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Everything posted by Bopper

  1. Not really sure, but I wouldn't mind if there were less stickied posts and a clean/concise guide index was created and maintained by the dev's. There is one stickied now, but it is rarely updated and possibly too big for people to sift through (it's well formatted, though).
  2. Oh I wasn't googling it for you, it was for me. I hate thinking I'm right but not being able to confirm. I'd feel embarrassed if I passed along the wrong information. If you are crafting low level procs anyways, it's probably a moot point. You never would have to fear exemplaring except for extreme circumstances.
  3. You can definitely incorporate Procs with Beam Rifle. I dont know how well it would perform in comparison, but that shouldn't matter if you plan to play BR anyways. In my opinion, some attacks might have too slow of a cast time and you can fit more Procs into Dual Pistols, but it's not all about min/maxing. Enjoy playing the set with the extra proc damage, that's all that matters.
  4. I say slot them and test it out. I'm 95% confident that it'll work at any level. Edit, decided I should Google it and just provide my reference. Here is the article, and below is an excerpt pertaining to your question.
  5. I believe I read somewhere (paragonwiki, most likely) that damage procs are not affected by exemplaring. I personally haven't tested it though, as I always buy attuned for rare IO sets.
  6. From what I could tell, most have been tested against a Rikti Pylon. Personally, I have ran my Time/Dual Pistols defender on +4/x8 solo, against elite bosses (haven't built a good enough single target attack chain for AVs as I focused more on AoE). It was that character that led to my interest in doing Proc testing months ago, as I saw the potential of a Power Boosted Farsight that could afford me to invest in procs as I would have enough defense and accuracy to not need to chase set bonuses. Since defender base damage is garbage, procs provided a boost that could not be achieved by even a damage capped defender. I think you should aim for both. Maximize survivability and damage. Once you hit softcap, no need to keep investing, so allocate to damage/recharge.
  7. Go to equip, select alpha, and see if it shows up in your selectable list. When you convert from tier 3 to tier 4, the old one disappears and the new one is made. So it needs to be reslotted.
  8. When Justin server goes back to being a regular test server, I will try different incarnates. I was using reactive interface for additional -res, but going with -HP or -regeneration might have been better for AV hunting. Also, I would probably need to proc out Pistols and sprinkle it into my attack chain, which will probably come at the expense of empty clips, but I'll look more into it. I won't be able to test again until next week, so be patient.
  9. Are you referring my Jack-of-all-Trades Solo Build posted on page 2 of this thread? I think I have posted numerous versions of my Time/DP/Soul character, so I just want to make sure which one it is. As for your questions, I don't have an answer. I can see how I do running the Tina arc on +4/x8 with AVs if that would suffice. As for knowing the actual DPS, I can maybe calculate it using napkin math (actual with an excel spreadsheet), but how that translates to the game I won't know. If you are referring to a different build, let me know. I would probably have to revisit it and make tweaks based on new knowledge gained. Edit: @BrandX, mowing through mobs at +4/x8 was no problem, but when it came time to take on an AV the firepower just wasn't there. It would seem I would have to tweak the build for an optimal ST attack chain and focus less on the AoE aspect. Other than that, I was able to stand toe-to-toe with the AV no problem. I got held once, but my Farsight kept me upright while I waited for Clarion to cooldown.
  10. In a non-proc environment, sure, optimize dps by maximizing Momentum. But if Char can do more dps with its 2 purple procs and 4 other damage procs (+451 average proc damage), perhaps you can throw that into your attack chain. Unless sprinkling in attacks from other sets will break momentum, I don't see the issue. DPS optimization will always come from most average damage per second, no matter where that damage comes from. Overall, a hierarchy attack chain should be used. The limfac will be Defensive Sweep which must be used every 10 seconds to keep up the -20% resistance debuff. Rend Armor should be used whenever on cooldown as it hits like a truck and will provide an additional 10% resistance debuff for 8 seconds. If you cannot fit 2 Rend Armor in a 10 second window (which is likely the case), incorporate Arc of Destruction in the attack chain to keep up the Momentum. So between DS, RA, and AoD, we will have a gapless momentum attack chain. From there, fill in the gaps of the attack chain with optimal dpa attacks like Char and Follow Through. I'll need time to theory craft an entire attack chain, but those would be the key points of emphasis I'd look for. Maybe I use Fireball for extra AoE procs and resistance debuffs. Maybe I just use other TW attacks. Either way, I'll look for added value from any source, TW or not.
  11. I haven't looked hard enough but I would think Rend Armor would be used on cooldown, which should be every 5 seconds when global recharge is high enough. If not, one of the other TW attacks that reset fast mode could be plugged in.
  12. I don't believe that's true. Unless I'm reading it wrong, Fast Mode lasts for 5 seconds which should provide you more than enough time to fit in another attack (Char, Fireball, etc) in between TW attacks and still keep Momentum going. I could be wrong, though. Perhaps using anything outside of TW will result in breaking Momentum. I just haven't seen that stated anywhere.
