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Risqué or poor taste toons?


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Disclaimer; this post (probably) is not for the pc or offended crowd. If you fall into this category STOP here and leave now.





For the rest have you ever made any? I make them because I have a weird sense of humor and I find pc culture to be bad form.


Example, Kung Flu, got his powers from eating a escaped bat from the Wuhan bio labs. Got nerfed and I deleted.

Moose Knuckle, a super powered cannibal and serial stalker. Got nerfed and is now Malicious Pleasure.

Cali Wildfire, a former firefighter who starts forest fires to clear old growth so they don't get out of control. Still kicking.


I have never made any sexed up catgurls or other half naked toons (there is enough running around). I steer clear from politics and religion (unless you count demonic as religious) because, honestly these are wwwwwaaaayyyy to hot topic these days.


The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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I've never had any desire to make one myself... but I've run with a few who definitely made my Inner Twelve Year-Old snicker. One particular water blaster with a white slime aura on his hands and some interesting dialogue binds that were definitely skirting the edges of the Teen rating. A cannibal who thought her team-mates looked tasty and wasn't shy about saying so. The Stalker who was a stalker... All played for obvious humor and so taken in that spirit, 


'Not so sure I disagree with your Kung Flu getting the boot, though. That's not a "PC Thing"... that's a "Don't rub salt in somebody's wounds"-thing. Covid's just affected too many people in too many places in too serious a way to be good fodder for jokes, I think. But then, maybe that's just my bias at having lost a coworker that I was fond of to it back in May, and then having to watch a friend go through losing his wife in November. That makes it too raw to be funny.


The Inappropriate Cat-Girls and Gross References and such, though? Have at it, I say.

Sometimes questionable humor is the kind we all need. Even if we aren't willing to admit it. XD



Edited by Coyotedancer
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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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1 minute ago, Coyotedancer said:

I've never had any desire to make one myself... but I've run with a few who definitely made my Inner Twelve Year-Old snicker. One particular water blaster with a white slime aura on his hands and some interesting dialogue binds that were definitely skirting the edges of the Teen rating. A cannibal who thought her team-mates looked tasty and wasn't shy about saying so. The Stalker who was a stalker...


'Not so sure I disagree with your Kung Flu getting the boot, though. That's not a "PC Thing"... that's a "Don't rub salt in somebody's wounds"-thing. Covid's just affected too many people in too many places in too serious a way to be good fodder for jokes, I think. But then, maybe that's just my bias at having lost a coworker that I was fond of to it back in May, and then having to watch a friend go through losing his wife in November. That makes it too raw to be funny.


The Inappropriate Cat-Girls and Gross References and such, though? Have at it, I say.

Sometimes questionable humor is the kind we all need. Even if we aren't willing to admit it. XD

Kung Flu was created last December when there was just hints of what was going on, and didn't get nerfed till much later.

I didn't even play the toon from February till June when I deleted.


The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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I haven't made any such characters, for similar reasons I don't send my mother a link to the Southpark song "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch" even though I think it's hilarious and a genuinely good song, or bring up politics at Thanksgiving dinner with Grandma.


While we might hope that random passersby would just ignore an upsetting issue and walk away, we all know that doesn't happen so we just have to try to get along, which usually means sexual and political references in character names and bios get axed.

Edited by S P A C E S
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9 minutes ago, S P A C E S said:

I haven't made any such characters, for similar reasons I don't send my mother a link to the Southpark song "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch" even though I think it's hilarious and a genuinely good song, or bring up politics at Thanksgiving dinner with Grandma.


While we might hope that random passersby would just ignore an upsetting issue and walk away, we all know that doesn't happen we just have to try to get along, which usually means sexual and political references in character names and bios get axed.

Yeah, there has to be a certain order to things, anarchy cannot reign supreme and we have to think of others in such things. Hence, the disclaimer at the beginning. 

Mine was more of question of "if" anyone has made one or seen any.

I love thought provoking subjects and had hoped this would open some discourse so people could maybe understand each other alittle more and maybe just maybe laugh.

I find if people take themselves and others too seriously then you just really aren't living.


"When humor goes, there goes civilization"




The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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I tend to have a darker sense of humor, so these types of characters tend to make me chuckle.


