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Everything posted by Zeraphia

  1. I think for certain themes this would be wonderful and experimental. +1 Also many modern heroes and villains that fall into the "Scrapper" category (Wonder Woman, Psylocke, etc.) typically have some sort of "ranged" ability.
  2. This is something I've encountered several times doing PvP, so I fully support Macskull's suggestion here. However, I'd still like to be able to use the slash command for regular PvE. Yes, it is "broken" but honestly? It just reduces travel times, it doesn't necessarily offer an in-combat advantage other than fully placating a fight in a Master of TF. I'd personally prefer a solution that keeps the base macros as-is but excludes the command from working in a PvP zone or arena event or mission during combat.
  3. Thank you actually for this! I really do appreciate the response, it's just very frustrating to see these things happen to a game you've liked for so long, and how these newer developers end up treating you. I think possibly a combination of your suggestions will be what I may end up doing. Thank you for responding!
  4. Hello! I would like to ask maybe those who are more knowledgeable about what I can/should do in a legal and pragmatic sense. So let me address some of the specifics of my situation, I am a PvP player on another game. I have played this game for several years, and there is now a developer team that was created 2 years ago. My PvP strategy could be described as "toxic" because it does take awhile for me to kill my opponent and I try to have strategic approaches to evading death from my opponent. This type of strategy has existed for many years in the game, and only in the summer of 2020 has there been any real statements that it shouldn't be done. Even still, in this current date, the strategy is not banned in this game, and no where anywhere in the terms of service or anything say that using this strategy is "unacceptable/bannable/punishable/etc." As some background, sorry if I'm missing some details. Well, a popular streamer decided to stream one of my matches, and a developer decided to watch it (the same new developers that were recently hired that only recently decided this was a "bad" strategy) and made many disturbing posts that encouraged people to bully me. I was wondering what I should do? I genuinely do enjoy this game, I despise these new developers, and I think they're slowly driving the game into the ground. However, encouraging the bullying of a player for using perfectly legitimate items and gear has to be a serious ethical violation. I understand this is the CoH forums, so I've kept the game vague, but I would like some sort of advice if anyone has any.
  5. Said it before, will say it again, a solid small-large matte floor tile. Basic thing, would allow for near-infinite customization possibilities!
  6. Now this is something I do think should be in order. Not necessarily as game-breaking or as significant as another update may be, but it would allow for more recreations of a character's bio and versatility story-wise. A lot of us choose an origin for our characters on creation believing that particular origin will carry through the character's life, however, lots of times a new concept/backstory of the powersets emerges and it sparks a more interesting theme for such characters. However, the origin remains limiting, as say a character imbued with magical artifacts in a later story, does not mesh well with the primary origin of being "natural," as this character would then be of a magic origin, which leads to the fact that the origin is now "outdated." Having such an option to change character origin also imposes very little game-play implications. +1
  7. On principle, I agree and understand your frustration. However, I have to disagree pragmatically. Someone who does half the work, or only up to one mission in a task force, should not get the same merit reward as someone who was there for the duration of a task force. There are prompts that warn the captain about the task force's locked-in nature. I must say no to this, though I understand your frustration.
  8. This has come up a few times, just stating the broad "normalize recharge times" without mentioning which powers in specific you'd like to see reduced doesn't give much to go off of. Some control powers IMO are just fine as is... That said, there are definitely a few (Mass Confusion) that could definitely use the recharge reductions. I'd like to see what powers in specific you want to see changed therefore we can get a better idea of what you're suggesting/asking for! 🙂
  9. You may be one of the few people I've came across who speak positively of Dr. Greaves, most of the comments I've seen about his arc revolve around the fact it paints you as a stupid idiotic emotionally fueled Brute jobber with no sense of self control.
  10. Well, I don't really see the need for four ATs with the exact same two powerset types, but they do exist, and they are all unique flavors and takes on it. I personally see the Sentinel as filling a hole that is the "pure ranged" Scrapper-type character that is more safe but less reward than Blaster/Scrapper, but not far behind them either. Blasters captured a fantasy that was the "ultimate armageddon damage destroyer," but the "ironman" fantasy was never truly realized. Yes, you can come close to it, but it is an important distinction that a class is purely at range. Blasters can feel like a rocky experience throughout certain levels, a Sentinel will probably feel smooth beginning-end, may not be the most "impressive DPSer" but would feel excellent. My hope for them is that they can some day realize their true potential, start to gain a leg up on their DPS to make them closer to their DPS cousins, because unfortunately, Sentinels in their current state are not good at what their primary motivation should be: DPS. The AT does not control, it does not taunt, it does not summon pets, it is a DPS AT, handicapping its damage so much out of fear is stunting its primary purpose.
