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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. I use Preventive med in most heals for my various tanks such as dull pain or firey heal etc also makes a good one to put in something like emapthys healing aura or painbringers or thermals base heal
  2. The Jedi Lucas intended them from the start to be very white hats. the good guys the guardians of peace and justice of the old republic then the prequels came and we got this ridiculous and inane gray tarring of the noble order, with even stupider tropes such as the jedi kidnapping children or oppressing other force religions and being warmongers etc etc so on the Jedi were never meant to be perfect but it was made clear in the novel of Revenge of the Sith that their being good people was what was used against them most effectively. they were meant to be peacekeepers and to save lives. So they could not just sit idly by when the war raged on and innocent lives were being threatened but they also were not soldiers and so had to go into a meatgrinder to protect the clones who were assigned to them until the clones tuned on them the Jedi were heroes like fairy tale knights of old Paladins of good helping people its only the recent surge in modernism that has seen them tarnished and turned into the ridiculous pastiches theyve been turned into
  3. YAY snarkys back lets clean up the place *kick windows open to let sunlight in* welcome back you
  4. catzooka we haz them we launches at noon
  5. We have not yet begun to fight
  6. This is not the best game in the world this is only a tribute ROCK ON!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!
  7. Man Tee Core is how ive always pronounced it and understand it to be pronounced
  8. both to be honest as much as you can the basics say the more hit points and end you have the better however this runs afoul of what happens when you run into a bunch of bad guys who can shred health in short order. Heck ive had tanks with maxed out set invuln just drop when certain enemies just went to town, so in general yes more health and end is always a good thing having a large pool of both can never hurt that said having low recovery of both can also be detrimental to your game, a high health individual whose health regens slower than a snails foot race means it takes time for them to regain that health which can slow down progression same with end while having a big pool can be beneficial if youre fighting a long fight and have no recovery options outside of popping blue candy what happens when you run out of that blue end bar and have no way to recover safely? so a high level of both health and end as well as recovery and regen would seem to be the best in this game in my experience now i imagine there are builds that use multiple procs and set bonuses of a wide assortment and variety that i wont get into ill let those whove spent more time in that department cover that suffice it to say the game is built around a balance of health and regen End and recovery so youre best option outside of those set bonuses is to build for balance as best you can
  9. I hear you but I also like the max health bonus that comes with the third piece of the set cant go wrong with more Hit points
  10. Stamina wise you can generally get away with 3 slots total in stamina with only end mod enhancements if you have the performance shifter set then the end proc and two pieces of the set extra is more than enough to carry you through most content adding end reduction in every attack and toggle works really well barring different set pieceses and their bonuses so yeah thats really all you need
  11. yes it is healing is one of the three basic pillars of mitigation in the game and has been since the beginning you resist the damage you avoid the damage you heal through the damage resistance defense healing
  12. Not really the healing IS the mitigation you literally can bring someone back from the cusp of defeat with a single power usage. And can turn them into a beast with a couple of buffs theres very few things outside of 4-5 avs beating on someone an empath playing smart cant out heal
  13. Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts?
  14. just for clarities sake you only need to defeat the villains? do or do not need to defeat recluse last? and the only award other than bragging rights is the to provide a little context to the question I just beat it where the team defeated the villains but beat recluse first got the thing then did another run where we wiped out ALL the heroes and villains saving recluse for last but no badge or anything
  15. Ill step up in defense of Empathy ive got an emp rad Lifeline and an emp energy Valkyrie MK X that can outright run with any team and be useful start to finish and ive literally carried a team through a couple of rough spots the combo of buffs and pure heals is matched only by pain which runs a similar variety of single target and aoe heals and buffs if I were to work empathy over a bit if make the some small qol changes Regen and recovery auras make them like force fields bubbles in how theyre distrbuted perhaps gettting teammates that are spread out a little add an absorb shield to heal other and healing aura might be a nice add on ill agree lets forts buff be team wide would be nice same with clear mind Absorb pain have it be something that for not healing you not only does a near 100% heal but also significantly boosts the heroes regen for a time all told Empathty is in my experience the strongest of the PURE healing builds it holds its own nicely the only thing empathy cant keep up with is stupid and if you run off and die on youre own thats on you you want heals stay within arms reach of the person putting them out
  16. welcome to the best city in gaming for DFB its solid way to get to 12-16 but it doesnt really have any benefit past that and I honestly dont recommend it for newer players whove never played the game before theres SOOOO much to explore and missions to do that can get you up in level DFB is for after youve run a couple characters through the ranks Posi 1-2 and the other Freedom phalanx task forces are very high experience gainers with lots of rewards but takes some experience and can be fast paced even on casual kill all speeds I regularly run the 6 FP tasks forces and try to run them in a manner that teaches people how to run through them in a fun but efficient and smooth way so always feel free to ask questions and if needed ask if the group can slow down a bit or ask if someone like myself can run a tf where you can learn the ropes of it
  17. to add a bit to Captain Fs explanation the various IO sets have bonuses they impart at each level so you may see boosts to health boost to endurance etc some of those boosts will be tiny small medium larger or very large and so on some of those bonuses will be unique such as the numinas regen recovery proc or the absorption proc so lets say you have 5 sets each of which has a Medium health boost and 3 of them have a small end boost the bonuses would look like this 5x medium Health boost 3x small end boost this build stays within the rule of 5 but if the same build had 6 medium health boosts you would NOT benefit from the 6th one and the build while still functional would be in violation of the rule of 5 so while building you need to keep aware of the various buffs you get from sets and make sure to plan accordingly now note that violating the rule of 5 is not a thing that shuts a build down it is just an inefficiency more than anything a build can still be functional and successful but its just short of a boost or two that a different cet could provide you if build differently
  18. Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts?
  19. Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts?
  20. Ice Ice tank and an ice ice controller or defender the ice tank grabs a bunch of mobs brings them together hits EA and boosts their defense thrugh the ceiling theyre also protected by the ice armors boost to resist with the mobs stuck next to the tank by chilling aura and ice slick the controller locks them down and dumps snow strom and freezing rain on them mobs functionally can do NOTHING withoyut it taking an age and a day to recharge icicles and damage from the immobs just clear everything out over time the tank is essentially unstoppable and the ice controller is almost never touched
  21. Ohai new friends you bring teh donuts?
  22. it has been reworked a bit the first three kill alls the maps are shorter on average and i think a couple of kill alls were removed reducing it down a few missions
  23. heck I run Task Force Madness sometimes running posi 1-2 and synapse and yin back to back or running just the individuals or running Cit Manti and Numina all in a row the TFs are fun generally done in an hour or less each on a casual kill as we go speed and lots of fun so look me up on any of the shards and Ill run anyone through the TFs including katie hannon and Moonfire as well
  24. Wishing everyone a warm safe and happy new years may the coming year be a good one for you we will not fall because we will rise above
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