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New Chat Channel so we can finally use our indoor voices for RP


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I'm all for this. As an avid role player and club goer, having /local set at 100' is beyond what most people use it for whereas 20'-30' is more reasonable. And use /broadcast as a shout or yell (which is zone wide anyways)

While I'm not a programmer; I think it would be a simple matter of adjusting the values of /local to the 20-30' range.


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Coming here to second this proposal. Local really has too far a range to be comfortably social anywhere, but especially in bases or D. Trying to keep up with the conversations that you're having while mentally filtering out things from all the way across the room is stressful, and it makes it very easy to lose the thread of your conversation.

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+1 to this, though it’s always interesting hearing part of the RP when cruising through Pocket D, I always feel like an eavesdropper.

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"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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I know this setting would be much tougher than just doing horizontal range, but it would be nice if local was just fixed in general so it is like a sphere, instead of a cylinder.  The fact that bases that are built vertically if you type in local on the ground level, someone 500ft in the air can see your chat clear as day seems odd.  I don't think it is that way in places like Atlas Park or any of the zone maps where vertical is taken into account, as well as horizontal.  Just my two bits on this subject.

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35 minutes ago, TRILEE1701 said:

I know this setting would be much tougher than just doing horizontal range, but it would be nice if local was just fixed in general so it is like a sphere, instead of a cylinder.  The fact that bases that are built vertically if you type in local on the ground level, someone 500ft in the air can see your chat clear as day seems odd.  I don't think it is that way in places like Atlas Park or any of the zone maps where vertical is taken into account, as well as horizontal.  Just my two bits on this subject.




We specifically built a new location of Afterhours Bar (Everlasting) to allow people to spread out beyond local range, but you still have the very weird feature of someone on the rooftop dance floor, bar, or stage, etc. being able to hear everyone two floors (about 60-75 feet) below them, THROUGH solid objects that break line of sight!

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I totally support this suggestion. What we usually end up doing is like use team and league chat and adding the new person who comes and try to talk to us.

(this doesn't work always in clubs to due different alignments)

Edited by June
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I support this. 
The most I RP was with the Shadowclan in Ultima online and in WoW...  

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Adding my +1! An option to hear from 20' feels about right. If it was an alternative to Local itself, all the better. Social spaces should have some public conversations; that's what makes than social. But being able to dial in the distance based on how busy things are would be super useful...

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  • 4 weeks later
  • 5 months later

hmmm we can start new channels but I get it.


Would it be cool to have a grey scale for chat bubbles and text based on distance?

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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I didn't start RPing in City until just this past January, and I started playing in July 2004. I really like the idea of a close-range chat channel.

In a place like Pocket D, I shouldn't be able to overhear conversations taking place a floor below or above me, because ICly, there is supposed to be music throbbing throughout the area (regardless of what my Music setting is at). I shouldn't hear the monkey-fight when I'm at the upstairs bar on blue-side, nor War-Witch's or Isaac the Bartender's casual remarks to passers-by. If those were set to Near Proximity, I personally would find it more enjoyable.

I could see setting up personal social actions as:

/em salutes $target with a lift of her drink$$intimate I think that's an awesome idea!

The Emote stays in 'local' chat, which would be visible, theoretically, from a hundred feet away, while what got spoken stays for nearby-ears only.


I support a local range/intimate RP channel.

Instanced MSRs on Everlasting, 3:30pm Eastern on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Come to the RWZ and look for Barky McBarker for who to /T.

Hit, Heal, Buff, or Debuff. MSRs are not farms, there is no sitting.

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32 minutes ago, Troo said:

hmmm we can start new channels but I get it.


Would it be cool to have a grey scale for chat bubbles and text based on distance?

Player-created chat channels have unlimited range.

You would need to create one of those per small group of people, which is mechanically indistinguishable from joining a team/league and using team/league chat, making walk-up-rp much clumsier and less likely to happen.


A grey scale based on distance *could* help in situations of medium congestion, to help distinguish between those lines you care about, and those you can ignore.


In very crowded rooms, however, it would not mitigate the unbearable weight of massive chat scroll, and how it forces players to keep their attention glued on the screen or risk missing something important in a flood of ambient noise.

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1 hour ago, Troo said:

hmmm we can start new channels but I get it.


Would it be cool to have a grey scale for chat bubbles and text based on distance?

From long experience, the problem is the scroll in the Chat window, and not the chat bubbles, visually.

So what we're really looking for is a shorter range limit of 15-25 feet on Local. Or, an alternate short-range channel, but NOT another player-created global channel.

EDIT: I think the suggestions for a 25 ft range make the most sense, so you can see someone nearby and say hello, draw them over and still be in "audible attention range," and yet move your little group not very far away to get out of "noisy" range of everyone else.

Edited by Kartanian
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