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Question about storing wealth


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Let's say you have a billion influence, and want to make sure you keep a decent amount of it inflation proof. Is storing it in purples a good idea? What are the odds that the devs will one day introduce a change that will devalue purples? What else can you store it as? Is this even necessary (is inflation not likely)?

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I'm with MunkiLord above for the most part. 


I don't keep many enhancements in my base beyond the ones I tend to use on everyone:Kismets, Steadfast, Glads, LotG, Numinas and Miracles for the most part. Tough to explain the 8 sets each of Crushing Impacts and Kin Combat but what can you do. 


Inflation wise i believe we will get some.  Already see Purps routinely at 30 mill in the weekend which makes me giggle cause why you silly people. Figure it will cap at 50 and that will be that.  (Granted that wint be till summer of 2020 but still...)


As far as storing for a rainy day I wouldnt bother honestly.   Lots of influence to be easily made playing the market, farming if that's your thing or simply getting out there and beating up Hellions. I hear they have deep pockets. 


Happy hunting. 

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5 hours ago, Sakai said:

As far as storing for a rainy day I wouldnt bother honestly.   Lots of influence to be easily made playing the market, farming if that's your thing or simply getting out there and beating up Hellions. I hear they have deep pockets. 


Happy hunting. 

My only concern is that RL demands may soon make it difficult to spend hours farming the way I do now, and I want to make sure the money I stick under my virtual mattress isn't nigh worthless when I need it.

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With that in mind this is what I would do. 


Purchase your self whatever purples/ATOs you see yourself needing in the next three months. I know it is hard to guess what you will need but just envision the characters types you like to play and go from there. 


If, in a few months, you decide you dont need all of those Hetacombs because you are addicted to Trollers now sell them off and purchase anew. 


Buy mid week though. Prices are typically 75% of weekend prices. 


All of the little stuff buy as you go. 



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9 minutes ago, Sakai said:

With that in mind this is what I would do. 


Purchase your self whatever purples/ATOs you see yourself needing in the next three months. I know it is hard to guess what you will need but just envision the characters types you like to play and go from there. 


If, in a few months, you decide you dont need all of those Hetacombs because you are addicted to Trollers now sell them off and purchase anew. 


Buy mid week though. Prices are typically 75% of weekend prices. 


All of the little stuff buy as you go. 



Probably a good idea. I'll just buy a ton of the expensive stuff that I know I'll need, like LOTG sets.

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1 hour ago, Sakai said:

With that in mind this is what I would do. 


Purchase your self whatever purples/ATOs you see yourself needing in the next three months. I know it is hard to guess what you will need but just envision the characters types you like to play and go from there. 


If, in a few months, you decide you dont need all of those Hetacombs because you are addicted to Trollers now sell them off and purchase anew. 


Buy mid week though. Prices are typically 75% of weekend prices. 


All of the little stuff buy as you go. 



As MunkiLord says, you may be better off buying whatever purples/ATOs/Winter Os are cheapest and holding them in storage until you figure out what you want.  Any random purple plus 1mm worth of conversion rolls will probably not get you the exact purple you want, but it almost certainly will get you something that you can sell for a good price.

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Who run Bartertown?


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You know that just about any character you will play in the future will want a Miracle Recovery, a Numina, a Panacea, a Performance Shifter proc, and that most will want Steadfast Protection +Def and those who don't will want the -KB.  Fill an enhancement rack full of those, because whatever the market does, those things will in all likelihood sell for top dollar whatever current conditions are. 

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44 minutes ago, Heraclea said:

You know that just about any character you will play in the future will want a Miracle Recovery, a Numina, a Panacea, a Performance Shifter proc, and that most will want Steadfast Protection +Def and those who don't will want the -KB.  Fill an enhancement rack full of those, because whatever the market does, those things will in all likelihood sell for top dollar whatever current conditions are. 

Add the Shield Wall and Gladiator’s Armor procs to this list.

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I always forget about coverting Purples. 


I have so many sitting around doing nothing now. I did it once Live and once since the Return and both times decided my time could be better spent on a new costume. 


It's a good idea. 

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Agreed with cyvert. As long as you are still trading up it won't really matter. You will adjust to the new market as you go.


The hassle of storage and hard limits to capacity make saving in nonliquid assets not really worth the trouble. If you are planning a long hiatus, maybe dump some into atos and high demand purples to sit. Other lower priced items like miracle or perf shifter procs don't store enough wealth per slot.

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49 minutes ago, Onlyasandwich said:

Agreed with cyvert. As long as you are still trading up it won't really matter. You will adjust to the new market as you go.


The hassle of storage and hard limits to capacity make saving in nonliquid assets not really worth the trouble. If you are planning a long hiatus, maybe dump some into atos and high demand purples to sit. Other lower priced items like miracle or perf shifter procs don't store enough wealth per slot.

Here are the things that I think are keeping inflation down:

  1. Market seeding (not just salvage, but also Super/Winter packs)
  2. Current conversion rules
  3. Merit Vending (converters, catalysts, unslotters, recipes)
  4. Farming (AE, as well as Aspect/Ouro farming)
  5.  Nothing 'new' to spend INF/Merits on

I can't imagine that the Homecoming Devs making radical changes to any of the above. If there is anything that might threaten trying to store more than 2 billion Inf, it may be placing bids on 'impossible' IOs...just in case the Devs suddenly make them possible, a player may find some crazy bids suddenly filled!


If anyone is really worried about not being able to buy future stuff with stored inf, follow the earlier advice in this thread and buy the items you are nearly sure a future alt will want.

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I can’t help you with this one because I don’t store wealth, I use it to continuously gear up all of my alts with IO sets. I currently have 26 characters (the Tanker changes prompted me to make more than my obligatory Tanker Tuesday one), 10 of which possess their entire IO build complement and one more needing a few dozen more.  Now, I just start gearing them up during Teaming downtime.

Playing CoX is it’s own reward

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