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Help me kill (erm... defeat) my husband!

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Any Damage Range set, preferably fast animation. I haven't even attempted PVP since live but blasters did do a portion of unresisted damage in PVP


/Energy Manipulation - Boost range and endurance reduction, good hard hitting melee and very little slotting required for the secondary


Flight - out of range


Web grenade temp powers to keep the hubby grounded.


Orange resist inspirations to protect against teleport, if he happens to have it.


Also as he is willpower, thats a weakness there since he needs bad guys around him to boost his regen off the toggle.  Might of been harder if he was /regen but I don't know, I never got into CoH PVP.

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"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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14 hours ago, Doomguide2005 said:

     Disclaimer:  I do not PvP and have minimal zone PvP experience.

  • He has +perception via Heightened Senses.  This also includes perception debuff resistance.   Outright stealth not too effective, but stealth plus perception debuff might be surprisingly effective.
  • WP only gets massive levels of Regeneration when surrounded by foes. 
  • WP has no native slow or recharge debuff resistance 

All the above makes me like Tactical Arrow.  The first 3 powers all apply slow and recharge debuffs.  Plus considerable -fly.  Add in Flash Arrow plus a high degree of Concealment pool stealth may be enough to Blind and ground him (forced to chew yellows) while you go airborne making sure you have Evasive Maneuvers (for Fly protection) 

Now pair it with Ice for more slow and recharge debuffs.  Best case you ground him, slow him to a crawl while blinding him with floored recharge.  Worst case he flies anyway, has lots of recharge resists (through IOs) and enough perception debuff resists to chase you airborne.  


PS:  Ice also has Holds that you can proc and go to plan B (Yomo's crazy hold idea).  The drawback afaik is holds have very short durations (relatively) in PvP and you become immune for a short time after being Held.  Pretty much eliminated what Trollers/Doms can do to PvE foes but someone with actually PvP knowledge can probably say how accurately I recall things there.  I do know for a while Ice/Energy blasters were kings of PvP.

Great ideas here. I hadn't even thought of tac arrow!

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Poison/beam defender would give him fits with all that -regen. WP in short hates debuffs so load up on those.

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Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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6 hours ago, nebber said:

I dabble in PVP occassionally, here would be my recommendations.


If your showdown is going to have a no-inspiration rule:  A kin/elec defender, built for maximum sapping.  It is the "I win" card against anything that doesn't have end drain protection (like Willpower).  Open with Aim + Power build up + Thunderous blast (slotted for max end drain) + transference.  That can sometimes two-shot a blue bar. If it doesn't you have to close in for short circuit and then they are done.   Once drained, all you have to do is apply siphon speed and short circuit every time those are up and they will not be going anywhere and not recovering endurance.  However if inspirations are allowed, he can bring a whole tray of giant blues and negate your one trick.


For a drawn out fight with insps allowed, I'd go for slows / recharge debuffs, which WP doesn't resist.  You can pop yellows when you are -tohit debuffed, you can pop greens when you are getting nailed with damage, blues when you are being sapped, reds if you are -dmg debuffed.  But there's no inspiration which counters slows.  If he slots a lot of Winter sets he'll get some slow protection, though. 


Rad/Ice defender would stack ice's slows and -recharge with lingering radiation.  Good damage output when you add damage procs to Freeze Ray and blasts.  You'll have to watch out for his holds (KO blow or any epic/patron) detoggling your rad debuffs and get them back on ASAP before resuming your blasting.  Whatever hits he gets through, you should survive them as enervating field will be reducing his damage and you have the self heal.  Power boost from soul mastery can also save you in a pinch by boosting your def, the -tohit of rad infection, and the power of your self heal for 15 seconds.


Other sets will also deliver similar slows and debuffs -- like cold, trick arrow, and poison -- but the self-heal in rad really helps in the kind of drawn out fights that you get when you're up against a melee with a big bag of HP. 


Only other suggestion, not something I've played myself but have seen in action absolutely stomping in 1v1s: a Necro/dark mastermind.  They stack crazy -tohit and their AOE heal outpaces incoming damage.  The ones I've been up against ruined my melee toons without breaking a sweat, and even my fire blaster couldn't put out enough burst AOE damage before the debuffs kicked in and I was done for.


Good luck!


