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Everything posted by huang3721

  1. A native vendor. Even in this remote part of Shadow Shard, we can still get high-quality single-origin enhancements Yes, I know there is a portal to Firebase Zulu nearby. Shhh! Wait a minute. How did he/she/they(?) get his/her/their wares?
  2. One of my toons had the same problem. This is what I did: Access Pillar of Ice and Flame in Ouroboros/SG base. Select any 25-29 story arc. Teleport to contact. Move to ToT appropriate zone if necessary(eg. First Ward for Goldsiders). Do ToT as usual. When an EB spawns, you quickly exit the flashback mission. Your toon reverts to its original level, but the EB is still at Lv. 29. Kill the EB. Repeat until you get all the badges. You'd probably need to go back and forth around 30-40 times. Also, this only works for toons with security/threat levels much higher than 29 (depending on your build and AT).
  3. The ghosts, monsters, witches, and zombies are tenants in disguise. Super-powered tenants to be precise. They had enough of our antics and decided to pull tricks on us. In my headcanon, Halloween in Paragon City is also a season of Ding Dong Ditches and aggravated assaults.
  4. Humanity has yet to develop interstellar travel, unlike your species. Earth is all we have. A single planet. Don't expect us to share it with anyone else. Anyway, do you really want our Earth? Don't worry. It can be arranged. We have enough earth to bury you and your kin. There, you can enjoy it as much as you can. Best regards,
  5. 🎶(almost) Twenty years has gone so fast🎵
  6. I enjoy writing and playing my AE, which is very good (citation needed). I was surprised that only a few enjoy it.
  7. You are about to fight the final boss, but your friend wants to do something else (1:36).
  8. It would be great if anyone has monthly data (or can point me to it) from May 2019 to the present day. Thank you in advance.
  9. IMO, that guy who bought it for 180M was a moron. Although rare, PAP has no value compared to other things (enhancement, booster, etc). Why would they do that?
  10. Is there a plan to "standardize" AE missions/creation in the future?
  11. Interesting. How long does it take from placing your bid to getting the items? If want to place a bid on that item on 10 separate occasions, what is the average waiting time? I start building around level 20. How much a Lv 20 mob can provide me with inf*?
  12. In real life, I hate price gouging. I wish there is a way to make enough inf* to get those purples and whatnot without feeling like a hypocrite.
  13. This one. Bashing critters always more rewarding, making puzzle based ae (stealth, for example) less enticing. Not to mention a careless teammate can ruin the game for the whole team. An AE heavily based on puzzle will be a nightmare.
  14. Sort of. I put N optional allies on the map and a collectible (required mission detail). Those allies will betray the player once the player gets the collectible. So, If the player doesn't stealth, they all have to deal with N bosses and an ambush. I tested it with Darmian a year ago, but I never upload the ae. (From the last feedback, I don't think people love puzzle-based AE. I mean, an AE where the difficulty comes from the mission design rather than creating a difficult custom critter. This kind of AE is designed to negate build.)
  15. At best, I can only rig "do not get seen by a traitorous ally (boss), or else".
  16. I think it happens because the source image is perfectly symmetrical with no expression. Let's say we make a 3d model (make the face asymmetric a little bit), and give it proper expression. I'm sure the result will be much better.
  17. Will the GM see it as a satire when someone has pressed that report button? Don't get me wrong. I love your bio, but the costume is a bit uninspired.
  18. This is a good case study. Should we report this toon? Its bio dan name is OK, but its design is too close to Batman.
  19. An awful sight greeted Mara at Precinct 4: piles of paper on her cluttered, dusty desk. "This mess won't do." Mara sighed, "Where are the clockworks?" She called one to clean her desk. Nothing happened. Two quick taps on a nearby console produced an error: "Under repair." "All of them?!" she muttered in disbelief. "I've gone for a week, and they are all dead! Did someone hack them again?" While she was cleaning her desk, something caught her eyes. A white envelope among paperwork. She picked it up and asked, "Liz, did this letter come recently?" The officer sitting next to her replied, "No. It's been sitting there for days." She added, "It came while you were recovering. Oh, by the way, how's your hand?" "A little stiff," Mara replied. Mara eyed the letter for more details, but she found nothing. No name, no return address, nothing. Nonplused, she tossed it aside. "First thing first. I need to catch up with my work," she muttered to herself.
  20. Recently, I saw a scene from Austin Powers: Pay attention to the warhead.
  21. I am not sure. As this thread has shown, anyone with astronomical inf can play the market. Other players with lesser inf simply has to bend to their will, ie. Waiting until the price stabilizes. It's not a PvP match if you can't fight back. Edit I guess, market is technically a PvP, albeit a very unbalanced one. I've seen many other better PvPs.
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