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Everything posted by Zeraphia

  1. If it's possible, sure! However, I must caution that this may be a problem to implement due to the timeframe animations lagging the servers and areas with high volume activity (Eden/RWZ) so people could in theory "grief" the servers causing unintentional crashes. If that's not the case, then by all means.
  2. Because I don't want a recharge, I want a power that lasts permanently on an enemy if I want it to. I don't care however you repackage that, I like the power how it is, and anything less than how it is, is a net nerf.
  3. NO. Please stop trying to RUIN this power. I enjoy it the way it is.
  4. This has kind of derailed into an MSR discussion, which may be fair game, but overall that's not why I started this thread, and if people really want the lowbies, again, it's not really my care one way or the other. Not the hill I want to die on. I am tired of dealing with the Rikti War Zone cap. It is a nightmare to deal with. For a zone that hosts the raid, numerous end-game task forces, and several badges for exploration, it doesn't make much sense to cap it to a level where the raid alone takes up 80% of the space. Again, I'm not adverse to going with the raid in the instanced version or not, I simply just don't care as I don't even like doing MSRs to begin with, what I truly dislike is how frequent this becomes and how much grief this causes me for recruiting. FYI, I can give screenshots/proof of people not understanding how the two zones work and holding up teams *10 full minutes* trying to figure out the zoning. People were requesting me to kick this person.
  5. Well sure, but realize that for every 1 of these "noobies" there has to be someone covering their load for them. A lot of this community is fine with that aspect, but that is the reality. If the league was filled with all noobs, and no one to carry all these people, then they surely all die and get very little merits. Even if there's several carries, you still wasted merits to that person carrying you. I have to describe it as selfish behavior overall, especially for experienced players who are using the raid purely as an AFK AE bypass. Further, there is leveling content catered to these levels. An MSR contains many 54-level enemies, the likes of which are comparable to iTrials and TinPex. What level do those events require? Level 50.
  6. You misread my post. I do NOT care about the lag. I do not lag. I care about the extreme ANNOYANCE that is recruiting with two versions of the zone, that can randomly get filled and wasting tons of time and patience telling people "oh no you have to go to RWZ2 because the first one is full" for the 20th time, and then the guy can't figure out how to get to the second area or went to the wrong place on the map and takes 40 years, then if you tell them to use the base teleport they don't understand what that is nor have it available, etc. Gatekeeping this issue is stupid.
  7. Honestly you know what dude, I couldn't care less at this point whatever solution they wanna do with it, this I'm all for, and I'm throwing my hands up in the air over how beyond stressful this crap is.
  8. Please, change this to something like 200+ capacity. There are numerous task forces, regular missions, and an entire event RAID in the same zone. Having to click between two different versions of the same zone repeatedly is utterly annoying, tedious, and a source of unrelenting grief for me to recruit people. Also, it forces people who aren't even wanting to join in MSRs to fill spots. I am so beyond relief sick and tired of explaining "come to Rikti War Zone 2" to someone who takes 20 minutes to switch zones. This is insanity. Please for the love of all that is holy, change this ASAP.
  9. I have got to say, I am a massive fan of these changes! In all of your hard work, this is by far the most meaningful to me yet. You truly don't realize how valuable transportation powers are, and through all the changes made, this makes me ecstatic! I now feel like I don't have to always choose a specific travel power anymore because they're all wonderful! A MASSIVE THANK YOU from me! SUPERB work!
  10. I can solidly respect the attempt and intentions with this post. That said, I don't think this is the way to go. I think adding some of these concepts and minigames in another zone could be unique or fun though even in PvE.
  11. I just find this selection of colors for Cold Domination/Ice Blast/etc. a little... Sad. I'd really prefer to see more vibrant reds/greens/etc. In addition, many of these colors are *so* similar you would really have to microscope the details to find a difference in variation... Images to help: These are NOT the same color, and they are literally identical. (Fun game: guess which one is the lighter and darker) I sincerely think there could be honest improvement in this color palette. It's quite sad and monotonous jewel-tones. "Cold Domination" itself sounds very diabolical and vivid, and none of these colors (other than the more extreme blues) really capture the essence of even the name of the set.
  12. I can get behind this and be fine with it, I'm not nearly as against improving the damage to those powers (would rather see them do better secondary effects) as I am RUINING the two powers (Detention Field & Repulsion Bubble) in my Force Field kit. Those are actually the two powers that made me CREATE the Defender to BEGIN with. I'd actually be spitting mad if that was removed or tweaked. It would literally force me to delete the entire character because of it without apprehension. Absolutely hardcore no vote on that.
