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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. In my opinion…. It varies greatly. On a PUG ROFLSTOMP team running +4 council….probably going to be a freaking waste. On a tough incarnate boss fight or the new Dr Aeon at Master Badge level or above…could be useful. And they will be adding more complexity to the older TFs as they have time to do so. Knowing how to effectively run a debuffer and WHEN to use a debuffer is one of the turning points to becoming a truly proficient player. They are useful. Just not always the best choice. Then again I Am maining a Brute. Useful, not always the ‘best’ choice. I do haul out a Blaster or Corruptor to help with SG incarnate trials though.
  2. Jimmy will always be with us. No, I am not being sentimental. He is Nemesis. Doesn't anyone else see the patterns?
  3. I came to CoH late, right after Good vs Evil dropped. I ran Redside on Liberty for 6 months and I was piss broke. I used only SOs. As I migrated to Freedumb and acquired funds I started getting Enhancement Sets. Once I had a storage base and a few hundred enhancers I could keep 2-4 toons kitted out. Crushing one for the next great idea. I enhanced with sets as early as possible from there on out. It turns out Enhancement sets are not a good idea pre 30 or so. Your toons do not have the slots to get the bonuses and the Set bonuses are of less vale than SOs. Just recently did I really examine this and stop dropping sets on a toon asap. Instill pit in a few globals and procs, but sets come in after 30 now
  4. Very rarely, yet they are INCREDIBLY useful when you need them. The two that I use are 1) My Farmer has an alt build for regular teaming. 2) My “main” is the Brute I am soloing every contact in the game with. I have his solo/regular build. This includes stealth, a very late build taunt, and an extra range ST and AOE from epic. He also has a Tank build, early taunt, more armors, Leadership Maneuvers and Tactics. Less damage
  5. Wonder Woman, Superman, and the Tick are all being thrown out as Inv/SS Tanks. Okay. Which one of these has the worst Rage Issues and combat stopping depressive cycles? (The Tick usually stops combat due to confusion, not depression)
  6. The Tick. In my opinion, the greatest superhero to ever don tights, Really, this applies to any super hero who is super strength and not a raging hulk monster with manic depressive states. So, actually very few super strength characters can be approximated well in CoH. Even the Hulk did not go through depressive cycles. Unless every time Rage drops you want to alt costume him into Banner.... But the "Diaper and Binky" crowd whined loud and long about the fix to Super Strength and the Devs caved like an unsure what to do freshman. So....unless you like you Super Strength characters Raging with Depressive Cycles you are SOL in COH.
  7. On the recent story arc character i ran i did all 1-35 content. There were seriously not many Rikti. At 35 I immediately got my Vanguard badge. I then went back to doing story arcs 35-39, 40-44, leaving 35-50, 40-50, 45-50 that i am still working on. At 50, which took quite a while from 35-44 for me, I still had a meager handful of Rikti merits. Maybe if i had run missions with Rikti at high difficulty I would have had a bit more. But still, meh
  8. I am currently "maining" a Dark/Invul Brute. I soloed 1-50 every contact on him. I still need to finish the 50 stuff. Very strong A standout on Brutes is Dark/Dark. I believe this performs better on a Brute than any other AT. While I will always be jealous of Tanker AoE it has moderate real effect here, at best. Scrapper would do slightly better damage but would be lacking the Health that the design needs with the strange defenses and massive heal strategy.
  9. Master badges in Incarnate Trials are based on an accolade, getting various badges for very particular tasks. They are not tied to no deaths or power restrictions The Master setting for non incarnate trials now nullify incarnate powers, temp powers, etc (no team transport!)
  10. The new Master setting nullify ALL incarnate abilities. Badging is different than ROFLSTOMPing
  11. I enjoy the game 1-50 crawling to 50 on PUG teams or solo. ….okay, most PUG teams… I enjoy playing incarnate 50s in Trials and 50 SF/TF. I like taking an incarnate into regular 50 door missions and story arcs. On a team it is a rollicking hoot. Usually set at +4/x8. Solo you can set at +0 and walk through the story arcs as a SUPER villain earning badges, merits, and completing the game. One of the great strengths of CoH is the customization allowed. From costume to power-sets to playstyle CoH delivers a platform for the player to live in the world in their head I am greatly looking forward to the Dr Aeon treatment of older SF/TF with multiple difficulty setting. Thank you Devs As an unrepentant power gamer I would love to have more incarnate powers. Perhaps tied to veteran levels. They could be “hard bonuses” like a significant health boost that is permanently attached to the toon (not over capping but getting you toward AT cap) or a dozen other ideas, most probably better, that players have already provided. An Omega that was a second Alpha? I swoon at the thought lol.
  12. Whenever the inactive flag comes up on one of my alts I log the character in. Then I go to the pier by the black market in Cap au Diable. I have rhe character jump off the pier into the water there. Then i log off and delete them.
