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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. For me it is congealed blood. Very sticky once it dries. I should not eat over the keyboard.
  2. Cosmic Council has players around the world. Literally. Who lament our US centric hours. Granted it is not busy at really odd hours with maybe one or two kicking around. Of course, once you start gaming regularly you might find partners for weird hour activities.
  3. I can relate to this. I am, in my shriveled heart, a grumpy old vampire. I know that the world is filled with despair. That even the undead are merely putting off the inevitable one night at a time. Yet I do what I can tonight. What I can find enjoyment in, tonight. Where I can feel what it might be like to be alive…if just for tonight.
  4. I was regularly ranting about various PUG ugly times I had for about a year. Favorite topics included people starting Posi 1/2 and Synapse at +4, leaders assuming I could read minds, and people going to the steps of City Hall immediately in the Posi 1 end mission. Among others. Special mention to folks who kicked me because of various reasons, usually for playing a Brute. Like a Brute. About a half a year ago I joined an SG. It had Discord, which I knew very little about. and was unsure of. My, how the SG has changed my gaming experience. I have played CoH as much as I can back on live and since I found it again. (maybe half a year after HC came online) That part has not changed. My team experience has gotten way better. Our SG does a weekly Master Magisterium run, along with 2-4 other Master Incarnate Trials. It has 1-2 events every day/night (mostly night weekdays) that offer a varied traipse through CoH content. On Discord I have SG mates from around the world, exposing me to cultures, accents, and wild conversations that are absolutely delightful. The SG I found is Cosmic Council on Excelsior. With a regular crew in Trials and Discord of 50+ with a roster of about a thousand. Of the 50+ who are regulars I see 20+ forming up for every Incarnate Trial run, 10-16 on every weekday event. (different peeps of the 50+, but you get the idea) Having this regular crew to run content with has allowed me to branch out my playstyle. Instead of always being on a Brute for when the PUG gets ugly i have branched out into Blasting! I even have a Controller in the mid 30s! (Blasting instead of Bruting was a change almost necessitated by weekly Really hard way Magisterium badge runs....unmitigatable damage patches are F-ing Brutal) I still enjoy my Brutes, and am soloing all content in the game on one. Looking forward to running the new Aeon Trial on Live with these guys. (we have run it on Beta. I have only done easy mode. These folks have done the hardest mode there and a few have soloed it) As the Devs have made changes to the rewards so that my complaints about not getting extra rewards for Synapse at +4 will be null I shudder to think of PUG life. I was on a DiB on a PUG this weekend that was a mini nightmare. We completed it, with badges, but I was pulling Incarnate Team inspirations from my email to help prop up the team lol. Thankfully I have found a calm place away from that mad playstyle. Yes to greater rewards for greater challenges! Thank you Devs. Yes to running hard content that requires teamwork! PUGs.... well. Let's just say YES to the decision to join a good SG. Thanks Cosmic Council!
  5. HC Teams work is incredibly wonderful. While not cranking out content at the rate of a full time paid Dev team I cannot say enough about how incredible the QUALITY of what they do is. The content they add is so wonderful, well thought out, and beautifully executed. Their game balance decisions are remarkably sensible. whoever they are....these masked supers deserve all of our gratitude.
  6. If you are talking about your "real world" emails I am not sure what your comp setting are. I can assure you there is nothing this 17 year old game has done has modified your computer. If you are talking about in game emails I got nothing. I use mine in the basic setup everyday as a warehouse, kept busy. But I have never altered a singlre setting on it. Other than try to make the screens larger, to limited success.
  7. I only started doing them a couple months ago on a few badgers. Sometimes (50% ish) I am solo. other times it is a madhouse. When it is busy I get a team 85% time. But some folks have msgs off, or are maybe kids, or w/e and do not team. (or they have me on ignore lol) I did get the badge on this toon. I have only chased it 4-5 times in my entire CoH career, all recently. Been hanging with badgers. it is a sick obsession.
  8. So at level 19 I can access the Ouro portal for Flashback.... But I cannot run Pilgrim's arc until 25? If so I am in "proper" situation. Just very confused. I do not Ouro much (until recently)
  9. My theme tends to be one compound name. I like Snarkbait. I made Snarknado after twodays listening to Shark memes in General. A Storm Summoning Water Blast Defender. I havent levelled them. I cannot bring myself to inflict that on a PUG team.... My SG has sadly declined the opportunity to embrace the madness.
  10. lol I am on Excelsior. And although I was a half year late to HC I was lucky enough to get Snarky (my global on live) as my Global and snagged the toon name on all but one server. I have a kitted out duplicate 50 Dark/Dark Blaster with a 1000 or so badges on Everlasting should I ever need to bop in there for a run with peeps holding the name Snarky. On Excelsior I do run a lot of Snarkey, Snarkbot, Snarkbringer, etc....
