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LFG is not for conversations


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  • 4 weeks later



[11:40] [Looking For Group] I'mNotAToyotaCorolla:  Any patron arcs going?
[11:41] [Looking For Group] Cowboy Clockwork:  why arent you a toyota corolla? toyota corollas are awesome
[11:41] [Looking For Group] k1d who?:  yes theyre reliable, sturdy
[11:42] [Looking For Group] I'mNotAToyotaCorolla:  And I am neither of those.
[11:42] [Looking For Group] Singolan:  at least it's not a toyota celica, I was nealry killed in one
[11:42] [Looking For Group] EMERALD GOLEM:  maybe he is an aston martin 😉
[11:42] [Looking For Group] k1d who?:  ah, what is an unreliable and unsturdy car then? XD
[11:42] [Looking For Group] Negative Eclipse:  Ford Taurus
[11:42] [Looking For Group] Singolan:  haha the jelly bean taurus
[11:43] [Looking For Group] Herald Emberkin:  its not the car if your looking for reliable but the person that takes care of it
[11:44] [Looking For Group] Negative Eclipse:  Tell that to Nissan Rogues built in the 2010's; those transmissions are always failing
[11:44] [Looking For Group] Glazia Frostova:  Yugo has entered the chat room
[11:44] [Looking For Group] Sante:  lol
[11:44] [Looking For Group] Portia.:  Cue the 'take it General' request in 5... 4...
[11:44] [Looking For Group] Herald Emberkin:  get a new tranmission. even a junker can get you to a to b
[11:45] [Looking For Group] Peripherist:  Take it to General Chat! xD
[11:45] [Looking For Group] Peripherist:  There!
[11:45] [Looking For Group] Portia.:  There it is!
[11:45] [Looking For Group] Herald Emberkin:  everyone talks in help an aywhere so i dont think it matters where we talk
[11:46] [Looking For Group] Primal Mutation:  Heyy...heard there was some transmission talk going on...
[11:46] [Looking For Group] Abyssium:  Yes it does, that's why General was made by the HC Devs so Help and LFG wouldn't be spammed like this any more
[11:46] [Looking For Group] Marshal the Penguin:  help and general is fine but people in LFG are actually trying to find a team and recruit
[11:46] [Looking For Group] Marshal the Penguin:  the others people can filter out
[11:46] [Looking For Group] Portia.:  wee ooo wee ooo... Chat Police are here! Sergeant Karen is cordoning off the area
[11:46] [Looking For Group] Primal Mutation:  THE CHAT POLICE HAVE ARRIVED!
[11:46] [Looking For Group] Mental Energy:  Have to agree. Leave LFG for what was it was meant for.
[11:47] [Looking For Group] Marshal the Penguin:  STICK EM UP!
[11:47] [Looking For Group] Primal Mutation:  It's not that you're not right, it's just you guys are so uptight.  Like, it's going to kill you.
[11:47] [Looking For Group] Marshal the Penguin:  whos uptight? u said people talk anywhere whats the difference if its in lfg
[11:48] [Looking For Group] Portia.:  Yes, they might miss their Sitter requests
[11:48] [Looking For Group] Marshal the Penguin:  msot people have a diff
[11:48] [Looking For Group] Marshal the Penguin:  signing off
[11:48] [Looking For Group] Primal Mutation:  If you get that upset, that you need to log off, you need to relax my man
[11:48] [Looking For Group] West Side Stormy:  How hard is it to just switch to General? It does make it difficult for people who are wanting to find a team. Once or twice isn't a huge deal, but it seems like some people just do it to annoy others.
[11:48] [Looking For Group] Mental Energy:  It's annoying to try and sift though the chat when you're just trying to look for a team....
[11:49] [Looking For Group] Radio Arms:  i'm here for the used cars
[11:49] [Looking For Group] k1d who?:  this is a video game - no fun allowed!!
[11:49] [Looking For Group] No Shot:  Uh oh LFG on fire
[11:49] [Looking For Group] I'mNotAToyotaCorolla:  I have caused a distraction.
[11:49] [Looking For Group] Primal Mutation:  everyone just relax lol
[11:49] [Looking For Group] k1d who?:  but as a fellow memer - i have to agree general chat is best bc i do be looking for groups sometimes lolol
[11:49] [Looking For Group] Lagooner:  wee ooo wee oo Waterblaster here too cool it off!!! xD
[11:49] [Looking For Group] No Shot:  alot came from dcuo hehe
[11:50] [Looking For Group] Portia.:  Just activate your LFG flag if you want a team
[11:50] [Looking For Group] West Side Stormy:  Just use General if you're just looking to talk.
[11:51] [Looking For Group] Shivan Businessman:  Please... LFG flag really? 😛
[11:51] [Looking For Group] Chaunderexian:  Honestly, this chat goes off for 2-3 minutes like 3 or 4 times a day, it's not that bad
[11:51] [Looking For Group] Primal Mutation:  Every time someone tries to dictate what I do in this game, I will do the opposite.  
[11:51] [Looking For Group] Abyssium:  Then I'd tell you to tank well but I already know you don't
[11:51] [Looking For Group] Raptor Agent Huntley:  Don't email me infl.
[11:51] [Looking For Group] West Side Stormy:  Primal, I dictate that you jabber on and on forever in LFG and never log off.
[11:51] [Looking For Group] Chaunderexian:  Seriously, this chat has really good ettiquette.  This happens so rarely, just make a sandwhich and it'll die down
[11:52] [Looking For Group] Primal Mutation:  There are miserable people in this world who want nothing more than to act tyranical and demand others do as they say. 
[11:52] [Looking For Group] Lady Zorel:  Discipline, do you need?
[11:52] [Looking For Group] Portia.:  Somebody named 'NotACorrolla' posted a LFG request. Somebody else spontaneously asked them about their name. That's how it started. Was everything that followed expected to be a WAIT A MINUTE, let's continue this is General
[11:52] [Looking For Group] Primal Mutation:  This is a video game for God's sake.  A free video game.
[11:52] [Looking For Group] Radio Arms:  karens, if you will
[11:52] [Looking For Group] Aaliyeh:  please leave the looking for group chat and be nice
[11:52] [Looking For Group] k1d who?:  i apologize, i may have fanned the flames unintentionally LOL
[11:52] [Looking For Group] West Side Stormy:  There are miserable people in this world who insist on making things miserable for people just wanting to find a team.
[11:53] [Looking For Group] Primal Mutation:  lol are you lft?
[11:58] [Looking For Group] Cowboy Clockwork:  so how about them dodgers?