  11. ???? What? Dark is one of the strongest control sets in the game, it features Earth's version of an AoE hold which is much longer-lasting than most AoE click TAoE holds. Dark has basically Fire Control's Flashfire except as a PBAoE in Heart of Darkness (which yea I can agree does hinder it, but Dark is by no means stunted in controlling potential because of it). With high recharge this disorient can be made permanent. Because every single power has -to hit on it (making the caster safer) it also allows for the Cloud Senses proc which is one the least resisted procs in the game. This set is not weak in terms of damage at all. Dominator and Controller ATOs are novelties. They are really more used for their bonuses (specifically the ranged defense and recharge) than anything else. Dark also has the Haunts and the Wolf, and all of its powers accept the clouded senses proc at the bare minimum, therefore I really don't agree it is one of the least damaging control sets by any means. But the power is one of the strongest controls in Dark Control's arsenal. I don't understand where you thought a permanent aoe disorient combined with an aoe immob to produce the same effect as a permanent hold is a lackluster control by any stretch of the imagination. This suggestion I vehemently oppose. Absolutely not. I love the power, it is honestly the entire reason I chose Dark Control over other powersets on my Dominator for specific tasks such as TPN, it is an excellent early game tool. Your suggestion will also have horrific affects on the Contagious Confusion proc, you are basically asking for a nerf that no one asked for. As harsh as these points may sound, I am not seeking to harm or demean you, but I think you need to learn more about game mechanics and the inner workings of this set.
  12. Powerset? Maybe not necessarily... V-FX option to have one pistol/gun/weapon in one hand and a sword/shield/gun/etc. in the other? Superb!
  13. People who beg for AE farms in LFG for 2 hours straight...
  14. I'm of the opinion that I do not think TA is the "worst set imaginable" in many situations, but I think overall for what it does it is lacking or far exceeded in comparisons to its neighboring support sets. On teams, the debuffs of Cold, buffs of Kinetics, Nature, etc. far exceed what TA really does unfortunately. If I'm going to be honest, in a weird way it plays to me a lot like a soft-control version of Storm. It has quite a few debuffs like storm does, and it has lots of soft-control. TA doesn't provide the heavy-duty damage buffing, the very high -res in comparison to Cold, the defense even FF provides, or resistances that Sonic and Nature provide. IMO, it just doesn't provide enough "bells and whistles" to set itself apart, especially when we have Cold Domination that is so good. Is it a "bad" set? No, it is a fair set, but it has nothing that truly sets it apart other than IMO, going a bit overboard on control. Solo, I feel it is better-than-average, but overall IMO Storm is just the better deal. The knockdowns instead of sleep, the actually higher damage, etc. kind of make TA seem rather tame in comparison. However, certain support sets like Empathy for example are not the best solo and feel infinitely worse than TA does.
  15. And the god awful trays upon trays filled with temporary powers and macros over your own powersets...
  16. And I actually agree, it is far easier. The only issue is we're in a scenario where the "cats out the bag" now, where these Shivans/Nukes are in many cases required to participate in the events I described in my previous post and retain listings and times based on that. Having two different variations, would mean you're still going to have to go to that PvP zone, possibly engage in player conflict you do not wish to in order to obtain these powers. Possibly require 4-5 (I'm just spitballing a number here, obviously the devs would decide) scientists to be rescued, make the difficulty possibly more strenuous but same rewards to make up for the lack of griefing, and give equivalent badges like you said that aren't necessarily the same badge name but given an equivalent badge toward the counter of badges completed.
  17. The difference being people drinking doesn't necessarily affect you like how griefers can affect you. You're not making a good faith comparison. I'm mostly in agreement with these statements, but there are griefers, the jury has been out on this one, and this is not just my opinion. Please stop using this argument of "it's not necessarily required," at the end of the day, nothing in this game is required beyond a functioning map, mission, and power system. Nukes are used in several of my speedruns, as are Shivans are they present a very real advantage in these contests and ARE practically required to participate in these contests otherwise you likely don't have a good chance. Thus my statement remains, PvE benefits should never be gained by entering a PvP zone.
