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Everything posted by Starhammer

  1. It'd be nice to see a new IO set for TP that includes an Instant Cast proc like one of the sniper sets. That might also be the route to add Mag to it.
  2. As much as targeting myself is handy for so many things, I have a preference for powexeclocation 0:5 because it keeps my character pointed in the same direction. whatever I'm summoning is just centered right in front of me. Sometimes self makes me turn around and lose view of what's going on.
  3. I asked about this as well. It was explained to me that this was tried while they were working on the running ones, and there was something wonky in the transition so they backed off and may revisit it at a later date... here's hoping. Frankly, I'd rather have access to the different fly animations through the costume interface. A clunky transition in the animation is no worse than clunky binds working sometimes and not when you need them to...
  4. One thing I would really like along these lines is if I could set a permission on my SG storage items to allow full access to my alts, regardless of whether they're in that SG. Don't get me wrong, being able to email stuff to my self is much better than having to dualbox to manually trade or something, but there's still room for improvement... "Life is good. But it could be better!"
  5. As long as we're dreaming, that would be a wonderful fix... give chest details a slider that makes them stick out a bit further (or maybe pulls them back in slightly, in the case of the "jewel").
  6. could settle for mez in general... at least then there's Incarnate powers that give everyone the means eventually
  7. It would be nice if Ouro had various service-menders on some of those floating islands. The platform is small, but there's a lot of unused space.
  8. So forgive me if I missed anything relevant, I just kinda skipped to the end when the thread derailed into boohooing, naysaying, and telling the OP to go away. In the lotto-dream style of thinking about "What If?" something I would love to see done, either on such a server, or as a means of bypassing the "need to get to 50" would be the conversion of all enemies in the entire game to dynamic level, like SK/GM code. Then, if you're level 1 and you really want to start out in Cim, you can do so (well after TUNNELing to Night Ward, then Midnighter's Club in Cap). You still get stronger as you level, so there's still a benefit to it, but you can play anything, anywhere in the process. From then on, there's no need to accommodate those on either end of the spectrum at the expense of those on the other end, and development can focus on adding more content, whether it be powers, costumes, zones, missions, whatever. I'm gonna go play the game now, whilst dodging wadded up paper and over-ripe fruit.
  9. So I just realized I desperately need the "Bind Wizard" and "Macromancer" badges. Since that kind of stuff is all client side, not sure there's a really appropriate way to "earn" them, but maybe some new exploration badges somewhere, or history markers? Possibly a mission reward or new defeat x reward? Either way, they'd go nicely with my Helper designation, as that's probably what I'm most adept at helping with.
  10. "Bind Wizard" I like that title. I need it as a badge. Maybe "Macromancer" as well.
  11. If the work were done to add a submenu for glowing textures, the added benefit would be the potential implementation of a whole slew of other textures. Not only could you switch between flat or metallic options, but glowing, lava, that cosmic starfield thing. And an added bonus? You know all those times your desired costume looks a bit off because some textures shade a color differently than others? Never have to deal with that again!
  12. I like that the option to talk is there, for those who want to "play" through some vs NPC RP. Not quite my thing, but it's definitely important for those it is. (I don't RP, because I lack the social agility to keep up, and type really slow too... but I enjoy being around those who do, because they create a dynamic environment, always more interesting than static NPCs) But yeah, I agree the best option might be to just put the numbers in a heading under combat attributes or something like that.
  13. Personally I'm not attached to trainers providing tailor services, but I think tailor services should be consistent and comprehensive wherever you get them... not "this tailor does some things, this other one does the rest." Of course my views on the matter are a bit more liberal. I'd like to be able to access tailor functions (including body alteration) from anywhere at any time, using a slash command in the same way we can /respec. Furthermore, I would remove all inf costs from making any alteration. Lets face it, they don't suck down enough to be an effective money sink anyway, all they do is make it inconvenient to tweek your costume(s) in the teens/twenties. The question at that point is "What do the actual ICON/Facemaker shops do?" Which is a good question, since they don't do much of anything anyway, being able to access their function at any trainer. Frankly I'd like to see some more missions or other content tied into them. But yeah, any tailor should have the function of every tailor.
  14. BTW, Solarverse, I really enjoy the Blaster SFX for the pistols. If you ever tinker with it some more, any chance you could try to include the Revolver temp power? Just for those folks than need a blaster, but aren't using a gun set... -------------------------- So, I figured I'd try making a mod... see if I can start figuring this stuff out, then I don't have to ask others to do it for me. Turns out I do not yet qualify as even an entry level Any Idiot. I feel like a monkey with a machinegun. I can pull the trigger, even change the change the magazine. But I have no idea how to load the bullets I want into it. Anybody have a step-by-step instruction set for folks like me? In this example, I wanted to go for something simple, like changing the Daft Punk mod to play a different piece of music in the DJ area. I got to the point of loading it as a mod to edit, and now I feel like I'm trying to read Greek.
