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The Guide to Issues aka "When did they add/change that?"


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There are lots of new and returning players who weren't around with the game all the way till sunset, and many of them have questions about when things happened and whether things are SCORE additions or were added after they stopped playing. So I thought I'd make a (not so) short list of all the big features and changes that came with each issue. I know I probably missed a lot (like Paragon Market items that aren't given patch notes), so please feel free to let me know if something is missing and you think it's significant enough to add a bullet point for.

Edited by GM Fiddleback
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Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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Issue 0: Launch!


• Launch

    April 28, 2004

• Gravity Control/Fold Space is replaced by the new Singularity pet.


Issue 1: Through the Looking Glass


• Level Cap raised to 50

• New Zones

    Peregrine Island

    Rikti Crash Site

• New Enemy Groups


    Carnival of Shadows


• New Trial

    Abandoned Sewer Trial

• Tailor

    Icon store added


Issue 2: A Shadow of the Past


• Capes

• Auras

• Badges!

• Respecs

• New Zones

    The Hollows

    Tunnels of the Trolls

    Firebase Zulu

    Cascade Archipelago

    The Chantry

    Storm Palace

• New Task Forces

    Explorers and Exploiters – Dr. Quaterfield in Firebase Zulu

    The Legend of Ruladak – Sara Moore in Cascade Archipelago

    The Saga of Faathim – Justin Augustine in The Chantry

    The Saga of Lanaru – Faathim the King in The Chantry

• New Enemy Groups



• New Trials

    Terror Volta (Respec Trial)

    Prisoners of Eden

    Transcendent Gateway

• Exemplaring

• The Purple Triangles of Doom! (AV Mez resistance)


Issue 3: A Council of War


• Official launch in EU

• Kheldians!

• Ancillary/Epic Power Pools

• Zone Events

    Lusca the Giant Octopus in Independence Port

    Paladin Construction in Kings Row

    The Ghost Ship in Independence Port & Talos Island

• New Enemy Group

    The Council is introduced replacing the 5th Column

• New Zone

    Striga Island

• New Task Forces

    The Kheldian War – Moonfire in Striga Isle

    The MegaMech Cometh – Ernesto Hess in Striga Isle

• Notoriety/Mission Difficulty

• THE PURPLE PATCH! (GMs always purple)

• Fear – Afraid replaced by Terrorized

• PunchVoke for Tankers

• Toxic Damage

• Armor toggles are no longer mutally exclusive

• Global Chat

• Calvin Scott Task Force


Issue 4: Colosseum



• Arenas

• Bastion renamed to Citadel

• Sister Psyche returned to her own body, Aurora Borealis becomes new trainer in Independence Port (Malaise becomes evil again)

• Calvin Scott Task Force removed

• Supergroup Coalitions & Coalition Chat


Issue 5: Forest of Dread


• New Zone


• New Enemy Groups

    The Cabal

    Fir Bolg

    Red Caps

    Tuatha de Dannan

• New Giant Monsters

    Jack in Irons


    Eochai (previously was in the 2004 Halloween Event)

• New Powersets

    Archery for Blasters and Defenders

    Trick Arrow for Defenders and Controllers

    Sonic Attack for Blasters and Defenders

    Sonic Resonance for Defenders and Controllers

    Electric Mastery (Epic/Ancillary) for Blasters

• New Zone Events

    Hellion Arson – Steel Canyon

    Troll Rave – Skyway City

•New Task Force

    A Tangled Plot – Katie Hannon in Croatoa

• Debt reduced inside mission maps and no debt is earned until level 10

• Cone Enhancements Removed

• Blaster’s Defiance 1.0 (As health falls, damage increases)

• Controller’s Containment added for more Controller damage, most Controller AoE controls increased in recharge time and reduced in duration

• Scrapper’s Critical Hit and Tanker’s Gauntlet given names (but existed before this issue)

• Max Targets added to powers that affect foes

• Stacking of pets removed, increased duration of most Controller pets, powers that summon multiple pets now always summon 3

• Scrapper damage increased

• Regeneration/Instant Healing now a Click Power


• Resistance/Orange Inspirations

• Defender’s Vigilance 1.0

• Sonic Attack and Sonic Resonance GFX toned down


Issue 6: Along Came a Spider


• Launch of City of Villains!

