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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. To me this is the Gold Star answer of this thread. Whereas some have taken the thread as another reason to take up various banners (again) of change this, I hate that, why is this like the way it is and I dont like it...just really ...Snarky...tm.....stuff... Xeph found an answer that has the possibility of working. Today. Without altering the game or other peoples play experience one single bit. So, Fancy Bow to Xeph. This may not be the exact solution the OP wants. But it is the type of analyzation that looks for a solution in the "real world" rather than come up with a laundry list of stuff that needs to be 'fixed' before the OP can begin to find a way to reach a goal. hmmmm....I think i achieved a nice balance of complimentary and snarkiness in that. Danged, I am good.
  2. A Super Strength Invulnerability Brute is a hoot and would fit your description. The Nano would give the Strength, the Armor, and the giant Heal as the nano worked. Willpower would work as well. Although Invulnerability has a toughness edge if built out to the insane levels seen at 50 these days
  3. There are missions where you fight 5 at a time. Last weeks Hess I did with a team at +4/x8. It was miserable. We still didnt chat much... roflmao. But we finished it. ground those peeps down one ugly sliver at a time
  4. The AVs are. Do you not find AVs tough? The minions? Not so much....
  5. Hmmmm....seems a lot of the thinking on "Make teams more fun" devolves to "make things nearly impossible....oooooh so much fun!!!" It is a super hero game. If I want to be killed by fish monsters while i try to wield a rusty sword while wearing moldy armor there is another game for that
  6. I've seen a LOT of what I consider 'odd' posts in this thread. But as I have read your replies and observations it has made me think you are not insisting anyone play a specific way to make teams better. You are honestly sounding out the boards for what can make the game better. That is nice. Obviously there are some serious disagreements here lol. Personally, i'm having the time of my life on PUG teams and with my SG. I know what to expect from both, and I have strong boundaries. One example: When I level an alt I have a couple ways I go. If I am exploring a new AT/Poweset I will 'slow level'. This involves 4 DFBs, then start TF and SF (i tend to Rogue) I do these specifically in order. I do not join a team running them at +/x anything. I seriously try to help the teams efficiently complete the assignments. (Pither would be proud!) I will gladly take extra time on most of these to complete them as kill most or any other odd (pre-stated) requests. Some will find this method boring as crap. I absolutely love it. If the leader/team decides to change the level I will request they do not. (I answered a specific ad, I am not a mind reader) If they insist, I tender my resignation. I will do +4/x8 ITFs. I prefer these on incarnates. It is a blast. If I am trying to be PL'd I will ask whoever is advertising if bringing a 35 Brute in is okay. They should know the toon will be not a lot of help. I will try, but surgeon hunting is about all i can do. Anyways, I hope you find new ways to make teaming more fun. I also hope this thread generates some good ideas for all of us.
  7. I tried using discord during my last years excursion into WoW. $150 headset on my new box....never quite worked. I recently joined an AG in CoH. They require at least Discord to join....I cranked it up. It is really (yes, really) necessary to at least listen in Discord on complicated incarnate trials. I got my headphones out from under my desk and scraped off the dust with a napkin (not kidding) I plug the headset into my old box (i keep a second older machine up for Wiki, etc next to my gaming rig) I could hear! After a little experimentation I could talk! The danged headsets just never got along with the new box even though i downloaded drivers (prob did it wrong, but seriously. How could even I screw that up?) Anyways, i started my first MMORPG gaming session with Discord. It was, ahem, a game changer. It was the very difficult Magisterium Trial. We were going for the Really Hard Way Badge. And...nailed it. Without Discord....ooof. I don't even want to think about it. Now I am enjoying the SG and the new freedom of knowing what people are planning instead of guessing. Although during a Minds of Mayhem farm yesterday there was a discussion about peaches and eggplants (very random, funny) and someone felt the need to play the full "millions of peaches" song on discord...less funny lol. Still, this quirky group seems like people I can hang with for a while. And danged do they have organizational skills. We did 4 Incarnate Trials that night, hard ones, including the UG, and they were just fun, relaxed, and very competent. and...not all headsets are $150. Most of the cheap ones work way better than the ones collecting dust under my desk for nearly a year.
