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Everything posted by HeroReborn

  1. Ummm the market, red, blue and gold for every shard was the same place for years before the game closed.
  2. Absorb was added with nature affinity and was on live. It would make a fantastic addition to some FF powers.
  3. Yeah, this is my worry too, the community is bigger than homecoming. I had thought Titan network put out a notice saying they not afflicted with homecoming, but now they have been in talks together? Money wise, hopefully NC would be happy with a cut of the donation cake, that is like a liscence, they take in 10% of donation income.
  4. You can grab it by doing a short mission through Ouroboros. Changing sides to do it is also easy on HC. No real objection to having it as p2w, but it's nice to have some stuff you need to do a mission for.
  5. I'd hate for my global to be linked with supergroup membership, if it meant every alt was in the same sg. I'd prefer status quo even with the size limit.
  6. In the short time the game has been in the wild, there is already a very easy virtual box server set up anyone can install in minutes, and is a process not much harder than clicking an .exe. A single .exe as wrapper to do everything isn't unlikely in the future.
  7. There's the portal corps https://corps.ouro-comdev.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
  8. Thank you very much for this. +inf [Also you have to be logged in to see attachments]
  9. To make it open in Pine, right click on the build.mxd and choose open with --> and browse to where you have installed Pine and make sure you tick always open with.
  10. If a thrall power was to be considered, (I'd actually prefer not to change any of the powers out) it could possibly be done easier via selecting from a list of predetermined mobs similar to lore pets e.g. choose your Hellion, or a Skull, or a Longbow etc. Even done only visually through the custom/powers custom stuff.
  11. My dream for TK, (though I'm doubtful of the tech) is to have it attract rather than repel. Target an enemy as normal, but instead of sending near by foe away, near by foes are dragged to the one with TK. Still with a 5 target cap, limiting it's farming use but now you have a tool that's appreciated by the melee range types, instead of them yelling at you to stop that pushing thing. Still a toggle so you'll probably hit them with one or two AoE's before having to drop it. I'm also 100% agreement with the original proposal. Especially as it would seem easier to implent and see how it's used.
  12. You could try suppress fx, I used to use it to ice armor, so this might be a work around. These options exists in the options menu to some extent too. /suppressCloseFx 0 and /suppressCloseFx 1 will turn off and on the close effects on your character. /bind suppressCloseFxDist 100 - the number is defaulted for 0.0 in options which is first person camera view, changing the number higher like to a 100 blocks most visual effects for me. Note it blocks all effects on character, not just dominator aura.
  13. Would adding a PvP only bonus to the existing KB resist IOs work the best? Lke how some set bonuses have additionioal functions in PvP (eg Gladitor's Net). So add +20 KB resist for PvP only on those unique seems simple and leaves any PvE stuff unchanged. I'd rather not future sets of universal travel being restrained in design because they can be slotted in sprints.
  14. You can also add the power you want to execute at teh same time, eg /bind numpad1 "teamselect 1$$powexecname soothe" /bind numpad2 "teamselect 2$$ powexecname soothe" and to go further for a second buff could be more like /bind CTRL+numpad1 "teamselect 1$$pow_exec_name Thaw" /bind CTRL+numpad2 "teamselect 2$$pow_exec_name Thaw" /bind CTRL+numpad3 "teamselect 3$$pow_exec_name Thaw" /bind CTRL+numpad4 "teamselect 4$$pow_exec_name Thaw" /bind CTRL+numpad5 "teamselect 5$$pow_exec_name Thaw" /bind CTRL+numpad6 "teamselect 6$$pow_exec_name Thaw" /bind CTRL+numpad7 "teamselect 7$$pow_exec_name Thaw" /bind CTRL+numpad8 "teamselect 8$$pow_exec_name Thaw" /bind shift+numpad1 "teamselect 1$$pow_exec_name Forge" /bind shift+numpad2 "teamselect 2$$pow_exec_name Forge" /bind shift+numpad3 "teamselect 3$$pow_exec_name Forge" /bind shift+numpad4 "teamselect 4$$pow_exec_name Forge" /bind shift+numpad5 "teamselect 5$$pow_exec_name Forge" /bind shift+numpad6 "teamselect 6$$pow_exec_name Forge"
  15. It's much much easier to get IO sets now on homecoming than it was on live.
  16. Vanden's Power icons from Vanden: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,5987.0.html
  17. Thank you, these are wonderful and I loved them back on live.
  18. It works fine in a bind. I can use /bind Shift+Q "powexec_location target quicksand"
  19. Thank you so much for returning the city to the community.
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