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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Now (in my head) I hear the song "Condiment Man" Weird Al style set to Jeff Healey's "Confidence Man..."
  2. My purpose in slow leveling this Dark Dark Corruptor (now at 34, running constant since Dec 27, all Redside content 1-29 done, all TF SF done through low 30s) was to learn how to use each power. I just added the pet and Black Hole as I moved from 29 to 34. Now I am really starting to get Black Hole, even though I have only used it for a day. This is because I have a good understanding of all of Dark Miasma tricks. How they work. What they can do. What they do best. What they CANNOT do. When you get to CANNOT it may be time to pull out a can of Black Hole. And it is the only tool like it in Dark Dark. And it serves that one purpose, and it does it pretty well. I appreciate all the feedback. I am still experimenting with it. Overall I am happy with this strange tool in the toolkit. I like running the Corruptor because it is not the Blaster. I have tools, I have leverage, I have traps, I have tricks. I got a Black Hole!!! I have the P2W personal phase shift. Someone posted you cannot interact with Black Hole enemies while phase shifted. Gotta test.
  3. I always gravitated to CoH to make the supers…hero, villain, alien, monster, robot. The fact that the characters on CoH are super….. yeah, I am okay with that. When I want a challenge we can do Really Hard Way Magisterium
  4. got on a very chaotic katie and she was fighting everyone on last map. nothing helped a ton (needed blackstar on rapid fire lol) but Black Hole gave me some options when red caps were way too many...
  5. I been using it for an hour solo. It makes ghosting missions easier, due to the glowies near mobs scenario. It is a to hit check, so it misses some mobs. Convenient if awkward way to take a 'partial' spawn down....roll the dice on how many. Just picked up my T9 Dark Servant and accidentally confused that button with Black Hole as I was prepping to fight BAB as a EB. Pissed him off but he went intangible and I finished summoning, eating insp, tar patch. BAB took the Dark Servant down in one swing. Oh well lol.
  6. Yeah. I thought about that. Unfortunately most of these are available later in the game and the city hall posi fight is max 15. But I will take it and start using it solo to get the “feel” and then use it sporadically on teams. Another use I thought is when you are teaming but split. Then a ton of agro “happens”. You can intangible their butts and get out of there. I will test to see results
  7. I have some ideas where these powers are useful. Obviously if you want to spam it you should delete the character and possibly your account. For me I am soloing a lot on this character. To grab a glowie at the end if a mission this is a great cheat. Also, solo when overwhelmed…. Intangible a bunch. Then deal with stragglers, heal, use inspirations watch the timer, drop Tar Patch and back into the chaos. Are these powers ever situationally useful on teams leagues or incarnate trials? We never used them in Cosmic runs but I am curious Obviously if a team is about to implode due to pressure it is a hail mary. Not sure I can think of any other good use I will be taking it on my solo Corruptor. I may have to make a separate build for teams with Leadership toggles instead. Dark Dark Corruptors burn end like crazy and I am not going into toggles I have decided. Maybe for teams and incarnate where I will get random buffs but not for my main build. Even with Dark epics End Recovery power it is just too wild a blue bar ride for me. So, good bad or ugly expect to see a crazy little Vampire out there once in a while laughing like a maniac as I try to make this thing useful…
  8. I agree with everything you said! Now, pardon me. I am filing my pitchfork. We are planning another run at the castle because they nerfed Brutes and buffed Tanks.
  9. Cones are arcs of effect aimed away from the character. Why we need an anchor? I am relatively good with cones. Shifting targets still get me on a somewhat predictable regularity. Why I need a target. I face a direction....shoot a cone. THIS IS NOT THAT COMPLICATED!