  8. I've thought about this for about a day now. I still stand by my original response. I like characters (in all games) that I can bound through the environment like an exuberant two year old on a sugar high breaking things and taking their stuff. So....I Brute a LOT. Why are you on a character you are not enjoying? If you want me to play a Brute in some pre ordained mathematical function it will not happen. I have recently joined a very organized SG, and started using Discord. At best my character is like a trained dog. Go there. Dont attack. Attack X area/person Attack from behind. Favorite command "Clear this area" Nearly every PUG TF / mission team I already know which things to do. If the team leader has not stated in advance what the parameters are "speed, kill most, x creature farm" I will ask if anything like that is important. Discord not needed. Just a quick chat question. Then i go do my job. Break crap. Kill things. Get toys. One of my issues running a squishy is it takes me a while to determine how to use the powers effectively. Which groups to dominate. How to use the Blaster for fire support without pulling agro, etc. After (a long) time running various squishies I discovered that it is just experience with the mobs/TFs that led me to understand how to use the powers and what my job was. I still prefer Brutes. But now, on a PUG, I can just go do a good job. Whether people are running around splitting up and going nuts (they probably are) or are all huddled together moving from area to area (quite rare). That getting comfortable phase took me a very long time. If you want to play a specific support type for a very organized group I suggest you seek out players who share your play philosophy (They are out there!) PUGs have evolved (yes, evolved) into ROFLSTOMP steam rollers. That happened Redside BEFORE Incarnates and quickly spread Blueside. By the time of Going Rogue it was the de facto standard of PUG gaming. I will throw Brutes under the bus for this. Brutes, back in the day, did not take taunt. There was no inherent fitness pool (you had to use power picks for it, Brutes desperately need the End from it) You had to use two picks to get a travel power. It was the rare Brute that found room to take Taunt, especially on a levelling build. So Brutes would run into a big mob, absord the Alpha, get agro and Fury. If there were two Brutes on a team....The second Brute tended to go into the next group. This was the first incremental step into teams leapfrogging from mob to mob in game, no one ever quite being part of a team, but really spokes in a never ending wheel of pain to the mobs we encountered. Everyone taking their turn using their nuke or mez, or whatever to steamroll through ever larger and larger groups of baddies. Saying "STOP" now and asking everyone to go back to Tank/Blaster/Healer tactics..... You should let that dream die. At least on PUGs. Again, there are many very experienced players who run organized teams (and RP) through content. Just is not going to happen with a PUG, in my opinion.
  9. i continue (and have since i started CoH) run Brutes exactly for this purpose. you want to help? trust me, i notice. thanks. you want to doorsit. have a jam! lol.
  10. Dark/Dark Brute, just eeked past 1100
  11. i just did them on my vet level 101 brute. all incarnated out, etc. set them at -1/+0 i have completed them on other toons back on live, but havent done them recently. this is my badger, so stress! easy peasy. literally a cake walk. just do not bog down killing mobs. errrr....be efficient....
  12. yeah. so i have an SG mate that is helping me with the damage taken badges....how the heck does a melee get the healing badges. or mezzed? lol it would have taken me 3000 vet levels to get the damage taken badges knocked out. looking like 30,000 vet levels to get healing with the tools i know about....