  15. I expect if anything it would have to be done with a mod, unless they wanted to change the whole effect server side. Even if they did a Minimal FX option, it would only affect your own casts. As a client side mod it would cover every instance of the power's use. (and who knows, maybe a couple others... the way I now hear lightsaber sounds on battle axes 😛 )
  16. I honestly don't know. I just don't fight enough Longbow on a regular basis to remember that specific attack.
  17. Nice tool. Thanks for putting this together. Unfortunately, I doubt I could even begin making my own mods, but if someone would be interested, there's one that would help me greatly. Something to more or less disable or change the graphics effects on Disruption Arrow (I think that's the right one). I have seizures, and some photosensitivity issues, and that field of expanding concentric rings is disrupting me more than the enemies. Obviously I don't use it myself (though it would be nice to be comfortable doing so), but when we have an archer or two in a TF, I know I'm in for a rough time of it. Does that seem like a mod anybody would be interested in trying to make?
  18. So how about a new Prestige power for the P2W vendor, a personal teleport with maybe a 40 foot range and 3 minute cooldown (immune to recharge reduction). Whole point is for those messed up times when /stuck doesn't quite work, like when you can move freely in a room but an NPC is blocking the door and won't leave or follow you in enough to get out of the way.
  19. Honestly I kinda wish we could just get at least one "permafrost" zone. (something with functional missions and badguys, not just winter village or ski slopes... though I do love those. Maybe an Echo of Atlas in Winter?
  20. For all the speculation about whether it's supported by lore, I just want to know what about the mechanics of the game justified doing the work to make this change. It sems like more effort than could be justified by lore alone, considering all the other inconsistencies.
  21. So I finally got around to trying out Mighty Leap & Takeoff. I'm frustrated. Mighty Leap, as basically a copy/paste of Super Jump... well there's nothing wrong with it, except that it's just a copy/paste of Super Jump. That's fine if you need it to build a Jedi/Anime Psychic Ninja and don't want to dip into the Leaping Pool also, though I can't imagine not wanting Combat Jumping for such a concept (or any character really). I understand, that as a freebie attached to Mighty Leap (with no corresponding benefit on Super Jump), Takeoff can't be too useful/impressive without upsetting balance. But at least for me, more than just a bonus power, this is something I have to work into the relatively complex keybinds of my attack chain as controlled from a joystick. I'd like it to be a little more useful than it is for that. The Jump Speed buff seems unnecessary at least. Making [CTRL+C]Super Jump just a smidge faster for a few seconds every couple minutes doesn't seem like it would have been worth the time it takes to write this feedback, much less the time it took to program it. And the PBAoE knockdown would be awesome. I'd probably have invested a whole power selection just on that. In fact, I'd rather invest a whole power selection just on that, because then it would have to be useful on it's own instead of a Mighty Leap accessory, and have a more viable recharge rate, like 16, or even 20 seconds. And I could enhance that. More recharge, maybe a proc or something. As it is though, with a 2 minute cooldown, it's a neat gimmick that doesn't come into play often enough to justify the effort of using it 😞 So, I'm sure my satisfaction isn't a priority or anything. You folks are putting out some great work, and I know it's a bit selfish not to just be happy with whatever I'm given. Not like I couldn't be happy without the entire pool on other builds. But I imagine there's others who feel as I do, and would like to see a little more oomph out of this. Maybe if someone finds the time, we could try cutting the recharge down to 30 seconds in the next Beta? I can't see that shaking up the balance too much... It's probably scads more complex, but maybe an idea to let Mighty Leap take -Recharge enhancements that affect the Takeoff portion, or KB relevant procs? I'd love to love this pool. It seems like it should have so much potential, but in practice, it just feels like it can't hold up against staples like Leaping, Fighting, Leadership, Medicine... Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this, and keep up the great work.
  22. So it doesn't get blocked by anything? I gotta try that. I enjoy Burst of Speed in Blaster secondary, but even a handrail in the way keeps it from working 😞
  23. First of, thank you for everything. You guys are doing a lot of wonderful work. Just knowing the game is being worked on helps maintain hope. ok, the business: never mind, just wasn't lining stuff up right in the game. Not sure how to delete the post at this time, just ignore it... Sorry if I'm rambling, I seem to be medicated currently...
  24. Probably. The Praetorian stuff came out the same time as Demon Summoning, so I expect they just did a lot of copy/pasta. Vanden's point about using the FX to hide poor whip animation is probably spot on too. Ultimately Just having access to a Whip pool on a Blaster or Brute would be far more important than whether it has flames.
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