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Extra power slots idea

Trauma Junky

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Once a character hits 50, they have a number of powers that cannot be fully 6 slotted. I was thinking it'd be great to bring into the game a means to "earn" more slots after 50, but not necessarily increasing the level cap. 


It could be a special task force that rewards a new slot, or maybe a special invention. Maybe once you hit level 50, you go to an enhancement store of your origin, and pick up a special mission to earn more slots. However the method of gaining new slots, it should be challenging, and not too easy. Once you have all your powers 6 slotted, you get something else as a reward other than a slot. 

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Alpha is basically this, though more general.


And really, "all powers six slotted" is kind of ... much. With what we have now, we already have perma-everything, capped-everything, challenge-what's-that characters running around for the price of a bit of inf and a copied MIDS build. I don't think making that any easier by adding slots (even if that didn't mechanically break the game given the way the code is, which is a possibility) would really be healthy for it. 

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Unlimited new slots?  No, hard pass on that.  Part of the fun with builds is that you're limited in what you can slot full verse not at all.  It would lead to characters being more generic with less interesting trade-offs.



On the other-hand, there's certainly been builds of mine that where I've gone, "Gee, I wish I had another one or two slots to play with.."  So, if we could exist, it be nice if was some system to earn some limited number of new slots.


My suggestion would be to attach them to the Achievement badges of 'Badges Earned Badges'.  Starting from the 500 badge 'Seeker' with the requirement that you already have the 99 veteran level badge.  With this, you could earn up to 5 additional slots, enough to 6-slot one additional power, if you wanted.  I picked the 500 badge as the starting point as that's where I feel the starting line is between a badging verse a non-badging character is right now.  You can generally get up to 300-400 badges without trying too hard.

I think a system like this might be really great in steering people to play more of the game's regular content and team for it.

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3 hours ago, Greycat said:

(even if that didn't mechanically break the game given the way the code is, which is a possibility)

FWIW, there are are GM codes to do this to characters, at least up to the "i25" release HC originally launched under.  So unless changes made since then would mess with it (not impossible I suppose), it is doable.  But then you toss in what happens when you can 6-slot everything and the fact that means stacking an extra 50+ set bonuses into a build and...yeah, it's not viable at all from an actual gameplay standpoint.


At times, I'll admit part of me wouldn't be completely opposed to the sometimes-suggested alternative of trading power slots for enhancement slots.  But simply adding them out of nothing would not go over well.

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Working within the limitations pushes us to take a step back and look at our characters objectively.  It encourages us to be more creative and flexible, rather than homogenous, and in doing so, instills in us a feeling of success and creates an emotional attachment to our characters which would otherwise be absent.  Our characters are ours because we invest the time, effort and determination to make them work.  Extra slots wouldn't synergize with that.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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