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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Snarky

    Tech shield

    Back on live I recall a very cool tech shield. But I cannot find it in the costume creator. Is it still in the game? How do I unlock or load it? Thanks
  2. Snarky


    I have not run an AR / devices in years. How is this combo in the new world? How did the Blaster update change it? I was thinking of soloing some story arcs with a PTSD vigilante type and was looking for any input on how that would go and what would make it enjoyable Thank you
  3. I am going to start a toon today and solo every story arc with a SS /will. Rite. This change does not affect my decision at all. Most of my gaming will be solo. 2 minutes is an eternity to finish the objective room in most missions. If it gets ugly there is always the candy tray I will of course be doing all Blue TF as well. As pointed out the crash ina team is. It as bad. If I truly am Tanking for a TF (rare) then that means I have 7 other damage and support crew with no other Brutes or Tanks. I will be fine forgoing Rage for a few minutes then
  4. Snarky

    Elec or Ice???

    So I tried ice/ice for a day or so through 29. Not for me I think I rolled a Elec/Time yesterday and did the DFB salmon run to 18 did a Posi 1 then a Synapse then a Posi 2 and then some kind PLer got me 3 levels in AE. Now at 33. I like how smooth the character is. I did a lot more blapping in the Synapse then I like but the PBAoE is vicious against clocks. On the Posi 2 I did not do it. I might slit it up or not but 99% not. I may even drop it from the final build. A sweet power that does not fit my design I have a four day weekend so this looks like it might be my first 50 in the new world. I really enjoy sitting back and burning stuff down After running a lot of Energy and Dark I am glad for no KB. Just die do not flop around just die lol I will be doing more TFs I started him as a red but had Null switch him at level 1 to Rogue. I have been playing Blueside because teams. This guy is a team build. Planning a Brute for my solo the Blue side every story mountain I never climbed. I will switch him to Vigilante tonite because I can get accolades easier on Blue So. What about Pool/Patron pool? Any advice on what is best for a pure ranged Blaster that isElec/magic concept. As always thanks
  5. What is more effective for late game play. Style is pure ranged with a softcap on ranged def Any feedback is welcomed
  6. Snarky

    Elec or Ice???

