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Report Zone Geometry Errors Here!

Message added by Arcanum,

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Wall bar top of blue side in Pocket D. These two spots flicker/clip.

Ramp to redside bar. The light is trying to escape.

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Striga Island

[-2193.6 -32.0 -2527.4]


Found a shoreline that abruptly ends.  Difficult to see under the water, navigating the camera lets you look under it from the southwest.  It's sealed however so you can't teleport into it.  It is however solid and you get caught on it if you try to run at it.




Edited by ZorkNemesis

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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  • 4 weeks later

Zone: Nova Praetoria

Location: River Rat volume #6 (as denoted on the Nova Praetoria vidiotmap), denoted internally as volume 'PraetoriaBridge2', with center coordinates [-2934.5 -80.5 -512.0]

Brief description: This volume is elevated 1.5 feet too high. Players cannot enter this volume along the north-south axis solely by swimming, and those that try end up swimming beneath the volume.


Detailed description: In the course of gathering data about all River Rat volumes, I noticed that I could not trigger this volume by swimming into it from either the north or the south. I compared the center point coordinates (which I computed from the leaked source geometry data) of this volume to every other River Rat volume and noticed that every other River Rat volume had an elevation coordinate of -82.0, whereas this volume had an elevation coordinate of -80.5. I further noted that while swimming, my character's elevation coordinate was -82.0, and I concluded that I was swimming under the volume, rather than into it. Jumping or otherwise raising my elevation to -80.5 successfully triggered this volume.


The volume boundaries are not visible in the game client, but here are a couple of screenshots showing the data from the leaked geometry files, specifically the 'P_City_00_01_layer_Badge_Tourism.txt' from the Nova Praetoria geometry data.





Edited by AboveTheChemist
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Steel Canyon

[-4703.9 32.0 56.2]


This set of power lines passes directly through the monorail tracks.  While closer inspection would show that the lines aren't actually touching the tracks in any way, having live electrical wires so close to a presumably steel structure can't be safe.  Should the wind pick up who knows what sort of things would happen if the wires touched the tracks and what effect it would have on the city's poorly designed public transit.  And given the number of supers running or flying at super sonic speeds, one simply passing through could cause untold damage from the windshear alone!




Edited by ZorkNemesis

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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In (new) Boomtown, at location [-1980.1 -16.0 5148.5] (near Phalanxer badge) it is possible to end up in a part of the map that doesn't have the geometry boundaries properly established. This is 'between' the trusses on the ground. This appears to only be an issue with the textures (not) applied to the geometry, as I have not been able to find any holes in the bounding box.





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In the Crossing the Line Morality mission, this barrel near the entrance cannot be shot unless you are behind it (approaching it from the entrance) or on the side (where you may sometimes be in trigger distance even if trying to stay away). It is clearly out in the open from the front of the rack, but attempts to shoot it give the "Target Blocked" message. Entering the 1st room after the initial hallway with its 6 pop-up turrets, it is the barrel at the front of the rack on your immediate left.

Target Blocked.JPG

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Gotta wonder what the electrician was thinking when (s)he installed these signs. Crossing the Line Morality mission entrance has the two exit signs half buried in the doorway. And the doors themselves look like they may be high in their frames.


Edit: Or too small for their frames? Too... I don't know. They don't look like they belong in that door frame.

No Exit.JPG

Edited by Rudra
Door placement confusion.
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[-2416.8 -7.6 -391.1]


Holiday event related, this one present in Sentinel Park spawns several feet in the air.  For some reason it also didn't spawn anything upon a "naughty" result.



Edited by ZorkNemesis

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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It's not really a zone geometry error, but in south Steel Canyon at [-3814.8 -0.0 2039.1], the pier supporting the E/W tram track right before it jogs north often has a spawn that appears in the concrete pier base; the spawn location needs to be shifted a bit so that there aren't mobs inside the pier:



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[-745.3 -181.8 423.7]


Very slight, the piles of dirt on the barges in the flooded sections of Faultline aren't quite resting on the barges.  If you position the camera just right you can see through the very bottom edge of the pile and see things on the other side.  You can also target objects and enemies on the other side through this seam.


Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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  • 2 weeks later

I'm CONSTANTLY getting location target bugs for location powers does this count? Croatoa is one of the biggest offenders. I've also gotten it in that, um, jameson park? outdoor map. The one with the crazies in the tina mac arc, but i get it other places too. I can literally be RIGHT on top of the enemy, and it will still say "out of range" when trying to place a location power on them.

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Atlas Park

[60.2 6.7 544.6] - Outside of the Vanguard DPO


This isn't really a geometry error, but a bit of a funny quirk and error involving the reflections on the building.


Most of the reflections in the windows are of Atlas Park, though they reflect from above City Hall.  That can be overlooked.



On the other hand, if you look at the door to the building, a keen eyed Hero might notice the the reflection in the doors is that of Nova Praetoria instead of Atlas Park.  Has the Vanguard been compromised?



And stranger yet, the window right next to the door reflects Atlas.  Looking just right, you can see both Atlas and Nova in the same view.  Strange.



On a related note, the doors to City Hall also reflect Nova Praetoria.  What dimension are we really in here?



Edited by ZorkNemesis
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Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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  • 2 weeks later

Zone/Mission: V_Office_30_Layout_07

Zone/Mission: V_Office_30_Layout_13

Zone/Mission: Office_45_Layout_07_02

Zone/Mission: V_Ofc_to_Sewer_45_layout_05


Exit signs are sunk halfway into the door frames.

Edited by Rudra
Edited to add more entries.
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Position: [127.5 2.0 52.3]


The large door at the entrance to the PTS clips into the floor.  You can compare it to similar Council/5th Column doorways as it's the same tileset.



EDIT: Here's what the door should look like without the clipping.  The bottom angled corners are under the floor in the first picture.



Edited by ZorkNemesis

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Talos Island

[521.1 40.0 6339.9]


These two shipping containers have been placed inside a chain link fence.  While I know that you can occasionally pass through such fences at high speeds, I don't think shipping containers have that same luxury.



Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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  • 2 weeks later
2 hours ago, GM Arael said:

We have floating citizens in Croatoa, I know there is magic in the air but come on now, no floating the citizens. [-838.9 29.8 1952.6]Floating.PNG

This thread has been collecting geometry errors for a while so this is bound to happen, but the one you posted was already mentioned at the bottom of page 3 a year ago:



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In the mission "Destroy Main TEST facility" from Calvin Scott had one of the small explosive clickies spawn inside of a pillar on the side wall. Restarted the mission, but it seems like the mission is on a fixed map as it was exactly the same both times. The mission does not seem to be able to be auto-completed via the menu either. Sent a petition in-game for help, but figured I'd post the bug here as well just in case it helps in the future.



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It's not something that's going to affect gameplay in any way, and can be handwaved by simply declaring that Praetoria does it differently, but the runway at the western end of Neutropolis is mislabeled. Every public use and military runway on the planet has (or should have) runway designations painted on any end for which an approach can be flown. These designations indicate the magnetic azimuth of the runway -- runway 9-27 is aligned east/west. The number painted on the end of a runway is the magnetic course (minus a zero) that a plane will be flying to land on that runway.


The runway in Neutropolis is aligned east/west, but the western end is labeled '01', indicating that it's azimuth is 10° east of north, and its opposite end would be labeled '19'. But, because it's physically aligned E/W, these numbers should be '9' at the west end and '27' at the east end.


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  • 2 weeks later

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