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Old School Challenge


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Old School Challenge (Before Issue 9)

New Characters only
Archtypes are bound to the game they were released in
    Tanker, Scrapper, Blaster, Controller, Defender, Kheldians are Heros
    Brute, Stalker, Corruptor, Dominator, Mastermind, Arachnos are Villains
    Sentinels are not allowed
No Auction House
No Crafting Sets (Recipes may be deleted or sold to an npc)
    Invention Origin Enhancements are allowed (to compensate for ED)
Base Buffs are acceptable
No Power Leveling or teaming with any other live player unless they are also participating in the challenge.
May only purchase upgrades (inspirations and enhancements) with money earned by doing missions or by selling items
No Supergroup invites will be accepted unless by other Old School challenge participants
No Pay to Win items are allowed, only items you get from missions and creation.
Merits can be spent on Standard Invention Enhancements, salvage, large inspirations, or a respec recipe

Optional Rule (IronCharacter)
If you die, you delete the character immediately

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yawn.  i favor brutes.  this will obviously be a 1-50 run (by definition)  i can make a Dark/Invul Brute who will breeze through the game on +0/x1  Sure, lacking sets will make 30-50 a little aggravating.  But not by much really.  Brutes were overpowered when created, even without inherent stamina.  with inherent stamina but no set bonuses you just alter some picks and grind careful.

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The trick ( to not dying ) is counter intuitive.  Stop experience.  Until you generate funds for upgrades.  Do content your build excels at.  Basically farm the game.  If you level normally you can be short of cash and strapped for enhancers


Hats off if you can do this ( not dying) on a Blaster 

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22 hours ago, Greycat said:

On Everlasting, there is/was a group running "launch reenactors," including emulating having to pick stamina powers.

I still run my old school villain and hero so I guess it's still around.


I'm on Everlasting if you want to run either a classic hero or villain. I basically run with those rules, stricter in some areas and looser in others.

Global Handle: @Future Force Warrior

Level 50s: Operative Grantz (Pure Bane/Mace Mastery), Dr. Eisenfield (Gravity/Time/Mu), Air Liquide (Ice/Kin/Soul), Vantablack Stare (Illusion/Traps/Ice), Medic 2004 (Empathy/Energy/Soul)

All on Everlasting

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1 hour ago, Sovera said:

Masochists. Masochists the lot of you.

IMHO People have to make the game tricksy like this because the standard method (difficulty selection) is boring.

..It only takes one Beanbag fan saying that they JRANGER it for the devs to revert it.

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May I suggest turning off green drops, and utilizing your inherent regen, (or resting) to get health back? I created a defender that does that, kinda fun.

  • Victory: reserved for future use
  • Indom: Schtick, Pummel Pete, Plymouth, Pilkington
  • Reunion: Ghost Legacy, 7s7e7v7e7n7, Mind Funk, Bluto
  • Excelsior: Phrendon Largo, Fred Bumbler, John van der Waals,Allamedia Jones, Tzapt, Sn1pe
  • Torchbearer: Phrendon Largo, Kenny Letter,  Bewm, La Merle, Enflambe', Rock Largo, Bulk of the Weather, Retired Phrendon
  • Everlasting: Phrendon Largo, Krown, Buzz Words, Bicycle Repairman, Dee Fender, Carmela Soprano, Radmental Boy, Beet Salad, Sporanghi,Sue Ahn Cuddy, Fukushima Technician, Snow Globe Girl, Thug Therapist, Apple Brown Betty
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