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Everything posted by huang3721

  1. From this angle, it is as if those mortal enemies were embracing each other. Aw...
  2. Sorry for the late reply. I upload my video capture to YouTube, then I use Imgur's video to gif. Be wary of the resulting file size. I think my gif is still too large. --EDIT-- After you have uploaded your video, go to Imgur, select New Post > Video to GIF or go straight to https://imgur.com/vidgif Type your video URL Trim your video and add text. If you don't want or can't upload your video, you can use VideoLAN and GIMP/Photoshop. It is slightly complicated. The main idea is to convert your video into an array of images (bmp or jpg) using VideoLAN, and then use GIMP to merge those images into a single gif.
  3. What are the most effective ways to play the game or build characters, that justify changing the power set?
  4. ^This part Why did Rogue Isles make a treaty with Paragon City instead of the United States? Is Paragon City the capital of the United States? Could the city represent the US in a multinational treaty? It is weird. It is as if Rogue Isles and Paragon City are on the same level and the whole conflict is not an international affair. Thus, my assumption: The Arachnos took over a US territory. If my assumption is correct, it clears up many questions. The conflict between Rogue Isles and the US mainland is an internal affair. The UN and NATO won't and can't intervene. The US can't deploy troops against their citizen or even escalate the conflict without risking a civil war. Because whatever happened, the Arachnos are still US citizens. Anyway, it's been a month, but no one has come up with lore-related information. I'll just apply MST3K Mantra.
  5. Assuming the lore is now in the public domain, could you share it? I saw someone post a screenshot of the lore (pdf) about another subject, but I forget who or where it was. Thanks.
  6. Does CoH run on an Intel Celeron N4020? A friend of mine offered me a low-end notebook. It has 8GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, and the aforementioned processor. Assuming it would run, what problems should I expect?
  7. There are several, pick whichever suits you: Bring friends, like-minded friends are better. Set difficulty level to -1. Don't reset it until you figure out how to handle the ambushes. Bring friends. Use AT or build that you are already familiar with. Use inspiration liberally, especially when you are being ambushed. Also, last but not least, bring friends. Hope that helps!
  8. It never happened to me back in the live server. Maybe I was too slow. Yesterday, I sprinted as fast as I could, and it worked. Thanks for the tip.
  9. When I read that "+3/8 solo", I was shocked. Here I am still struggling against "+2/>x1". Also, my apology for replying but not posting a build. I am trying to use my usual method to make a build, but I am stuck. I'll post it soon.
  10. I think a pool-only character shouldn't have epic/patron power sets or even Incarnates. IMO, adding such powers defeats the purpose of this thread. You guys are still creating an average Joe, right?
  11. I may have missed details about Federal Government; I've never lived in one. So, my following argument could be wrong. I saw this video about the US: Maybe Rogue Isles were unincorporated territories before the coup d'etat? Thus, the US views Rogue Islanders as its citizens. This means escalating the conflict will increase the death toll of US citizens. May result in a civil war, too (even more deaths). The result: Arachnos can do anything they want, as long as they are not directly antagonizing the US. Plus, as Snarky et al. have pointed out above, adding a conflict with Rogue Isles is not feasible.
  12. Rebuilding Praetoria is hard. The Praetorians lost most of their landmass in the Hamidon War, and recently Hamidon destroyed the remaining habitable zone. It will take a tremendous amount of effort and time to undo the damage. Also, Hamidon is still at large there. Rebuilding Praetoria in the image of Primal Earth is harder. It is their world. Why would they do that? Maybe they would put a statue of Freedom Phalanx/Vanguard as gratitude, but their city will be Imperial City 2.0. New content is always good. Let's hope the devs have enough resources to put it together, whatever it is. If an additional zone for the Praetorians is still out of reach, *standing on a soap box* I also like to see Primal Earth and Praetoria meshed a little more. Come on. Some of the Praetorian refugees must have powers. The powers that be need to welcome these people rather than assimilate them. Don't erase their identity. Let them fly their color! Null the Gull allows Primal Earthlings to go wherever they want. Let the Praetorians do the same! Apology for derailing the thread.