  13. I have officially “given up” trying to find something better than fire at ST damage. I have a few tricked out 50 Blasters. Dark, Electric, Ice, Beam, Seismic. I look at them I cannot honestly say any of them can get to where Fire is as far as just standing at range at lobbing hate at a Single Target. So last night I rolled a Fire/Temporal Blaster and by this morning I had 50d him and opened most incarnate slots. I have a lunch thing and then will finish up the farming and slap on the build. I have enough Emp merits i can email over to 50+3 him fast but I think I am short a few of being able to Tier 4 him everywhere. Levelled that Seismic last weekend lol This will be my workhorse toon in Really Hard Way Magisterium and a few other trials that require maximum effort on ST. I will pick a key blaster for each trial and just play froma deep bench for fire support roles. For theme I like Dark/Dark best but honestly i do not enjoy Dark secondary. The Sustain alone is a pain instead if being set and forget
  14. In the near future I will be running more dark debuff toons. For theme and fun. Dark is a very hardy, yet quirky, powerset in every iteration it has in the game. In my opinion. But due to its quirks it tends to be stronger in certain cases and less useful in others. As opposed to something like fire, which just always has one trick, more damage. Or something like Rad with a constant one effect secondary. So using the Dark powersets to the best of their ability, learning or creating new strategies is definitely part if the fun.
  15. It depends on the toon I an running. On my Dark Invul Brute the goal (on a team ) is to capture as much agro as possible, the meanest enemies preferred, whether or not I can kill anything fast On my Blasters I tend to be very kill focused, of course. Priorities are indeed mobs tgat are way more trouble than their “minion” class indicates are fat targets. Then burning down a Boss in a few ST attacks is a healthy strategy. With my Blasters it all depends on team operations. I play the landscape based on how much agro my team has occupied then make target decisions based on 1) how much damage i can safely do 2) who needs to die NOW
  16. You are most likely not the first person to ask. But it sure seems as if you are yes, custom sliders. There are all sorts of shape tricks for characters. One of my favorites is take a huge character then make them as thin as possible. Then make all head sliders huge as possible. Very dramatic. Works nice with fishbowl head as well
  17. This. In a nutshell Let us get a little honest here. This is not the most popular game in the world. It does not get a lot of traffic. New users to the forum are probably going to poke around general and one or two interesting boards. Old users are going to come to General and a couple sub boards they follow. When a thread gets “properly categorized” it is moved to the correct spot in the cemetery. If it is not dead when it is planted it soon will be
  18. I honestly think you should consider switching to a ice/cold Corruptor. Due to Scourge which works perfectly with Ice’s DoT rains and the powerful ST and AoE debuffs available in Cold makes for a true AoE powerhouse. I ran this for a couple months in incarnate trials and was quite pleased I have currently switched to a Beam Blaster for incarnate work so i can hover blast hard targets like Tyrant and other Extremely Hard Targets
  19. I recall some similar points being brought up during the "fix super strength crash" time....welll, if you want to cut the crash out fine, but we still need to be able to double stack it....there....fixed
  20. In my opinion, PROCs should be subject to EXTREME ED type rules. 1st PROC 100%, 2nd PROC 50%, 3rd PROC 25%, then 10%, then 5%, then, if you really need a sixth 1% THis needs to be only for damage dealing procs or old school builds with globals etc could get caught up in the code. This will never happen. I already hear the toddlers pulling on their diapers andf getting a bucket of pacifiers to angrily hurl across the room creep into the discussion. If the DEVS put something that touches their precious on BETA you will hear a baby chorus like the tabernacle choir
  21. The Devs spent a ton of time and effort on a project. They got feedback. They had it on Beta then a couple dozen players through a bitch fit from hell like Bridezilla and the Devs junked it. that was the Super Strength fix to get rid of the Rage crash. But the vocal minority want to be able to double stack rage and so the rest of us are stuck with manic depressive hulk clones. Sigh….i stopped running the set, even though i mained it for years on live what i am trying to say is forget the whole topic of nerfing procs. a few vocal babies are already strapping on their diapers and getting pacifiers ready to throw across the room. They will keep their procs
  22. There needs to be KAOS! Down with Control!
  23. Ahhhh….my same response applies to when my SG kept hiding things in the Crucible. Nobody goes there….
  24. No. I do not mean deep and meaningful discussions that change my long deceased heart I am talking about tooics being moved from General. Many times I agree with this being done. Yet, in my opinion, sometimes it is done without being necessary or helpful A recent discussion on Dark Armor is gone. This is a topic that affects many ATs. Moved to “Archetypes”. I looked in Brutes, Tanks, no idea where this is. Was a nice little discussion. Now it is properly filed away. Where evidently it will be hard to find and die a nice neat death
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