsa.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/User_talk:Mimiru All images are included directly without me uploading them.
  25. I can likely increase the allowed image file sizes. Edit: I have bumped the size of gifs to 100,000,000 pixels total. Please let me know if this is enough. Edit Edit: I've also allowed for uploading .mp4 and .webms directly which should help as well. Edit Edit, Edit: I've also allowed External images.
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