  13. Tanker - Radiation Armor - Super Strength Tanko Mode.mxd This is a Tanker purely built for survivability. It will NOT do great damage, but your son will have to drop all of his toggles and stand idle to die in this. I wouldn't recommend taking the powers in the order it is presented as in Mids, but it is Rad/SS. It also has Super Speed and Super Jump so your kiddo can run around and jump all to his hearts' desire while being an unkillable tanky boy! Hope you enjoy 🙂 - built out, this build should cap S/L/F/N/E/P/T resistances, near softcapped melee defense, and your only "hole" is Cold damage (the rarest form of damage in the entire game) and he has access to Vengeance, Unleash Potential, and Meltdown for extra survival if needed.
  14. Sorry, but to be quite honest... No. I dislike almost the entirety of all the suggestions of this thread for just some simple reasons... #1 This is a support set. This is not a control or a blast set. I don't see the purpose for turning TWO of the powers into blast set 2.0's, also it borderlines on being ridiculously overpowered for controllers. Hard no vote. At that point, you've nearly made another blast set. The only reason most people likely want it is to get some extra damage from their controller containment procs which isn't what the developers likely intended or would've intended to do for this set. #2 This is a set that people have played and enjoyed, therefore I think it's wrong to take away Detention Field's aspect of possibly permanent intangibility if that IS what the player desires to do. They don't want a nerfed toggle version, I certainly wouldn't and I oppose this change. This is a part of "enjoyment" rather than functionality. Also, for lots of people, the T9 AoE repel is desirable for its massive size??? How about instead of trying to improve the damage of a support set, how about you improve its offensive amplifications. Instead of improving the damage on Force Bolt how about it does a -20% damage resistance in addition to its regular effect? How about instead of improving the damage of replusion bomb, you add in -20% resistance to that too? Or -def so that you can slot an Achilles in the power and get some juicy proc opportunities? Maybe add +to hit on the AoE defense power or an interesting damage proc like Electric Affinity?
  15. I'm going to be honest with you, these are just not the changes IMO, that I'd want to see. While they're fine and I wouldn't be sad that they were implemented, the way I see it is that on the DPS numbers, both ATs and even their specialties are absolutely great. Not overpowered, but very good. The issue that doesn't show up in the number-crunching is that on many other ATs be it Blaster, true Stalkers, etc. is that they can burst for much higher damage and more consistent damage than either HEAT/VEAT can. So while a NW could actually have the DPS to keep up with many Stalker variants, what's missing from these numbers is that there's a much larger spike in damage from an AS crit, and then the re-hiding you can do with their ATOs. Honestly, a watered down version of the Stalker ATOs would be very helpful. As to what those would be, I'm not sure. But what these VEATs really need IMO isn't something that up's their DPS, rather delivers larger bursts to their longer CD powers to down enemies with less HP faster. An example would be coming across a +1 boss. Sure, the NW can down it decently, but much slower albeit and a lot less safely than a Claws Stalker can due to the virtue of AS, and a larger scaling for damage so that the boss lives only a few seconds whereas the NW will still regularly take 10+ seconds to truly down the bosses. This creates a huge gap in performance that isn't seen on a pylon test. What the VEATs need IMO is great consistency and burst damage capability. Powers that hit hard, maybe give up some on the sustain, and more on the burst. EDIT: also to add with my experience with these ATs, they are absolute endurance nightmares. They're basically team-oriented Super Reflexes Stalkers (B&NW) while having extremely fast animating attacks with considerable endurance costs and they also have a far more limited burst potential than Stalkers who may from their secondary get far more help than VEATs for endurance management. I think this should be sincerely addressed especially because VEATs are very centered around toggle usage.
  16. I've got to say, I actually like the creativity and the idea, and I love @Steampunkette's contribution on the mechanics, but I can tell you from MANY player perspectives this will immediately become an extremely lopsided incarnate. Let me explain, Thermal has Fire and Ice damage. This is important because Fire damage is the least resisted damage type in the entire game, and it is by far the most vastly preferred damage type in game other than some unique situations where you may want Psionic (some T9's and Cyclops/Minotaurs). I can tell you already Thermal Core Super would be picked lopsidedly over almost all of these besides maybe Niche Biological Core Super. All of the rest would be relatively meaningless. I say this because with judgements, you still have a variety of targeted aoe, pbaoe, secondary effects, etc. and the actual animation of the power (how "cool"/pretty you find the nuke) to take into consideration when choosing between the options. With this, it just converts the power, with none of those things to consider, and would overwhelmingly favor Thermal Core Super.