I once had a sonic something... blaster maybe... that was named Subtle Vibrator. I currently have Sara Falin--yes, she's a bit of a parody of the real Sara Palin. She's a demon/cold MM who got sick of nobody taking her seriously and twisted her religious ways a bit to start summoning demons. She'll show the US who's a hero now! And her cold powers come from living in icy, snowy Alaska; she wields her state's snow to buff her allies and impair her foes.


I've seen a couple of Donald Trump parodies running around that have made me giggle.


I have a stone/bio brute who is based on a dung beetle--yep, her "stone" powers and "bio" armor are feces.


I have a water blast mosquito character whose water is colored to be blood, and a water blast hound whose water blasts are her slobber. My warshade is a bit of a tribute to Elvira (people love Elfvira whenever I bring her out). I have an ice/bio stalker named Frozen Discharge.


As a female player, yes some of my characters even run around scantily clad because I like being able to dress them in a way that I can't and that feels fitting for their character. I love a good joke character, even those based more on dark humor, especially if they're done in a manner that clearly shows they're meant to be light-hearted fun and not intentionally offensive. Btw, I live in southern California and love your Cali Wildfire toon!

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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I made a poop/poop dom (earth/stone) back on live named Stinking Batches. He was a sewer worker and all the super muck gave him powers.


Remade him on HC and named him Paragon Steamer. Same origin and story.


A few months ago, I decided I had enough giggles out of him and rebranded him. Changed his look and brought his powers back to normal colors and named him Shcheben, Russian for rubble. Now he's in my Soviet themed SG.



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15 minutes ago, TygerDarkstorm said:

I've seen a couple of Donald Trump parodies running around that have made me giggle.

I'm still sad that someone on Everlasting beat me to Covfefe.


I wanted a water-colored-to-look-like-coffee blaster named Covfefe, darnit. 😝 

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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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35 minutes ago, TygerDarkstorm said:

I tend to have a darker sense of humor, so these types of characters tend to make me chuckle.


I once had a sonic something... blaster maybe... that was named Subtle Vibrator. I currently have Sara Falin--yes, she's a bit of a parody of the real Sara Palin. She's a demon/cold MM who got sick of nobody taking her seriously and twisted her religious ways a bit to start summoning demons. She'll show the US who's a hero now! And her cold powers come from living in icy, snowy Alaska; she wields her state's snow to buff her allies and impair her foes.


I've seen a couple of Donald Trump parodies running around that have made me giggle.


I have a stone/bio brute who is based on a dung beetle--yep, her "stone" powers and "bio" armor are feces.


I have a water blast mosquito character whose water is colored to be blood, and a water blast hound whose water blasts are her slobber. My warshade is a bit of a tribute to Elvira (people love Elfvira whenever I bring her out). I have an ice/bio stalker named Frozen Discharge.


As a female player, yes some of my characters even run around scantily clad because I like being able to dress them in a way that I can't and that feels fitting for their character. I love a good joke character, even those based more on dark humor, especially if they're done in a manner that clearly shows they're meant to be light-hearted fun and not intentionally offensive. Btw, I live in southern California and love your Cali Wildfire toon!

Freaking awesome, I love it!

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The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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Whoo boy.  I've been working a lot on a similar topic, so I'm going to opine a bit.


There is intent, and there is interpretation, and a functioning adult needs to take both into account.  One does not dominate over the other:  you can't say, "It's your fault that you're offended since I didn't intend to offend you" and you can't say "It's your fault you offended me because you said something innocuous that I chose to interpret as offensive."  But you should take both into account.


If you want to make something or do something and you think that you're getting away with something, then you are probably being a jerk.  Don't do that.  If you make something or do something and someone points out you are offending them, then you need to ask yourself if you are doing something offensive or if someone is being *really* sensitive.  Listen and learn.  If a dev changes your name or your costume, shrug your shoulders and move on to another alt and ask yourself why.


Basically, don't try to be a jerk.  If you realize you're "accidentally" being a jerk, you need to do some soul searching.


But, yeah, fart and poop jokes are always funny.

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22 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

Whoo boy.  I've been working a lot on a similar topic, so I'm going to opine a bit.


There is intent, and there is interpretation, and a functioning adult needs to take both into account.  One does not dominate over the other:  you can't say, "It's your fault that you're offended since I didn't intend to offend you" and you can't say "It's your fault you offended me because you said something innocuous that I chose to interpret as offensive."  But you should take both into account.