  13. Thanks for the insight. The retaliation didn't have to be military occupation or destruction of the Arachnos. Maybe a special military operation to destroy their shrimp supply? Any means to deny Rogue Isles from conducting subsequent atrocities. The US can punish Arachnos key figures, too. That's why (in my opinion) the absence of retaliation of any kind feels very weird. At least AE buildings should suffer some harassment. I still enjoy the show, though. Blowing up cars and whatnots in a mayhem mission can be cathartic.
  14. Rogue Isles often abet individuals wreaking havoc on US soil, and I find it strange that the US in City of Heroes rarely deploys her forces in retaliation. Heck, Dr. Aeon and his company can operate freely in the US, despite his association with the Arachnos. Why is the special treatment? Is there a special connection between the US and Rogue Isles? Does the lore mention the reason? Or, is it the time to apply MST3K Mantra ("It's just a show; I should just relax")?
  15. That or whoever originally posted that problem years ago was a troll. They should put more parenthesis.
  16. That question up there was my childhood. Back then, my math teacher loved giving similar questions. Somehow, our class passed. I am not following you guys about PEMDAS. I don't think we need PEMDAS for these problems since they are pure multiplication. In my opinion, ÷2(3) is a dead giveaway that part is a denominator. At least, it is the convention I learned decades ago. My teacher taught me to differentiate between 2x3 and 2(3). Maybe this convention is not observed in the western world? Also, both equations are not similar: 6÷2x3 = 6÷2(3) 6 x 2^-1 x 3 = 6 x 2^-1 x 3^-1 9 = 1 (?)
  17. According to you guys, is this: Equals to A): Or B): ? Choose one
  18. I want stuffed calamari for dinner.
  19. The number of ambivalent responses(12) outnumbers other groups(10 and 11), so one should not make a decision based on that number. Furthermore, the presence of a large number of neutral responses indicates that anti-magic/pro magic grouping is not sufficient to describe this thread. However, I agree with your later response: "Do step on someone's toe" / "Don't step on someone's toe" may be a better alternative to describe this thread.
  20. Another one from Kerry Callen's blog:
  21. I assume we are walking or running around the neighborhood. In Primal Earth, I can only navigate Atlas Park and some parts of Kings Row. I gave up at Skyway City. However, I have much better luck at Praetoria. Those cities are well designed; Move around a bit, and I'll know my rough location. My problem is that there are not enough landmarks to navigate. They are too far apart, so I always pick up a random direction while hoping that I will stumble upon one of them. Imagine the feeling of running through a concrete jungle, trying to find a landmark. I could use a jetpack to spot it better, but that would defeat the purpose. By the way, I am now playing Redside and still familiarizing myself with Rogue Isles. So far, I think the Isles fall between Paragon and Praetoria. The low-level Isles are less cluttered, but it is still hard to memorize. Also, how do you guys do it? How do you familiarize yourself with the city?
  22. Lukas gambled that his mother was too old and too far away to care about his wrongdoing. Even if she did, she couldn't do anything about it. That's what he thought. Familiarity breeds contempt, which his mother would swiftly redress. Lukas' mother holds a very traditional view of marriage. For example, living with a woman out of wedlock is a big no-no. That was the rule she drilled into Lukas when he left for the US more than a decade ago. Did I mention that Lukas' mother is a powerful sorceress? Aside from magical powers, she commands a horde of mystical servants. When the Rikti came, she unleashed her minions on the invaders, kicked them out, and kept them out of her village until the war ended years later. Lukas is very aware of this: If his mother has enough to repel an invasion, she likely can spare a few to keep an eye on her son. Probably, that is the reason some cultists flee from him. Lukas' trouble started when his girlfriend called yesterday. She wanted to move into his apartment after a freak accident had destroyed her house/lab. A woman of science herself, she tried a scaled-up (it involved a 5,000-gallon container) baking soda experiment for fun. It went as well as you expected. As his girlfriend is sleeping on his bed, Lukas rationalizes his decision. At this point, his mother should have learned about his transgression. She said she would disown him if he broke her rule. Well, he makes a living here. What's the worst his mother would do? Fly to the US? Scold him for helping a woman in need of shelter? Not to mention said woman is his girlfriend. That night, Lukas realized that he had made a poor choice. He had no idea his old mother could teleport across the Pacific Ocean. Also, he should not worry about being disowned. The sorceress has already prepared something else for him.
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