Great response! A lot to think about! I had been thinking of Ice and electric but wasn't sure what to put them on, and I love the idea of a kin/electric fender. He will definitely underestimate that - especially if I use Yomo's suggestion of a second build, and only let him see a buff bot in normal play. 😈 I have an electric/electric corruptor and an earth/kin troller, so I'm not totally unfamiliar with the powers either. I'll definitely look into the necro/dark MM too... though I usually don't like playing with dead things. LOL

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On 6/5/2022 at 8:17 PM, TheWhiteLady said:

his brute is a vet level 50 SS/WP that does massive amounts of damage, max HP of 2400+

I'd consider a couple options.

Option A - Beam/Devices Blaster

  • You can keep Disintegrate DoT on him to suppress Regen a bit, plus it enhances the damage of your other Beam attacks
  • Willpower has typed defenses instead of positional, so powers like Smoke Grenade & Toxic Web Grenade are more likely to land
  • The constant application of -Perception (from Smoke Grenade) will eventually pay off if you stay at range (preferably flying)
  • Leviathan Mastery has Bile Spray (ranged Toxic), and you can pick up Toxic Dart from the Experimentation pool
  • Pick up the Diamagnetic Interface Incarnate to further suppress regen
  • The stealth from Field Operative will help you choose when to engage

Option B - Bane Spider

  • You have some powers that already deal Toxic damage, you can supplement with the Bile Spray (Leviathan Mastery) & Toxic Dart (Experimentation) if you want
  • Cloaking Device lets you pick and choose when to engage
  • Surveillance is a great debuff (it is positional and has no typed component) to prime your big attacks
  • You have some great built in defenses that you can tailor to your liking

Option C - Force Field Defender

  • Detention Field to put him in time out over in the corner
  • Personal Force Field for the moments you don't have him in Detention
  • Essentially play the "I can do this all day" game and force him to admit defeat and give up voluntarily (kinda dangerous game to play though)


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@nebberlooking at your end drain attack --> Aim+PBU+Thunderous Blast

Shouldn't Clarion Radial Epiphany boost the end drain as well?  Unless Incarnates are off the table.


Edit:  Appears it might also boost slow movement effects of Running Speed and Fly Speed (drop his Fly spd while your slows further reduce his assuming he gets off the ground).

Edited by Doomguide2005
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Did she say she was going to do zone PvP?  The arena allows incarnate powers.


To the OP:  I think it's worth asking yourself, "Do I want to hilariously destroy my husband in PvP, where it's not even a match-up and he can't do anything I could win 20 times in a row?  Or do I want to go in for a real fight, but maybe the odds are in my favor."  Assuming your husband is not an experienced PvPer and is not building specifically for PvP in mind, some of the suggestions you're getting here are going to bias towards the first scenario.  Like if you hover-blast him and use web grenade to keep him grounded and Poison to debuff the hell out of him, I mean...  Unless he is himself pretty experienced with PvP, you won't really be fighting any more than you're fighting if you attack a gray-conn opponent.

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On 6/8/2022 at 5:30 PM, Doomguide2005 said:

@nebberlooking at your end drain attack --> Aim+PBU+Thunderous Blast

Shouldn't Clarion Radial Epiphany boost the end drain as well?  Unless Incarnates are off the table.


Edit:  Appears it might also boost slow movement effects of Running Speed and Fly Speed (drop his Fly spd while your slows further reduce his assuming he gets off the ground).


If incarnates were on the table, I'm guessing my opening combo would easily two-shot the blue bar in PVP,  with the extra boost from clarion radial, agility core paragon, and preemptive core interface.  That would have to be in an arena match with incarnates on, which I've not tried with my sapper recently (or maybe ever).  


My experience is from some 1v1 fight club type showdowns in Warburg, so no incarnates there.  Sometimes PBU+TB+Transference would crash the foes' blue bar, sometimes it would leave still a little endurance.  It might be a matter of whether they have the +end accolades / set bonuses, or if they have used up enough endurance in opening attacks, or perhaps TB has a chance of additional end drain, not sure. 


In my opener I would follow transference with siphon speed (which does more slow with PBU) and either close in for a short circuit to finish the drain, or keep electric blastin' until transference recharges to finish the drain.


But yeah it goes to illustrate that the best AT/powerset to help OP win would be affected by the rules and settings of her final showdown.  Will they allow incarnates?  Inspirations?  Will it be in a zone?  Will it be first kill wins, or who has the most kills in a timed match in the arena?