• ENHANCEMENT DIVERSIFICATION https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Enhancement_Diversification

• PvP Zones

    Bloody Bay

    Siren’s Call


• Gladiator PvP

• Supergroup Bases!

• Base Raid PvP

• Aggro Cap (17 enemies on one character)

• Recovery & Endurance Drain enhancements merged in to Endurance Modification enhancements

• Forcefields/Repulsion Bomb changed to target Foes

• Origin Powers (only last till level 10)

    Taser Dart


    Apprentice Charm

    Throwing Knives

    Tranq Dart

• Vengeance no longer stackable (or so they thought)

• ToHit Debuff enhancements moved to Schedule B

• Debt Cap reduced


Issue 7: Destiny Manifest


• Villain Level Cap raised to 50

• New Zone


• New Strike Force

    The Future of Freedom – Lord Recluse in Grandville

• New PvP Zone

    Recluse’s Victory

• New Powersets

    Thugs for Masterminds

    Electric Melee for Brutes

    Electric Armor for Brutes

    Dark Melee for Stalkers

    Dark Armor for Stalkers

• Patron Power Pools

• Mayhem Missions

• PvE accuracy formula modified to better accommodate Defense

• OHKO Protection

• Origin Powers made permanent

• Psuedopet powers now affected by buffs on the caster

• Stealth Suppression

• First pass of Claws improvements

• First pass of Trick Arrow improvements

• Archery animations shortened and endurance cost reduced

• PvP toggle Drop effects reduced

• AVs/Heroes/GMs significantly buffed

• Defender Slow Modifier raised to 1.25

• Mastermind Bodyguard mode

• First pass of Dominator improvements

    Domination recharges faster

    Melee Damage modifier increased

    Domination now offers protection from Mez and can be used while Held/Slept/Stunned

• AVs/Heroes/GMs Regen reduced from previous buff

• Costume creator cleaned up, organized and textures improved

• Female pronouns added to badges

• Mission Dropping every 7 days

• Cathedral of Pain Trial is launched, but not for long


Issue 8: To Protect And Serve


• Veteran Rewards (including WINGS)

• Faultline revamped and made a City Zone with 15-25 level range

• Police Band Missions for Heroes

• Safeguard Missions for Heroes

• “Dark” element powers updated visually for Villains

• Second pass of Dominator improvements

    Domination will build faster on teams

    Base Domination gain increased to 3 points per attack (up from 2 points)

• Fire Imps will always be -1 to Caster

• Controller Ancillary attacks reduced in Damage Scale

• Base Rent Overhaul

• Animation rooting changes for Clicks and Toggles

• Taunt animation normalization

• Targeting Drone will buff damage for Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle?


Issue 9: Breakthrough




    Invention Origin Enhancements


• New Task Force

    Statesman’s Task Force – Statesman in Independence Port

• New Zone

    The Abyss (Villains)

    Monster Island (Villains)

• Hamidon for Villains!

• Hamidon Encounter Revamped

• Auction House

• Castle added as a Trainer on Peregrine Island


Issue 10: Invasion!


• Rikti Crash Site revamped in to Rikti War Zone, a Co-Op zone

• New Zone Events

    Rikti Invasion – All Zones

    Mothership Raid – Rikti War Zone

• New Task/Strike Force

    The Lady Grey Task/Strike Force – Lady Grey in the Rikti War Zone

    Completing this Task/Strike Force will trigger a Rikti Invasion in a random City Zone

• Vanguard Merits

    Earned in Rikti War Zone content

• Rikti Villain Group Revamped (much less naked)

• Kheldian inherent now benefits from Villain teammates

• Camera shake added to Super Strength powers

• New GFX for Sonic Resonance (ORANGE)

