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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Dark Blast is pretty lopsided on a Blaster. I do not feel it pairs well with Dark, though I have run a Dark Dark Soul Blaster for over 1000 badges lol Now that I am digging into what makes a Corruptor tick, I feel Dark Blast fits perfectly there. Dark Dark is a beautiful pairing. Although understanding it is key. No buildup? Drop Tar patch before the Nuke and knock 30% off damage resistance.... Although late game Dark^3 Corr gets a larger AoE Soul Drain, so.... quite nice. Its really a matter of learning how you are disassembling mobs rather than just raw damage. Dark Blast works better with that due to its slightly odd DoT, to hit debuffs, and immob, KD and other "petty" gambits that all add up to checkmate. Now in a raw damage +4/x8 ITF where the mobs are melting to incarnate nukes this means little, but in a tough fight it sure turns the tides.
  2. Damn. Just. Damn. Well played
  3. Yeah I do not think it is the crowd that is the issue. Its probably FARMING!!!! Nerf it again quick!!!
  4. Yesterday while soloing arcs in Shark I was not able to click on contact. Closed game reopened and fine. Then later with inspirations (luckily outside mission) same
  5. Yet it is blatantly obvious some ATs won the lottery with their ATOs and other ATs got a wishin sandwich
  6. More cowbell! I need more cowbell!!!
  7. Or it could mean the Devs who designed the ATOs wanted to backhand nerf Brutes by boosting other ATs.....because they just do not care for Brutes. Or it could mean something different than that. But yes, I agree you can take any event and build a world view around it. Religious leaders and politicians make bank off that.
  8. I realized just now that although I laid out my leveling plan I fid not discuss what i have learned especially over these 20-24 arcs I have really dug into the use of the fear cone, the debuff toggle, and the minion stun AoE. I find tar patch situational. It is a great power. That takes time to drop. If I was teaming I would use it more but I am cutting through small groups fast even in kill alls. Running at +0/x1 standard. When i get a six pack of Longbow with a boss you know I am stunning (doesnt last but gives breathing room) debuff toggle the boss, and fear the group (sooo nice) then i can choose to burn the boss or pick at the adds. The two heals on Dark Dark are insanely good. I have proc Life Drain with Theft of Essence and the Corr ATO +end. That thing is doing triple duty.., heavy attack, great heal, and blue recharge
  9. Grind grind grind. Got all holiday badges done before it shut up shop. Just finished all 20-24 content and PL’d to 29. Shut off exp again. At this point I stay linear. Finish all Sharkhead, then move on to Nerva. Do 25-29, then let myself squeak over and do the small amount of 20-30 content. Then jump to 34 and start that group. Mostly concentrating on just knocking out the Red/Rogue stuff. I will do the TFs that are in the level range under me. So I have the extra powers as I exemp. But just knocking out contacts.
  10. So.... You missed the whole City of Villains era didn't you...?
  11. I cannot do that. Then I could not tell it from the normal noises in the crypt/dungeon
  12. is there a specific part of the sound control for the glowie i can turn up, or is it just part of the general sound?
  13. Snarky

    Brute Build

    he has Rest turned on.
  14. I think this was why I struggled on my stalker and switched to a Blaster. I tried to be “traditional” and it was just taking too Fing long lol. I am enjoying my Corr. Enough firepower to solo story arcs at +0 comfortably and then so many tricks when they bum rush you
  15. Yeah. It's just....how many years of this post. Followed by the inevitable can we get different costumes on MM pets. It hurts. And that is why I love it.
  16. You do not like the forced transformation from your one of a kind costume into a cookie cutter bland thing? Hmmm. First time I have heard that. Good Luck!
  17. Quite right. A year ago is was uncommon to do a Synapse in over an hour. Now I am seeing the old 1:30 averages come back. People not knowing how to act in a Posi 1 mission. All points to people exploring the game anew. Which is good. But dont expect them to play like vets. You can yell "Get off my lawn!" erm, I mean "Dont go near the City Hall doors!"
  18. Brutes garbage ATOs. Another example of a hidden nerf. Brutes ATO procs give Fury, Regen, and End. If you are playing CoH while drooling in your oatmeal and idly wondering when your thorazine will wear off then this might be useful. If you can play and build this is garbage puke kiss. Fury (thanks to the great fury nerf FU) is not a problem to gather and caps out, which this proc blithely ignores. Regen is a joke, and if you are having endurance issues get to 50 incarnate and get a real fix or delete the toon. Or go to any builder and they will tell you the basics. The Brute ATO procs are a kick right in the nuts by Devs who laugh at Brute players. Scrappers: TWO valuable Crit procs (both platinum, together a platinum ring with a diamond setting) Tanker: A resist proc (gold) and an absorb shield (silver)
  19. but if its a kill all lol you can grab some ranged P2W stuff like 'nades or maybe even a pet and let them wake the beasties, then hide/strike I dont play a stalker...for this and similar reasons. I find a Blaster kills faster than a Stalker solo. And team....
  20. Snarky

    Brute Build

    Is this just posted for future reference or for flipping to a second comp? The bare bones title and lack of any content besides the build will pretty much guarantee no one will look at this.
  21. I did this last year on a Dark Invul Brute. Every contact. I completed every contact in the game that can not be done at 50 organically. It was hard. I doubt i will do that again lol. Good luck.
  22. Right now I have Theft proc and Corr ATO +end proc in Life Drain. And an Acc and 2Dam. The power hits like a truck heals me and usually gives me end back, sometimes a lot. I am still a Blaster at heart when things get ugly lol. But I am seriously learning how to cycle and use the debuffs to get the most out if them
  23. Yes thanks for the build! I am stuck at 24 until I finish all 20-25 Redside stuff. Its like 9? More contacts. Before the shift into late 20s I like a mostly SO build. With a few globals and procs. I have 2-3 partial sets for ranged increase slotted. Cones. Once I finish this group I PL right up to 29 and relock. No messing around, twenty minutes tops in a farm and a respec. That is when your build ideas will start easing in. I will be doing Gold for badges. Crappy all 50? Arcs. And Blue for badge missions. For this I will take the alt build and front load it for pre20 work with a nearly all SO buildout. I was going to do this with Red 20-25 but the DiB buffs are timed and I am bored. Once past 30 I will run one of the accursed Gold Arcs a day. Spread the misery out. I am doing the TFs and SFs as I level. Posi 1/2 Synapse and Tarikoss done. Keeping an eye out for a Cavern Trans if possible. I will do the TF/SF 20-25 when I hit 29. Shark and Nerva always feel grindy to me so not ecstatic. There are some nice written arcs there but there is a little blue side stuff this with packing peanuts too. St Mart is fun and challenging. GV can mostly be done at 50 without Ouro. I seem to have a plan and little motivation lol. But it is only a week into the year and I am at about 300 badges
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