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Homecoming/rebirth changed me

Bill Z Bubba

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So there I was, scrapper god, ATI guru, way too man damn posts on the forum, and then CoH was shut down.

Then the snap got reverted.

I've got a BZB from each melee set at 50 now. Ton of other 50s. Farming is part of my gamin experience in a way it never was before. The shit's fun, yo. Hop in, slaughter virtual baddies, get paid, get that alt on the 2nd account to full power so you can experience how the other half lived back in the old days. So you can finally see why that one dude loved his controller, or her tank, or his defender or her whatever.


I get tanking now in a way I never did before the snap. Green Dwarf handled that shit. I'm a scrapper, damnit. Then I played a buncha tanks. Side note here: Don't believe the naysayers, SR freaking rocks on a tank.


It's a whole different ride caring about your team, pondering their welfare as you punch stuff, than it is when your entire purpose is destroying that which might be a problem for your team.


It seems to create a different game. I find that to be pretty damn cool game design.


This is nothin but a love letter to the game. To what it evolved into and the whole damn process of it becoming that.


I'm old, jaded, and lucky. I missed this game for every reason that always made it so damn ... comforting.


Thanks to all those that brought it back.

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Gonna have to echo ALLL of this, as it seems I'm on a similar journey.


I'm an MA/SR Scrapper who tried out Tankering after the recent Tanker changes, and I found the same thing, about how it's a huge difference to worry about the team in such a different manner.  I haven't Bruted yet, but I Stalkered on live as an Alt, and I've Tankered on Homecoming.   Bill don't lie, SR is awesome for tanking!


My biggest eye opener and new addiction is AOE.  As an MA Scrapper, I've really only used Dragon's Tail, and everything else I've ever done was Single Target.  Just using Electrifying Fences from Tanker Mu with Dragon's Tail was like....awesome to me.  Everything just stands there and kind of melts while whiffing at me and the team mows them down?  Wow! 


 I'm also considering Sentinelling down the road because AOE is so fun and why not.  I think it will be Electric/SR, since I generally use Mu on my Melee specs.


+1 to all of this, and good on ya Bill and Homecoming Devs.



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I have a new appreciation for Tanks of late as well.  My tank had languished in his 30s forever (post-snap) because I just wasn't having that much fun with him in teams, and soloing was no fun with him.  After the changes, he's more fun to do in both, and is now L42, on his way to 50 in the foreseeable future!


I love that after all these years, even the things we had kind of given up on during the live run, can be improved to the point of making them fun as well.  It just keeps getting better, and I am eternally grateful for the confluences of circumstance that allowed this to not only happen, but to get better with each update!

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What was no more, is REBORN!

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4 minutes ago, EmmySky said:

I, too, have a few 50s and am really enjoying trying out new combinations.  Its a fantastic thing to rediscover an old love (the game)! 

My love for the game in general, has never wavered.  But, at this point, 15 years later, to still be finding new things in it to make me love it even more?  Well, that's pretty special.  There just aren't too many things in life that just keep giving like this game does.

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What was no more, is REBORN!

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Before sunset, I liked playing bubblers, and really disliked playing Blasters.  Blasters felt way too squishy.  Now, my Dual Pistols/Temporal Manipulation Blaster is my favorite character.  She deals out damage like no one's business, and thanks to Temporal Healing, IO sets, Clarion Core Destiny, and Melee Core Hybrid, she is extremely survivable.  I've used her to tank various level 50 TFs with.


On the other hand, I haven't made a bubbler yet on Homecoming thanks to how badly they perform at above level 35, and am hard pressed to justify making any kind of support toon ATM due to the discrepancy between the Corruptor and Defender ATs.

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I was still a teenager back in the live days and while I knew a lot about power sets and the city zones, I knew next to nothing about the more intricate game mechanics. I also pretty much only played Scrappers and had a couple Blasters, and one Tanker. Never got a single Controller to 20, never played red ATs.


Fast forward to Homecoming, and now I have more Dominators and Controllers than anything else, and only a few Scrappers (though I still love them). Being able to come back to this game has definitely been an awesome and informative experience. Many thanks not just to the HC team, but also to all of you for being here to make that experience possible.

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The change for me has been that I find the usual high damage toons, especially melee, are boring somehow, I'm all about control.  I even tried a blaster and felt like all I was doing was clicking the same couple of pew pew pews, so he's languished since about level 25.  Defenders and controllers are where it's at.  I should try a Dom again.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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I used to be all support all the time. Controllers mainly, with masterminds, defenders and corruptors supplementing that.


While I still have a controller and defender all my recent addictions in Homecoming now include 2 Brutes, a Domi which ive Perma-domed (first time ever) and now a Stalker who started to really bloom in the last few days in his 30s.


And a Warshade but I always loved the random hodgepodge of a tricked out WS. 


So more melee for me, which I never did for long on Live. Plus one of my brutes can run S&L farms at a rate to fund lowbies as they level which is excellent. Jump on for 30 mins, 40 million which is enough for whatever set the current levelling build needs. Never farmed on Live (I know its not "proper" farming but its good enough and he's still a decent char outside).

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I suppose Homecoming changed me too.

It took me a while to think about, since I've mostly been operating the same as I did back in 2009.  I still prefer the same Archetypes (although Stalkers are more enjoyable for me now, but they didn't really change in my priority list).  I still "play" mainly to chat with people in Global Channels or to roleplay (granted, due to Death From Below, I've managed to get more characters over that level 10 hump . . . but conversely, that level 10 hump has been sanded down considerably by the P2W stuff, and I while I've got there a lot faster, my highest character is still only level 31).  I still have many, many alts across many accounts (see previous point, but thanks to the accounts being free, I've not spent . . . $too-much-money this time).


What's changed for me is that with the power of /ah I have finally been able to feel comfortable enough using the market as to earn suitable Inf to get IOs.   I never broke in to either of those back on Legacy.  I am still not a fan of the market in principle, but its convenience factor with being able to use it virtually anywhere has got me rather invested.  I started small and innocuous.  I never use Inspirations, other than very occasionally an Awaken-type.  I learnt quickly that the Inner Inspiration Power from the P2W, however, was basically a free-money button back last April and May.  All those farmers were paying through the nose for Good Lucks, and with my main alts, it wasn't hard to earn my first million selling those.  By the time the Inspiration market had crashed, I had become used to living with millions of Inf, and was ready to move on to bigger sales.

It makes my skin crawl . . . but the name of the thread is "Homecoming/Rebirth changed me."  This is the way I've changed.

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Congratulations on your species reassignment surgery, Bill.  It takes a truly courageous person to accept himself as a Rikti monkey, and your willingness to take that leap to let your inner self shine should serve as an inspiration to everyone who...








Um... happy farming?

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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Back on Live, I had a group of life-long friends that played.

Only one returned with me.

After just a few months, he passed away late last year.

The return of COH allowed me to interact with him in those last months and I would not have otherwise.


His name happened to be Bill. 🙂


So, the return of COH changed me, a lot.


I know this game is many things to many people and it's why I fight so hard to try and insure no one entity takes control, no play-style takes control, no single cliche is allowed to rule the roost, because one point of failure is a bad thing.

I fully realize many of the posters on these forums do not like my methods, but I want to see the game prosper as much as anyone, even if it pisses off those that don't approve of the play-styles of others.

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