• Server Transfers


Issue 11: A Stitch in Time



• New Zone


• New Powersets

    Dual Blades for Brutes, Scrappers, Stalkers and Tankers

    Willpower for Brutes, Scrappers, Stalkers and Tankers

• Weapon Powerset Customization

• Very Rare (PURPLE) Invention Enhancements

• New Invention Set Types



    Endurance Mod

    ToHit Buff

    ToHit Debuff

    Defense Debuff

• Respec Recipes

• Supergroup Member limit doubled to 150

• Blaster Primary Tier 1 & 2 powers standardized to 1 second and 1.67 second activation times, respectively (carried over to other ATs if it was a buff to animation time)

• Stalker Hide endurance cost removed

• Defiance 2.0

    Old Defiance replaced

    Blasters can now use tier 1 & 2 blast powers can be used while Helt/Slept/Stunned

    Every Blaster power used grants a damage buff

• Blaster Ranged Damage Modifier increased from 1 to 1.125

• Combat Attribute Window and Attribute Monitoring

• XP increased across nearly all levels

• Debt lowered by 20%

• Mission Dropping every 3 days (down from 7)

• Regeneration/Moment of Glory Heal crash and Heal resistance removed, recharge reduced to 4 minutes, but only 15 second duration

• Forcefields/Repulsion Bomb increased to a Scale 1 damage attack, knockback changed to Knockdown

• Super Strength/Rage crashed changed to Self -Damage

• Super Reflexes Res(DefDebuff) made enhanceable

• Ice Melee/Frozen Aura now does damage


Issue 12: The Midnight Hour


• New Zones

    Midnighter Club


• New Task Force

    Time’s Arrow – Imperious in Cimerora

• Soldiers of Arachnos! (VEATS)

• The Hollows Revamp


    Blaster - Psychic Blast, Mental Manipulation

    Controller - Plant Control, Thermal Radiation

    Defender - Cold Domination, Ice Blast

    Scrapper - Fiery Melee, Fiery Aura

    Tanker - Dark Armor, Dark Melee

    Brute - Battle Axe, War Mace, Super Reflexes

    Corruptor - Electrical Blast, Storm Summoning

    Dominator - Earth Control, Electricity Assault

    Mastermind - Storm Summoning

    Stalker - Electric Melee, Electric Armor

• Purchasable Character Slots

• Character selection screen reorganization

• Player notes/rating

• Detailed power information/Real numbers display

• Info linking in chat

• Leveling up refills health and endurance and applies Inspiration buffs

• New, deformable Power Trays

• Devices/Auto Turret is now Gun Drone, and can follow you and fly

• Float text added for many effects

• Unlockable weapons added for weapon sets

• Abandoned Sewer Trial revamped

• Flight/Hover animation updated, and now resists -Fly

• First pass of Stalker improvements

    Stalker Melee Damage modifier increased from 0.9 to 1.0

    Stalker HP modifier increased from 0.95 to 1.125

    Stalker attacks have a 10% + 3% chance per teammate within 30’ chance to critical

    Missing with AS won’t suppress Hide

    Hide suppression reduced from 10 seconds to 8 seconds

    AS now causes Demoralize, an AoE ToHit Debuff and Chance to Fear

• Corruptor Traps and Storm Summoning endurance costs reduced (previously used the MM end costs)

• Martial Arts animation times reduced

• Ninjas/Genin Archery powers replaced with Shurikens

• Second pass of Claws improvements

    Animation deadtimes removed, the set is rebalanced around animation times

Edited by GM Fiddleback
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Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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Issue 13: Power And Responsibility


• Merit Rewards

• Day jobs

• Multiple builds

• Mac Version

• New Powers

    Shield Defense for Tankers, Scrappers and Brutes

    Pain Domination for Corruptors and Masterminds

• Leveling Pacts

• Patron Power Respecs

• Supergroup base repricing

• Base Raiding is disabled

• Infamous Issue 13 PvP Changes

• Elusivity

• Defensive toggle suppression when mezzed, rather than shutting off

• 5th power added to Ancillary/Patron power pools

• Invulnerability/Unyielding Self Defense debuff removed, Invincibility Defense buff lower to offset, debuff resistances added to passives