If you want to make something or do something and you think that you're getting away with something, then you are probably being a jerk.  Don't do that.  If you make something or do something and someone points out you are offending them, then you need to ask yourself if you are doing something offensive or if someone is being *really* sensitive.  Listen and learn.  If a dev changes your name or your costume, shrug your shoulders and move on to another alt and ask yourself why.


Basically, don't try to be a jerk.  If you realize you're "accidentally" being a jerk, you need to do some soul searching.


But, yeah, fart and poop jokes are always funny.

Right, and deep down that is the point. There is humor and then there is offensive, but, based on perception and opinion (these days especially) its a mine field of did i offend or is it funny.

I do my thing and find humor, it someone is offended I apologize and move on, no need to dwell on it.

Some people fixate on it, stuff happens all the time that I dont like that people do.

I dont point it out to them, because, to me im forcing my belief system on them. I let it go and move on.


The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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2 hours ago, DougGraves said:

Someone runs a character named Sexy Bimbo [Something].  They run teams until they get to level 50, then start over.  They run  great teams and are fun in chat. 


So the name is risquee but the player is great.

I think I know exactly who you are talking about and that player is a fun one to team with.  I've also seen people in LFG comment on not liking her schtick and say they are putting her on ignore and that is fine.


Only name I've ever really had an issue with so far is one that was sexist, sexual, and political, so it was bad on multiple levels.

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5 hours ago, The_Warpact said:


Example, Kung Flu, got his powers from eating a escaped bat from the Wuhan bio labs. Got nerfed and I deleted.

Moose Knuckle, a super powered cannibal and serial stalker. Got nerfed and is now Malicious Pleasure.

Cali Wildfire, a former firefighter who starts forest fires to clear old growth so they don't get out of control. Still kicking.



1.  Racist and offensive in name and bio.  Unacceptable.

2.  Derogatory term for female genitalia in name.  Offensive.  Unacceptable.

3.  If I lost my home to a wildfire, I'd probably be offended by a character whose name and bio were like that.  But I wouldn't pre-emptively nuke it until I got a complaint.  But I wouldn't expect to keep it.  It's in poor taste. 


I don't think I have many if any offensive characters.  I don't get enough pleasure out of potentially hurting other people to justify it.  


EDIT:  I do have a Water/Bio sentinel named B R B Bio.

Edited by Yomo Kimyata
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47 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:



1.  Racist and offensive in name and bio.  Unacceptable.

2.  Derogatory term for female genitalia in name.  Offensive.  Unacceptable.

3.  If I lost my home to a wildfire, I'd probably be offended by a character whose name and bio were like that.  But I wouldn't pre-emptively nuke it until I got a complaint.  But I wouldn't expect to keep it.  It's in poor taste. 


I don't think I have many if any offensive characters.  I don't get enough pleasure out of potentially hurting other people to justify it.  


EDIT:  I do have a Water/Bio sentinel named B R B Bio.

I'm a woman and moose knuckle is not a derogatory name for female genitalia. It's the male equivalent of a camel toe (i.e. having your pants hiked up so far that you have a wedgie in the front--in the case of women, a camel toe, and in the case of men, it splitting their ballsack (essentially) so it looks a bit like a camel toe, a moose knuckle). https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Moose Knuckles


I'm sorry my dude, but you need to lighten up a bit. If someone's intent is not to be offensive, which @The_Warpact doesn't strike me as someone who is intentionally trying to be offensive, then it's ok to find humor in some of these. Though I will agree that the Kung Flu one was probably a bit too far.


There is a reason that shows like South Park are successful; it is okay to have a bit of a darker sense of humor. Humor is an okay and acceptable coping mechanism, so long as you are not going out of your way to hurt people. And their Cali Wildfire character is actually an amusing concept--I live in the state, in areas that get pummeled with wildfires yearly (just had one maybe a couple of miles or so behind my house), and the firefighters do occasionally start fires to clear out areas that might get hit (i.e. controlled burns).


That said, it is okay if that type of humor is not your thing, also. But if it's not actively hurting anyone, why complain? For some of us, these characters bring us joy. Our funny characters are not, necessarily, any worse than the people making characters that are directly ripping off copyrighted characters (i.e. one of the first characters I saw on my return to HC was someone named Vegeta with the exact look copied).