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On 6/6/2022 at 4:17 AM, TheWhiteLady said:

A little background... he and I have an RP scenario where we are creating a pair of toons who have (in Terminator style) travelled back in time to end a bloodline created by his bad-ash brute and my blaster.


The idea is that eventually we are going to square off. 


I'm not so worried about my blaster... but his brute is a vet level 50 SS/WP that does massive amounts of damage, max HP of 2400+, and out-tanks many tanks (which is one reason we don't generally team much).

This brute solos the Nemesis TV farm at +4/×8 with ease.


I'm thinking maybe end draining to detoggle (oh he has conserve power and unleash potential too)... so maybe just focusing on WP's weaknesses like toxic, psi, and negative energy?


A tank maybe? But will that do enough damage?


All suggestions welcome... well, you know, except asking me if I can bend over far enough to kiss my cheeks goodbye.


(Also, it'll be hoofing it to 50 alongside his blaster, so has to be blastie-friendly).


Demons/Thermal Mastermind

Thugs/Thermal Mastermind

Thermal/Ice Defender

Thermal/Elec Defender

Poison/Ice Defender


For Melee options: A scrapper with Kat, Claws, Energy Melee, or Dark Melee paired with Regen or Rad Armour.


My Stuff:

fite.gif.ce19610126405e6ea9b52b4cfa50e02b.gif Fightclub PvP Discord (Melee PvP tournaments, builds, and beta testing)

Clipboard01.gif.9d6ba27a7be03b73a450be0965263fd2.gif Influence Farming Guide (General guide to farming, with maps and builds)

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On 6/9/2022 at 5:02 PM, aethereal said:

Did she say she was going to do zone PvP?  The arena allows incarnate powers.


To the OP:  I think it's worth asking yourself, "Do I want to hilariously destroy my husband in PvP, where it's not even a match-up and he can't do anything I could win 20 times in a row?  Or do I want to go in for a real fight, but maybe the odds are in my favor."  Assuming your husband is not an experienced PvPer and is not building specifically for PvP in mind, some of the suggestions you're getting here are going to bias towards the first scenario.  Like if you hover-blast him and use web grenade to keep him grounded and Poison to debuff the hell out of him, I mean...  Unless he is himself pretty experienced with PvP, you won't really be fighting any more than you're fighting if you attack a gray-conn opponent.

Fair point. I often say on my Dom that it's like fighting statues. 

Also, it will likely be an arena fight... but now knowing that incarnate powers are not allowed in PvP zones, it might make for a more even playing field. 👍

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2 hours ago, TheWhiteLady said:

Fair point. I often say on my Dom that it's like fighting statues. 

Also, it will likely be an arena fight... but now knowing that incarnate powers are not allowed in PvP zones, it might make for a more even playing field. 👍

I believe you can set the arena to disable incarnates (you might want to double-check), just the default is that it allows them.

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If mez is important in overcoming him dont forget to get the vanguard medal behind his back. Double your holds, immob, fear, confuse for a minute. Probably something he wouldnt think about as a potential problem.


Edit: dunno if that is allowed in pvp or arena now that I think of it...

Edited by fancy ketchup
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2 hours ago, fancy ketchup said:

If mez is important in overcoming him dont forget to get the vanguard medal behind his back. Double your holds, immob, fear, confuse for a minute. Probably something he wouldnt think about as a potential problem.


Edit: dunno if that is allowed in pvp or arena now that I think of it...

All the accolades turn off in pvp. You Can buy every accolade (with a new name) for 10k inf a piece, if your side controls sirens calls.


while mezzes are important to turn off toggles, they dont last very long and theres no reason to stack them since any mez that hits Will stun a tank shortly then Grant him immunity for awhile

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1 hour ago, Bug You 2 said:

All the accolades turn off in pvp. You Can buy every accolade (with a new name) for 10k inf a piece, if your side controls sirens calls.


while mezzes are important to turn off toggles, they dont last very long and theres no reason to stack them since any mez that hits Will stun a tank shortly then Grant him immunity for awhile

You can actually buy the PvP versions of the accolades in any PvP zone or in any Arena, or in Pocket D by visiting the vendor. You are correct at the cost of 10k for each accolade, and once purchased they do not require additional purchases to use. The PvP versions can only be used in PvP zones or Arena matches however. 

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