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Yellow Salvage Prices


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4 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

The only thing keeping supply from being literally unlimited, is people's willingness to craft, convert, or buy it with merits. That is the only limit. Yes at any given time the number for sale might be zero or three, but that is an issue easily solved.

Yes, just like the only thing keeping food from being sold is the limit on people baking bread.  yet you can still manipulate bread prices (in the short term) to make a killing.  Even if it negatively impacts people trying to put food on their families.  and that is sort of the point, flippers manipulate in the short term, to benefit themselves, and they are okay that someone else pays for that.

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1 minute ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

The one thing I've learned from ATOs and Winter-Os:  never ever ever post more than 9 at a time.  

Yeah you're right.  I'm away at work for 1 week+ so thought i'd get them all in and hope they sell lol.


I think only purples, and specifically only Armageddon (not even Ragnarok) can sell in bunches of 100.

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22 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

You still don't know that, you are guessing because it fits your narrative and perceptions. It very well could be a bug in drops, less casual players generating supply while more dedicated players keep demand about the same, or whatever other reason people want to give and don't have any actual evidence to prove.


To demonstrate how seriously I take your concerns and complaints, I would like to introduce you to Bung, my Dark/Earth Dominator that now owns all Serendipity enhancements on the market.



I'll gladly sell them back to you!

It is plausible that it’s a drop rate bug but the bids shot up from 10k to 30k over night.  It’s highly unlikely 20k bids came in and didn’t fill at 1k influence and continued to come in and unfill even as we saw the prices slowly creeping up.  


There is also little doubt that if even a couple ebil marketeers decided to, they could crush the markets as we know it today.  This only becomes more and more of a possibility as they continue to grow their wealth.  

Guardian survivor

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4 minutes ago, Snarky said:

Yes, just like the only thing keeping food from being sold is the limit on people baking bread.  yet you can still manipulate bread prices (in the short term) to make a killing.  Even if it negatively impacts people trying to put food on their families.  and that is sort of the point, flippers manipulate in the short term, to benefit themselves, and they are okay that someone else pays for that.

No, there are actual physical limits on food, so that is not an unlimited supply. Also, things people need to stay alive is a poor comparison to a digital luxury item in a video, another luxury item. Finally, there are enough resources to feed every person in the world(though not unlimited), we as a planet have simply decided not to. 

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(looks across the room....nope....this won't be well received.)


I am a flipper.  With the notable exception of one enhancement I do not create anything.  


I profit from your, and many others, impatience.


I am the very person you hate.  The Cancer as it were.



1 hour ago, Mr.Sinister said:

My wife buys Rae Dunn junk at home goods.  It’s $12 for a bird house.  Rae Dunn only supplies a specific amount of supply at one time.  Not limited edition.  Just limited supply at once.  


Another woman gets to the store early on shipment days and buys all of the bird houses at $12.  She relists those same bird houses at the local co-op shop for $20.  If my wife wants a Rae Dunn bird house she either has to be a crazy person and show up everyday at stocking time or she has to pay the $20 price the flipper has set.  This is a perfect real world example of what you’re doing.  The woman buying all of the bird houses is just greedy.  


The greedy woman has to pay a price to list the items at the co-op just like wentworth’s.  Money is coming out of the economy.  Is she doing the economy a favor?  No, she is being greedy and simply making money of off other people.  She is neither supplying supplies nor providing a service


*if you don’t know about Rae Dunn, consider yourself fortunate.  


I agree with you that the woman is very greedy and that is an unfortunate situation.  I googled, because you knew I had to, and it is quite the little enterprise.  Reminds me of Beanie Babies.


This is not at all what I do though. 


I buy my birdhouse at $12, relist for 12.50 and you, or someone like you, feel the need to pay 20...often times even higher.


As an example from in game, at one point Purples were averaging a sale price of 15 million.  I would purchase for 10, list for a little over 11 and profit.  There is no need to spend 15 unless you need to have the IO at that exact second.  Willing to wait a few hours bid 12.  Willing to wait a few days sometimes bid 10.  Want it now bid 15.  


Prices have increased somewhat which was only natural.  Almost a year with farmers and non farmers alike generating influence.  The last time I looked, which was admittedly a Cpl weeks back the Purples were ranging from 25-35.  That is simply the way an economy works.


That doesn't matter to me because the math is the same regardless of what price level we are discussing..  In fact now you have the math too.  Buy at 10, list at 11, sell for 15.  There are some exceptions to the rule naturally and markets do fluctuate.  I'm not saying that you should become a Flipper yourself but now you no longer need to pay those prices.  Your choice going forward.


The items I purchase are at the price the seller is willing to sell at.  I personally list all my drops at 1.  Doesn't matter what it is.  If I receive 1279 influence for my LoTG recipe I have to be satisfied with that.  I list at that level as I don't want to go to the bother of researching actual prices to make mad cash.   Nor do I want to go through the process of crafting and stashing an IO for one of my alts to use.  I will  pay for that service  later on.  Granted I currently do pay less than you but that need not be the case any longer.  (The math is right there.)


The one item I do craft is, as far as I can tell, useful to absolutely no one so I presume that it is being converted to something else by someone else.  They can make their 5 million.  I will take my 2, if I am lucky, at the cost 50K I'll say.  (Perhaps not right now as Yellow Salvage prices are in flux.)  The point being that there is lots of influence that could be saved at the crafting stage as well.