    I am enjoying blasting again. They fixed some (not all of my pet peeves with Blasters) I am looking to Incarnate a Blaster that fits my play style which is pure range. I can never find a good concept for guns. Too real world for me. For level 50 content. Incarnate TFs tip missions and random radio grinds what plays better Elec or Ice? Conceptually I tend to favor Ice when I run them at low levels. I have not run either at 50 since back on live and never incarnated one Thank you for any insight
  7. Before they were tweaked for the new issues I played an energy energy back on live and had it incarnated I did not have perma hasten but it was close enough. I went for softcap range def as well. I avoided all melee attacks. It was a solid build and played well enough. Having kB as the bulk of your defense is not great at incarnate level or even anything past 40. I do recommend avoiding all melee but that is my play style. Good lick
  8. I always wanted to blast. I ran a few 50. Masters on live and even incarnated an energy energy. Never loved them. They were never what I really wanted a ranged blaster. The design from the ground up is for blapping Blasters still suffer from their genetics. PBAoE tier 9s really? I pass on those. I would take phase shift or anything I will find useful. An invitation to the death zone is not appreciated I am leveling a vampire Snarkula Dark Time at 35 now and loving it. Avoiding all the juicy melee attacks and grabbing hover and sorcery. From sorcery blast power fly+port and Mez prot. Then stealth Inv and phase shift. I need to run a patron arc. (Running this guy as a selfish rogue of course. I think I want dark powers from redside for patron. I looked at the blue power pools and was unimpressed and they did not match theme. Any suggestions here are appreciated. I have not run a blaster past 20 in years lol But I am having marvelous fun. My selfish little blaster has done both poses and a manti and ran sweet. Good teams of course. I am considering some solo story arcs with this type of build Never got a blaster past 29 doing all story arcs. It gets ugly about there with EBs starting to show. Any ideas on that. Powers/build tactics would be welcome Finally the reason for the post. They actually fixed some of the blaster problems. Yeah. Time gives a lot of blue to Blasters and some decent ranged abilities. Rare in a blaster secondary. Most are pure blapping. Except ice. And that gets odd. They fixed the ranges. Mostly. No more 40 60 80 where do I stand nonsense. Okay o need range increase in my dark area Debuff which is at 40. But it is a lot better. In general they shores up some real soft spots in the whole archetype in my opinion
  9. Ice time has great blue power and Ice is the most control happy set of the ranged damage sets in my opinion. If you really want to peg the concept to 11 at the expense of everything else go Ice/Ice. More soft controls and messing with the mobs. It is not a FOTM high damage set. It does okay damage. It is a Blaster after all. But it leans way to control. I like time as a secondary for Blasters because of the End recovery power. No blue no blast. But I ran an I e/Ice a lot back on live simply because I love ranged Blasters. Ice is ranged including the tier 9. So soft cap ranged def and freeze them down
  10. I have not found the paragon wiki page again. Not saying it is accurate but I just saw it a day ago and it said a pvp rating was required to unlock the contact.
  11. And hero side? Has anyone got this to work?
  12. Still looking for that wiki page. Are you saying that on live you could get older bank missions with these badges? I did not know that All it an over reaction. But I hate pvp. Actually I loathe pvp. No. I do not like it enough for those words And we still have to hit pvp maps if we want their location badges. And be subjected to morons
  13. Let me research this. I would have swore wiki said pvp specifically. Also if you are correct. How do you get the badge then?
  14. A dark melee Invul Brute built for....drum roll. Global recharge. Shoot for 120% before haste. It is SICK what that does to this toon. I ran one once. The only downside is you feel like you drank 7 pots of coffee by the end of the task force. Everything about the build benefits from global recharge. It is sick what the toon can survive and what it can dish out. It’s 30 second buff becomes perma likewise heal and unstoppables downtime is minimal so you are almost always at maxed out resists and end generation. Crash? No problem hit your AoE end drain and get a full blue bar back then hit your Huge heal and get your green bar back
  15. So. I see they finally made a way to get the safeguard mayhem badges if you missed them leveling. Lololol O.K. no not okay not really no You gotta be a PvP futa catgurl to be allowed to get the badges? Seriously I can see them never allowing it. Neglect was what we became accustomed to from NCsoft. We always asked. And they always pretended to be deaf. But to make the badges available to Pvapers and nobody else? I am guessing whoever flipped that switch sits on the PvP maps with a special toon and a ton of “I pwnz uz” quotes already keybound
  16. I play a lot of SS. The rage crash is annoying but the damage is great Do take as much of the enemies attacks as you can. Another reason for taking tough and weave. As a brute when the enemies attack you, hit or not, they increased your damage by pegging your fury Defenses. Soft cap is 45. If you are I/o the build smash/lethal defense at 45 is a very fine goal. Have fun. Melee is about charging in and having fun. Whatever toon you are on should feel like the baddest mutha in the city
