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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Which is really at heart why I started this thread. Even for a cartel of neurotic motivated OCD types snorting 7 miles of cocaine lines this is a heavy lift. Now common salvage is currently behaving more or less normally. As is Uncommon. But 6 months ago (or so, not researching my own posting dates) I brought up that Uncommon was being manipulated. And it obviously was. By either serious marketeers (and or idiots described in above paragraph) OR someone has found a cheat in the AH system. To be honest my forced research (I am crafting and converting somewhere between 400-500 I/Os) has led me to believe the market is just deflated about 80% from a year ago. That and Yomo's wise words has pulled me back from the ledge. (It's okay. No, I do not turn into a bat. I'm invulnerable you idiot)
  2. Scroll up to what I posted about 8 hours ago in this thread. Go ahead. i'll wait. Here. With a brick.
  3. I was more concerned about the uncommon salvage being manipulated about 6 months ago. So much so I went and played WoW for a couple months. Over there at least everyone is up front about hating each other. So frustrating here to have everyone talk about how “normal” things are and everyone is working together. Then no one wants to address when a person or group is obviously manipulating the system to the detriment of the group. Please. Do not talk to me about heroes and community. Do something. At least with the Horde you know you are undead scum everyone hates doomed to die. O cheers and Happy Holidays!
  4. Look. I finally started the tedious process of something I dislike. Not farming. I hate that. But let me tell you Do you ever notice that you get recipes for I/Os randomly? I get them too! Do you ever run TF/SF and get merits? I do. Now i take the merits and go to the ATM machine at the AH. I use the merits to buy Enhancement Converter salvage. Now I craft the recipe. Then i use the converters to turn the I/O into something selling fir 3-4 or 6 million in the auction. I post at about 85% reserve price. I make money Now back to my story. I dislike doing this because even with OCD it is tedious. So I had built up approx 400 recipes. I have made my way through nearly 150 and have generated about 1 billion in profit after salvage purchase, crafting cost, and auction fees. Sigh 250 to go. There are faster ways to make money. Read guides. Farm. Or just run content that generates merits and drops (usually 50 content) and raw sell whatever you get. But do not stand around whining about how people destroying the planet should continue to be able to so your house is warm and you do not have to do anything. Plant a garden and put solar panels up Ride a bike. Why do I bother. Smoke tobacco products, run with scissors, big oil loves you, the government will protect you.
  5. By “discount” the value is very close to the AH price. They do not keep selling them at the sale price. You really missed the entire point of what I said. Bricks will not help you. Go use tobacco products and run with scissors. The government will protect you.
  6. Love Robert A Heinlein. Love. Should have been turned into a vampire. And forced to keep writing.
  7. Still you do not ask why? Damn. You can lead a horse to water. But sometimes you gotta hit them over the head with a brick and hold them under to really get the full effect. So, I will tell you why. Ready? (I still have more bricks…) When the packs went on sale those who knew how to make infamy and had massive influence stashed (we will call these people “the haves”) bought LOTS of them. The Winter Packs. Are you still following. (*picks up brick, holds in hand loosely) When the sale ended these people (the haves) took the hundreds and thousands of packs they bought and relisted them. For slightly below the regular rate the AH charges. Making a guaranteed profit on every pack. All year long. But wait, they also opened them and sold the parts individually. Who bought these? Those people who are new to the server. Those people who do not follow the sales news. Those people who do not know how to make tons of cash in game. (We will call these people the “have nots”). So here is the interesting part. (*throws brick right over your head). Do not let this go over your head! If the Devs put these (winter oacks, or any packs) on sale for a couple weeks the “have nots” get a little discount on stuff they want for a while. The “haves” get a warchest of influence making ammunition to last all year long. (*picks up three bricks) Now, there is only one problem with a few “the haves” raking in vaults of influence. They “the haves” use this to further manipulate and skew the market in their favor. Basically making the “have nots” fund their takeover of the in game cash machine. Care for a brick?
  8. Also the current iteration of MiDs is either buggy as hell or extremely fluid with switching options on/off. This makes precision building extremely difficult and requires (for me) seat of the pants building and successive approximations
  9. Sooooo you need to ask why? Or do not ask why. Remain ignorant. And unhappy. Or ignorant and blissfully posting about where is my stuff? But you really need to ask why?
  10. This is the kind of forward thinking that is rewarded Redside. That is why we call it GRANDVILLE!
  11. I been over bidding on common last two days at 2k a pop. Only had to wait five minutes once. Is your computer hooked to the interweb thingamabob?
  12. Don't hate the player. Hate the game.
  13. I know redheads are dangerous I know John Snow falls for reeeeeeallly violent women
  14. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman’s ghost haunts the crypt i use as a gaming alcove.
  15. I am only bitching about this because I been putting off crafting for a few months. Now i am in the process of crafting/convert/sell a few hundred enhancers. Pain in the butarsky
  16. I am learning patience. That is as close as I creep to kind. Oh sure once in a while I will kick down 20 mil to someone who is posting In General questions on how to afford basic stuff. Or give a couple Winter sets to an SG member I just met. But to me that is just random. Maybe kind, maybe cheating them out if the fun of learning, hard to say. But being patient. When the team lead has over cranked the settings on a treespec. When everyone piles up the elevator without touching the first floor on a kill all. When I have to go pull Nightstar with my Blaster on a BAF. (These are a few things from this week…). Being understanding that everyone is just gaming at their own pace. They might be new. They might be kids. They might be drunk. God I hope they are drunk. I have a constantly drunk SG friend that smashes *4/x8 everything. We trio’d a LGTF with him and another drunk SG mate on 4/8. I really did not think we could, but we sure did. Hero 1 took a long time, only hiccup. F-er has dome dull pain type power. Anyways, patience. That is the true kindness. To me anyways. It is giving of my time, yet also getting something in return. A buttload of questions like “are you high?” “What the hell, really?” “Have you never played redside before? Never go that wayyyyyyy….” Learning patience. Or what passes for it from this Snarky old vampire
  17. Wait....we went from discussing being kind to voting for most toxic behaviors? What is wrong with you maggots? Do you hate Christmas? DO YOU? I want to see some freaking happiness, cheerfulness and a buttload of kindness. Now get out there and trim that tree before I find something else to do with it!
  18. Snarky