  • Sad 1

Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

Using DEMORECORD To Find Who Is Sabotaging Lambda Badge Runs  ||  https://www.twitch.tv/oklahomancoh

Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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14 hours ago, macskull said:

Oddly enough, despite the often off-topic discussions in LFG, I still have no problem using it to find groups.


Oh, to be sure, there were plenty of legitimate LFG messages in through there. I just removed those in this case to show the larger conversation. You absolutely could scroll back and sift through LFG to find what's truly recruiting. Or, ignore everyone participating in the discussion. I like how someone came along 5 minutes after everything settled down trying to stir things back up again.


The other day I was recruiting for a Hami raid and this person kept sending me tells, despite the LFG message saying NO TELLS. I assumed they were in zone and saying they could not read the messages in request, so I was trying to help them get request active. If you've never formed an MSR or Hami, you may not appreciate how busy the organizer is, so really this was me trying to be extra helpful. What I came to understand is that this person was not in zone and not wanting to do Hami at all, but was rather having trouble reading all the traffic going through LFG, and was asking me to no longer advertise to reduce the number of messages.


I imagine it could be frustrating for a new player to sort through all that. And, I don't think it looks very good. There are plenty of places for conversations like that in the game already.

Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

Using DEMORECORD To Find Who Is Sabotaging Lambda Badge Runs  ||  https://www.twitch.tv/oklahomancoh

Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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4 hours ago, Oklahoman said:

I like how someone came along 5 minutes after everything settled down trying to stir things back up again.

I like how someone came along 23 days after everything settled down trying to stir things back up again.

Those times you saw no footprints, I had Fly toggled on.

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1 hour ago, Mopery said:

I like how someone came along 23 days after everything settled down trying to stir things back up again.


So, you're under the impression people stopped having conversations in LFG until after I posted my last example of people having conversations in LFG?


Nothing settled down.

Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

Using DEMORECORD To Find Who Is Sabotaging Lambda Badge Runs  ||  https://www.twitch.tv/oklahomancoh

Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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itd be great if everyone sorted the papers on the desk, and talked in channels appropriate to need.


but they talk a bit in looking-for-group, because a lot of people are there, I suppose.


if anything, keeping 'Help' good for people who're stuck, or, heavens, new, is something we'd do well to try for.


but, /shrug, people talk while seeking or posting for teams.


its nice to hear something.

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57 minutes ago, honoroit said:

if anything, keeping 'Help' good for people who're stuck, or, heavens, new, is something we'd do well to try for.

I think one of the universal truths of this game is that 99% of the time the help channel is anything but helpful.

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"If you can read this, I've failed as a developer." -- Caretaker


Proc information and chance calculator spreadsheet (last updated 15APR24)

Player numbers graph (updated every 15 minutes) Graph readme

@macskull/@Not Mac | Twitch | Youtube

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22 minutes ago, macskull said:

I think one of the universal truths of this game is that 99% of the time the help channel is anything but helpful.

"Except on Excelsior.  That Flea guy is super helpful"

                                            -- Jimmy




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  • 6 months later
On 7/26/2022 at 12:34 PM, KC4800 said:

I concur with this, and it's usually in the wrong channel, but....whoop-dee-doo!!


Once in a while this shouldn't cause offense, but yeah lately it's been err pretty rough.


Ah well, it's a community game and all.

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  • 3 weeks later

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