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Everything posted by starro

  1. TLDR, Aw I wish him all the best and hope he gets time away / disconnects. Drama regardless of the source will suck the life out of any hobby or job. I watched him between shut down and game return but not in recent years. He talked about COH when it was a dead game and no one else was talking.... well other than massively.
  2. i think i did the same thing Bionic_Flea - I moved the OS to C:\, Programs to D:\, and I use my E:\ for data documents, files, music with backups from there. I hate looking all over a file structure to find what needs to be backed up. I am not a technical person, but I was surprised how easy it was to install the SSD, clone the data and reuse the old hard drives. The boot time - wow. New life in an old computer and even some things like copying files or working in Excel for my limited uses seems just faster. My computer is probably 5 years old and I would really like to keep it on Windows 10 for a couple more years before I invest in new hardware, new Windows 11. I think it might be my final desktop before I make the jump to a laptop for everything.
  3. curious why you are setting up a second account instead of resetting password? You will have no characters and a blank account.
  4. Get COH on any and all platforms, operating systems, environments - hell run it on a potato from the supermarket using dial up i don't care. You don't like steam - good use the HC loader, you like the Steam - good do your thing too. Just nothing that ever boxes it in from being available because of corporate whims of the day and it is taken away or obstructed from the community again.
  5. Visit a trainer like Miss Liberty. I am recalling from memory second option after leveling.
  6. They snuck this one in while I was sleeping. Ty HC community
  7. I am positive I experienced this randomly as far back as live. I never modified coh keyboard layout in game as I am pretty casual player. Nothing special about my desktop. I check email and come back to constant running against a wall. My mouse buttons are not stuck either. I just log out/in and behavior stops.
  8. Welcome to the game! I love your post but you are locked into your power sets. I liked Devices on my mastermind and blaster secondary when I wanted to solo play but have a tough boss to take down between acid, web and land mines. In team play those stationary objects seem less important but force field and the healing pyramid helps. …however, you do have 1000 free character slots so let the character creating madness “alt-itis “ take over.
  9. my laptop is hooked up to the big screen in the living room and let me tell you this - these old eyes love it for COH, shopping and maybe now and then working remotely.
  10. if you want a little more reading about the security benefits of the homecoming launcher I liked this thread.
  11. I like to experiment with my three half-ass made bases. I am glad there is no penalty to experiment or even a rent to pay.
  12. ha, i think i had this last summer and before I could screen shot one runs through a wall and disappears.
  13. I started playing COH on the big-screen in the living room with wireless keyboard and mouse. I am in heaven. I don't consider this a bug, i don't think COH was ever intended to be played like this, but can I fix the letterbox or remove? I am taking the default resolution and after trying several, no luck.
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pcgamer.com/amp/a-marvel-mmo-is-coming-from-dc-universe-online-studio-city-of-heroes-lead-dev/ I will be curious to see it turns out this time.
  15. thank you volunteers for using your holiday weekend to support the game.
  16. I like COH's Lore both official and player created. I look forward to playing them all over the Holiday Break!
  17. I never thought of this.... interesting concept at 50. Your home is gone and you do not choose to be hero or villain so you have no new home to go to.
  18. Can you share any technical specifications? Win vs MAC? Homecoming vs Tequila client? Any chance an anti-virus is fighting with your installation?
  19. I only subscribe to my two services Disney and paramount and both are worth it for me. Love my marvel and Star Trek, I really wish there was a cohesive universe of dc content. Hangs head in shame.
  20. Sonic and pain combo on sentinel. I want to like this guy but he has zero solo survival Correction: Corrupter!!!!
  21. The wand temp power is hiding some place in your tray. Go to north side skyway “land of the lost” and zap them. I like how they start beating up the former Lost cured guy.
  22. I do a /stuck command and I think that works most of the time. There is something about breaking out a guy from jail and together burning down the town that is so enjoyable.
  23. Exit the police station to the street. My fellow villain I saved says 'hey where did you go?'
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