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Will we ever see an Issue 28?


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This was a question that was floating in my head (along with the continuation of the "coming storm" event). Then it got me thinking, it is a copyright of NC soft and thus cannot be used? If so where does the story go from here? Will there be a new story? A new direction? Many expressed how they disliked the incarnate idea and the concept behind it and story. But this still leave such an important arc unresolved seems a bit cheap and leaves a large hole that has been since what?  Issue 11? Since it is a rogue server can nothing serious or game changing or a continuation be brought forth and thus be regulated to side missions? I mean while the X-Men and Avengers or JLA for DC  fans (example) are fighting the cosmic or interdimensional threat, are issues are for the street level heroes and villains to tell their tales? 

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The current devs can pretty much do whatever they want.  Now, to what extent they want to delve into the threads that were left hanging by the original devs, and in what direction they would go with it, is another story entirely.  I'm always happy to see more content, but they probably have to weigh the amount of time it would take to implement all these ideas vs the kind of response it would garner from the playerbase...

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42 minutes ago, biostem said:

  I'm always happy to see more content, but they probably have to weigh the amount of time it would take to implement all these ideas vs the kind of response it would garner from the playerbase...


I think the player base would be hungry for something different and many have the idea of "where do we go from here?". And I meant pages not issues. Sorry for the mix up. 

Edited by LegionAlpha
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Because the dev team is small and volunteer, they release smaller content updates called pages instead of wrapping everything up in one update and calling it an issue.


If memory serves, homecoming actually started out in issue 25 or 26, so they do increment that occasionally.


On to the coming storm

I don't want to write to much on this because apparently you can't use the "spoiler" function on the mobile site.  But the end of the DA arc suggests it would be incarnate related, frankly I'd like to see content available to a larger audience than just incarnates.

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What this team needs is more Defenders

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12 minutes ago, Marshal_General said:

To be fair, if it was the Coming Storm, then it should affect the entire city and have plenty for everyone to do even if it was eventually defeated by Incarnates.


And then this guy would show up out of nowhere.


I REALLY like Astro City...:-)

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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... as far as the Coming Storm, personally I'd like to see it die in a fire, see anything left from that die in another fire, then drown, then get irradiated, then left in the vacuum of space, and anything left after that can be given a flaming cactus suppository and sent to die in yet another fire.


Horrible idea geared towards "force a grind into a game that doesn't have one so NC can get microtransaction/sub payments." Too many other, far more interesting lore bits that can be used that were left hanging over the years. (Gadzul/Blood of the Black Stream, anyone?)



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Surely the story of all that could be salvaged from the dumpster fire of chasing micro-transactions though?  Not that I care too much, I'm not super big on Incarnate content anyway, but...


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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I am truly grateful the current Devs continue work on the old CoH.  Very good work indeed.  

The tweaks they have made and the content they have added are amazing


Two issues could be addressed;  Volume.  It just cannot be as much as a full staff of paid employees will generate.  Quality;  The artistic direction and overall synthesis of the new material into the old is excellent.  So many “upgrades and new material” to old games looks like it was dreamed up by one person, created by an overworked team on a deadline, then hacked by management into something they decided at the last minute needed to happen. 

The continuing added content and improvements to CoH are much appreciated. The fact that they are done with such high quality and style are truly amazing


Thank you Homecoming Team!

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