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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. Yep, I was being extremely dense. I tested this on ASF. And it worked exactly as you described. I even tested this with my Night Widow to make sure it's not AT specific. Thank you. I learned something today.
  2. Sorry this makes no sense to me. Give me a specific power example. By what percentage does said power resist reduction? If I have 75% resist to smashing and I get hit by -20% resist. The remaining resistance is 55%. There is no resistance to the debuff, it took full effect. Unlike DDR which reduces the amount the debuff applied against defense. I am most likely being dense here, but they way it's being explained makes no sense in the context of how DDR works.
  3. What powers? I would love to look at them in City of Data.
  4. How much reduction could a resistor resist if a resistor could resist reduction. *three times fast*
  5. Sorry, I am probably just misunderstanding your comment. I know there are powers that provide resistance to defense debuff aka DDR. Ageless Radial for instance. Are you saying that there is a power(s) that provides resistance to -resist? Not to be confused with exceeding the resist hardcap. Example, scrapper resist hard cap is 75% if you exceed that to 100%, then you have a 25% buffer to -resists. That in my mind is not debuff resistance, just buffer. Debuff resistance would be if you were hit with -20% resists and you had 50% debuff resistance, then final -resist would only be -10%.
  6. Kallisti is probably full of investment bankers. Nothing more ruthless and bloodthirsty than that. 🙂
  7. Scrapper spin, as I found researching Widow claw attacks, over preforms all other spins. At least according to the formulas. Most scrapper claw attacks don't follow the formulas and do more damage than expected by the formulas. Not asking for that to change, just noting. So, spin, spin and more spin.
  8. I figured that, but good to have validation. One thing that makes me curious. I have never avoided a Super Stunner rez even though I have chars with very high AOE defense. The same char will be able to deflect the Carnie end drain, even though the carnie version has higher accuracy. 1.0 vs 1.3. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=carnival.carnival_inherent_defense.psychic_visage Might have to do with the level 25 vs 50 defense values. I'll have to check careful on my next Market Crash.
  9. Over time I have been adding entries for different badges to help new players. I didn't find an entry for this badge. Current best ways to get this badge: Posi 1 and Posi 2. Do both and you're sure to get it. Synapse. Wall to wall Clockwork. Easy to get badge, boring TF. Echo: Faultline, not regular Faultline. If you need a few or just don't want to run the other TFs. There are plenty of Clockwork bosses. Credit to @Bionic_Flea
  10. You're right, that makes sense.
  11. Looking forward to more Challenge Mode TF. Personally, I just want a VEAT review. Also, HEAT, they really need it.
  12. It's the weekly strike force. I do not understand why she is located in St. Martial, when most of her SF is in other zones. Looking at her bio, it would make more sense for her to be in Nevra where her SF starts and most of the missions are there. Of course, team transport helps a lot. Just suggesting she should move.
  13. I think you're just having bad luck. You're probably getting bit by the server lag when it calculates distance on stunner defeat.
  14. One of the Weekly Strike Targets this week is the Penelope Yin Task Force. Super stunners are probably the most annoying mob on that TF. Due to their rez damage and recovery debuff. They can really hurt at level 25, but there is a secret a good number of players don't know about. When I mention it, there is always one or two people who said they didn't know that. Super stunners need a close target to rez. If you can kill them at range they don't rez. If you don't have recovery buffs, it saves a lot of annoyance. Just thought a few folks would find this useful.
  15. At 50, Maria Jenkins arc in PI is full of AVs. You do not have to unlock her. Just find her in PI at 50.
  16. Jebus that build is a monster.
  17. If you picked any Night Widow powers it blocks the Fortunata powers. The opposite is the true. Night Widow and Fortunata both get Mask Presence and Mind Link for instance. If you picked the "wrong" version is blocks the other powers. That is the mostly likely issue.
  18. Some follow up. The build cannot handle 801.7, 801.5 is fine, a bit slow, with the occasional RNG death. I have tweaked one thing. Swapped Smoke grenade in place of Elude. Smoke Grenade actually has a number of benefits in hard content: Pull control. Perception debuff is 90% Auto hit 4.14% irresistible defense debuff 51 player vs 54 mobs. You need four pieces to effectively max -toHit. Range is crazy, 110 is the base AOE size is 35 You can slot Dampen Spirits or Dark Watcher's Despair which have good set bonuses. @Linea Just thought you would be amused by us mere mortals trying to deal with your missions.
  19. Honestly, I think these are good times. In my head under 8 mins is good enough. Under 10 if it's a low damage AT. I have under 9 min TA/DP defender run in this thread. I find this a good reality check for my builds. I had this melee Crab build on beta. I thought it was pretty good. One 15+ mins run and reality crashed in. This has also happened with several Night Widow and Bane builds.
  20. What difficultly did you solo in 90 mins at?
  21. Zone events are fun at least when there are lots of players. *gives gold side a comforting hug* Dark Astoria is a great zone, but it could be better. I don't have a solid idea yet, but a few things are bouncing around in my head. I don't want to spoil by overuse the zombie zone event. Moth Cemetery. Banished Pantheon attempts to summon Mot and you need to disrupt it. You have to defend the entrance to DA from various groups. Point defense, but really need a lot of mobs to make it a fight. Talons of Vengeance are trying to bring the radio station online and broadcast a siren song.
  22. I generally like the idea. I need to think about it a bit more. I hope you have your best fire proof outfit on for when the PvPers find this thread. 🙂 My thought along these lines that they should overhaul the high level hazard zones. Eden and Crey's Folly. Make them coop and level capped like a PvP zone, w/o PvP of course. This gave me an idea, but I'll create a separate thread.
  23. The VEAT inherit has a weird history as it was supposed to be nothing more than placeholder to appease the player base on live. Every AT should have an inherit the players demanded. For endurance, there are two issues as I see it. The inherit is useless and some VEAT attacks are punitively expensive. In particular some AOEs and claw attacks. Example, Spin is just horrible for endurance, it the most costly Spin in the game. The proc is idea is interesting idea, as long as it didn't effect non notifying powers like confuse or surveillance. I have been keeping this thread in the VEAT forum for suggestions.
  24. Yes, Bane ranged attacks all suck except poisonous ray which is decent. Don't forget Venom nade provide -40% toxic resists, which directly buffs PR's damage. One of the reason PR is decent. I think the reason they all take so long to cast is that they are direct pulls from mob attacks.
  25. Hence, why I suggested putting a tag on the player and only if they have the tag they get repelled. The repel pulse should only occur every 10-20 seconds minimal. So, it would take two round before getting repelled.
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