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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1 minute ago, TygerDarkstorm said:

I'm a woman and moose knuckle is not a derogatory name for female genitalia. It's the male equivalent of a camel toe (i.e. having your pants hiked up so far that you have a wedgie in the front--in the case of women, a camel toe, and in the case of men, it splitting their ballsack (essentially) so it looks a bit like a camel toe, a moose knuckle). https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Moose Knuckles


I'm sorry my dude, but you need to lighten up a bit. If someone's intent is not to be offensive, which @The_Warpact doesn't strike me as someone who is intentionally trying to be offensive, then it's ok to find humor in some of these. Though I will agree that the Kung Flu one was probably a bit too far.


There is a reason that shows like South Park are successful; it is okay to have a bit of a darker sense of humor. Humor is an okay and acceptable coping mechanism, so long as you are not going out of your way to hurt people. And their Cali Wildfire character is actually an amusing concept--I live in the state, in areas that get pummeled with wildfires yearly (just had one maybe a couple of miles or so behind my house), and the firefighters do occasionally start fires to clear out areas that might get hit (i.e. controlled burns).


That said, it is okay if that type of humor is not your thing, also. But if it's not actively hurting anyone, why complain? For some of us, these characters bring us joy. Our funny characters are not, necessarily, any worse than the people making characters that are directly ripping off copyrighted characters (i.e. one of the first characters I saw on my return to HC was someone named Vegeta with the exact look copied).

Whoops, wrote the wrong gender.  Like I said, and like @The_Warpactacknowledged, that was my opinion.  I'm not in charge, and I'm not going to tell you what to do.  I just said that I found it unacceptable.  

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Just now, Yomo Kimyata said:

Whoops, wrote the wrong gender.  Like I said, and like @The_Warpactacknowledged, that was my opinion.  I'm not in charge, and I'm not going to tell you what to do.  I just said that I found it unacceptable.  

It is your opinion, but you opted to post it in a public forum where we are allowed to respond and call you out on it. Two of the three characters you chose to get offended about weren't even offensive! Cali Wildfire is about PREVENTING wildfires and Moose Knuckle is not a derogatory term, let alone a term for genitalia. These posts of yours here kind of make you come off as one of those people who goes around looking for things to be offended by.


I get that not everyone will like this type of humor, but don't go making mountains out of molehills regarding things that weren't really even offensive to begin with.

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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3 hours ago, DougGraves said:

Someone runs a character named Sexy Bimbo [Something].


I've been helping a friend make pizzas for a two week event.  We do everything on site, including baking the pizzas in a brick oven.  We send them out in bread racks which came from... Bimbo Bakery.  Dead serious.


5 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:

Sometimes questionable humor is the kind we all need. Even if we aren't willing to admit it.


And that's why Jeremy Clarkson is one of my idols.  ❤️


2 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

If you make something or do something and someone points out you are offending them, then you need to ask yourself if you are doing something offensive or if someone is being *really* sensitive.


Maturity isn't recognizing whether something might be offensive to someone else, it's accepting that sometimes we're going to be offended and choosing to handle it like an adult, shrugging it off and move on.  Offense taken is a personal thing, a perception of intentional attack or insult, not a socially defined phenomena.  Society can't define anything as offensive to everyone because everyone is different.  We choose, as individuals, whether to be offended, or not, by anything, and the world has too many people with too many different levels of tolerance for any one person's definition of what is or isn't offensive to be broadly applied.


We all need to laugh at ourselves a little more and take things a little less seriously.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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9 minutes ago, Luminara said:

We choose, as individuals, whether to be offended, or not, by anything, and the world has too many people with too many different levels of tolerance for any one person's definition of what is or isn't offensive to be broadly applied.

I choose to be offended by the tolerance of intolerance.

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7 hours ago, The_Warpact said:

Disclaimer; this post (probably) is not for the pc or offended crowd. If you fall into this category STOP here and leave now.

For the rest have you ever made any? I make them because I have a weird sense of humor and I find pc culture to be bad form.
I steer clear from politics and religion (unless you count demonic as religious) because, honestly these are wwwwwaaaayyyy to hot topic these days.

Veiled political discussion is still political discussion.  And this still isn't the place for it.

Thanks, but this topic is locked.

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