• War Mace buffs

• New Invention Set Types

    Recharge Intensive Pets

    Accurate Healing

    Accurate Defense Debuff

    Accurate To-Hit Debuff

    Universal Travel

• Peacebringer buffs

    Dwarf form can be activated while mezzed

    Melee Damage mod increased from 0.75 to 0.85

    Ranged Damage mod increased from 0.625 to 0.8

    Dwarf Form Melee Damage mod increased from 0.85 to 1.0

    Epic ATs now affect Cosmic Balance

    Cosmic Balance now affects Nova and Dwarf forms

• Warshade buffs

    Dwarf form can be activated while mezzed

    Melee Damage mod increased from 0.75 to 0.85

    Ranged Damage mod increased from 0.625 to 0.8

    Dwarf Form Melee Damage mod increased from 0.85 to 1.0

    Epic ATs now affect Dark Sustenance

    Dark Sustenance now affects Nova and Dwarf forms

• Dark Melee buffs

• First pass of Energy Aura buffs

• Assault Rifle buffs

• Melee range increased to 7 feet


Issue 14: Architect


• Mission Architect/Architect Entertainment


• PvP Invention Sets

• +/- Recharge no longer affects Pet attack power


Issue 15: Anniversary


• New Task/Strike Forces

    Thus Spoke the Reichsman – Barracuda in Grandville

    Return of the Reichsman – Dr. Kahn in Founders’ Falls

• Dominator Revamp

    Damage bonus removed from Domination

    Ranged damage mod increased from 0.65 to 0.95

    Melee damage mod increased from 0.75 to 1.05

    Assault sets rebalanced

• Many AE badges removed

• Hall of Fame and Dev’s Choice in Mission Architect

• Arachnos Soldier animation buffs


Issue 16: Power Spectrum


• Revamped Character Creator



    Blaster - Radiation Blast

    Controller - Cold Domination

    Defender - Traps, Assault Rifle

    Scrapper - Electric Melee, Electric Armor

    Tanker - Electric Armor, Electric Melee

    Brute – Claws

    Corruptor - Archery, Trick Arrow

    Dominator - Earth Assault

    Mastermind - Thermal Radiation

    Stalker - Broad Sword

• Blaze Mastery Ancillary Power Pool added to Scrappers

• Enhanced mission difficulty settings

• Pets can zone!

• Electric Armor/Conserve Power replaced with Energized for all ATs

• Super Sidekicking

• Many Badge requirements lowered

• Minimum levels removed from Hazard and Trial Zones

• Brawl endurance cost removed

• Corruptor Trick Arrow endurance costs reduced (previously used the MM end costs)

• Controller Kinetics/Fulcrum Shift now uses Controller Damage Buff Mods

• Walk...

• All references to ‘Talsorian’ in-game changed to ‘Vanguard’

• “Cape Mission” updated

• New Powerset

    Dual Pistols for Blasters, Corruptors and Defenders (for those that preordered Going Rogue)


Issue 17: Dark Mirror


• New Powerset

    Demon Summoning for Masterminds (for those that preordered Going Rogue)

• New Enemy Group



• Positron Task Force split in two

• Silver Mantis Strike Force no longer restricted to Supergroups

• Animated Tails

• Vigilance 2.0

    Vigilance now grants a 30% (by level 20) damage buff to Defenders that scales down by 1/3 for each teammate to a minimum of 0%.

• Epic ATs now unlocked by getting a character to level 20, rather than level 50


Issue 18: Shades of Gray


• Launch of Going Rogue!

