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Poll: Do you get Enough Roleplay?


Poll: Do you get Enough Roleplay?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Poll: Do you get Enough Roleplay?

    • Not at all.
    • Not nearly enough.
    • Adequate.
    • More than enough.
    • Probably too much.
    • Definitely too much.
    • Other/Not Applicable (please specify with reply)

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Not nearly enough. I find gaps of time that I'm online that I've no interaction or roleplaying happening in the wee hours of the east coastal time slots and it usually is my inspiration to log out for rest. However, I'm part of a couple groups of roleplayers at this point and time would not mind branching out into even more if there are open groups looking for roleplayers willing to teach and guide newer folk.

Roleplaying mentor volunteer, and mentorship contributor.

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No, but I need to eat, sleep and work sometime.

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Done with the Kheld "community" here. Since they obviously don't care about anything lore wise and crap on people who do.  Kheld backstory guide might be uploaded in a non-Homecoming location when I finish the revision. No, it may not be put on the HC wiki, and what was there of my first one has been removed. Please do not reupload. I'm not giving the people here the benefit of the work just to be crapped on and told "lol, lore for a lore based AT, doesn't matter, f you."


(Note, this refers to the playerbase, not the devs.)

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Yesterday was exactly the type of RP day I always want.  Logged a baby rogue into Icon to find another medusa-headed individual standing next to me and did a short but fun improv session.  Then my friends logged on and actually bantered with me as we did missions.  Finally ended the night with a bit of IC silliness in front of Atlas.


So I would like to thank this poll to listening to my response and working its magic.

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I voted Other/NA. I get lots of RP however I do not get enough of the specific kinds of RP that I enjoy. There are a number of reasons for this. Partly this is just scarcity; I am a redsider who enjoys mature evil with verisimilitude and this is not for everyone. Another part of this is the opportunity costs of RP vs running content. Many of the types of content I enjoy (ITF, Grandville/DA mission/tips teams) occur more frequently in the late evening. This is also when the RP scene is the most active and my friends are more likely to be online. Thus I have to choose between an activity I know I like (endgame content) and activities that may, or may not, be to my tastes (as the nature of walkup RP can rarely be ascertained before it begins).

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Not nearly as much. Most of the time it's my fault since I end up leveling stuff, and I don't do much in Pocket D. Though it can be nice if I'm in a more chill mood, I enjoy field RP more so than RPing in Pocket D.

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@rajjypants - Everlasting Server

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Not nearly enough. Besides my good friends, and poor timezone aside, it usually feels like I'm trying to build a bridge with toothpicks. There are rare times where I find very nice, friendly people, but more often than not I feel like I'm busting my ass trying to get people to engage with me and getting totally stonewalled. That's not exclusive to this RP community, but it's a feeling I'm pretty tired of.

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Not nearly enough. My friend list is an ocean of grey which means I nearly have to break the ice and start from scratch every two weeks. It comes to a point I'm as content to be browsing the web while tabbed out and just check if someone approached or a friend logged on.


Which is in no way conducive to RP, but breaking the ice over and over gets (got) tiring.


This reflects in my ability to keep a character. I used to RP a character for years and years. Now the most it lives is a couple of months before I start a new one trying to capture the early RP fun.

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I put not at all. I guess not at all is not entirely correct, but "not nearly enough", to me, implies more than I actually get. I use to love roleplay, but for me to see it as actual roleplaying it has to be more than a one shot never see the person again thing, as it adds nothing to my own character building.  Dedicated groups to roleplaying tend to be themed, which means antagonists comes more from NPC than other characters. I am sure there is more out there than what I am describing here, but I have not really found it, and I don't have the time to form it. This is NOT a knock on any rp SGs, or anyone else, just a personal observation. 

Paragon Vanguard
Jerrin Bloodlette
Luke Minhere
many others

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