  13. I am an American. I will say it. Not to raise hackles for a laugh (although that can be a nice bit of whipped cream on top) I say it....because it is the TRUTH. Over the last few years I have actually modified HOW I say it, and placed some consideration on WHY the person is doing what I feel needs to be pointed out. Yet, in the end, I will be pointing it out. Basically no one gets to do whatever they want due to the fact no one should mention they are violating social rules, are ignorant of what is supposed to happen, or are doing something stupid. If I offend, that is not the primary purpose. Heck, I'm pretty lazy. I really did not want to have to mention it. But I will. If it is amusing, that is not the primary purpose. In fact it can complicate the resolution. I will speak the truth to the abusive, the ignorant, the stupid. I only have so much time left on the planet and I generally plan to put up with as little crap as possible for the remainder of my days.
  14. I made a Dark/Dark Corruptor today. I 50d an Ice/Cold Corruptor a month or so ago. Insanely good. i rarely ran Corr because back in the day I was pissy Redside did not get Blasters. Now I look at Dark/Dark Corr with different eyes. And I like what I see! I am committed to my Brute through Oct or 3000 vet levels whichever comes first lol. But I think I can find some time to explore how to run a very very dark Corruptor. Mainly starting by researching builds/tactics. Just parked at level 1 right now waiting for a minute to do DFBs and pencil in a levelling build.
  15. My main is a Dark/Dark/Soul Brute. It is insanely good. Dark....Dark is special. I would not run Dark Armor without Dark Melee. Not just for theme, but because the insanely good synergy. Lock and Key perfect fit. Dark melee feeds off Recharge. Dark Armor is Resistance based. So.... Increase resistance some. Global Recharge. My main Dark/Darks best Def is mid 30s. Because against most stuff that layer of protection is okay. against really hard stuff 40s aint enough. and against debuffers Def goes away. (no Debuff Res for Def on Dark) Dark depends on semi stealth, and two Mez auras to do some of the lifting for protection. Odd set. Dark/Dark uses the rule Stealth>Mez>Def>Res>Heal. Dont get seen, stun the garbage, Defense is prob going to be meh - (EXCEPT that all Dark attacks add a tohitdebuff, pumping my Def by debuffing my opponents!), Resists what you can, best heal in the game. One of the mez auras has crap base accuracy. Global Accuracy needs to be pumped. Need Recharge and Global Accuracy? Purple Sets! Which pump some odd resists! My Psi Res is over 89% stone cold. Running a Dark/Dark is like running a Nerva Spectral Demon. You want high accuracy and you debuff your opponents accuracy. It is a complex juggernaut doing a damage aura, 2 mez auras, a lot of Damage over Time. It is just a painful blob you dump where the enemy does not want you and survive whatever they do to get you to go away. oh, if you die (rare) you rez with a huge stun (which is great, but you spent a LOT of time throwing all the toggles back on lol)
  16. Nice detail catch. But of course the defining trait of a PROC is that it...procs. Scaling Damage Resistance is just ...on. It doesnt add anything by random chance. It specifically scales up by a mathematical formula. Nothing random about it at all
  17. The Reactive is a Global, ie a unique i/o acting as a set bonus. it will always work, even if slapped into a click power, with all the other rules still applying to it about levels etc Enhancement Set Bonuses Once you slot a second member of a Set into a power (and it has to be a different member of the Set – you can't put two or more of the same member of a Set into a specific power), you start getting bonuses from slotting Sets! The bonuses could be extra defense or resistance or recharge or accuracy or speed or any one of many other possibilities. Slotting any two members of a Set gives you the first bonus of the set. Slotting any third member of the set gives you the first bonus of the set plus a second. A fourth member gives you the first two plus a third bonus and so on up to five bonuses for six members of a set. (Remember some Sets don't have a full six members – sets come in packs of 3 to 6). These Set Bonuses are always on, even if the power in which the Set is slotted isn't activated, and even if that power is greyed out due to exemplaring! However, you do start to lose the bonuses if you exemplar more than three levels under the level of the IOs in the Set.
