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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I am settling into a Dark Dark Corruptor as my main. Yes, I heal. Mostly myself, I am rarely near teammates. Then I have a self heal. Everything I do is vampiric, or channeled from the dark plane of death. Or so it seems to me. Corruptor fits, for me.
  2. Not defending mediocre players. Just hopefully giving some insight. As I was experimenting with various Dark Dark squishies I made a Corruptor, 50d, played a week, Shelved. Went back to it from time to time. Played it like a lopsided Blaster, and built it that way. But now I am taking a Dark Dark Corruptor and slow levelling it through the game. Not having access to a LOT of the later powers I am really starting to learn the rhythm and finesse of debuffing the crap out of stuff. (Dark's main job) When I do that job well I rarely need to heal. And most of my low AoE is cones, so I tend to not be near my teammates enough for a heal. Not sure what the Kin's blast set was but they might have had similar issues.
  3. No one know what happened in Ireland that long ago. The faerie circles are still there, some of the passage tombs. maybe some other odds and ends hiding beneath the bogs....
  4. Connected Badge achieved. Annoying little thing too. But I got it on the first run through, though I thought I might not. So organically, not through Ouro. Thanks!
  5. Obviously people are initially hesitant to follow a lemming...
  6. I agree wholeheartedly. While I am not much of a Bluesider I have done the arcs, all of them. They are dry as a saltine cracker dinner with no drinks. The exact details of what happened Between Blue Steel and Clock are not recorded. But it probably was not as long as the Punisher prison hall fight scene. Blue lost his cool and a non super crumpled. This is one of the many reasons I run Red, then you can say "I planned that" and laugh. (until you cry... just kidding. am i?) But we DO know the important part of Clock's journey after that. It is told in a glorious tapestry across Blue side, Redside, Gold, and the RWZ....anfd Incarnate content! Clocks be everywhere! Form the history books: Gears, ratchets, sockets, and springs. Certain streets and empty lots of Paragon City shudder under the weight of mechanized feet, stomping Clockwork soldiers performing mysterious acts of violence and aggression. The first of these Clockwork men – commonly called Sprockets – appeared several years ago. Early reports were confused, as victims and witnesses thought the Clockwork men might be one or two super-powered villains. Although violent, they were stealing objects of relatively low value – copper wire and steel cable, metal beams and machine shop tools. Incident followed incident, and suddenly there was a rash of Sprocket crime through the industrial districts of Paragon. Initially confused, and somewhat amused by the strange robots behavior and appearance, police finally took the Clockwork seriously when an officer was killed trying to prevent two Sprockets from stealing a spool of copper wire from a cable service van. The police cracked down, but the Clockwork men proved difficult to injure or contain, due to a single-minded purpose and their metallic hide. So the commissioner called in a number of favors with local heroes, including the former policeman Blue Steel, and a city-wide manhunt was undertaken. The Sprockets were eventually tracked down to an abandoned warehouse, where a major assembly line production seemed underway. There were dozens of Sprockets attempting to construct scores more of their kind. Blue Steel scouted ahead and reportedly saw a young, disheveled man overseeing the operations. When the combined task force of heroes and police raided the warehouse, all hell broke loose. In the firefight that ensued, several propane tanks were ignited and the warehouse caught fire. The robots fought on, ignoring the flames. When the heroes and SWAT Team finally broke their ranks, it appeared that a number had escaped, including the young man. Tragically, three officers were killed in the fight and fire. Blue Steel chased after the robots, ranging far ahead of his fellow heroes and the SWAT Team. The young man was carried through the sewers by a half dozen robots, and finally reached a “safe house,” a decrepit bungalow in Boomtown. When Blue Steel radioed back to the commissioner, he learned of the officer casualties … and a fury exploded within him. He launched himself into the bungalow. The young man was too disoriented from the early encounter, hurt by smoke and fatigue, and could not coordinate a proper defense. Blue Steel single-handedly smashed the Sprockets to pieces, and then turned his rage upon the man, beating him into a bloody pulp. Blue Steel collapsed, exhausted and spent. He checked on the man, and felt the bile rise when he realized the man was dead. Disgusted with himself and the whole day’s tragedy, Blue Steel radioed in for the coroner and clean-up crew. With a heavy heart he left to help fight the fire. The pieces could be sorted out later. Thus there were no witnesses to whatever happened next. When Blue Steel returned later, the emergency crew was cleaning up the debris. There was sign of the scuffle, but none of the Sprockets were there, nor was the body of the young man. Had Blue Steel been wrong, and the man not died? Did the robots repair themselves and carry the corpse away? Was there something else at work here?
