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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. only in geek world do you spend two hours explaining that Dracula and Nosferatu (with how many remakes and parodies....) are not under copyright...
  2. The original Bram Stoker novel was published in 1897. Due to its age the copyright has long expired and the book is in the public domain
  3. no lawyer here, but i have bent a few laws in my time. isnt it true that if you do not exercise your rights they disappear. and there have been multiple remakes of nosferatu....
  4. the Stoker estate had aklmost all the original film copies destroyed. they have no rights to it. they are not involved in nosferatu except as litigants
  5. from wikipedia, my best shot: Home video and copyright status[edit] Nosferatu only entered the public domain worldwide at the end of 2019, although it was always treated as such anyway. This led to the widespread distribution of a sped-up, unrestored black and white bootleg copy.[1] Beginning in 1981, the film has had various different official restorations, several of which have been issued on home video in the U.S., Europe and Australia. These versions, which are all tinted, speed-corrected and have specially recorded scores, are separately copyrighted with respect to new copyrightable elements.[1]
  6. I'm curious (and do not speak German, so research would be a bitch) if anyone "owns" the rights to Nosferatu in Germany. It was my understanding the little film company disintegrated not long after the movie was finished.
  7. They do not stand at the doors of comic con due to bad press. And the geek army is their customer base. Those people are not monetizing the stuff, they are worshipping it. On your second point. You are just wrong. I cannot even understand how you do not get this. You ever heard of google? Is Nosferatu copyrighted? In the United States, the law seems clear at first glance that the original version of Nosferatu is in the public domain. It premiered on March 4, 1922 in Berlin, and the conventional thinking that any film that was released prior to 1923, anywhere in the world, cannot be protected by the copyright laws of the United States.
  8. You are definitely allowed your opinion. Heck, I will even give you mine! The House of Mouse is KNOWN to be lovers of the litigious loophole. They make a world of money off other peoples creativity and they will damn sure do everything they can to make sure they can do so forever The Mice brigade have tons of lawyers and clerks working non stop to slap down anyone who looks like they might be infringing on Mice cash. Homecoming does not need (and I doubt it could handle) that kind of heat So NO, you, nor anyone else, can go about creating toons that infringe on anyones rights, copy, trade, civil, or basic humanitarian. And for the record, the character that I started this thread over was named “Mini-Hulk” and was a 4ft tall exact replica green skin purple shorts the whole bit. No, just NO
  9. It exists already. The villain archetype power (for Brute) maxs rage. But by the time you activate a power bitch be back down to normal cap
  10. With this type of clarity I am shocked you can take time from arguing cases in front of the supreme court and help us get to the bottom of things here As a “judicial aside” do you find clenching your sphincter helps? I generally use a weight belt and focus energy from the diaphragm as a base. I would think hemorrhoids would be an issue if you just keep clenching you sphincter? Can you share more wisdom here?
  11. This is interesting. Not that any of you could tell from my posts but I do not read the updates… I swore the stealth update made it so nothing added but you could have all stealth powers running at the same time. The game just gave you the highest benefit. Back in the day the stealth proc was not true invisibility. It was good until up close. Is that true now?
  12. Brutes have been scre... errr changed a few times. The most memorable was "The great Brute Fury nerf" Notice how your Fury bar never goes to the top? Or does for 1 millisecond when you hit Villain archetype power and is squished before you can get an attack off? Wasn't always like that. It used to go to 11, or at least to 10. Now it goes to 7? 8? There are people who will tell you this was not a nerf. Not many, but we got some nutballs out there. Fury used to be hard to get and keep. Brutes used ro have to work to keep capped....cannonballing fresh spawns to pump that bar, riding the line between madness survival and damage. Now, yawn, Fury maintains itself and Tankers mostly out damage Brutes thanks to Tanker damage buffs and AoE increases on Tankers. That is why I do not play Brutes anymore.
  13. Fine, I will bow to the lowest common denominator stupidity of the thread. I have no idea what content you want to run. Therefore advising you in a choice would be premature. Tankers are more survivable by far. Scrappers do more damage. Precipitation depends on effort. Go team!
  14. Better at what? What Armor and Attack sets? Throw Brute into the mix…not a suggestion. If you ignore Brutes and do not specify content and sets the thread is pretty much pissing up a rope and asking about rainfall levels…
  15. Yeah….hmmmm So, shock to some of you but I have not studied law. Yet I am pretty sure I have broken a few…. I was (and am still) somewhat unclear on copyright, trademark, copymark, traderight, and the origins of power. The thread was more or less “oh shhhb that is wrong”. I do appreciate a lively discussion. Int the future I will report and let the Giant Monsters handle the details
  16. yeah, the only problem is they do not combine. so they can clog trays imo. i tend to shunt them to AH and claim a bunch before a tough mission or use them to prop up a weak team. but thousands in claimable email? priceless
  17. I solo (stealth) and any enemies that see through stealth are a pain in the butt. Rikti and Rularuu are obvious. I was surprised that Nemesis have one guy that blabs to everyone that you are there. A Lt or somesuch. I used to hate Carnies until I fixed my Brute building. Not sure how I will feel about them on my solo Redside Corruptor yet. Just hit 29. I love to kill Longbow. Endless waves please. Self righteous pricks.
  18. Its called owning the government, or enough people in it to get your way At the risk of. Nvm. I just run with it. The Supreme Court all individually talked about the importance of precedent when asked. As soon as they got in power they did what they wanted and overrode precedent. Power equals doing what you want. That is why Redside will always be the truth side.
  19. Purples are level 50 recipes. They drop from crowds that drop level 50 recipes. If you are teaming with a 50 in the lead even if you are level 1 you have a shot. If you are running level 40s content or below your odds are not as good. Zero is poor odds
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