• Alignment System

• New Alignments



• New Powersets

    Kinetic Melee for Stalkers, Scrappers, Brutes and Tankers

    Electric Control for Dominators and Controllers

• New Zones

    Fort Trident (only for Heroes)

    The Crucible (only for Villains)

    Nova Praetoria

    Underground Nova Praetoria

    Imperial City

    Underground Imperial City


    Precinct Five (Praetorian Tutorial)

• New Enemy Groups


    Praetorian Police Department

    Praetorian Clockwork

    The Resistance




• Auction houses merged for all sides

• The Cathedral of Pain Trial relaunches, no longer tied to Base Raids or Items of Power

• Archery/Trick Arrow powers sped up

• Brute Fury Updated

    Upper end of Fury generation harder to achieve, lower end easier to maintain

    Higher rank enemies generate more Fury

• Fiery Embrace now adds Fire damage to all attacks in PvE instead of a damage buff

• Base flight speed of all flight powers increased by 50%

• Pop Help!

• Ancillary Powers for all!

    Villains and Heroes now both have access to the Ancillary Pools, and can choose to take the Patron Pools optionally

• Martial Arts buffs

• Stalker Offensive toggles suppress while Hidden

• Oil Slick Arrow finally works 100% of the time

• Combat Mode option for Auras


Issue 19: Alpha Strike




    The Alpha Slot is now partially available

    Cardiac, Musculature, Nerve and Spiritual are the original 4 Alpha Slot trees

• New Incarnate Task Forces

    Alpha Strike – Apex in the Rikti War Zone

    The Praetorian Offensive – Tin Mage Mark II in the Rikti War Zone

• New Enemy Group

    Imperial Defense Force

• Alternate animations for some powersets

• Merged Monorail Lines, Ferries and Helicopters

• Hospitals are now available in most zones, with someone selling Inspirations

• Primal Earth characters can now get to Praetoria through Pocket D

• New Auras



• Calvin Scott’s Task Force is readded as a Flashback Arc

• New Zone Events

    The Protest – Nova Praetoria

    Syndicate Takedown – Imperial City

    The Great Escape – Neutropolis

• Praetorians now have Repeatable Missions

• Third Build available


Issue 19.5: Strike Pack


• Weekly Strike Targets

• The upper tiers of the Alpha Slot are now available

• New Aura



Issue 20: Incarnates


• New Incarnate Slots





• Black Helicopter available in all Villain zones

• Team Up Teleporter

• Leagues (up to 6 teams of 8 characters)

• Incarnate Trials (accessed via Team Up Teleporter)

    Behavioral Adjustment Facility Trial

    Lambda Sector

• New Task/Strike Forces

    The Sky is Falling – Admiral Sutter in Independence Port

    The Fire and the Flames – Mortimer Kal in Sharkhead Island


Issue 20.5: Incarnates Ascend


• New Incarnate Trial (accessed via Team Up Teleporter)

    Keyes Island

• More Lore Pets added

• New Merit Vendors to trade Astral and Empyrean Merits for new costume parts, emotes, super inspirations and IO recipes

• Leagues can now be Open Leagues or Closed Leagues

• Some ST buffs are now AoE to be easier for League use

    Cold Domination/Ice Shield and Glacial Shield

    Force Field/Deflection Shield and Insulation Shield

    Kinetics/Speed Boost and Increase Density (only the +Res is AoE, Mez Res/Prot is ST)

    Sonic Resonance/Sonic Barrier and Sonic Haven

    Thermal Radiation/Fire Shield and Plasma Shield

• Null the Gull

    Allows players to select whether or not they are affected by the movement-affecting components of certain player powers (Speed Boost, Increase Density, Inertial Reduction, Enforced Morale and Accelerate Metabolism)

    Offers control options for Mystic Fortune

    Informs players which Praetorian AVs they need to defeat for Dimensional Warder

    Offers control options for Group Fly, Team Teleport, and similar powers

• Cut-scene Skipping!

