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Let's talk about sets, baby, let's talk about PvP.......


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Everyone always says, "Don't attune purple or PvP sets, they act attuned anyway, its better to boost them."


I'm just learning sets and juggling bonuses and such, and worked up a decent build for my current staff/inv brute on mids.  I entered the game (after the serverpocolypse last night) and proceeded to buy the enhancements for my build from /ah.


Thanks to someone on discord last night, I found


which details the sets that are considered PvP, as well as announces that they behave as attuned.  I don't know why, but I assumed that ALL the enhancements that act attuned without being attuned would be purple.  These are not.


So my build has a couple Glad Armors, a Shield Wall, and some Panacea, all of which were purchased attuned from /ah and slotted.  


Now, to my questions:  Should I unslot these and use unattuned versions instead?  If so, should I boost them once I have switched them out?  Also, I have plans for some Superior Brute's Fury and Superior Unrelenting Fury as well as some Superior Avalanche, which are all purple.  Being superior, do they come in plain (no swirly pretty border) which can be boosted?  Procs cannot be boosted, so if its a proc (Panacea comes to mind) would it be better attuned or plain?


Thank you all for your help and guidance, I swear that one day I will know stuff!  😄


Happy Hunting.

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Let's talk about sets, baby, let's talk about PvP.......


Let's talk about sets, baby

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Let's talk about all the good things
And the bad things that may be
Let's talk about sets..

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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Archetype enhancements like Brute's Fury are always attuned.


There's no benefit to boosting a PVP enhancement that's in your build only for a fixed bonus, like the +5% res from Shield Wall. The attuned form is fine.


If you are at level 50, it may be worth unslotting other attuned PVP enhancements and replacing them with level 50 enhancements (which you would then boost).


This brief guide says that you should always catalyze and attune Winter IOs, such as Superior Avalanche. So don't unslot these. Leave them as they are.



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ATOs (Brute's Fury etc.) always come attuned. Can't be boosted.


I think it doesn't matter whether a proc is attuned or plain, it should work all the time even when exemplared below its level. I could be wrong and there might be different types of procs there. Posting wrong stuff is the universal Internet way to get smarter people to correct you and give the right answer, so there you go.



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I don't attune ATO enhancements, but I frequently attune PVP ones.   The problem I confront is that I have all sorts of IOs at level 50, but I need that Panacea at level 7. 

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1 hour ago, nihilii said:



I think it doesn't matter whether a proc is attuned or plain, it should work all the time even when exemplared below its level. I could be wrong and there might be different types of procs there. Posting wrong stuff is the universal Internet way to get smarter people to correct you and give the right answer, so there you go.



There are a small number of procs that have both a proc element and an adjustable element.  Two that leap to mind (and they may be the only two) are the Def/Global Recharge LotG and the Res Dam/Def Steadfast Protection.  For those, level does matter to a small extent.

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Ok since most of my PvP sets seem to be procs, I think the consensus is I can leave them attuned as it doesn't hurt, but to pull the non-procs and get plain versions I can then boost.  All my purples are either ATO or winter so attuned is good as that's what makes them superior.


Thanks for the info folks!  Its hard committing all this to memory so maybe this thread can stay around for reference later 😁


Happy hunting!

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I tend to buy the pvp ones attuned, because I'm usually already in hte "Attuned" section when I browse to buy them.

And also because I tend to slot them early.  Sometimes lvl 10 or so. 

And especially if I'm choosing to slot an entire set, like my tanker who has 5/6 pieces of Shield Wall slotted, well, he's only lvl 32.  I want those pieces to level up with him.


I've been told that PvP pieces "act as attuned" but I think that only really means "if you exemplar below them, you keep your set bonus"

I do not think it means, a lvl 15 Defense/Endurance/Recharge piece will actually SCALE UP WITH YOU.

If I'm wrong about that, okay, I'll change my buying habits.

But I do not wait until 50 to slot things, and I take my sweet time levelling up, often disabling XP for quite awhile at various stages, so I do want to make sure pieces scale up with me along the way.

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44 minutes ago, MTeague said:

But I do not wait until 50 to slot things, and I take my sweet time levelling up, often disabling XP for quite awhile at various stages, so I do want to make sure pieces scale up with me along the way.

Then, you are the only real target of Attuned IO.


ANY OTHER people should not attuned ANY io : +5 Boosted IO are more powerfull IF and ONLY IF, the entire build use the boosted IO to have more benefit for each slot (AKA opening more options).


Of course, nothing ask in this game to have such optimal build, BUT the best way to build a level 50 toon is to have a custom +5 build.

Edited by Tsuko
editing my Ol' rusty and so french english

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Just for the record, I compared a fully attuned (not purples or PvPs, those were boosted) against a fully +5ed build for my main. The difference at 50 was negligible on all fronts.


This implies that it's a complete waste of inf to +5 everything AND you get screwed when exemplaring.

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8 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

Just for the record, I compared a fully attuned (not purples or PvPs, those were boosted) against a fully +5ed build for my main. The difference at 50 was negligible on all fronts.


This implies that it's a complete waste of inf to +5 everything AND you get screwed when exemplaring.

I generally +5 some sub-50 sets with good bonuses, like Kinetic Combat or Basilisk's Gaze.  I don't often exemplar below the 30s.

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if you take a classic 50 buid and boost it, sure it will hit the DR hard.


Rethinking a build to reach a def cap for instance with +5IO well used instead of using an aux power can allow you to make the same things, just better and faster.


(which is not possible for al AT at the same level)

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