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Building a character based on range?


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I'm always looking for different ways to play this game. I've tried pretty much every playstyle I can think of, but I've still not based a character completely on range. 


By basing it on range, I don't mean blasting without blapping. I mean purposefully standing as far back or flying as far above as possible, and still fighting. 


/energy blaster seems required for boost range (or do the patron/epic pools  have boost range in there somewhere?)


For the primary I'm trying Psi, because at character creation it says it can do 100 range while everything else says 80 for most powers. I wonder why they did that. It also has some knockback and some control to help me keep the enemies way back, and hopefully often out of their range to hit me with ranged attacks.


Anybody else tried this tactic? Have you been able to fight much by hitting them but being out of their range to hit you?

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I haven't tried it, though I've toyed with the idea a few times.  I imagine there are several hurdles that might prove difficult to overcome.  The one that seems the most problematic to me, is the simple fact that many maps are narrow and constricted, and so you'll frequently find yourself unable to put much horizontal or vertical distance between yourself and the enemy.  For this reason, I imagine outdoor/open air maps would allow you to use the build to good effect, but indoor maps would, comparatively, prove something of a nightmare.


If you try it, do let me know how it goes.  I'm somewhat curious, myself.

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Psi blast has increased range. People like to go "yes, but robots" whenever anyone mentions psi but honestly it's fine - stay out of Striga and avoid Arachnos and it's barely a problem. Psi tornado is effectively knockup because it knocks them back from a point below them, so it won't push them away but it'll stop them from getting closer quite as quickly.


The other one I'd look at is Ice; the -Speed will mean enemies take longer to get to you, giving you more bang for your buck with the range you do have. Ice Storm has a large AoE and a pretty strong speed debuff. Tactical arrow has Glue Arrow, which would further slow enemies down. Snow Storm in Cold Mastery would give you another layer of slowness...


Repulsion Field in Force mastery would help keep enemies at bay. The knockback is fairly high magnitude and you can gear it up to mag 13 with some enhancements. I've tried it a bit on beta and it's... certainly one way to play.

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I have a psi blaster that I am working on now, looking at getting bombardment / experienced marksman 5% range bonuses and splitting the ATO with the range bonus for a 45% range oost. Add on a cardiac Alpha and range up the wazoo...

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On 1/15/2021 at 5:05 AM, Zepp said:

I have a psi blaster that I am working on now, looking at getting bombardment / experienced marksman 5% range bonuses and splitting the ATO with the range bonus for a 45% range oost. Add on a cardiac Alpha and range up the wazoo...

You'll be able to hit mobs in Striga from Khallisti Wharf! 😁

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On 1/13/2021 at 1:15 PM, Gulbasaur said:

Psi blast has increased range. People like to go "yes, but robots" whenever anyone mentions psi but honestly it's fine - stay out of Striga and avoid Arachnos and it's barely a problem. Psi tornado is effectively knockup because it knocks them back from a point below them, so it won't push them away but it'll stop them from getting closer quite as quickly.


The other one I'd look at is Ice; the -Speed will mean enemies take longer to get to you, giving you more bang for your buck with the range you do have. Ice Storm has a large AoE and a pretty strong speed debuff. Tactical arrow has Glue Arrow, which would further slow enemies down. Snow Storm in Cold Mastery would give you another layer of slowness...


Repulsion Field in Force mastery would help keep enemies at bay. The knockback is fairly high magnitude and you can gear it up to mag 13 with some enhancements. I've tried it a bit on beta and it's... certainly one way to play.


I was looking at secondaries, with useful powers to keep them away, but I'm not sure if they would have the range. Hover is the obvious answer (for outdoor maps), or caltrops, which you can lay down and then fall way back. The idea is to be so far out of range that they can't hit you even with their ranged powers. WIthout boost range, I dont know if that's possible. I'm not even sure its possibly with boost range. Will find out soon 🙂

Edited by Gentoo
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19 hours ago, Gentoo said:

I'm not even sure its possibly with boost range.

My guess is "no."  I enjoyed the increased range of Psi Blast but was surprised to already be outranged by some mobs starting at level 5.  Mobs just get a lot of range on their attacks, especially moreso as you level up.  I'd expect this to work pretty well against some mobs though, so as long as you're okay with the approach being kind of hot and cold I'd say go for it.  Definitely get any increase to range you can though.  I'd expect any of the rifle-based mobs to still be able to reach you, along with of course Fake Nems, Rikti, etc.

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I haven’t tried boost range with PSI, but I’d be more curious with boost range on Dark Blast, especially for cones and Cone immobile.  Pair it with either Leviathan or Soul and you can add two more cones each has a second immobilizing cone and a ranged hold.  With cones more range equals more Area of Effect and specifically with immobilizing cones stacking you should be able to immobilize many outside of enemy range to attack you.  You have at least two holds to pick up stragglers.  Work on ranged defense but you may not need it.  

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Having now gotten my Psi/NRG to high levels, and using boost range with the long range of psi..... there is a problem. Draw distance. I can hit them until they fade out of draw distance now, and its a fine balance keeping them there without them "cloaking" (going beyond draw distance). 