• ToHit Penalty removed from Group Fly/Group Energy Fly

• Mastermind Upgrade powers endurance cost halved

• Mastermind Pets now gain Incarnate Shifts from Supremacy


Issue 21: Convergence


• Launch of City of Heroes Freedom

    Free accounts

    Subscription accounts now “VIP” and gain access to all Going Rogue content without having to buy the expansion

• Introduction of the Paragon Market

• Metric Analyzing Reward Throttle

• VIP Server: Exalted

• Revamped Tutorial

    Characters now begin as Neutral alignment in the ruins of a destroyed Galaxy City

• Atlas Park/Mercy Island Makeover


    New Contacts

    New Music

•New Trial

    Death from Below

• Ongoing Training Missions

    Twinshot for Heroes

    Dr. Graves for Villains

• Ancillary/Patron Pools levels adjusted

• Travel Power Pool adjustments

    Tier 1-3 powers now available at level 4

    Tier 4 powers available at level 14

    Tier 5 power added

• Other Power Pool adjustments

    Tier 1-2 powers available at level 4

    Tier 4 powers available at level 14

• Improvements to Contacts

    Floating Icons

    Contact Finder

• Veteran Rewards replaced with Paragon reward Program

• Circle of Thorns revamped

• New Incarnate Trial (accessed via Team Up Teleporter)

    The Underground Trial

•New Powersets

    Time Manipulation for Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors and Masterminds

    Beam Rifle for Blasters, Corruptors and Defenders

    Street Justice for Scrappers, Tankers, Brutes and Stalkers

    Titan Weapons for Scrappers, Tankers and Brutes


    Blaster - Dark Blast, Darkness Manipulation

    Controller - Poison

    Defender - Thermal Radiation, Fire Blast

    Scrapper - War Mace, Battle Axe, Energy Aura

    Tanker - Super Reflexes, Martial Arts

    Brute - Katana, Broadsword, Regeneration

    Corruptor - Psychic Blast, Poison

    Dominator - None 

    Mastermind - Sonic Resonance

    Stalker - Ice Armor

• Energy Aura revamped (now pretty AND strong)

• Earth Control, Earth Assault and Plant Control now work on all flying creatures

• Peacebringers and Warshades revamped

• Cancelable Buffs

• Poison revamped

• New Zone

    First Ward

• New Enemy Groups


    Carnival of Light

    Carnival of Vengeance

    Carnival of War


    Talons of Vengeance

    The Awakened

• Leveling Pacts are disabled

• New Incarnate Abilities

    Alpha – Vigor

    Alpha – Agility

    Alpha – Intuition

    Alpha – Resilient

    Interface – Cognitive

    Interface – Degenerative

    Interface – Preemptive

    Interface – Spectral

    Judgement – Vorpal

    Destiny – Incandescence


Issue 21.5: Media Blitz


• New Incarnate Trials (accessed via Team Up Teleporter)

    The TPN Campus Trial

    Minds of Mayhem Trial


Issue 22: Death Incarnate


• Dark Astoria Zone revamp

    Now a co-op Incarnate zone

• New Trial

    Drowning in Blood Trial

• Adamastor moved out of Dark Astoria, summoned with crafted recipe

• New Incarnate Trial (accessed via Team Up Teleporter)

    Dilemma Diabolique

• Incarnate Solo content in Dark Astoria

• New Powersets

    Darkness Control for Controllers and Dominators

    Darkness Affinity for Controllers

    Dark Assault for Dominators

    Beast Mastery for Masterminds

    Staff Fighting for Tankers, Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers

• Stalker revamp

• Gravity Control revamp

• Trick Arrow/Poison Gas Arrow revamp

• Enhancement Converters


Issue 23: Where Shadows Lie


• New Zone

    Night Ward

• New Enemy Groups

    Animus Arcana

    Black Knights

    The Drudges

    Spirit Stalkers

• New Incarnate Slot


• New Incarnate Trial

    Magisterium Incarnate Trial

• New Powerset

    Water Blast for Blasters, Corruptors and Defenders

    Nature Affinity for Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers and Masterminds

• “Absorb” Mechanic

• The Inter-Dimensional Tunnel System

• Summer Blockbuster Event adds –KB IO


Issue 24: Resurgence (FIX EVERYTHING)