  10. I 50d a Dark Dark Corr long ago. Tried building and running him as a Blaster. parked him. I started a new Dark Dark Corr end of December and have been running all Redside content with him. Just finishing up Sharkhead. Now I understand Dark Miasma! All the powers come in early. Each has a special rhythm in combat. Tar Patch before Blackstar is a buildup! Dark Pit (from Dark Blast) is a powerful minion stun, short but sweet. Howling Twilight on a Boss or AV? sweet. Fearsome Stare is damn effective for quite a while. Darkest Night is a hoot. I actually love it when EBs and AVs start running around the map trying to shake it off lol. Talk about not having to worry about them doing DPS.... and Twilight Grasp is solid gold. On my Corruptor I will probably not take Petrifying Gaze and definitely not Black Hole. I find a single ST hold minimally useful. (My Dark/Temp/Soul Blaster has 3 ST holds....now you're talking) Dark Servant slotted with to hit debuff is in the future. Dark Miasma is a solid toolkit for taking apart groups. The only pain is learning to lay down the fear cone lol. I use a lot of cones and still get bamboozled by a shifting target once in a while. Why no aim and fire for cone arcs? WHHHHHHYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
  11. I always try to slap on a Kismet and take Leadership or other pools that have Accuracy whenever I can fit them on a build. Pretty much for all builds. Some more overboard than others. That is +to hit. WAAAaaaaaaay better. THEN I add as much +ACC bonuses as 'naturally' fit. I run a lot of Dark Dark and some Dark powers (usually one per toon) has a crap base accuracy. I find part of Dark's game is a accuracy 'fulcrum shift' You need a lot less Res Def and Health if you always hit and your opponents rarely hit.
  12. You do not think having your email chock full of tier 3 team inspirations available on a 2 star ITF (no tier 3...) is an exploit? (my orig post)
  13. It's okay. I've never made a mistake. But I am sure if I did....nvm, not going to happen. But we love you! You send that billion over yet?
  14. Or a Snarky(tm) vilified account? Only one billion and it is good for eternity!
  15. those are not recipes. Those are attuned enhancers same offer 🙂
  16. yeah, as yomo said. tell me, bro, you werent trying to vendor a purple? dude. i will give you 20k for that. pssst c'mere. dont tells nobody
  17. I am sorry I cannot help you at this time. You are either too stupid or too ignorant to understand, 1) Never criticized in the OP. Was asking players (and staff) what they thought. Got anwers. 2) Even though your follow up point is negated by your lack of understanding of the premise.... here goes: We are talking about the legal right to use something. Not making artistic criticisms. 2a) I have studied art. I am sure you do not care, nor will you understand. But here goes....when studying art you start out by...."copying people" 3) Go back to flying off your spindle. I am not ignoring you. I dont have the space in m y unlife for that. I just am no longer going to respond to anything you say. 4) Cheers!
  18. and you have added a new character to vampire lore. Dracula, Shreck, Vampirella, and now Vampirrhea
  19. Yeah, my Dark Dark Corr with his Shadow Fall and Sprint w/stealth proc is pretty slick. There are definite limitations but it works better than I had thought after stealth changes. I use the prestige power slide colored black for more darkness and a visible reminder to turn off sprint if not needed. Damn dark dark corr eat end!!!!
  20. I read this and I feel so judged. It saddens me that I am such an old vampire I no longer care enough to belittle and badger those who disagree with me. Sigh. Where has the passion gone. I am sorry. I know I have let you all down. But it is time for the truth. I just dont give a shit about you.
  21. Just from simple street wisdom, redside style: Big companies do not want their characters accessible to people running other companies, including or especially super RPGs. Yes, Homecoming does not make money. Read the above paragraph again. Repeat last step until a spot of light appears above your head.
  22. I will literally comment on anything. Test me, start a post labeled Anything I have been using this bit of iconography for about two years? Have not discussed the issue. It has been mentioned how many times in the last 12 hours by other people? But I am making a big fuss. Did we get an influx of junior high debate team players onto the forums? I mean, the game needs new blood…
  23. oooooh. You have a fair question there. I do not know the legalese, precedents, or current court rulings on the matter. I can summarize though: No one gives a shit. My in game toon is as close as I can get to Max Shreck (much as this picture was as close as Willem Dafoe could get) which is definitely fair game. Trivia question to the true geeks: In what movie did Willem Dafoe get into drag to kill gangsters?
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