I am sorry that you feel ill used by the market.  It is my hope I was able to shed a little light upon your misconception of flippers.


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3 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

No, there are actual physical limits on food, so that is not an unlimited supply. Also, things people need to stay alive is a poor comparison to a digital luxury item in a video, another luxury item. Finally, there are enough resources to feed every person in the world(though not unlimited), we as a planet have simply decided not to. 

nice spin.  but there are limits on what we put on the market.  you either cannot see that or are trolling


next you bring in some adjectives to say the comparison is not worthy.  slash adjectives back out. hmm, sentence looks stupid then.


next you change the subject.



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7 minutes ago, Snarky said:

nice spin.  but there are limits on what we put on the market.  you either cannot see that or are trolling


next you bring in some adjectives to say the comparison is not worthy.  slash adjectives back out. hmm, sentence looks stupid then.


next you change the subject.



The only limit is your willingness to craft, convert, or buy with merits. That is it. There is a literal infinite supply of all of those things to be generated. You are limiting yourself. 


I'd also like to point out that if people weren't willing to spend X million influence on an item, people wouldn't post it for such. The price is set by the buyer in CoH. The tools are there, with minimal effort, to make any enhancement in the game for cheaper than what it is on the market. Why don't people do that? Ignorance or they don't want to spend the time. The buyers set the prices.

Edited by MunkiLord
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13 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

Done! I'm like Oprah, but you don't have to pay taxes on my stuff.

Thank you is an understatement for shameless posting my global for free inf.


I will use it wisely and pay it forward. 

Now if only people were giving away Pythons...

Edited by Saikochoro
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4 minutes ago, Saikochoro said:

Thank you is an understatement for shameless posting my global for free inf.


I will use it wisely and pay it forward. 

Now if only people were giving away Pythons...

I can't help you with the Python, despite living in Texas, I've held a real gun exactly two times and never shot one. So I'm clear, this isn't a political statement by me, I was just never around them growing up.



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27 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

The only limit is your willingness to craft, convert, or buy with merits. That is it. There is a literal infinite supply of all of those things to be generated. You are limiting yourself. 


I'd also like to point out that if people weren't willing to spend X million influence on an item, people wouldn't post it for such. The price is set by the buyer in CoH. The tools are there, with minimal effort, to make any enhancement in the game for cheaper than what it is on the market. Why don't people do that? Ignorance or they don't want to spend the time. The buyers set the prices.

In summary:  There is no replacement for true desire, for self-directed agency.  If one wants, especially in this version of COH (converters, seeded salavage, etc) there is literally no barrier to enter any market or create your own COH Financial Plan... except your own time.

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There are limitations Munki, but those limitations are so high, that they might as well not be there. 


For what we're really talking about here isn't bread, or Pythons, or Polly Pockets. 


What were talking is Star Trek replicators. Our dear friends the Farmers produce so much product, that they are essentially the ship's warp drive. The converters are the replicators, letting us take that energy from the warp drive and converting it into whatever we want. 


And we, my friends, are Picard, asking the replicators to make his Earl Grey Tea for him. 

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I'm out.
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22 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

I can't help you with the Python, despite living in Texas, I've held a real gun exactly two times and never shot one. So I'm clear, this isn't a political statement by me, I was just never around them growing up.



No worries. I probably could have used a better example. Was just a kidding about that anyway haha. 

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3 minutes ago, The Philotic Knight said:

There are limitations Munki, but those limitations are so high, that they might as well not be there. 


For what we're really talking about here isn't bread, or Pythons, or Polly Pockets. 


What were talking is Star Trek replicators. Our dear friends the Farmers produce so much product, that they are essentially the ship's warp drive. The converters are the replicators, letting us take that energy from the warp drive and converting it into whatever we want. 


And we, my friends, are Picard, asking the replicators to make his Earl Grey Tea for him. 

Farmer, make it hot please.



Captain Picard Earl Grey Tea Hot.jpg

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34 minutes ago, Saikochoro said:

Thank you is an understatement for shameless posting my global for free inf.


I will use it wisely and pay it forward. 

Now if only people were giving away Pythons...

@SaikochoroUsing your post as an example... at least in this version of COH (and within this community) there is no shame in asking directly for Inf or for help in learning.  At least, you've shown desire and agency.  The only shame is assumption, assumption without having been an e-bill.


If everyone who touted altruism through farming (really?  You're farming in this COH video game to help the COH Homecoming video game economy?) asked everyone on the /Market forums for help becoming e-billionaires, we would all be swimming e-rich together under the Multi-national Conglomerate SG, the people's republic of UFC! 

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Here is the real issue.  I need a bleeping Rae Dunn bird house for my wife’s birthday.  Momma needs her fix before daddy gets his!   


Now I have to pay $20 for a $12 birdhouse.  If I want the bird house that says “momma bird” and is shaped like a freaking acorn, not the one that might be an acorn or might be a tiki hut, the one that IS an acorn, then I have to pay $50 for a $12 bird house.  $50 because the momma bird acorn will get daddy a little extra somethin somethin!   


Now if you could buy one of the billions of useless mugs that say “mug” on them and turn that into a bird house, I would sing your praises from the rooftops.  But since you can’t, I Hate all of you!  Especially the local lady who has more time than me and is driving up the price!   


I’m not bitter...

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Guardian survivor

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