• Epic/Patron/Pool Power Customization

• New Powersets

    Martial Assault for Dominators

    Martial Combat for Blasters

• New Zone Events

    Prison Break in Brickstown

    Family Raid in St. Martial

    Shining Star Showdown in Kings Row

• Power Pools Revamped

    Many powers buffed/changed

    5th power added to every pool

• Ranged Set “Nukes” Rebalanced

    Recharge reduced

    Total End Drain removed

    Damage scale reduced

• Epic AT “Nukes” updated as well

• “Sniper” powers activate instantly when at 22% ToHit buff

• All “tier 3” blasts with shorter ranges increased to 80 ft

• Sustain for Blasters

    All Blaster secondaries changed to have a “sustain” power

• Defender/Corruptor “pseudopets” updated to better reflect AT mods for damage and debuffs

• Corruptor “nukes” normalized Scourge damage to 50%

• Dual Pistols buffs

    Animations shortened

    Tier 1 attack now has Ammo effect

• Spines buffs

    Barb Swipe animation shorted, damage increased, recharge increased and endurance cost increased

    Lunge damage increased, recharge increased and endurance cost increased

• Origin powers significantly stronger, scales down till level 15

• More Lore Slot options

• Existing Lore Pets reviewed and rebalanced

• Intangible Duration removed from Alpha Slot abilities

• Invention Set Bonus Adjustments

    XP Debt Redux bonuses all replaced

    Mez Resistance bonuses replaced with combination of Global Mez resistance and Damage Resistance

    Damage Resistance set bonuses increased

    New set bonus: Endurance Discount

• Procs changed from % Chance to Procs Per Minute

• New Enemy Groups

    The New Praetorians

    Unified People’s Army

• Kings Row neighborhoods updated to align better with leveling


Likely planned for Live release during/after Issue 24:


• New Powersets

    Bio Armor for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers

    Sorcery Power Pool

    Psionic Melee for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers

    Savage Melee for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers

    Radiation Melee for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers

    Radiation Armor for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers

    Wind Control for Controllers and Dominators

    Experimentation Power Pool

    Force of Will Power Pool

    Gadgetry Power Pool

    Utility Power Pool

• New Zone

    Kallisti Wharf

Edited by GM Fiddleback
  • Like 3
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Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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Random Data Point for I3: EU Launch


Added, thank you!

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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Likely planned for Live release during/after Issue 24:


• New Powersets

    Bio Armor for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers

    Sorcery Power Pool

    Psionic Melee for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers

    Savage Melee for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers

    Radiation Melee for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers

    Radiation Armor for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers

    Wind Control for Controllers and Dominators

    Experimentation Power Pool

    Force of Will Power Pool

    Gadgetry Power Pool

    Utility Power Pool


• New Zone

    Kallisti Wharf

FWIW, there's a i2500 code leak out now, which may or may not contain new stuff compared to i24.

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Great work. It's extremely handy to have a reference list to figure out when a thing happened, so it's easier to look it up and read about it in detail. It's also a nice trip down memory lane.

  • Thumbs Up 1

See me on Excelsior as Eridanus - Whisperkill - Kid Physics - Ranger Wilde - The Hometown Scrapper - Firewatch - and more!

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Great work. It's extremely handy to have a reference list to figure out when a thing happened, so it's easier to look it up and read about it in detail. It's also a nice trip down memory lane.


Agreed. +1 Inf

I'm out.
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When was rage changed to still have the defensive debuff if it crashed with double rage?


Doesn't appear to have been a change made during the game's original lifetime. City of Data shows the Defense debuff as not stackable in Issue 24 still, so if you activate a second Rage before the original one ends, it should reset the 120 second delay on the debuff.


If it doesn't work like this on Homecoming, I'd say it's likely a SCoRE change.

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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  • 3 weeks later

When did Archetype specific enhancements go in? I think it must be 19.5 or later as I was around through 19, but was unaware of ATOs when I started here.


Also I did notice the other day that Boomtown doesn't have a hospital so that note about all zones having them is not correct. Several did get them then, but not all.

See me on Excelsior as Eridanus - Whisperkill - Kid Physics - Ranger Wilde - The Hometown Scrapper - Firewatch - and more!

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When did Archetype specific enhancements go in? I think it must be 19.5 or later as I was around through 19, but was unaware of ATOs when I started here.


