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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. My 2 inf. It sucks. Not in that wonderful vampiric way either. Hard Mode (and the incredible rewards) create a two tier system of people. Those who run the stuff, and those who cannot or will not. This divides player resources (people) which we are short on. Then the rewards further divide the community into haves/have nots. To anyone who would argue the "shiny new hard difficulty" keeps better players interested.... a few months after the hard mode came out the entire leadership and guild of Cosmic Council departed for other places. AFTER spanking the hard mode content into the ground AND manipulating the new economy like a room full of Warren Buffet clones.
  2. Well... This is a lot to revisit. As long as this was brought back I will share a bit of my personal psyche. I have a huge issue with death, mortality, human frailty, and the finite time we have. This is why I am fascinated by vampire lore, undeath, etc. There are other reasons as well, but my issues with death are a huge part of that. I never went back to this thread after I posted a brief message of condolence. I revisit many threads, but stuff like this is too painful. Even an unknown fellow gamer is too close. Now I have looked at the pictures, the love, the struggle, the determination, and a bit of the life of Rose. I am grateful it was shared. We are all marching towards oblivion. May we do so with a small amount of the grace and courage that Rose displayed.
  3. Kill most for me....Take my Brute and wander, kill most of what I find. When the team finishes w/e objective thingys they were doing a "mission complete" will pop up...
  4. I'm willing to stick a few of you in a deep vat of sparkling water to try. We will need complete submergence for an extended time for a successful experiment. Sign this waiver. Step this way.
  5. I tend to play it by ear joining teams. I prefer most content at +0 and "at a good clip" I do not say speed. I have seen true speed runners. I absolutely can not keep up. Or if I can I am arriving as the fight as over. Keeping pace with the team and providing NO assistance. Yet I do know the content and move at a good clip. I have heard some people complain I go too fast. Perception is everything, but I know what "true" speedruns are. I cannot do them. I like ITF at +4, but I still want the team moving along. If a team cannot get through a +4 ITF kill most at a decent slip there are issues. In my opinion. I have been on many an SG team that have done the ITF (+0) at under 15 minutes, and the speedrunners in that group had posted and verified times in the single digits. I think 6-8 min? Not my record, do not remember. When I lead TF/SF teams I almost always run at +0 and advertise as "quick runs", or "as fast as we can" or maybe "speedy-ish" again, I do not consider what I do speed running. just, fast... Get in, hit the mission requirements, move on. Sightseeing is for people who have not played the game a long time. Solo it if you want to read, or make your own team. When joining other teams, unless a kill most/kill all, I will try to move things along. Stay "near" the team, but try to get the goals done. Team awareness is important. A good example is the Tarikoss. Some of those missions just need 1-2 peeps. Some you split up to find objectives. One, with Longbow, you need to have good team awareness, and good objective awareness. You only split one or two stalkerish peeps off as scouts. Stay together....it is faster. I like fast.
  6. I have experienced the "most incredible" group gaming online. It was here in CoH with Cosmic Council. Near nightly activities and weekly Master Incarnate TF runs (Master Really Hard Way every week!) Sigh.... The leadership of Cosmic are hard chargers. They had kids and moved onto other challenges after blasting everything in CoH to bits (badges, completion times, holes in game geometry, you name it. I even got to watch then dance Sally onto shore for half an hour....) Now I am working a very screwy schedule, studying German language, and trying to hit weightlifting goals. My gaming time and need for an SG is pretty low. Most of my CoH experience is currently forum lurking.
  7. I prefer Willpower on Sentinel, but honestly have always avoided Regen (I keep hearing they are going to nerf it...) I have run a few Willpower Sents. On a Beam Rifle/Will Sent it was insanely fun run. Until 50, then you realize you are doing meh team help. I can run a Brute and "pretend" I am helping. Sometimes I even rescue a teammate who is not where they are supposed to be. (Which I can do on a good Blaster 75% time...) But after running "real" Blasters and Corruptors it is hard to sit on a Sentinel and sandpaper away at enemies.
  8. Except for the “miracle cure” audience pleasing ending it is a perfect vampire movie. There are very few perfect vampire movies. If you turn off the last two minutes this might be it
  9. I am in this game just so i can pretend
  10. Rules? Give me the candy. Or else....
  11. I use Hyperstrike's Invulnerability guides to slot that defense/armor set. Aside from shopping for the components it just does not get any easier. If you have not looked at Hyperstrikes work I highly recommend it. I would place a Hyperstrike Invul Brute as more survivable than anyone else's Tank except a Hyperstrike Invul Tank.
  12. OR....Powergame it....a LOT of fiber over the last two days and then a big Taco Bell order!
  13. You ate a LOT of fiber over the last couple days?
  14. I can offer you a very non clicky defense set that works much better than Regen, and is easier to slot (and use) Invulnerability. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...
  15. Let us discuss the history and future of Regeneration.
  16. You lost me at well balanced…. I run a Brute!
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