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Posted (edited)

Have tested FF as a Controller.  Thoughts:


Repulsion Bolt:  The recharge on this seems out of whack.  Force Bolt has always been more of a strategic survival tool than an attack.  I'm not saying it should remain at 4s in perpetuity - especially now that it's a debuff - but 10s is far too long a wait at those low levels where Bolt gets most of its use saving the buns of characters who might only have a couple of attacks to their name.  

Dispersion Bubble: It is nice that the protection chases people that run out of it, but Dispersion Bubble is still totally outclassed by Faraday Cage.  It should give some level of DDR or +Recharge or Absorb or SOMETHING... it may not be the best power in the set, but it is certainly the signature power; it would be nice if it did a little better than half what Faraday Cage does.  This is especially true when you consider that Faraday Cage can be reapplied as a Break Free whereas if something drags you down through Dispersion Bubble, they can have their way with you all the way until DB recharges.


{Edited to add, I forgot about the 15s duration on nu Dispersion Bubble, so that is less of a gripe than it used to be.  Point still stands, though... Dispersion Bubble is anemic compared to its peers}


Force Bomb: Would like to see the Stun Chance moved around a little.  10% is just far too low a chance for a Mag 2 mez, especially when it was already pretty low to begin with.  The -Res is an interesting add, as Repulsion Bomb is already used to soften up the mob, but having "90 percent" of the members of that mob hop right up and immediately start swinging at you DECREASES the utility of the power.  


Dampening Bubble: Base DDR on the Controller side could use a little bump; with max investment, the power chunks out ~28% DDR, would like to see this reach 30% DDR if the player completely sells out chasing that.  It's a T9 in a Defense-centric set; the other debuff resistances are interesting, but thematically, the DDR is why people would take it and they should feel compelled to chase a big number there instead of "well, it's better than nothing!" and leaving it at that.


Edited by roleki
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I killed them.... Con Carne

Posted (edited)

The note regarding KB2KD in Repulsion Field should probably be spelled out more completely.  Something such as "Note: Placing an enhancement that reduces Knockback to Knockdown in this power will disable the Repel component as well."

Edited by csr
Typed too fast
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Posted (edited)

Maybe increase the value of dispersion Bubble a little as it gives less of a Buff than Farsight or FF Generator.  It is force fields after all and not Traps/Time.

I preferred the old force Bubble, at least it was always there if you wanted it. I don't like dampening bubble the cooldown is too long. Reduce the cooldown to 45 seconds and the buff duration to 30 seconds. 

Edited by Gobbledegook
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It's been awhile since I played Force Field, but didn't Dispersion Bubble stay with the caster the whole time, with no chance of getting out of it?  Or is it just for the team mates who walked out it?  Or am I remembering it wrong?

Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, BrandX said:

It's been awhile since I played Force Field, but didn't Dispersion Bubble stay with the caster the whole time, with no chance of getting out of it?  Or is it just for the team mates who walked out it?  Or am I remembering it wrong?

it is and was a toggle that stays with the caster. It NOW, on Brainstorm, will linger on you for 15 seconds after you leave it, or if it drops for any reason (such as the Bubbler hitting PFF or getting endurance drained).

Edited by Wavicle
Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, BrandX said:

It's been awhile since I played Force Field, but didn't Dispersion Bubble stay with the caster the whole time, with no chance of getting out of it?  Or is it just for the team mates who walked out it?  Or am I remembering it wrong?

Dispersion bubble is a toggle AoE buff for the user and their team. 25ft radius i think. I think the 15 seconds is if you get Cc'd and it drops or team mates move out of the radius and they still get the cover for 15 seconds.

Edited by Gobbledegook
2 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

it is and was a toggle that stays with the caster. It NOW, on Brainstorm, will linger on you for 15 seconds after you leave it, or if it drops for any reason (such as the Bubbler hitting PFF or getting endurance drained).


Okay, so still the toggle it's always been.

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Posted (edited)

Firstly, all of these power changes are really exciting! The work that goes into them is very appreciated, and the chance to give feedback is awesome. I have good and not-as-good things to say, but it's all said in good faith. Of course it's all my own limited opinion, but hopefully it's useful nonetheless.


I tested the Beta changes for a bit today. Some details on what I was doing:

  • PI Radios against Arachnos, Council, Carnival, CoT
  • Difficulty set to +4/x5
  • I was a FF/Water Defender, teamed with an Illusion/NRG Dominator and a Ninja/Time Mastermind
  • For Incarnates, only my Alpha (Agility Core) was slotted
  • I started with auto-IO, and then replaced some with better ones (ATOs, a couple staple uniques, and I think 2 purple sets for the +rech)

Background/disclaimer: I have never played a Force Field character before today. I had some timely inspiration for one recently, but I didn't want to make it because I knew I would be underwhelmed by the set. I looked through the set (live version) and thought "I can't justify playing this when sets like Cold, Time, and Traps exist". Even if it fits a concept, I knew I wouldn't feel useful playing it.