The first set of ATOs was added in the Heroes and Villains Super Packs on 2/14/12, so about Issue 21.5.


Also I did notice the other day that Boomtown doesn't have a hospital so that note about all zones having them is not correct. Several did get them then, but not all.


Weird, the patch note specifically called out that they were added to Hazard and Trial zones. I will change the post to say "most zones."

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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  • 2 weeks later

I might have missed it in your list.


But wasn't there a point where Break Frees didn't exist, and you had specific inspirations to counter each mez type? Then the devs finally decided to merge them into a Break Free.



And holy cow, I *totally* forgot "Cone Range Enhancements" were ever a thing xD



Quite the trip down memory lane! Thank you.

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I might have missed it in your list.


But wasn't there a point where Break Frees didn't exist, and you had specific inspirations to counter each mez type? Then the devs finally decided to merge them into a Break Free.



And holy cow, I *totally* forgot "Cone Range Enhancements" were ever a thing xD



Quite the trip down memory lane! Thank you.


I don't recall them being a per-mez thing, but whatever the pre-Break-Frees were, you couldn't activate them while you were mezzed, you had to use them in advance.

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I might have missed it in your list.


But wasn't there a point where Break Frees didn't exist, and you had specific inspirations to counter each mez type? Then the devs finally decided to merge them into a Break Free.



And holy cow, I *totally* forgot "Cone Range Enhancements" were ever a thing xD



Quite the trip down memory lane! Thank you.


Break Frees were added in Issue 4 which is when I started playing, and I remember hearing that there were at least two types of mez-related inspirations before it, but I don't remember the difference between them.

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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Break Frees were added in Issue 4 which is when I started playing, and I remember hearing that there were at least two types of mez-related inspirations before it, but I don't remember the difference between them.


You had Discipline/Iron Will - but you had to use them BEFORE most of the mezzes, and then it was replaced by Resolve, which lessened the duration, but allowed you to use it while being mezzed.


Break Frees added resistance against KB, Repel, Taunt, and Placate, but is essentially the same as Resolve

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Break Frees were added in Issue 4 which is when I started playing, and I remember hearing that there were at least two types of mez-related inspirations before it, but I don't remember the difference between them.


You had Discipline/Iron Will - but you had to use them BEFORE most of the mezzes, and then it was replaced by Resolve, which lessened the duration, but allowed you to use it while being mezzed.


Break Frees added resistance against KB, Repel, Taunt, and Placate, but is essentially the same as Resolve


That's how I understood it from Paragonwiki, but the actual Issue 4 patch notes referencing the removal of all but Break Frees was confusing:


Resolve, Strength of Will, and Sheer Willpower Inspiration are now removed from the game. Break Free, Emerge, and Escape Inspirations will now protect you from all effects including Sleep, Hold, Immobilization, Disorient, Fear, Knockback and Confuse, and can be activated even while under such effects. New Inspiration consolidates all effects into one Inspiration. Can be used while under such effects. Old Inspirations now all act like the new ones.

Reduced the duration of Break Free, Emerge, and Escape Inspirations. Since the Inspiration is now all-encompassing, we reduced the duration to compensate for the power increase.


That makes it sound like at some point, the Break Free line replaced the Discipline line, and Resolve and Break Free existed simultaneously for awhile before all effects were merged in to Break Free. Since I wasn't sure, I didn't add it.

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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  • 2 weeks later
  • 2 weeks later

This is fantastic!

As someone who primarily plays controllers, I did not realize containment can so late.

Two points:

1. Hasten used to take defense enhancements. That got dropped by Issue 1 or 2? I have a screenshot somewhere.

2. I also remember watching an interview and they were working on a ricochet power, they even did a demo. Not sure if just a power are full power-set.

/e poofgone



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On 8/2/2019 at 7:42 AM, JasperStone said:

1. Hasten used to take defense enhancements. That got dropped by Issue 1 or 2? I have a screenshot somewhere.

It was Issue 5; I didn't include it as it's own line because it was part of the Global Defense Decrease.

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Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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  • 2 weeks later

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