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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. They genericed Florence? Copyright? reroll as bots? Florence and the machines?
  2. yeah, i had two rough PUGs yesterday. Really glad we are getting new players. Cosmic Council broke up though. Anybody got a large active SG I can roll with so i don't have to team with the newbs? No, really.
  3. pretty much offensive and thats about it Which kind of makes me want to roll "Deep Dark Taint"
  4. Running a LOT of 50 content brings big rewards. Having a bad week? There will be a good week down the line. WEEK. Not hour, not day. If you are talking about a LOT of 50 content you are talking 20+ hours (or 30..40...) and yes there can be dry stretches. But even during the dry stretches you are picking up merits, emp merits, Hami-Os, and raw inf. Grind baby grind!
  5. I was just on two separate TFs (posted in general yesterday) that were a crap show. I did not "chew people out" I thought. I did start asking people to act like a team once or twice. They deserved to be chewed out. These were level 8-15 TFs. A 50 not knowing what they are doing and just being carried? Great until those doing the carrying are overwhelmed or have to take time to help someone get to a mission door.
  6. The name (i just glanced) was mini-trademark. So maybe tacking the mini- on front on the marquee name was enough to let it slip through. Like if you chose She-something or everyone used prawn. ….now i am starting to think there may be more to all the shrimp references in The Good Place….
  7. Thanks. I know that is right. I let myself nit do it because it was so egregious I knew it would get reported. But I should have as well. I feel like i already sandpaper about half the peoples skin i interact with. Tough to smack someone else down. My own main is a straight up tribute to Max Schrek with Bela Lagosi camp. But Nosferatu is in the public domain. Otherwise the heirs of the original producers would own about 10% of Hollywood and all of White Wolf
  8. So someone logged into Atlas today and shouted in broadcast “Hi I am mini-(major trademarked super). And that was their name. I looked over (I was next to Ms belt o’ freedom) and they were indeed about a four foot tall version of their muse. I did not report them. I feel protective of the community but I hate politics. (To me this is political) I also figured they were probably already reported on on their way to mini generic 1755362 What say you? Should I have snitched?
  9. I have started doing all redside content on a dark dark. Really enjoying myself. The best part is starting to dive into each power and figure out how to use them most advantageously. I may just become competent on one of the things. I have always built (and played) Corr as Blasters lopsided cousin. After doing all red 1-9 contacts/content I have begun to realize how i have wasted the power they do have. Power? Time to have fun!!!
  10. Today i slipped my new crawl toon Rogue. I went to Atlas and badged. Got a duplicating gift. An Ouro portal. 4 DFBs for the up to 22 buffs (will do DiB 4x to extend them to 30). Now am currently at 14. I have completed all Redside 1-9 content. The DFBs took me from 9-14. Normally I would wait to do Posi until 19 and exemp down. An extra power, more slots. But it is the weekly. New Years eve. The weekend. Roll the dice. And lose. Just lose The Posi 1 was a PUG and I thought nothing about level 10 leader. They will pass the star I thought. You ever been wrong? Happened to me. They also, as they started, stated they were running at +1 to ensure we got Ruin Mages. It was not good. There were a couple good players. But we had team wipes. We had a MM whose pets pulled everything from everywhere. Which the team ignored and just split to do different things. We get inside city hall and they go straight instead of taking the left group. Finishing the center half the team races to the shadows (and I mean race, no wait/buff etc) and the other half pivot to the group on the left…. F that TF A couple hours later after doing some Winter stuff I joined a Posi 2. I checked. A level 20+ leading. Okay. It started okay. Not Cosmic Council crush things while making it look like a ballet. But okay. Then one of the players could not find Faultline. I gave them the copy paste base macro. They did not understand how to copy paste. Meanwhile the team is down two players and are hurting. I dive into combat. The lost player is now in Perez and someone goes to get them. We bumble along and are still not doing horrid, it’s borderline quite a lot of the time. We keep moving. Then we get one of the oddest Oranbega maps and cannot find the glowie in the next to last mission. WTF. That map never shows up. Then, last mission. A few people are acting like speed runners. Which is okay, get glowie go. But….we get inside the dam and parts of the team just start. I am not sure how. to describe it. I did ask in team chat if we had 4 MMs running ninjas on the team that I had not noticed. They agroed everything. They went all around the room like they were Fing sight seeing. Is this a dam? Is the water in here? What is that behind those ghosts? The speed runners have went outside and the cutscene starts. I am TPd. (Dead) and a few players race to fight Vahz while I am still kneeling getting my blue up. I jump up there and burn team insp for the half the team that is there. We defeat Vahz. TF does not complete. WTF? Oh, they didnt get the bombs. *facepalm Happy New Year!!! We have new players. Or really drunk and stoned old players. Anyways, back to soloing Redside. I’ll send a postcard
