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Everything posted by Dreamboat

  1. It's been a few years since the last time I checked in, but when I did tons of costume options, power selections, and the ability to use the freeform system were still for paid subscribers only. Did they drop that? If so, I might actually reinstall...
  2. The weird thing is that Marvel Heroes (fun game - Thing main here!) was doing this! Adding new paid movie tie-in costumes, movie tie-in dungeons and so on, and Disney pulled the plug on it. To this day I've no idea why.
  3. I've always thought this was pretty much accepted truth. I remember the teaser trailer for Marvel Online (or whatever working title it had) at the time, and then nothing came of it and we got Champions (hey, they never released the 360 version they announced either!). I think if you look at stuff like the desert area that's a huge part of early game, I'd bet all my inf that was going to be some form of designated Hulk quest arc area.
  4. Their global name system was a godsend and the amount of flavour options for travel powers was really cool. Also, underwater areas. Had fun in my time with it, if I could have all the costume and power options for free like I do here I 'd probably still start it up from time to time. /e shrug
  5. Your objective is to destroy a large stationary object, such as a crate, a desk, or a pylon three times the size of a person. You attack. You miss.
  6. I think it's pretty pointless to do this kind of comparative "well, what about..." thing in these discussions. I'm actually pretty glad Godchild said something, because I play on Everlasting too and not only are a lot of these characters and jokes in pretty poor taste, I saw one player take offense at them because they had just lost their father to COVID-19, and people still tried to drag them for speaking up! Disgusting behaviour.
  7. Fifteen, I think. Makes sense - goes up against an AV and gets steamrolled!
  8. It's not metal, but in terms of music characters I did have one Savage Melee character called "Werewolf of London"...
  9. I really wanted to make a cool bee hero, but had nothing and ended up doing a wasp-ish mutant villain instead. In my head he should be constantly secreting stuff in some fashion. Went with spines/bio as the metallic spines worked well as stingers.
  10. That's actually the second comic series - there was one before it published by Blue King Studios that focused on Apex, War Witch and an original character called Horus. Pretty cool stuff, I have the entire run in single issue form. Was never able to get my hands on the Top Cow one though, I only ever read it through the website. One day! I always really liked how these comics had art, stories and so on from actual players at the end.
  11. I would love some new reasonably sized jetpack options that aren't the Buck Rogers specials. I like those, but they don't exactly fit on the back of some near-future-tech power armour guy, you know? Oh, and the ability to edit jetpack (and rocket boots) flame colours separate from the pack itself wouldn't go amiss! Unless you can already do that and I'm just dumb...
  12. Do they? I was always under the impression that base maps don't really "exist" until someone is actually on them. Otherwise Everlasting would be crushed under the constant weight of dozens of huge, framerate-kneecapping bases!
  13. I have a Plant Control/Nature Affinity Controller in the 30s. I really like the character, but I have no real idea what I'm doing as a Controller and I've only ever put time into very damage-intensive ATs, so whenever I team I feel like I'm contributing very little. Haven't played them in about a month.
  14. Do you mean on top of the in-game Descriptions you can fill in on your character's ID page? I don't know about any kind of addons or anything like that - the Tools/Utilities subforum might have something in there - but there's also the Virtueverse Wiki, which a lot of people on Everlasting (maybe other shards, I dunno) use to add pages for their characters and flesh them out a bit more than you can in-game. Not a game addon or feature, but there's a lot on there.
  15. My main, Hissatsuman, who was I think the second character I made on Homecoming and I don't think I've ever bettered. The cape is white on the other side. Only good thing I ever did!
  16. Every time I click "The Monkey"/"Monkey Dance", whatever the exact name is, I am intensely disappointed that it is not The Monkey. Please, you must do something about this.