  13. While doing your research for potential melee sets, I wanted to throw in Titan Weapons for consideration. It has a lot of attacks with fairly large base recharges, and the cast times are very slow. But with Momentum, those cast times are reduced significantly. Defensive Sweep: 2.2 second cast time (reduced to 1 second with momentum) Crushing Blow: 2 sec (1.2 sec) Titan Sweep: 2.43 sec (1 sec) Follow Through requires Momentum, 1 sec cast time Rend Armor: 2.3 sec (1.3 sec) Whirling Smash requires Momentum, 1 sec cast time Arc of Destruction: 2.7 sec (1.5 sec) The combination of fast cast times and long base recharges can result in very strong Proc attack chains. Plus, although Defensive Sweep will be one of the worst T1 powers for Procs (because it is an AoE, but you'll still be forced to use for the Bruised inherent), but it can slot a LotG and provide you some good melee/smash defense for 10 seconds (same duration as your Bruised power) which could be helpful if you are using a resistance focused armor. Finally, the set has a blend of defense debuff and knockdown powers which could lend itself to some -Resistance debuff and +Recharge procs. The use of Defensive Sweep and Rend Armor with an Achilles proc will reliably give you a 50% resistance debuff on your target. Anyways, it's food for thought.
  14. How are you controlling the test? If glue Arrow for blaster is only 15 foot radius, it could be difficult to hit all 16. When Justin server is back to a true test server, I can look at the blaster version. It's quite possible it's meched very differently.
  15. A follow up to the Glue Arrow discussion, I tested the defender version (posted results in PPM Guide) and can confirm the initial cast acts as a single target attack, followed by a summoning of the glue patch that offers 3 ticks of proc opportunities using the ActivatePeriod formula. The defender Glue Arrow uses a 25 foot radius, but I believe the blaster version is 15, so its glue patch should have a higher probability to proc. Also, since the glue patch doesn't use recharge and the cast has such a long base, feel free to slot recharge. It should still maintain same performance (max on cast).
  16. I decided to test out a hunch, where I believed Targeted AoE patches/pseudopets would behave as a single target cast followed by a summoned pseudopet that would use the Toggle formula (ActivatePeriod = 10s). I tested this theory using Glue Arrow. I proceeded with 3 tests. First test: How many times did my 3.5 PPM proc fire after casting Glue Arrow? Second test: How many times did my 3.5 PPM proc fire from the "Sticky Arrow" (the name of the pseudopet) Third test: How many times did my 3.5 PPM proc fire after casting Glue Arrow with 99% recharge added to the power? Test 1 and 2 were done simultaneously, and were intended to show the Proc performance is indeed different. Once showing that they are different, Test 3 was used to determine if the formula being used on cast is Single Target or AoE. For all three tests, I only used a single target. This is because the casting of Glue Arrow would only Proc against the single target, and I did not want multiple targets in the Glue patch to result in inflated Proc numbers. First, some details about Glue Arrow. It has a 60 second base recharge, 1.16 second cast time, and the Glue pseudopet has a radius of 25 feet and a duration of 30 seconds (which will result in 3 ticks for proc opportunity, which occur at 0 seconds, 10 seconds, and 20 seconds). My theory is that the Test 1 will result in a 90% proc performance, Test 2 will result in a 15.3% proc performance, and Test 3 will either be a 90% proc performance if it uses Single Target formula or 47.9% proc performance if it uses the AoE formula with Radius 25 feet. Results: Test 1: 107 Casts, 100 Procs (93%) Test 2: 107 Casts (321 ticks), 46 Procs (14.3%) Test 3: 46 Casts, 42 Procs (91.3%) Conclusion: Powers that require targeting an enemy to drop a patch/pseudopet are advantageous for Procs, as the casting of the power will act as a Single Target attack resulting in a higher probability to Proc against the target. The summoned pseudopet will follow the expected rules for Procs (opportunity to Proc once every 10 seconds, using an ActivatePeriod of 10 seconds). Side note: I also re-tested Enflame and I am not seeing the same behavior. The cast of Enflame is using the Single Target attack formula, however the summoned pseudopets are not producing Procs. I attempted 55 casts of Enflame using 4 Procs in the power, and not once did I see any Procs fire from the summoned pseudopets. This is different from my recollection of testing it last month, where I thought I saw 1 or 2 additional procs from the pseudopets. More testing will be done on Enflame.
  17. With City of Data existing only in an archived state (with dead hyperlinks) and with new changes being added to the Homecoming servers, I would like to make a request of the Homecoming Team to recreate a City of Data page that reflects up-to-date data of the powers in the Homecoming version of the game. Ideally it would be updated with each patch release and there would be no misinformation on what each power does.
  18. I don't blame you, I guess I needed to just get confirmation that it's dead. I'll save my chat logs and just code up a parser. Thanks for the great work.
  19. Sounds like Rad Melee farmers just got a little more powerful.
  20. Currently I can't get HeroStats to work on either Live or Beta. Any recommendations?
  21. The long recharge alone will make it a guaranteed max proc probability, even if you slot 100% recharge.
  22. Mids doesn't know how to calculate Proc probability. Hasten has no effect. You can read my PPM guide for accurate info. Mids is still ramping up with i25+ changes.
  23. That is definitely a major factor for why I love Dual Pistols.
  24. Is Hasten needed? Maybe not. But there is nothing I could imagine replacing Hasten with. I think I only 1 slot it, and it just makes every work better (more reliable).
  25. Ahhh, I realize my statement was ambiguous. I meant I didn't think it mattered because I think they are resolved together (same time), thus I don't think the procs get a damage boost from a -res proc going off at the same time. Again, I'll take a look. If I see the procs doing more damage based on how I slot a -res proc, I'll report it.
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