  11. Trying hard to get to level 10 so I can do the Winter event but stopping experience to do every contact for all content. F-ing running aroun Port Oakes to get 200 presents. Oh…that was today. Um…on live? So happy they came out with Willpower. I ran so many SS/Invul Brutes pre inherent fitness on SOs I am surprised I am still here lol
  12. Actually there is a current “world class” player who is at the center of such a scandal. I am sure the authorities will get to the bottom of things…
  13. I love the enthusiasm... but, yeah, no. My Ice/Ice Tank (not the toughest, but great) is insanely unkillable compared to any Dom....and is pretty much an AoE Dom. once something is pulled in they will never escape orbit
  14. After a few erm contentious pages of explaining why I am anti “sale” (i will not re explain it, read it if you want) Hold onto your heads…. I am pro reducing the price on Winter packs to 10-15 million PERMANENTLY and likewise reducing Hero/Villain packs to 5-7 PERMANENTLY
  15. Kill them. With kindness.
  16. And i just popped in to say you want a Fire Fire Blaster. I can see I jumped to a conclusion anout why you posted Care for a band aid? Neosporin? Traction?
  17. Depending on the contact villain side is psychotic amoral evil lawful chaotic just random twilight zone or now for something else entirely. There is Arachnos loyalist, Arachnos subterfuge and you are not as Arachnos as me! There are mad scientists crazy mage and and and
  18. I do not do a lot of “hard mode” content. I never liked the 800+ AE series. I have run a few Dr Aeon on regular. One master (forgot to bring Becky last 20 feet sigh…). One something star Aeon (one was enough) a couple 2 star ITFs. I am no expert on hard mode content But I noticed this thing. On a 2 star ITF tier 3 inspirations are disabled. Right? Hmmmm….not so fast. Regular tier 3 inspirations are disabled. “Team” tier 3s are fine. And guess what? If you have bought a few Winter and Hero packs you probably have a little trove of those. Sitting in your e-mail. Accessible during the fight as you burn through them. Just another exploit available to those who got to buy thousands of Winter packs at deep discounts. This game, like life, favors those who are rich and got here first. Behind most “we need to do this extreme hard mode” post is a person sitting on a ton of exploits the team they are rounding up may have no idea exists This is why I play chess. You want to compete. Fine. Lets have fun. I am not the best player. But I am not bad. And there is no way to cheat. Except the guy I caught putting pieces back on the board (I let him get away with it…those pieces were useless to his strategy…)
  19. It is always better to play a toon and learn the powers. Yet sometimes you just want to hop into the game and be on easy street. Both are fine. It is called playing. Hopefully there will be time to delve deeper into an AT and powersets you love. Unless a toilet seat from a de orbiting space station hits you at the speed of sound. Then youre gonna look like a jelly donut mess
  20. Please do not advocate raising the Hero pack prices. As has been covered in this thread extensively there are quite a few players who have no interest in spending days or weeks making influence. To them the current price of Winters and even Hero packs are a big investment. I personally believe everyone should be able to afford good I/O builds in this game if they want them. I find most of the market borderline griefing.
  21. I have done it a few times. About six if us from Cosmic Council did it two weeks ago. Most were on level 20s SO enhanced toons. Two of us got pissed and got our incarnate 50s and that is what turned the tide lol. The true reward is the badge if course.
  22. There is a storyline in Sharkhead where you become the Bruce Wayne of villains. There are many storylines where you become extremely powerful, affect things on a political level in Arachnos, literally hand Recluse his head. But I get it, it is your perception, and that is 100% valid. The game does not help you feel villainous. I am blessed by having a twisted and evil mind. Set me down in the Zig with powers, tell me to break out and work my way up through the underworld? Okay, sounds about right
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