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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I would play solo. Even if limited to just red or just blue. Gold is too small. But one of the things that truly makes CoX fantastic is that if there were only 6 players who played we would figure out how to schedule TFs SFs Hami etc. would need some beefy toons but we would grind/share/plan and complete. With a few hundred it would just organically happen. We have more than that now. Most teams I see now have 2-3 monster toons on. A couple oddball toons run by vets (toon suspect but player is good. And yes I am very guilty of having a non optimized alt). And then we have 1-2 tourists. I say welcome to all. Let’s do a Posi or Synapse or your first BAF or LRSF. Grind it
  2. Snarky

    Tank advice

    For Tankers how good will the changes be for Dark Melee. The cone regularly hitting 5 on test is sweet news. How about the PBAoE dark consumption? I may end up doing a solo Redside on a Invul/Dark Tank. Very immersive. I have done it on 2 SS/Invul a SS/Will and (it’s been a few years) I think also on a Dark/Invul. Alll Brutes. With the changes to Tank I might just do that
  3. Snarky

    Tank advice

    Thanks everyone. Thanks Hyperstrike for that build too. I have almost finished the SS/Invul Brute you posted a coupe weeks back. Very mean my general problem with melee weapons in CoX is petty. But a deal killer for me. I hate disappearing and reappearing weapons. The entire time I am watching the toon fight I am like ‘where did that go. Where did it come from?” So petty but my OCD will not let me play one for long lol
  4. There is one mission entrance on Port Oakes from a contact that has a door marker that is 200 ft below the Arachnos building. I used to have it memorized. 5 years ago lol. I think it is entered through one of the doors inside by the war map. How do I get a memory upgrade again?
  5. Snarky

    Rare tanker

    I ran an Elec/Elec scrapper back on live. I normally Brute but ran him to 50 and piled on the I/o. He was a freaking beast i would pair elec/Elec. That is not broken
  6. Snarky

