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Give Sprint a Minimal FX Option


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2 minutes ago, Grouchybeast said:

Maybe how obvious it is depends on your specific graphics settings?  I've definitely noticed it.


Mind you, like a lot of the power FX in the game, looked at in isolation it's fine, but as you layer on more and more effects the combination of even quite subtle effects starts to get overwhelming.  It's great that things like the glowing hands for Hasten can now be turned off, and I'm always in favour of allowing that option for more powers.

I think it has more to do with heavy auras than anything else. I'm sure if I ran a character with no aura that I would notice it pretty fast...however, my auras cover it up.

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2 hours ago, Grouchybeast said:

Maybe how obvious it is depends on your specific graphics settings?  I've definitely noticed it.


Mind you, like a lot of the power FX in the game, looked at in isolation it's fine, but as you layer on more and more effects the combination of even quite subtle effects starts to get overwhelming.  It's great that things like the glowing hands for Hasten can now be turned off, and I'm always in favour of allowing that option for more powers.

Along this line, and I apologize for straying off the sprint topic, but now an then I'd like a general capability to tone down the brightness or transparency, or something, of everyone else's VFX. I think we've all been on a team at some point where someone has some garishly bright VFX coloring and it makes you want to hide it all.


I'm in favor of giving people more options, generally, and I almost always set VFX to minimums on my own characters. If sprint had such a setting, I would use it.

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  • 3 weeks later
On 10/1/2020 at 10:31 PM, Greycat said:

No, that'd be "give Brawl a minFX option."  Or "MinFX for Stamina, please."


(And I'm fine with the idea.)

Actually, I think I'm all in for a "MaxFX" option for Stamina.


Not sure what that would look like...  maybe perpetual sweating?  😄 

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