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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. Oh I know. SOA venom nade deals -40% toxic resists, -20% resists for the rest. I have a lot of motivation to find good toxic attacks. I have tried every toxic pool power in the game. The only decent pure toxic attack is poisonous ray.
  2. More toxic attacks would make my Bane very happy. Venom nade would be even more effect on teams.
  3. Fair enough. I figured only power builders would ever run this test. Lots of folks say this and that about their builds. I have certainly thought some of my builds were the bee's knees. Only to have them crash and burn on this test in terms of time. Anyway, this is off topic.
  4. Comic Council on Excelsior runs internal themed ITFs weekly. They are always recruiting.
  5. I wish more players would run the Trapdoor sets and posts times and videos. It's a great way to see how your build holds up in normal content and not a 801 or plyon test. That way Bill and Solarverse could compare builds.
  6. The problem is coming up something that is not a willpower clone. The concept in my mind falls inline with idea of regen, Wolverine. The more damage taken the more durability. Basically, Fury but for defense, not offensive. At 100% HP you generate a absorb buffer for alphas, but lose the other bonuses. This would be probably difficult to balance. You're happiest when you HP is below 50%. Might give the healers in the team an heart attack. 🙂
  7. The problem is the expectation is already there in the player base. The live devs never had time to add enough content with incarnate powers in mind. I did a "Worthy Opponent" run a couple of weeks ago. No incarnates, no set bonuses, no super inspirations. It was a challenge, but a rather tedious one. Wailing on the same AV for 5 mins is boring. The same reason I find the Khan TF boring. So, I enjoy the extra power boosts from Incarnates and sets. HC devs are on it. Nobody will probably be able to solo Aeon at max difficulty. Though the players is very creative, so they might find a hole.
  8. Fair point. 🙂 I would be happy to have regen overpowered as the others. As I said in another thread the game needs more optional high difficulty content like Aeon. At the moment I don't know who would think about taking a regen tank/brute/scrapper/staker onto a relentless run. Yes, I know tanker don't get regen.... yet. Given the amount of changes the HC devs and made to under performing sets. I guess they must be having trouble coming up with a balanced fix to the set. I have faith they will fix it right. I mean look what they did with energy melee. Another though about regen buffs. Probably already been suggested. Alpha strikes are the biggest weakness on regen. An constantly regenerating absorb shield could provide the buffer needed to handle the alpha. Also, scaling HP regen rates, like resist do for Super Reflexes. This would still require a lot of investment into resists and defense.
  9. Regen should be as immune to -regen and -recovery as super reflexes is to -defense. And some -recharge resistance. That would be a good start. Still I am not sure how to improve regen w/o making it overpowered. But yes, it badly needs a review.
  10. Or just add more mobs with nasty debuffs. I think I am one of the few players that enjoy fighting carnies, because they are a challenge. Some of this comes from playing Widows which are one the best ATs to fight carnies. If I mention carnies to most players they shutter and ask to pick another mission if it's radios. Carnies have some of the nastiest debuffs on top of the phasing. They can nuke your defense, resists, toHit, and recovery. Then avoid your return fire. Also, Arachnos can be devastating on defense based chars w/o good DDR. If you get enough Tarantula Mistresses. Aeon's SF is such a great step in that direction. So, I think devs are already thinking this way.
  11. Usually, I only die for two reason the team took on too much or I screwed up solo. I tend to be a careful player. It annoys me because I think of it as playing badly. Of course, there is the usual RNG death on some iTrial, but those I can shrug off.
  12. I know that's an odd choice. I did that because I didn't have a way to double stack. I might revisit that in future. You're right the perception piece is overkill. I have hatred of getting blinded. Probably change it in the future.
  13. I love trick arrow and having been looking for combos. I tried the double sleep stacking, but it just does work well enough in practice. Still Earth and TA work very well together. And it's a blast to play. The harder the content the better is shines. This char is already 50 with all incarnates, just not T4s. Can solo DA "radio" missions at 4x8. I did a trapdoor run in 10 mins. I am not a regular controller player, so my slotting is probably... odd. Pros: Ex'emp down very well. Every debuff and control is double. Two slows, two immobilizes, two holds single and aoe, two aoe knockdowns 33% -tohit with flash and earthquake -70% defense, this very helpful in hard content or at low level. Quicksand, Acid Arrow, Oil Slick Arrow. -35% resists on single target Pets survives and does decent damage with all the debuffs. Cons: Single target is meh. Still good enough for soloing with the pet. Might do a more solo friendly version with more procs. Suggestions, MIDS is glitching with a full export. Only the data chunk is working.