    Tank advice

    I tank about 1% of my CoH time. I Brute 90% and do some crazy Blaster Sentinel Don stuff when I get a wild hair i have mostly run Dark/Invul SS/Invul SS/Will and the random Dark/Will Brutes and their Tank counterparts. Counterpart Tanks? I want to play around on Tanks for a while. I want to run a Invul Tank. I like no weapon sets. But do not want to go dark or SS again. So. The unloved Energy, the odd Kinetic, Rad seem to be what I have narrowed down to. StJ and MA are not for me. Any feedback that that can help me choose would be appreciated from peeps who know what the 3 builds good and. As points are from 1 to 50 to Incarnate to beyond. Will be able to put a moderate number of enhancers in the build. Including a KB to KD if Kinetic is chosen for Repulsing Torrent thanks
  7. So I treated myself to a new comp. it’s not the greatest but it is very solid and for CoX is maybe a bit of a overspend. It has an i7 an Nvidia 1660 ti card w/6 gb. It has 16 gb ram. It has 256ssd as well as a 1T drive. It shows CoX so beautiful. MSR with graphics on high and maybe a slight touch of lag. Or I am still processing seeing everything and so am just stunned. But my load screens. Heh. Prob worse than my 300 econo gaming box. The bar will many times crank through all the way to the end. Then nothing for 10-15 secs. Never had a crash. I am running on an Ethernet cable with minimal comp to server lag. Any ideas if I screwed a button up cranking all the setting up or any suggestions???
  8. I went with an early Black Friday sale item from Best Buy. I did not shop a lot. I hate shopping for high end items almost as much as I hate trying to install the razer devices and CoX and WoW and get everything is a working order. Always stupid roadblocks the comp I got is the Omen Obelisk 875-0034. It has intel i7-9700 a 1t harddrive a 256SSD and an Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti. 6gb. Cheap keyboard and mouse (already on a shelf ready to collect dust) and nothing else 899. According to them this is a huge Black Friday sale. Hopefully it will be smooth gaming for a couple years. Thanks for the tips
  9. Dark Melee is one of my go-to sets. I am pretty good at landing shadow maul on more than one target. It will sure be nice to not have that as a constant fight but more or less standard
  10. Which power sets benefit the most from the upcoming changes? I am pretty set in my ways as far as what sets I will probably run. I still am interested in a discussion of the topic to help me understand how the changes will affect play though for instance. Is the increased radius on PBAoE applicable for damage auras? What about footstomp and it’s traditionally oddball size?
  11. Longtime Brute first time caller. Heh no really though I head some whispers about changes to the Tank AT. Did not see anything on these boards that was easy to find anyways. Are there going to be significant changes to Tanks? Honestly I have always thought Tanks were short sheeted a bit for the amount of extra protection they get compared to the damage nerf they take for it. Just my opinion. Would be nice if the Devs found a different mechanic to compensate for that. Granted they are insanely good at what they do. Just not that much better than Brutes who were outdamaging Scrappers before Fury nerf bat hit
  12. I play almost exclusively Brutes. Many without taunt. Most teams consider me the tank if there is not a better one around. It is not my nature. If there is a solid team with a tanker or Brute volunteer I will zip off to solo the largest mob I can find if a team is unsure of content or not steamrollling I will drop into the traditional redside version of a tank. Get the reveal power from P2W vendor. Almost all CoX maps are the same or put together like legos with standard parts. Knowing where the team should be going is very good do not be married to the concept of leading the team. Unless you are the most experienced player and the captain it is not your job. Go with the team and hold agro to quote the old boards. “First to Fight. First to Fall. Never Fall”. That is tanking in the Cities. GL
  13. Theft of Essence chance for + End in your armor Heal power will change Dark Armor. With a decent number of enemies hit. You will refill your End as well as getting fully healed. GL
  14. I think I know if one. Just not sure if it is an official ‘bug’. Not sure if finding an oddity counts as a bug. It is definitely something that is not working as it should
  15. Is this still awarded and if so under what conditions. Yes of course I want it.
  16. I am guessing someone misspelled something on the back end so you have to guess what the typo is lol
  17. I tried everything. Nothing worked. Upgraded to tier 4 Judgement. Keybind works perfect. Meh
  18. Thanks. Really thought you had to get them while there. I will still get every badge I can before leaving Praetorian. Not in any hurry to 50. I have one incarnate already I am working to max out. This is my relaxed badger
  19. Thanks. I assume the one that cannot be missed is the praetorian alignment 5 badge an d reversal badge?
  20. Good to know. Thank you. I avoid MSR except for badges. No help for it I see
  21. I have started my first Badger. For better or worse have chosen Dark/Dark Brute. I loaded into tutorial and received the Avid Reader badge. I did all the locations and plaques in Nova and the Protest Badge i have never tried for every badge before. What badges do I HAVE to do in Praetoria before I leave and how do I go about it? thanks for the help
  22. Thanks. I have tried the dragging and rechecked spelling errors. I am guessing it is the underscores. I started wondering about that last night actually as I was keybinding a new alt in Praetorian and was like why are there underscores in the first part of the pow exec name but not the rest. Will try this tonight. It is the judgement t3 might partial radial or something. Will be t4 it asap as this is my main and I have weeks of grinding to ULTIMATE power lol
  23. All great info thanks. I love the City community and this old game lol. My other game is WoW. Which I mostly solo on. For obvious reasons. Will take the great advice into consideration as I shop
  24. I am getting a new tower because I can. Do not want to overspend but want to make sure I can crank every graphic setting and get through a Ritki raid with no lag. I am just like that i am looking at something like cyberpower pc gamer extreme vr. Is there any hardware floors I should make sure I get? I am a truck driver not a computer builder. Thanks
  25. I cannot get the higher level judgement to keybind. Game does not recommend power name. It worked fine with the first tier Mighty Judgement. Any help would be great. Thanks
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