The upside is.... don't need defence at all. They can't hit this far. I can kill them at my leisure. It really does feel a bit overpowered.


Thinking of trying fire blast with extreme range next. Not sure if it will perform as well since the range won't be as good, but the damage will be higher across the board, right? And if I can get enough +range and can pull of the same trick of keeping so far back they blink out of draw distance, any more than that is a waste anyway.


Psi also meshes well when blapping in closer quarters, because the stuns all stack well. 


For dark I'm not sure. Those tentacles (the cone) only have a range of 40, so that won't max out nearly as well. And its a shame you don't get the cone blast dark defenders do.  But can pick it up, along with another cone immobilize in soul mastery.


A shame really that defenders/corrupters don't get access to boost range. Or do they in a powerset I'm not thinking of?


PS: Anybody have experience with LRM Rocket in munitions? That's an added snipe. Two snipes could make any blaster an extreme range blaster.

Edited by Gentoo
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I tried dark blast. The damage is just too weak in comparison to psi and I immediately felt the reduction in range. That 20 feet definitely makes a big difference. Even more I expect once you multiply them with boost range or range enhancements. 

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  • 3 weeks later

Having taken my psi/energy to 50 now, it turned out being even more interesting and unique than I expected.


Yes, I had to blast like a normal blaster quite often due to room constraints, but I was suprised just how often I could break out the extreme range. Long hallways in office buildings happen more often than I remembered. It shocks team mates when they see you snipe not just the next group down, but the group 2 after t hat who aren't even visible yet. And finish them off before they can make it forward to be any threat to the crew.


Killing them before they are anywhere near able to shoot back does feel a bit broken. TK blast helps knock them back so they can't advance as quick. 


For the patron power, I took Mako, because he offers cones, as well as a cone immob. The range on those isn't great so you do have to fight in notmal gameplay range, but they do become very effective.

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I believe most Snipes on a Blaster have +Range attached to it. At least, I know the Electric one does.


Once you're geared up with a Snipe within your regular attack chain and having +Range Boost constantly active, I'm certain most of the Blaster lines available would work for you. You can also consider getting some incarnates that have +Range attached to them (Clarion for Destiny, Intuition or Cardiac for Alpha). Chasing Set bonuses with +Range might not be so ideal so consider getting Hami-os. I know I slotted 2 Range/DMG ones into Pyschic Scream on my Fortunata and it's been amazing.


More range never hurts but I feel like those that get the most benefit out of it are those that have less utility in their kits and rely on pure damage or have several Cone tools.


I have personally only found excessive range useful in these scenarios:

- To land attacks that are normally unsafe to engage with because the range feels too short and within aggro zones, such as Thunderous Blast.

- An Energy Blaster seems to cope very well  with additional distance if you are committing to the meme without KB>KD enhancement slotted.

- Better results with Cone attacks since your further positioning will encompass more enemies within your arcs. (Make sure to target those furthest from you within a mob, not the closest one).

- Temporary Buffs and Heal effects.

- Pre-pulling/Killing mobs ahead of team as described above.

Edited by Nayeh
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  • 2 weeks later

I have done just exactly this and the answer is: AR/Dev Blaster. the set bonuses you want to work in - bombardment x5 (at least 2 slots for 5% range), alpha slot work for T4 right side intuition (I think) for a 20% range, 33% damage, etc, then that one blaster ATO set that gives 10% range when purple. Since most of your attacks are cones, more range = more killing. Now to make sure the bad guys die before they get to you place this at your persons location: caltrops, bonfire (fire epic), trip mine (with +recharge proc for free recharge) and gun drone. 


You will have your built in damage buff and stealth shield toggles running plus optional stealth IO. Open with full auto, then and all your cones and ranged AoE (grenade w/o KB to KD, flames, buckshot). Use your fast snipe in rotation with everything else to pick off anyone left. If they get to you, ignite at their feet while they flop from bonfire or Baywatch in place via caltrops. Ignite does silly damage. Ignore the desire to slot a KB to KD proc in anything. The KB is your mitigation. You have no melee anything. The mine, drone, fire, trop combo is your guilt free dance floor. Also, have a blast sniping people at almost draw distance (depending on graphics settings). If you want, I can post a picture of my setup. It is stupid fun when you want to put rounds down range without a care. With a high enough global recharge, you can full auto every 15-20 seconds easy. Also, you can cram a few proc in for tons of accidental free damage and debuffs!


Note, if you break up the ATO to gain more range (range bonus is 3 slot) you will lose 10-15% or so global recharge.

Screen Shot 2021-02-19 at 8.42.01 PM.png

Edited by arkieboy72472
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  • 2 weeks later

It is ridiculous how you can shoot stuff from draw distance, and they can't shoot back because they lack the range. It really is overpowered I think. And a way to break the game that people very rarely do. 


I still advocate Psi/Energy Blaster for this. Does tons of damage from far far far away.

Edited by Gentoo
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