  17. I did it again. I alted!!! I had my SS/Invul to 46. Then as I drove all day (I pay the bills driving semis-talk about grinding lol) I thought about why I kept moving from SS back in the day. It is the rage drops. They are irritating. Combine that with on the fly calculating unstoppable drops and the build is hard to run. I considered Dark/Will. Zero issues, but a little squishier than I wanted. So.... I picked up my abandoned alt DM/Invul sitting at 27 and remade him in costume creatir. Then I started spending merits on various characters and shipping I/os over. I have him at 29 now and has Glad +def. Glad + res. Two of the healing set procs not the third yet, will need to check my other toons for merits or grind more and a Brute Fury proc that I put in his tier one attack. Currently I am just slapping things in places and most of the build is SOs. But a DM/Invul is a beat just in SOs because of the way the two sets compliment each other. This will make a fine 50 and way less stress than SS/Invul. I am actually grateful to be a bit of a newb again and rediscovering things. It makes me more open to altering things and reconsidering what I like and what works
  18. It is not bad. All SS Inv is fun if you learn to manage your crashes. I would suggest (f you can afford the time to get them) some Glad +3 res and def. some Numina procs and things like that. I am trying to remember my old builds. I seem to remember 4 slotting my res powers with a set that had a great 4th tier set bonus. Maybe Aegis I seriously have not looked at sets. I been gaming in the city I love while we have it back. Grind happily my friends
  19. Oh yeah I am a grinder even when running low level alts. I ran a 1-20 stopping exp and got every story arc 1-15 and started working on 15-20 before I alter again. Took me a couple days and I netted a little over 299 merits. I spent 100 merits off my main level 46 now had a good night lol. And got the Glad +3% def. if I flood the market with converters it will bottom out as well. I remember spending a day getting all the crafting badges on a toon back in virtue. What it did to the market price in salvage was stooopid lol. Because of the way I game and min max do it NOAH it tends to leave a wake of destruction. Why I run brutes so much Still I appreciate the advice. I got a drop of Glad javelin recipe last night and sold it for 2.7 mil. Of course I am still outfitting SOs. Yes I know about base I/Os at 39. I just never do it. Easier to hit a store for me. I will probably have to market for some of my stuff but I prefer just grinding especially if I can (and I do) make enough merits over a weekend for 2-4 very expensive I/Os. I can Proc and Purple the thing even when just grinding as I love to do. You could never do that back on Virtue
  20. Thank you. I will use this as a goal to build toward filling in things as fast as I can. I found the merit vendor lol. So I have been Altima a lot but I test my alts in task forces as I level to see how they play. So I have enough to get at least 3-5 100 merit I/o. Gotta start searching. Toon is at 41 after a manticore tf and some radio teams tonite. Grind on lol
  21. I am going to start running a 50 after 4 weeks of going alt happy. I want to I/O the build. I am unfamiliar with the latest tricks regarding the many types of currency and how to spend it efficiently Can some kind folks point out the best ways to obtain the healing and end procs the global resists and many of the other goodies that will help an old SS/Invul Brute start getting healthy? Thank you
  22. Okay I been back 4 weeks. Just as alt happy as a puppy in a room full of toys. But now I want a 50 and I want to start grinding level 50 content and Incarnate stuff. So I am asking for help I have not looked at mids since the servers shut down. I still have not installed it on my cheap gaming comp I got specifically for CoX. I mean I been too busy gaming in what little time I got lol. So please include basic text of builds Data chunk is nice but I might not get around to looking at it for weeks My 1st 50 years ago was a SS/Invul Brute. Even with the End problems of a simple SO build before access to Hero Power pools it has always been my favorite. Just ignoring how stupid what I am doing looks to a team and surviving is just Brutes having fun I have a good memory of mostly what I need to do with the build and even half remember the sets I used to use. But refreshers and pointers are what I am asking for. Also any tricks with the new rules and sets and goodies and stuff So finally. After all the buildup. Does anyone have advice on this build at 50 def soft cap s/l. Healing and end procs. Global resist and global def procs are pretty straightforward. There is a global def proc right or is my memory failing? Please post any solid builds for me to shot for. I have zero cash so this toon will be grinding content to earn his enhancers. Thank you super geeks
  23. Snarky


    I been back 4 weeks. So alt happy I haven’t gotten past mid 30s lol. I been doing Brutes Sentinels and Brutes again. This weekend I tried a dark dark blaster then a ice/time blaster. I am having so much fun My little ice blaster hero is half st dom and still better damage than a Sentinel. This build rocks and is pure range. Just hit 29 after one day. I have to have a story on all my characters so I am on the road server. His is that a time lord upgraded his ice machine which became sentient and went off to fight evil. Explains the ice and time powers and why he is a 4 foot tall robot. Good times
  24. unplanned 30 minute maintenance
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