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Items Not Selling on Auction House


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Over the past couple of months, I've noticed an issue with items not selling on the auction house.  I'll have items listed for a million INF below the average selling price on the auction house, and they will not move for weeks, if at all.  I had attuned Luck of the Gambler 7.5% global recharge IO enhancements on the auction house for six million INF, regularly sell for seven million INF... didn't move for weeks.  I've had various Hecatomb/Armageddon/Ragnarok/etc. IO enhancements on the auction house for sixteen million INF, regularly sell for seventeen million INF... didn't move for weeks.


I can understand items taking a day or two to sell due to others, but two or more weeks, consistently... something's up.

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Just now, TemporalVileTerror said:

Have you tried listing for 1 Inf?  Just as a test, mind you.


Also, do you have any outstanding Bids on the items you are attempt to sell?  If so, then you can't sell an item if your own Bid is the next in the queue.


No, I haven't tried that, and no, no outstanding bids.  And again, this is on multiple, various items.

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Hmm, not sure what to tell you.  It might be a localized problem for your account of some sort, as I've been insta-selling all Enhancements with the 1 Inf list for the past several months.  Today I sold about 50 assorted Attunted IOs, all instantly.

Then again, maybe I've just been filling all the big Bids, and now we're down to the lower Bids.  *shrugs*

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12 hours ago, Apparition said:

I had attuned Luck of the Gambler 7.5% global recharge IO enhancements on the auction house for six million INF, regularly sell for seven million INF... didn't move for weeks.

You're listing it for six million; if anyone listed one for less than six million, it would sell before yours, even if the selling price is 100 million -- remember that when someone bids more than one of the reserve prices, they buy the lowest-reserve item for their bid price. That's why people list high-ticket items for 1 inf -- they risk selling it at an extreme lowball price, but their listing will be the lowest of the ones up for bid.

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7 hours ago, srmalloy said:

You're listing it for six million; if anyone listed one for less than six million, it would sell before yours, even if the selling price is 100 million -- remember that when someone bids more than one of the reserve prices, they buy the lowest-reserve item for their bid price. That's why people list high-ticket items for 1 inf -- they risk selling it at an extreme lowball price, but their listing will be the lowest of the ones up for bid.


That just seems absolutely insane to me if true, and makes me want to stick to farming than using the auction house.

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Not sure how it's insane. Just think of the listing price like a reserve price in a real auction - it's the minimum amount you'll take for the item. If you want to guarantee a fast sale you set that price lower. If you want to guarantee a higher price you may have to wait a while. You probably just hit the bad spot in the market for LOTG globals when there was what seemed to be a concerted effort to bring their price down. I hit it as well - had about 20 up for 6.5 million and they just finally sold a couple weeks ago. Of course while they were sitting there i was able to buy about 40 of them for 3 million 😄

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23 hours ago, Apparition said:

  I'll have items listed for a million INF below the average selling price on the auction house,

Those 5 numbers that show past sales are not the average selling price. They are the last 5 items that are sold of that particular item. Highly sought after items can fluctuate wildly from hour to hour depending upon the supply and the demand.


This post is well worth the read.


Edited by Illithid317
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  • 3 weeks later
On 1/24/2021 at 10:19 PM, Apparition said:

Over the past couple of months, I've noticed an issue with items not selling on the auction house.  I'll have items listed for a million INF below the average selling price on the auction house, and they will not move for weeks, if at all.  I had attuned Luck of the Gambler 7.5% global recharge IO enhancements on the auction house for six million INF, regularly sell for seven million INF... didn't move for weeks.  I've had various Hecatomb/Armageddon/Ragnarok/etc. IO enhancements on the auction house for sixteen million INF, regularly sell for seventeen million INF... didn't move for weeks.


I can understand items taking a day or two to sell due to others, but two or more weeks, consistently... something's up.

I was just about to post this, it's been a problem for a while. I'll even post the same thing i have listed for weeks, and the new one will sell first, even if the same listing price.


They need to fix the algorithm to put precedence on older listings.

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On 1/25/2021 at 7:43 AM, srmalloy said:

You're listing it for six million; if anyone listed one for less than six million, it would sell before yours, even if the selling price is 100 million -- remember that when someone bids more than one of the reserve prices, they buy the lowest-reserve item for their bid price. That's why people list high-ticket items for 1 inf -- they risk selling it at an extreme lowball price, but their listing will be the lowest of the ones up for bid.

This is a good explanation.


Compounding what folks 'feel' is: #1 the price bug and #2 items for sale a long time can get 'stuck'.


Pro Tip: Buying or selling some less expensive items can help keep things moving.

FYI: Many of the existing bids are low ball bids. There really are only so many people playing.


It's likely fixing the price bug will address other baseline issues at the same time.

Edited by Troo

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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It does seem very odd that it could be up that long and not sell at that price. However, one of the first rule of the Auction House is that listing for a flat figure is asking for trouble: always list for less.


For example if you want 6M list for 5,923,010. When someone bids for 6M yours is cheaper than everyone at the flat 6M, so yours sells. You get a big boost in sales speed and the most you can 'lose' is decided by you - and very small.

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Allow me to shed a little more light. 

LotG 7.5% have been selling for 5.7M to 6M for the past couple of months. Very rarely, they will creep to 7m. They have been selling at this price since the noXP/Double inf nerf. 

So, if you are trying to sell them at 6M, it's not a surprise to me yours aren't selling. Try 5.7M, and you will likely get the 6m you want. 

If something is selling at 5M, consider listing at 4.6, or 4.7. 
Most players will bid in even millions. Occasionally, someone will bid creep - which is bidding at some lowball figure like 100k and increasing the bid in increments that are quite small and increase until they get it for as cheap as they can. 

Some folks are aware of the "undercut" pricing strategy I just recommended and will bid in 200K or 300k increments above a price that's 1 million below the latest 5 sales. 

For example, if they've sold for 5M, 5M, 5M, 6M and 5.5M, they might start with 4M, increase to 4.2 or 4.3M and increase in a 200 to 300k increase until they get it. People are odd sometimes. 



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