  18. Special IOs from Sets Some of the IOs from IO Sets single-handedly, all by themselves provide one or more benefits to the whole character, without requiring any of the other members of the Set to be slotted. Some of these also buff an aspect of a power (usually Defense or Resistance), but the majority provide a rather unique extra benefit or bonus which may or may not be related to the Set they come from or the power into which they are slotted. See Set Enhancements with Special Effects for a complete list of all the Special IOs. Special IOs are of two types: Special IOs that act like Set Bonuses, called Globals, and Procs. Globals Set-Like Special IOs The first type of special IO is a "Global". A global grants a constant benefit like a Set Bonus does. In fact, a Global IO grants you a set bonus that requires only itself. Thus all the rules (still works in grayed-out powers, stops working if you exemplar more than 3 levels below the enhancements level, the "Law of Fives") for set bonuses also apply to Globals. So, for example, a level 20 Karma Knockback Protection Global slotted in a level 49 power will still work if the character is exemplared to level 17 and the level 49 power is greyed out. But Karma's Knockback Protection will stop working when exemplared to level 16 – more than three levels under the Special IO itself. If that level 20 Karma was put into Hover which was picked up at level 6, then the Karma would still stop working if exemplared to level 16, even though Hover is still working. There are two (currently, maybe more to come) Global PvP Special IOs that are excepted from the under-exemplaring rule. If it's a PvP Special IO, it will never turn off from exemplaring. Procs All the other Special IOs are called 'Procs.' The term comes from Positron: I'll talk about the Enhancements. The last one in the list is a Proc, meaning a procedure that has a chance of happening. Every time you fire your sniper power with the Toxic DoT Proc Enhancement slotted in it, there is a chance your target gets hit with a Toxic Damage over Time effect as well as the normal damage and effect of your Sniper attack. The term Proc originally came from the days of some of the MUDs which used the term 'spec_proc' or 'special procedure' to denote game events the player could possibly trigger. The term was popularized by EverQuest as 'procs.' Those who come from the World of Warcraft have given the 'proc' the backronym "Programmed Random OCcurrence." But since Positron and CoH preceded WoW, we use the term and definition our Developers use. Unlike the Globals, Procs depend on the power they are slotted in to be activated in order to work. If the power isn't activated, then no benefit from the Proc. Consequently, exemplaring lower than the level of the power means the power is greyed out and can't be used (even passive powers follow that rule), which means the Proc won't work. However, the upside of Procs is that if the power is active, the Proc always works, even if you exemplar way below the level of the Proc. Procs don't follow the -3 level rule that Globals and Set Bonuses do. So, e.g., if you slot a level 50 Run Stealth in Sprint (a level 1 power) and then exemplar down to level 15, you will still get the Stealth bonus when you turn on Sprint even though you're 35 levels lower than the level of that Special IO. Since Procs work when the power is activated, then they continuously work when slotted in a Passive Power or in a Toggle that's turned on. Procs that are in continuous powers cycle or pulse on once every 10 seconds. This is also true when they work in certain pseudopets like 'rains' or 'patches' that have an enduring effect. If slotted in a click power, Procs activate just once for the duration of their effect. Most Procs have an effect that is immediate (like the chance to damage Procs) or last a few seconds (like the mez Procs). Some Procs that provide a self buff have a duration of 120 seconds and will last a full two minutes past when the power is clicked. Procs which affect targets have a chance of activating for each target the power 'hits.' This makes Procs slotted in area of effect powers very beneficial; more so if it's a continuous area of effect like rains and patches. Procs that have a chance to do damage, do so based on the level of the character and not the level of the Proc. The damage is not modified by Archetype. See Table of Proc Damage for specifics. Procs from IO sets brought from the Paragon Market work a little differently to crafted IO procs. Instead of a percentage chance every time the power which the