  18. Now I agree with you actually in the fact the zone is for PvP, which is why I don't support the OP's suggestion, my take on it to yours is different however. When you see a player who is clearly there for temporary powers/badges and means no harm, does not want to engage in any kind of PvP, but is left with only the choice of never getting said badges or temporary powers or taking the risk of entering the zone, and all the sudden a "gank squad" decides "hey it's time to grief the hell out of these poor people with quadruple moonbeam psi Stalkers." There's a clear difference between the regular intended functioning of the zone versus being a literal asshat. It is confirmed by the devs there is a distinct difference between genuine PvPing, and when asked politely to stop and getting repeatedly griefed and harassed. "Dankz" is a well known person who does things related to this. As it exists now, there should be no PvE-related benefit to enter a PvP zone. Period. If this wasn't the case, there wouldn't be any issues here.
  19. Sorry, I disagree! Also never used the word forced. Regardless, you're putting a lot of taxes on badges that are the same amount of work for the badge (certain ones like players killed obviously you'd have to go to an actual PvP zone) minus players griefing you. PvP badges themselves were not well designed. Taking over 100 pillboxes is just flat out annoying, tedious, and long as it is, I really don't think that reducing player-based griefing of pillbox leagues is something that should be dismissed out of the conversation. Further, the objective of rescuing several scientists with horribly designed AI's to retrieve a launch code, which players can grief you horrifically by stealing your codes is extraordinarily annoying, many would even say that this badge is quite possibly the most annoying badge they've ever dealt with. There was a time and a place for this philosophy when PvP was active, and I'm sure very engaging and fun, but all it is now in 2020 is just people griefing others. There are only two servers now in which real PvP usually takes place (Indomitable and sometimes rarely Excelsior) and only in RV does this real form of PvP usually happen. This perspective comes from someone who was very young on live, returned, and sees what these badges and zones have become.
  20. I think there is some sincere merit to the conversation, maybe creating a replica zone of the PvP zones that has the same PvE events but is non-PvP. So that way Warburg, Siren's Call, RV, Bloody Bay are still there, you can still do their PvE events even in the PvP zones, but say there's a replica of each of the zones that is non-PvP flagged, that way there is no griefing for badgers, PvPers are minimally affected, much of the zones would have the same coding, a lot less harassment inquiries for the devs, etc.? Just a thought!
  21. I'd love it if there was a command that you could use to grant yourself temporary powers for testing purposes on the beta server!
  22. I'm in an odd place where I disagree with you and think the Midnight Visage is actually a bug and not the latter. However... I actually do think that because other ATs can use their costumes even with Granite Armor, I can't say that I'm against Kheldians getting to use their costumes during a form switch regardless. It is only a cosmetic feature, it is required for certain badges to be in costume and receive tips, so therefore I think it is completely reasonable actually to request. The feature does not enhance gameplay or provide any benefit beyond seeing yourself in an alternative form, therefore I think is a reasonable and fine suggestion. Unlike how the poster above says they wouldn't call this "shafted" I would say that you ARE shafted, because other ATs CAN "form switch," still use the costume and not have to remake a build tailored to the ToT event. I do consider the fact that Kheldians often make tri-form builds and not being able to gain badges while they're in that form or contribute very well (especially given the place Kheldians are in as far as the "meta" goes) indeed "shafted."
  23. I think the conventional wisdom would tell you that the #1 most important thing is to have fun! Savage melee, as others have pointed out has lots of AoE output, and is very well-liked. Savage Leap is sort of like Lightning Rod's somewhat prettier and different sister. Leap does not do knockdown, and does 3/4 of LR's damage, but it actually can crit unlike Shield Charge, and is on less than half the cooldown! Radiation Armor is an excellent set that excels late-game. It provides lots of very handy exotic resistances and its "hole" happens to be the least seen damage type in the game. This comment is also very helpful 🙂 especially when looking at a Mids' build for this combination. I'd recommend though trying out the attacks you end up liking and just enjoying the game! Also welcome back returning player!
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