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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. This is probably the best thematic overall choice. There are some powers from powersets that do the “half fade” or have the option to switch the power animation. But you said you did not want to be locked in like that. Stealth takes LOTG and a few other unique pieces commonly crammed on high end builds.
  2. Jump+stealth slotting end fully and perfshift proc, plus any end tricks can be crammed on. There are health i:os that give +end as well. Cram on
  3. Is this a real thing? Because if not we can make it up and use the old tune “leader of the pack”. Those lyrics were so corny turning it into a Christmas parody would be doing it a favor…
  4. Snarky

    Invuln/Rad Build

    “There is maximal cheese in my soul” sounds like a alt rock album name
  5. First, you locate a horse….. preferably in a secluded area. The mess is really allows the gift to keep on giving 🎁
  6. What are the best gifts you are giving this year? Thoughtfulness counts as much as cash. For instance, the horsehead I left in an old business partners toilet was free….but priceless.
  7. ahhh. i see. you miss the point. the gif was more accurate than i knew. the theme of this thread is 2XP is bad, so why do we have it. but that makes the argument that if i do not like something no one should have it. which brings up....this is why we can't have nice things.
  8. You should have seen his face when he found the bodies i hid in his sleigh. Priceless
  9. Eddie the Eagle. Olympic Athlete whose greatest strength was sheer courage. Not daunted by lack of great athleticism or skill, facilities or equipment, this man would ski jump (erm attempt) on any platform that any other world champion would go down. What can I say, crazy is a super power. My eternal respect Eddie.
  10. You seem to be saying..( i could be wrong, I miss human expression so often these nights ) that there is a problem in that XP boosts exist. hence my statement (this is why we can’t have nice things” and illustration
  11. Honestly I have always been addicted to going theough old story arcs at level they were designed for. To me Redside is the best it got. Sure, Gold had better gimmicks…but the storyline….politics and mindgames? No thanks. Give me a double dealing crook boss any day of the week. The stories are believable, have fun twists, self reference, and lead into big storylines of the game.
  12. Really strange to hear a complaint about perma double XP weekend from a Vet….especially since we are sending multiple offers of throwing buckets of cash or showing how to make inf incredibly fast
  13. Hey, maybe do not get the exp buff… bonus suggestion: turn off experience at 4/5/7/9/14/19/24/29/34/39/44 and do ALL content in that level range. True respect if you side switch and do both red/blue. And….you will be able to afford SOs. Also, check out Yomos giveaway. Bumped to too of General
  14. i am guessing (not researching/testing) that as long as you BU and RoF then ALL the RoF is considered boosted. otherwise ice would be even more screwed than it is.
  15. This game, even at the end, is unlike most of what you are used to. You can play it your way, at varying power level. The "end all" of PvE is fully incarnated (a sm grind to get there) with a "full build" This will allow you to step into the hardest Incarnate Trials with good chances, although the newest HARD mode TFsSFs like Dr Aeon and ITF will take that + skill/knowledge. I know nothing of PvP. it has always been a different game, built for and played under different rules than PvE. It does have 4 separate zones stuck at different max level.
  16. please use the south end of the crypt. thats where I stack my "empties" anyways.
  17. When you first start art classes you strive for uniformity. You want predictable, regular shapes. The human (and most mammals) value symmetry as a form of attractiveness. Therefore right and left side mostly appear to mirror each other. Nature goes along with this, satisfying the consumer. But nature is no fan of symmetry. Look under the hood and the right and left sides of mammals do different things, especially the brain. At the upper ends of art, asymmetry, subtle or blatant, rules the compositions. Without slight differences all you have is boring drech a 3D printer could churn out with a mediocre pogram.
  18. It depends on the 1) leg type 2) certain armor sets
  19. They are working on a Regen Nerf for next patch, right?
  20. I've got a skull on the desk, a momento mori decorative plate, red roses for the dead, and barely visible under sm monitor is a little marketing device that says SNARK. What, you want livers stapled to the walls? Although now that you mention it I kind of want to run black material over the two facing walls..... Hmmmm. research time.
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