Proc in is activated, the chance of it firing is dependent on the "Procs Per Minute" set on the enhancement itself, and the slotted power's recharge and number of targets. See Procs Per Minute for more details. Terminology Special IOs, Globals, Procs, and Uniques The fact that some Procs give a global buff to a character and are continuously on if slotted in a passive power makes calling the other type of Special IOs 'Globals' somewhat of a misnomer, but since the Devs never gave us terms to distinguish these Special IOs from each other, the players have struggled to find agreed upon terminology that isn't misleading. At one time, all Special IOs were called Globals, or Procs, or even 'Unique IOs' ('unique' meaning only one of its kind can be slotted in a build). The fact is that some Globals are unique and some are not. Some Procs are unique and some are not. Some unique enhancements are neither Globals nor Procs. The only official name we've been given is 'proc' meaning 'procedure with a chance to happen' and that certainly doesn't apply to Globals which are always on, nor even to some of the Procs which always go off when the power is used (unless one wants to argue that 100% is a chance...which is indeed argued). Due to the fact that these proc-like globals all grant an effect lasting 120 seconds from activation, some call them 120s, Proc120s, or Proc-Like 120s. So, be aware that there will be differences in terms players use for Special IOs. In addition to the Special IOs which are Unique – only one of its kind per build, the Stealth Procs are Exclusively Unique, in that if you have one Stealth slotted, you can't slot another Stealth, even if it comes from a different Special IO. A note about Uniques : The code that enforces the "Unique" status will delete any extras that manage to get slotted into a build. Normally, this would not matter, as you cannot slot more than one of an IO marked unique to the system. However, as happened with the Gaussian's Proc, if a power that is not marked unique to the system is then marked Unique it will delete extra copies.
  19. I have only seriously built Invulnerability, Willpower and Dark Armor Brutes. Invulnerability is done using Hyperstrikes patented template (posted below). Willpower I try to cram on Resistance and added Hit Points, while hitting softcap on at least S/L Defense. (This while buffing attacks so as not to gimp build to achieve goals....always build with more than one target in mind) Dark....Dark is special. I would not run Dark Armor without Dark Melee. Not just for theme, but because the insanely good synergy. Lock and Key perfect fit. Dark melee feeds off Recharge. Dark Armor is Resistance based. So.... Increase resistance some. Global Recharge. My main Dark/Darks best Def is mid 30s. Because against most stuff that layer of protection is okay. against really hard stuff 40s aint enough. and against debuffers Def goes away. (no Debuff Res for Def on Dark) Dark depends on semi stealth, and two Mez auras to do some of the lifting for protection. Odd set. Dark/Dark uses the rule Stealth>Mez>Def>Res>Heal. Dont get seen, stun the garbage, Defense is prob going to be meh - (EXCEPT that all Dark attacks add a tohitdebuff, pumping my Def by debuffing my opponents!), Resists what you can, best heal in the game. One of the mez auras has crap base accuracy. Global Accuracy needs to be pumped. Need Recharge and Global Accuracy? Purple Sets! Which pump some odd resists! My Psi Res is over 89% stone cold. Running a Dark/Dark is like running a Nerva Spectral Demon. You want high accuracy and you debuff your opponents accuracy. It is a complex juggernaut doing a damage aura, 2 mez auras, a lot of Damage over Time. It is just a painful blob you dump where the enemy does not want you and survive whatever they do to get you to go away. oh, if you die (rare) you rez with a huge stun (which is great, but you spent a LOT of time throwing all the toggles back on lol) This Villain build was built using Mids Reborn https://github.com/Reborn-Team/MidsReborn Click this DataLink to open the build! Invuln Baseline (Brute): Level 50 Magic Brute Primary Power Set: Battle Axe Secondary Power Set: Invulnerability Power Pool: Fighting Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Leadership Villain Profile: Level 1: [Empty] Level 1: Resist Physical Damage -- RctArm-ResDam(A), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx(3), RctArm-ResDam/Rchg(3), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(5), StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(5), GldArm-3defTpProc(7) Level 2: [Empty] Level 4: Temp Invulnerability -- UnbGrd-ResDam(A), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(11), UnbGrd-Rchg/ResDam(13), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(13) Level 6: [Empty] Level 8: Dull Pain -- Empty(A) Level 10: [Empty] Level 12: Resist Elements -- RctArm-ResDam(A), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx(15), RctArm-ResDam/Rchg(15), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(17) Level 14: Kick -- FrcFdb-Rechg%(A) Level 16: Unyielding -- UnbGrd-ResDam(A), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(17), UnbGrd-Rchg/ResDam(19), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(19) Level 18: [Empty] Level 20: Resist Energies -- RctArm-ResDam(A), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx(21), RctArm-ResDam/Rchg(21), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(23) Level 22: Tough -- UnbGrd-ResDam(A), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(23), UnbGrd-Rchg/ResDam(25), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(25) Level 24: Weave -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def(27), ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(27), Rct-ResDam%(29) Level 26: [Empty] Level 28: Invincibility -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def(29) Level 30: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def(31) Level 32: [Empty] Level 35: Tough Hide -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def(36) Level 38: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def(39) Level 41: [Empty] Level 44: [Empty] Level 47: [Empty] Level 49: [Empty] Level 1: Fury Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A) Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A) Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A) Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A) Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A) Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(7), Mrc-Rcvry+(9) Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-End%(A), PrfShf-EndMod(9), EndMod-I(11) Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A) Level 4: Ninja Run Level 50: Agility Core Paragon ------------ | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1013;492;984;HEX;| |78DA6552DB4E1351143DD3196EBDD042CBB491164B0DA03E34A2BC1B2A62549A909| |8F8DA0C655B4E32199A99C1C0A30FFE802FFC059F8017E073BC246A34BE8C7B662F| |75E29CA4DDE7ACBDD6DAABA7A77FBC553C7BF4EABE320A0F5C2708063DFF28A489B| |E33D2435329557FECBD3C72BD76CF09C8D51EB56F26845B53DCB393EDA04F2E51B7| |E784A14B83CD636A09BC452FC80BA82B06E43B7BDAD5E1892AED1E1EBADD6D3D3A0| |8B5372A26A71D72C67C28FF39EC931F1CE8713E393F1B13ED571F8EF5B0BBE90F43| |3D1CF49D2024FFA4C11956F913C5EB9C37CA88BFA209D5E1CD9AA5724BA8D7A55AC| |BA875AE2D4B4DDEE59FB86E89C15B969A62609ADFA491FF2EB5F803F5674AF08EA9| |F135B0404DC580C0EF1928C0A78020B308328B201504C9B1BE245C557A9D4BBC3FF| |0A90C7D19392AC8318F1CF3E91C174CAD4250C5C01A06D630D0C64093072E80BB00| |731BE60D9837606E31B70E6E3D163176AD86FA5438CDAFA920974C5D346245642C4| |2D084C066B39698192DF496D04BC457DCEA80D001E10608732C5E416F05BDD5B4F8| |BFB56DFD7D0B51D3525891BC14B59341762DD0193112E4639E11238D7CCA209FFF2| |1396359EE61F2B9A49A7E22F7FD25CD39953F78FA8DD47C5B25F57626CF9D0CB29E| |41EE65908D0C3253E1272D48F4CBE661B893DFB9AFEE8C| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  20. Enhancement Diversification is specifically focused on the buffing of that power by enhancements. That part is not affected by anything besides the enhancers. Except....Incarnate powers. Those beautiful words " these bonuses ignore the effects of enhancement diminishing returns" Everything else that buffs a power (or the toon in general) have nothing to do with ED. Although, as mentioned above, each Archetype has hard parameters for nearly everything on the character. Health, total damage bonus, flight speed, you name it. Brute max for ability to add damage bonuses is HUGE. For the life of me I cannot remember the percentage. Its somewhere in the 500-700% range lol. It is very large compared to everyone (again guessing) except Blasters maybe From Uun in January (thanks) At full fury, brutes will outdamage scrappers. Scrapper base damage scale is 1.125. Assuming 95% +dmg from enhancements, scrappers will be at 2.19 before criticals. Criticals have a 5% to 15% chance to occur depending on the rank of the foe and the power being used. Assuming an average chance of 7.5%, scrappers should average 2.36. Brute base damage scale is 0.75. Full fury provides about 175-200% +dmg, which is added to the 95% from enhancements, bringing brutes to 2.78-2.96.