  17. I've got to say, while I have disagreed with some of your suggestions before, I really like this one. This is a basic suggestion that I can really get behind and I genuinely hope this gets implemented in the game one day.
  18. I find myself agreeing with both you and @MTeague ironically. What I think could be a "compromise" would be that some specific circumstances maybe it can be okay to aggro more than 17 enemies at a time. Maybe a specific AE mission setting or something along those lines, or only along specific missions/task forces it could be "unlimited" (think ITF).
  19. I disagree. Despite the long cooldown, if you're in a situation where your team is far away from you or is woefully unprepared for a specific piece of content (rularuu, malta, etc) where wipeouts tend to occur, I can definitely say it could be a saving grace. Least played does not always equal effectiveness. Dominators have a hard time in the earlier levels without Domination access which is general brought on by incarnates/IO's. That said, I LOVE Dominators. I wouldn't consider them "lacking" or "slightly higher damage over Defenders" I'd say they're actually solidly ahead as a unit by themselves (sans Storm Summoning and Kinetic/Fire) most Dominators solo will far exceed Defenders. Where Defenders beat Dominators is not their DPS, but their overall DPS contributions to a team and keeping people alive (dead teammates do no damage). While I don't disagree with your assessment of the applications pets may have at lower levels, I have to clarify some of the things being said. Now, your set's penultimate T9 can be very strong or very lackluster. Personally, I do not use Unstoppable as it is basically a death button after a period of time. A Blaster's nuke however I'd argue is one of the strongest examples of amazing T9's that you should in almost all cases take on virtually every Blaster you create (sans maybe AR). However, pets can be very skippable on Controllers/Dominators. The general trend that you identified is correct, that it is supposed to be the "ultimate" power of the set, above all others. Some see that as the pet that provides decent damage to you, some may see it as the Hold. Now, I think your argument has some flaws, and I think the justifications are a bit wishy-washy BUT I do actually like your suggestion for some of your more simple points, being that it is very helpful for lower level players (especially controllers) to have those pets out and pumping damage. AoE holds as T9's actually do make sense given it is a universal "ultimate" of the set, and given that a pet can be much more generally helpful to controllers/dominators at those levels than an AoE hold would be (not that it has no uses as it can indeed save a team or yourself, but the damage from the pets are much harder to pass up solo). Although, I believe it may be one of those unfortunate "ship has sailed" dilemmas where people are making builds around these powers, and while most probably would be inclined to go with your suggestion instead, you'd still upset a portion of the community who really prefers those controls over pets. Now that may sound like a "no vote" from me, but it is actually a yes vote for me to make it happen, and I would actually greatly enjoy this, I'm just pointing out some of the pros and cons.
  20. I can agree with you, to be frank that I don't want it to supersede what Mind Control already has... That said, I still think this would be a very unique and completely interesting mechanic for mind control. However, I think some of these concepts could be used on another mind-adjacent set for control. I think the idea of confusing a pet to turn it into a MM-esque pet would be very cool, or make it a more fluid option as part of confuse if desired or something. Perhaps make a clicky toggle that appears (much like a temporary power) that gives the confused target MM-like controls, and when the duration wears off, it just relinquishes control. I think that would be real neat even if it's a little more complicated to play and may give Mind a bit of a unique Niche. Basically, if you wanted the power the same, without the MM controls, you are free to use it as you are now, but if you'd like the MM controls, you can use them to "pacify"/act defensively/attack specific targets/etc. which would be extremely unique it may be a little overpowered but I can't really say I'd be opposed given the current powercreep and the general consensus that damage/support>all in the state of the game. As to the specifics on how it would work on AV's/EB's I have no idea, but imagine the fun it would be to turn Ghost Widow or something into your actual pet... That would be marvelous.
  21. SERIOUSLY. I don't know how much more I could possibly agree with a suggestion like this. The animation is cool and all, but there has got to be some nice more flashy Axe Kick-type animations from various martial arts styles that can suite this power better. +1
  22. Weird that this isn't gaining much traction, but I think this is an *extremely* valuable suggestion for someone who has multiple alts that are similar in style and cannot remember which ones exactly have done the WST. Absolutely a +1 from me.
  23. Absolutely not. Don't like how I use my abilities? Kick me. I don't play the game for your entertainment. I even say that as someone who doesn't use knockback-oriented characters. Let people play and enjoy the things that they want to. They make dedicated characters to these powers. It's not fair to take that away from them.
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