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Seismic Blast Help?


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I gots them questions yo! lol.

1)What's a good secondary? I see people using storm or rad. emission for Corrupter.

2)Corrupter over Blaster? Why? I never got into Corrupters. Maybe now is the time. Enlighten me please.



Thank you.

Edited by damnimgood
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Well there's only one piece of insight I can offer on your questions. The biggest thing I notice about seismic blast is that it has its own mechanic where it gets stronger the more you use it for attacks. Now blaster secondaries are mostly attacks, so in some sense it's counterproductive to be attacking with your secondary since you aren't building seismic pressure. So I think the ideal answer is to pick a relatively passive secondary, either a corruptor with a non-busy secondary or if you do go with a blaster then one which at least has two toggles.

The other thing to consider is whether your character is going to be mostly solo or mostly grouping, since some corruptor secondaries have three or more powers that only can be used in a team and some have all their powers available to a solo player. One of the latter sets, traps is considered bad for groups because of the setup time but works well for solo.

Edited by Gwyrddu
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Tried a rad/seismic fender and seismicx2 blaster. Fender seems pretty good although i still think rad works best with a primary running a hold for stacking with choking cloud. Secondary on blaster is awful, endurance issues even when kitted out and for some reason it never builds up stacks which the fender had no issue with so rock shards and the stun/extreme damage never got used.

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On 11/27/2021 at 8:53 PM, damnimgood said:

I gots them questions yo! lol.

1)What's a good secondary? I see people using storm or rad. emission for Corrupter.

2)Corrupter over Blaster? Why? I never got into Corrupters. Maybe now is the time. Enlighten me please.



Thank you.

So, there will be different strokes for different folks, to be sure. I have played both with a fair amount of fun & "success". 
The thing about corruptors is their inherent, scourge. You can get a nice double damage when scourge hits. This is what allowed a number of us on Torch to take down Tyrant in the Magisterium trial without lore pets when HC first opened up, a couple years ago. It wasn't all corruptors, but at least a dozen or so. Scourge is not a guarantee though. At least, anecdotally, I've not seen it "every time", but I've seen it quite often. The lower the npc's health, the greater the odds of it firing. To be candid, I really don't even look for it and take it for granted. 

With the debuffs of radiation secondary, a corruptor can be a game changer - debuffing regen, giving out accelerated metabolism for a 20% damage buff and 30% recharge, lasting for 2 minutes. With IO sets, you can get this perma fairly easily (but expensive if you're on a budget). 

I would say the only noticeable differences between my fire/fire blaster and my fire/rad corruptor is the strength of my blasters nuke and the debuff ability of the corruptor. While leveling, the fire blaster was much easier to solo, because there wasn't any waiting for scourge to kick in. On a team, though, the corruptor is every bit as worthwhile. It's tough to see any real difference as far as dps goes, because the debuffs make the damage higher. But, a lot of that depends on how you slot your characters. One guy can take a blaster and make it outpace mine as far as dps goes, quite easily. I build my blasters more for survivability, trusting the base damage they dish out to be sufficient. There's a line between dps and defense. Anecdotally, ,If I try to balance both - I won't have enough dps or defense to out-survive the difficult foes, So, you kind of have to choose which way you want to go. But that's a whole different topic, and quite the rabbit hole.

You have 1000 slots, you might as well give both storm and rad a try. Worst case, you delete them and try something else. 

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I have a Water/Kinetics corruptor who is great fun to play but after playing my new Seismic/Time blaster since Friday I am left to wonder if Seismic/Kinetics might have been even more fun.


On the other hand, as a corruptor, in particular a Kinetics corruptor, you do have a secondary set of very useful powers eating up part of your time. And Seismic wants ALL of your time...every last bit of it. The set special ability triggers off using Seismic attacks. The trigger does last and by itself could be worked around but the usefulness of the secondary effects, particularly the knock up...its hard to not just want to be using Seismic attacks all the time. But a fully saturated Fulcrum Shift backed Meteor...on my!


And on the gripping hand, Seismic being greedy might be the selling point for going blaster as the blaster secondaries are, short of blapping, like cats--not too overly upset if you're not paying attention to them and will be there when you feed them (your time).

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I'll throw a vote towards */Martial Assault for Blasters and, if you're looking at the most passive set possible for Corruptors, */Force Field

Formerly Infinity, Currently Everlasting


50s:  Necro/Kin MM, Ill/Storm 'Troller, Kin/EnA Stalker, NRG/EnA Sentinel, Grav/Elec Dom, Invuln/Staff Tanker, Mind/Dark 'Troller, Earth/Nature 'Troller, Merc/FF MM

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On 11/28/2021 at 3:49 PM, damnimgood said:

Was thinking Dark,Kin, or Thermal for Corruptor.


My seismic/kin cor is leveling surprisingly fast with few faceplants doing nothing but street sweeping.


Due to the lovely KD provided by the set, I've been pondering a very melee-centric seismic/dark blaster.

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*/Dev on the Blaster side of things is another relatively low-activity secondary that allows focus on the primary. Tho it seems that the seismic waves do not play nicely with Field Operative's stealth due to the KB. A way to shed the effect would be nice.

Edited by Cutter
werds is hard



So many alts, so little time...

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  • 2 weeks later

I haven't done it yet but am thinking about trying a Seismic/Nature Corruptor.  Not only does feel very thematically sound, but it seems like there would be some mechanical synergy too, being able to drop and stand on Lifegiving Spores to buff myself while Seismic Pressure makes the area less happy for enemies that try to get to encroach on my little mobile Eden.  Assuming I understand how Seismic Pressure works (janky mechanics and I don't exactly get along great).


My big wonder is with Stalagmite and whether it's worth it.  How "Extreme" is "Extreme"?  Is it worth giving up the KD aura (which, granted, Shards does too, but it seems a little more overtly "worth it")?  Or should it just be seen as an easy skip (or alternatively, should one of the t1/t2 powers be skipped instead...I doubt the set needs all five single target attacks)?

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