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Found a gold side path I can enjoy


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I've tried gold side a few times but given up fairly quickly.  While I like that the maps and enemies are different than blue, gold side has some basic problems for me. 


  1. Many of the arcs are evil.  I don't like red side arcs for that reason
  2. Getting around in the tunnels is a pain.  You can get somewhat used to it, but just finding your way through a 3d maze to get to a mission is not fun to me.


But I have been playing the Loyalist responsibility path and it is fun for me.  You are trying to be good.  You run around a city instead of the tunnels.  It is similar to playing blue side but with better stories and gradually learning about the evils of the regime.

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Loyalist / Responsibilty, is basically a selfless good guy trying to work within the system, even if they are sometimes painfully aware of some realities they wish were not so. 

Resistance / Warden, is also basically a well-meaning idealist, wanting to topple Cole and bring about a better society, but with lines they're not willing to cross.


I think you'd likely enjoy both. 


I give a slight edge to Loyalists / Responsibility in terms of practicality, because it always seems to me every Resistance story/arc entirely handwaves away the "Um, great, so we take down Cole.... How exactly would we handle Hamidon, if it gets angry again??".  Maybe they all believe the Sonic fencing is a lot better than it is, or maybe they all believe it would never occur to Hamidon to tunnel under or evolve things to fly a few miles up and then drop down from above.  But I always wished there was some kind of dialogue where you could at least ASK them, "Remind me again, how do we stop Hamidon without this guy?"

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MT: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that everyone on Praetoria thought Hamidon was dead, and it's just his creatures out beyond the fences? Isn't that what the big reveal at the end of Underground was, that Cole never defeated Hami and it's been watching humanity this whole time? Or was it simply the lie that Cole COULD beat Hamidon, even though he couldn't, he merely bargained with it?

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5 hours ago, DougGraves said:

tired of running through the tunnels.

You should try Ninja Run. Use it to hop around the tunnels. You may also use Grant Invisibility. Use both items, and your character can safely navigate the tunnel.


I also think the Resistance doesn't think that far. The goal is to topple Cole. Once a new leader rises, they will oppose that guy too. Then, the new cycle restarts.


The crusaders are even worse. At least the Power faction needs the populace alive and well. They need someone to subjugate.

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3 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

MT: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that everyone on Praetoria thought Hamidon was dead, and it's just his creatures out beyond the fences? Isn't that what the big reveal at the end of Underground was, that Cole never defeated Hami and it's been watching humanity this whole time? Or was it simply the lie that Cole COULD beat Hamidon, even though he couldn't, he merely bargained with it?

I think it's well known that Hamidon is out there. What isn't known is that it's intelligent and struck a deal with Cole.

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one thing to think about is what are you going to do once you've outleveled the missions in the 3 gold side cities and finished the first ward / night ward arcs.  That takes you to about 35 and you can grind knight/dust repeating missions until they stop giving them at around 40 but then you're stuck.  if you have the meta objective to take a gold character all the way to 50 then outside of cop/sbb (if you can find someone to do it with) you'll have to use ae.  and if you use ae why not do it all the way from 1?


i've done all 4 basic paths on a variety of characters and created a 50 fire farmer (self-levelled past 18) on each account for easy pl'ing alts and done that a few times too but then the question really becomes what's the point?  if you want to access all the content then you have to go blue/red so it's really a vanity thing i think.


i enjoyed all 4 basic paths and if you're into story content then you should try them all.  some good tips on navigating the 3 gold side starting cities in this thread.  also, don't forget about the portal to pocket d in the nightclub in imperial city.

Edited by The Pyn
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Most of the "running through the tunnels" are instanced maps and you'll get plenty of those with the Responsibility Loyalists as well.


If you wanna come through with your soul mostly intact I highly recommend start as Resistance (so you can suborn some of the Responsibility Loyalists missions where you have murder someone for the "greater good") and then run Responsibility Nova, Warden Nova, Warden Imperial, Responsibility Imperial, Warden Neutropolis (pick Loyalist at the end) and close with Responsibility Neutropolis (pick Resistance at the end).


If you then go on to do First/Night Ward and the New Praetorian arcs you'll find a lot of the people you helped make a comeback so there's some nice continuity. Staying in Praetoria until Night Ward is done and then going to Paragon from from the Resistance leaves you with a pretty good feeling too regarding various characters who'd otherwise be left up in the air.


Just my 0.02 inf.

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It's nice that you no longer have to actually leave at L20, but take your Praetorian over to First and Night Wards for higher level content. I just wish that the story progression for your Loyalist/Resistance arc continued.


I'm taking my ex-Destroyer through the Loyalists extremist... er Powers arc for the first time since GR beta. As long as I stay away from 2XP boosts I have found that I don't have to turn off XP nearly as often, but the story dries up rather quickly in Neutropolis.

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Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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18 hours ago, DougGraves said:

 but got tired of running through the tunnels.

This is what happened to me when I attempted to try Gold side. I kept getting lost in the tunnels so like any good quitter I quit Gold and went back Blue side. Now I play so rarely that it doesn't even matter.

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Grab the “Reveal” power from P2W/T4V for 10k inf and tunnels will never be a problem again.


Also, the Warden mission chains (unlike the Crusader ones) are entirely above ground (except the brief section of Dr. Arvin where you exit, talk to a homeless man and then take a short jog to another mission door). The only underground sections being mission doors where the maps are no worse than the Paragon Sewer maps.

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