  11. Been to a few of these today. need 11 more F-ing fires out. Place is swarmed today. Luckily I made it onto a couple teams. Teams who believe the event is about putting out the fire. And they do so. In about 4 minutes flat. GRRRRRRR I mean, great job heroes. Schmucks.
  12. 3 things 1) necropost. interesting. so points! researcg chops 2) Champions sucks 3) i do not need to see 1000 Snarky clones everytime I log in. Yeah, I know you guys want to. Did I mention Champions sucks?
  13. and yet I can use the Ouro pillar to do missions at level 19 as if I had ran the entire arc...
  14. It is an odd one. I went to open Ouro.... and the guy said I already did it. I am 99.99% sure I did not.
  15. yes, i immediately alted to a level 50 and checked that it was doable. still flummoxed by the development. These completionist runs are pissy.
  16. This helps soothe my fears about the Isolator badge. It does nothing to answer how this happens. I would bet 50.00 I have never played the Ouro Arc on the character. F-ing weird. Also another great place to hunt Shivans. Which is another thing I was looking forward to in the Ouro initiation. clearing the city hall is a neat chunk of Man in Black, or at least progress...
  17. I am on my "completionist" run. Currently level 19. I have done all Red 1-19 and am finishing Blue 1-19. In my mind I have never done Ouro on this toon, except to get the badge on the arch and use as a transfer point. I would say I am 100% sure. Only the Pilgrim is assuring me I have already joined Ouro. He offers me no missions, and the Pillar is usable by me. One thing stands out. I started this character "real world' in Breakout. For the location badge, character concept, and nostalgia. If I had done the Ouro Arc I would have done it Blueside. For the Isolator badge. I do not have the badge. Nor do i have ANY credit towards it. Not one contaminated. I cannot figure out what has happened. My theory is the new way of unlocking Ouro at level 1 threw off the Pilgrim somehow. But it would seem this would be a known thing then? My concern is about the Isolator badge mostly. I thought you could redo the Pilgrim arc infinitely. I am positive I have done it more than once on other characters. Does this feature unlock at 25? No way do I want to be hunting contaminated 1 every 45 minutes in RV No F-ing way. The only thing to note is I did change from Tequila to HC Launcher a couple days ago so I could do the Beta content. Other than that the comp is stable and only used for CoH.
  18. i play from the coffin. the closed lower half makes a perfect gaming desk. glad I got the flat one
  19. In my opinion Kin Melee is far closer to an Energy Blast set than a MA set. It does have full on Tai Chi animations. I ran a Tank with Inv/Kin as a "Tank Mage" The awkward big animations simulated spellcasting to me. Quite a few of the attacks are ranged/AoE compared to other Melee sets.
  20. I will agree with this, with a caveat. Even without the damage aura i prefer Brutes over Tanks. SS/Invul and SS/Will are incredible on a Brute. The revamped Energy paired with Invul or Will is insanely good. The higher survivability of a Tank loses value when 95% of the time it makes NO difference and 1% of the time it is zero help (Magisterium and TinMage Battlemaiden fight etc). The 4% of the time it is better is a hard trade off for the better damage and (importantly) the better damage CAP of the Brute One of my personal favorites I am revisiting is a Dark Melee / Invulnerability Brute. This build achieves greater survivability not by chasing the highest resists (although as you build you do keep these in mind as secondary goals) but by chasing high global recharge. This brings up the Dull Pain in Invulnerability, the Siphon Life in Dark Melee and the fulcrum shift that is Soul Drain into a never ending hard point of destruction. On live i ran this with Invulnerability’s Unstoppable and mitigated the crash with Dark Melee’s end replacement power Dark Consumption. This would allow me to stand alone against i sane odds for very long periods going on and out of Unstoppable and using Dull Pain as Unstoppable drops. Not as good or necessary in the modern game, but a neat trick
  21. My SG os mostly older. A few older than me. There are a couple “young folks” including players who played on their parents acct on live and are now playing as adults
  22. I had to read it a couple times before (i think?) it is not about me. But it is still early morning and the caffeine has not fully cut the fog of war yet
  23. He definitely is in the running. Two things i have seen him do 1) endless and systematic marketing at an OCD level. If i ever won the lottery i would hire this guy for investment portfolio manager. Not kidding. 2) His attempts to level from 1-50 using only what drops and no deaths. Like watching someone trying to climb a mountain using only bunny hops. Brutal
  24. Doms are not highly effective in incarnate content...compared to other ATs. A new player asking to be 'great' probably should not be steered to ATs ill suited to late game content like Doms or MMs. My 2 cents
  25. I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. And I ENJOY posting Snarky comments. On the other hand..."dogpiling..." No. See, a Snarky comment is only fun if you are the first to post about it. Being the 12th person to be Snarky? Boring. But again, no idea what you are talking about. And i read a lot of the General and Brute forum comments. Maybe its in other sub forums.
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