  7. I know a player from Cosmic who LITERALLY reads every bit of dialogue, and every CLUE in every mission. The story is there. It is just not spoon fed to you by a Youtuber. You gotta dig, you gotta make a 1500+ badger look like a tourist.
  8. After much discussion I think it is pretty clear we can all blame the Tank players
  9. It is a crime! It is like they are draining the very life out of…. Wait a sec…. Pot, Kettle…. Hmmmm. Nope, we’re good. Carry on.
  10. THe Redside lore is deep and wide. Seriously, it goes deeeeeeeeeeeep. But you gotta embrace the madness.
  11. Splitting hairs? Brutes have been nerf slapped consistently since before the snap. Tanks have been lavished with buffs, power increases, Area inctreases. Split hairs? It is raining toupees...
  12. you can do it...in theory. in practice you have better odds than winning the lottery. but not a lot better
  13. I have a Dark Invul Brute that has a solo build for running story arcs and a team build for everything else. Nearly the same, just more damage powers on the solo from epic, and taunt and energy mastery on the team build
  14. And so he says to me, you want to be a bad guy? and I say Yeah Baby! I want to be bad! I says Churchill space ponies I'm making gravy without the lumps! Ah ha ha ha ha haaaaa!!!!! And he says to me, he says to me, you got Style, baby! but if you're gonna to be a real villain you gotta get a gimmick…and so I go I says Yeah Baby! A gimmick, that's it! High Explosives! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!! Yeah! Keep playing with fire, superpants, you don't know how much fire you're playing with! Ah ha ha ha ha ha! So he says to me, you gotta do something smart, baby, something big! He says you want to be a supervillain, right, and I go yeah baby, yeah yeah! What do I gotta do? He says you got bombs, blow up the Comet Club, it's packed with superheroes…you'll go down in supervillain history and I go Yeah baby 'cause I'm the Evil Midnight Bomber what Bombs at Midnight!!! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! And so he says to me, you got legs, baby, you're everywhere…you're all over the place! Yeah!
  15. Little known fact; the witches cabal that worked to get this written into law resorted to extreme dark magic and offered up the soul of Sonny Bono to complete the deal. And that is how it got it’s name
  16. THe one on the left looks like a Jackson Pollock. I even think I see a cigarette butt. The one on the right looks like 80s wallpaper print.
  17. Yeah I am actually pretty self sufficient on anything, including a Blaster. A Corruptor? Fughedaboutit!! But when the team APPEARS to be actively trying to screw up the run it gets tougher lol
  18. I had specific complaints about people acting like morons. But you are right, I can improve. 2023, time to PUG less lololololol 😂
  19. You are kidding right? I been running a Posi1 since it came out. I am on a Corruptor staying with the team debuffing/blasting/healing. People are pulling mobs from all over the city hall map. Team is running off in three different directions. People jump up to the steps and trigger the ambush while the rest of the team is dealing with half maps agro. Team splits inside city hall going in different directions. But i need to look at what power choices I made in the build…. Stop drinking in the morning. It’s bad for you m’kay?
  20. I have done some research. I talked to some contacts about you. Ran their missions to find out about this RNGod. I even did a Strike Force where at the end we fought the bony fingered devil. Turns out you were right. They really hate you. They have a weird little altar with Scarlet Shocker written on it and everything. Sorry man. Reroll?
  21. ...um, you actually ever play Redside? Because those are Redside enemies. Just saying. I would suggest any change to DFB (and Trials as a whole) would be better spent allowing members from opposite sides to join without having to go to Pocket D or a nuetral zone.
  22. cant or do not want to? I run the Synapse for the badge. and as a gauge of toons powers at that level. I do not need two hours to figure out powers and the badge is the same at +0 as +1. everyone else has the right to play how they want except me?
  23. And if they could do it while dancing the mamushka even better but i dont give a crap. I will ask my friends what they think. I may let you know what they say. Probably not.
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