  17. I can't really speak to it's pure effectiveness in terms of numbers and synergy and so on (I don't have a clue about that stuff), but I ran a Darkness/Storm Summoning Controller as one of my earliest redside characters on Homecoming having never tried either the powersets or the archetype before, and before I was halfway through the tutorial I was going "this is awesome!" every time I used Gale.
  18. Can only echo what the other posters have said. Dual Blades definitely does solid damage in PvE, but whilst I don't PvP, I can't imagine a set that depends on hitting combos for a lot of its effects does well in an environment where everyone is as buffed to the gills as you are and can react to what you're doing in a way the AI can't. Seems like the opponent is just gonna get to where they need to be a lot faster than you are. Another part of that is that Dual Blades animations can be on the lengthy side, especially for the harder-hitting stuff.
  19. Would rather not make an entirely new thread for my suggestion when this sort-of-related one exists, so: The ability to edit colour and FX for the existing CC emotes, please! I have no idea how this would be implemented, but I have a bunch of characters who use the "Pure Energy" emote to change, and often the shade of blue that uses doesn't fit, so the whole thing has to change to suit me! EDIT: Also, for the ones that use "Dimension Shift", it would be really cool to be able to edit the silhouettes to match the colours of the costume, so it looks like it's kind of layering onto my character....yeah...........nice.............
  20. None of the concepts for my characters are as good as the twists Busiek has put on famous Marvel/DC characters with Astro City (how awesome is Jack-in-the-Box! That guy rules!) because I'm absolutely terrible at coming up with creative ideas, but my most "out-there" character is probably my Dual Blades/Bio Armor Scrapper, Varuba. Basically, he's a demon (though an insectoid-looking one rather than the classic devilish look because I am incapable of not making bug people) that was summoned and bound by the Circle of Thorns, and whilst helping them raid an occultist's library he found a copy of The Three Musketeers and read through it, became obsessed with it, and when eventually his patch of Oranbega got raided by heroes and the mage who summoned him got bopped and he was freed from the binding spell, he just chose not to disappear back to the Abyss and instead become a swashbuckling hero himself. Like I said, terrible! Levelling him has made me go through the magic content though, which I usually avoid since I don't think it gels well with my usual Tech-based characters. Really enjoyed going through Croatoa with him.
  21. Anyone engaging in this archaic practice known as "reading books" currently? I've been trying to ensure I read a bit more the past couple of years after a long while of not really bothering with anything - Terry Pratchett's passing had a lot to do with that, I think. I've mostly just read stuff I thought looked or sounded interesting, or from authors who I specifically wanted to check out, but here and there I've also specifically sought "classic" literature that I've never got around to reading. I don't think I place much value on those kind of up-on-a-pedestal books as things you have to read or whatever, but some still do stick out to me as things I would probably be into, so right now I'm reading Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, a book a ton of people I know read in high school English class but I never did. It's cool and I'm enjoying the prose a lot, although a lot of the time reading hugely famous books like this I feel terminally dumb and that I'm not truly getting what I'm supposed to. It's a hard life, being smoothbrained. Other than that I really want to read some more Yukio Mishima - I've read a handful of his works and really enjoyed them, but I haven't went near the Sea of Fertility tetralogy yet and I know that's held up as his crowning achievement so I should really get to it at some point. Also I watched the movie Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters and thought it was incredible, so yeah. On the "landmark" front I really want to read Don Quixote at some point.
  22. Yup. Yupyupyup. I actually gave myself the mission a few years back of reading everything that came out of Claremont's time with the X-franchise (this is a terrible idea), so I've read a bunch of the New Mutants stuff and I really like them. I'm just a big fan of this new, young team being brought up whilst the original X-Men are off doing their own thing. It's a nice progression, and they've got those swish black and yellow matching outfits! Nice! I never got around to any Excalibur, but it's been on the backlog for a long time. I have liked Captain Britain's solo stuff and the "Captain Britain and MI:13" team books and the very different world they inhabited with things like Avalon around. Will have to check out the latest run sometime.
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