    Fire Mental

    Snarky is indeed my global. I play on Excelsior. Randomly trying new things. As I no doubt always will until the grave pulls me back for a few centuries nap time. My “main” is a Brute and I have a Blaster i like.
  19. *peers into room. They must be planning something. *eases back into shadows.
  20. Snarky

    Fire Mental

    This little group is what I refer to the last active appendage of Cosmic Council on Excelsior. Damn, they ran content nearly every night for years. poof. gone. But a small cadre of us (sort of the outsiders with a couple leader types) meet once a week and do something still. The crawl team group I guess we are. We were always doing this, run by Ukase, and still at it. I probably need to find another active Excelsior SG. But who really wants a grumpy old vampire? No, really/ Who wants me? You? Anybody.
  21. Thank you Yomo. (*points at Yomo. "pssst. a whale") Your analysis is comforting. Your insight is welcome. It still does not explain the odd bid history I am seeing vs the way I am moving stuff on the market. But that bid history screen is a pos anyway. not talking about point of sale either. Anyways. Happy Holidays!
  22. 1st paragraph synopsis: You know nothing 2nd paragraph synopsis: You know nothing 3rd paragraph synopsis: You would love to know something, but it would take too much work 4th paragraph synopsis: you are okay with that. and youre not farming thank you for the insight. have a great holiday
  23. Sorry your travel plans got screwed up. Stay safe. glad you have CoH (thanks Devs and CoH support staff. we love you. stop by my place for a bite sometime!) Thanks for the pic. priceless.
  24. i am not a "whale" we both know whales. they have hundreds of billions. i think the exact measurement for a whale is if you have stupid billion inf. i have "virtually" unlimited CoH cash. As i play i replenish what i spend on alts nearly organically. except it is a pain to do these ocd driven craft convert sell. and some dipsticks are pretty obviously hacking the market. i know business. i know math. i know when i am getting screwed just by looking at it. been around the graveyard a while.
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