  14. Ditto to what Bill said. If you are looking for a challenge then do an Aeon SF on relentless. Or AE 801 missions. I don't want everything to be difficult only what I choose mostly. The beauty of the game is that you can mostly pick your own difficultly. A lot of folks choose the easy path, not judging, but you can make the game very difficult is you want.
  15. The HC wiki shows Attack Vitals as a Cone + dot for a stalker. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Dual_Blades City of data does appear to have any extra information on the cone arc or depth. It just mentions a dot. https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=stalker_melee.dual_blades.special_1&at=stalker I am guessing that the wiki is wrong and that Vengeful Slice is only a single target attack with a dot. The cone part makes sense for other ATs, because the finishing move for Attack Vitals is Sweeping Strike. Anyone know?
  16. Let me elaborate on why I think Psychic Scream is useless. Base damage ranges from 35-87, defender to dominator. The AOE size for every version but Sentinel is 30 arc with 60-70 range. Sentinel version is 50 arc with a 70 range. Why it's the best of the worse. The power has a 2.67 cast time, with a 2.9 arcana time. The only good thing about the cast length is that you'll have plenty of time to see all the targets you missed while it's animating. But it gets worse, because of the large but narrow cone it does not proc well. You cannot really compensate for the low damage. And the live devs decided this would make an excellent T9 power for Night Widows. Yes, let's give a semi squishy melee AT an attack that anchors them for 2.67 and is useless in melee because of the narrow arc. Somehow the -recharge debuff is supposed to make up for all the other issues, but it doesn't.
  17. As Ukase said defeat won't count in AE. There are lots of suggests in this forum about Issue 27 badge about Crey. Excellent hunting spot for most of them in Eden, just not gamma tanks. There are other missions for that. For Tsoo, for Tsoo sorcerers there is a spot in Talos that is very good. Just search for the badge name. Tsoo spirits are more tedious, but I find doing Dark Astoria Tsoo missions will net you 5-15 a mission. Not great, but you have to do all the DA arcs anyway. Then redo the DA repeat Tsoo missions for that last of them.
  18. Psychic scream all forms, except for Sentinel which is passable.
  19. I have completed this many times solo and team. It's an annoying mission. Depends on your build. I think all you need to do is get one hit to draw aggro to yourself. Damage or debuff patches should get their attention. Trying to hit them all with AOEs and single target doesn't work well, because they are usually strung out. Solo, I turn down the mobs numbers and clear between waves. This involves a lot of running back and forth. On teams 1-3 players, with AOE attacks or debuffs, guard the henge while the rest of the team wipes out are the stationary mobs
  20. It is my understand that editing zones is tricky. I thought about putting it into the pool, but it might cause other issues. This is my minimal zone editing suggestion.
  21. Alas, there are a lot of players that are afking after zoning in Ouroboros. This clogs up the portal space making it hard to click the portal. Just today I had to step back and jockey around a bit to click the portal several times. Suggestion, place a pseudo pet right under the portal which pulses a repel field to push players are from portal every 10-20 seconds. You avoid repelling people just passing through or trying to use the portal the first pulse puts a tag on players and only if the tag is present do they get repelled. Nothing serious, just enough repel to move them a few feet away from the portal.
  22. Currently, if I have all the salvage for a recipe the UI show that recipe in a bigger and brighter font. This is all good. If I am missing even the most common salvage for does not indicate how close I am to having enough salvage. So, I have to open each desired recipe and investigate. When I am building out a new alt, that can be quite a lot of recipes to check. What I suggest is that if all salvage except the rare salvage is available the UI should show a slightly bigger font. That way I can look at the recipe list and quickly determine which recipes require only rare salvage. It just a little tip to reduce the tediousness.
  23. I have seen the load character loading screens of more than 30 seconds. Also, the rubber banding and FX lag. Excelsior at least has been under much higher load. An influx of new people I heard, which might be part of the problem. It's been better the last couple of days.
  24. Fortunata w/o a doubt. Or course, that would also allow me to have a Night Widow as an alt build.
  25. Interesting, the only PI radio mob that teleports is Malta, which only exist in bank or pawn shop robberies.
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