  21. Every time an Angel gets its wings a Respec fails.
  22. Sorry you had a rough one. Yesterday was actually one of my best CoH days, probably the best. And CoH is my favorite game...sooo. Yep, best day. Hands down. Why? Team. Or should I say SG. You see I usually just solo and PUG. I run solo SGs. I played WoW for 6 months last year, joined an SG. Could never get Discord to work. It was like being in a chat channel. I wasnt a good player, and they were friendly. Good place for help/advice when things went way south basically. Back to CoH in Oct. Solo SG. 90% my game since Oct has been on my main Dark/Dark Brute. Solo SG. PUG. Someone asked me to join their SG a couple weeks ago. I thought...sure, wtf. I was in in for about 10 days. 3-4 peeps on at a time. One night no one was on. Nope. Not for me, not why I quit solo SG. I looked at Excelsior message board and found a likely group. Did a shout in General "Is anyone on from...." Immediate response "what ya need?" "SG invite..." "We got a process" Sigh, I effing hate processes. But I booted up Discord enough to find their group and agree to their rules. SG invite. Okay, that wasnt too painless. And I ran with them for a week, semi PUG stuff, whatever they were doing. Got a few badges. very active. This was why I gave up my storage base! Saturday. Magi Master run. Need...list of expensive inspirations. (easy peasy) Rocking 50 (done) Discord. "F me" Okay. I needed those basges. I am approaching 1100 and while 200+ are just work the last 100-200 are not going to happen by luck. I plug in the $150 headset I never got to work (literally scrapping dust off it) and I could hear!. (this is a second comp, older than the main box I tried to Discord wow on...) Okay. win. As we get ready I play with the simple setting in Discord. They can hear me!?!. Holy crap. We load in. These folks do the Magi run weekly. The really hard way badg!, 1 death for me. gangbusters! We do Magi trial again for a different badge. Then two other incarnate trials. Smooth, fun, and I felt like I mostly brought something to the League. Even though I was the least experienced at the difficult Trials. (I pug, soooo lot of BAF and random 50 TFs) More importantly I had fun. I got to laugh with the SG. We had a very experienced and calm leader who kept folks updated on what was happening (props, lot of focus through 4 trials) and there was no drama. Just a few memes and laughter at various game oddities. Pretty much league text chat except by voice. And very excellent real time instruction. But being with the SG, and running in that League while just relaxing, chatting, laughing and getting badges? Yeah, definitely one of my best gaming days in years. again, really sorry you had a rough one. (and it sounds excruciatingly annoying) There will be good days though. And one of those days will end up being the best! Well, unless the best has already happened. And, um, by random luck all the future days are miserable and bleak. Yeah, then that probably will not be as uplifting. Could go either way. Cheers!
  23. Nah, the group I got in with does a few Master runs every weekend, starting with Magi, then random ones. I only died three times in the two runs. (and I already see how to mostly avoid that in the future) They have a good simple system. the real time leadership in discord is truly great (and I have always avoided discord lol) and makes the difference between guessing what is happening and what is happening. The league moves as a tight unit and therefore buffs/attacks etc are all more effective.
  24. Double F-ing clicking on Hybrid.... Who programmed this? If you turn it on WHY WOULD YOU SWITCH IT OFF. It needs to be a click not a toggle *facepalm. Slams head into wall.
  25. we did it twice, once for the really hard way (succeeded!) and once for Triple Threat (got that, league couldnt pull off a 2nd really hard way though and used quills) thank you for the tips. really great league leader and teammates using discord did the trick
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