Thoughts on Powers


PFF: I can't really imagine using or even picking this. The power just doesn't feel support-like at all and I would want to replace it with something else entirely (see suggestions below). Saying that, I appreciate that dev time and resources are limited so it's all hypothetical of course.


Deflection Shield and Insulation Shield: I want to like these so much! Adding ~23% Defense to my team should feel really cool, but it doesn't. Anyway, I know these weren't changed, but as the quintessential powers that people think of in FF, I wonder if they should be?


Detention Field: I don't think this one was changed either, but I wanted to mention it because it's mentioned alongside PFF a lot as a removal/rework candidate. For MLTFs, multi-AV fights, or scuffed pulls, I like it for co-ordinated teams that can communicate.


Dispersion Bubble: The other quintessential FF power. Making the application last some extra time is a really nice QoL! Same problems as the other +Def abilities though.


Repulsion Field: I didn't use this, but I like the idea. Kind of like a walking KD field with the enhancement slotted! Awesome!


Repulsion Bolt and Repulsion Bomb: It felt good using these to keep enemies off their feet, but that's already what they can do on live. With some +Rech, Bolt was up enough to floor some priority targets, and Bomb was up to start every fight. The -Res debuff is useful and it's nice to have some more offensive capability.


Dampening Bubble: This ability feels very cool. I noticed that the debuffs are tagged with unresistable. That's a really cool addition that is pretty unique, so I hope it's deliberate. Of all the abilities in this set, this one and Dispersion Bubble fit the "power fantasy" of the set for me, which is what would get people to enjoy playing it and feel useful. That is: being able to make a zone in which my team is Very Safe.


Thoughts Overall


The set seems working as intended. I didn't notice any bugs or weirdness. Looks and animations are fine too, though I didn't do any customisation.


Like I alluded to above, I think the functional changes are in the right direction, but they don't do enough to make the set appealing for players and teams in CoX as it is today.


Identity: When I think of picking FF, I think of playing a set that excels at putting up defensive barriers between and around my allies and enemies. I want to mitigate my enemies' attacks or actions. Someone else said it above, but giving a set an identity is probably better than trying to make it compete on the same terms as other sets. -15% Res is useful, but when Cold can hit a whole group with Sleet, FF still feels eclipsed. To be clear about this, I think the issue is that Cold also gives enough +Def (and +MaxHP to the tank and +Recovery to the team) at the same time. FF, on the other hand, will just put the +Def over the softcap. To be clear, I think FF should be worse offensively than Cold, but it should be better defensively. Numerically it is in terms of Def numbers and mez protection, but unfortunately Def is the stat with the least concern for the most part, and Cold does other things on top of that.


Power fantasy: I think one core issue with the power fantasy of FF is that even if you are contributing a lot, it's not very visible. We've all seen people say "thanks for the heals" when it was actually a sum of many factors that's keeping them alive. It's very easy to notice things like your sliver of red health filling up and turning green. Similary, it's very noticeable when enemies are getting shredded by Freezing Rain, or are flopping about on an Oil Slick. When Dispersion Field stops a mez, Insulation Shield deflects an attack, and Dampening Field reduces an AV's regen, it's not clear that it's doing that even if it is really useful. I think both the FF user and their team would appreciate the set's power fantasy a lot more if we could change it to make it not only more useful, but also more visible.




(Hopefully making suggestions is appropriate here. If not, I'll happily say this elsewhere)


Things like +Absorb and +DDR on the shields have been suggested before and I think that's on the right track. Even some unenhanceable +Res (other than Toxic), or a wider variety of debuff resistance would be great. FF is overlooked because the thing it buffs is often in abundance anyway, so make it buff other things! I like the +Absorb especially because it's very visible. A team member can see the grey on their health bar and know that their bubbler is helping, and the bubbler can see it and know that they are making a difference more obviously. Of course, it's good in actual function too because surviving alphas is the most threatening part of a lot of content. Extra effective MaxHP is a great starting point for a defensively-inclined set like this. I would suggest a ticking absorb like Spirit Ward maybe, or one that refreshes after a certain duration of taking no damage.


If replacing powers is on the table:

  • Some kind of short duration, but very effective barrier. Could be massive +Absorb for a few seconds, +Res for a few seconds, or even an intangible if the target could still attack. FF isn't active and I think that also contributes to the whole visibility thing I mentioned above. I think a power like this would appeal a lot to the power fantasy of mitigating enemy action and being a protector. It would also be super useful in the alpha survival case, or for telegraphed attacks from AV's.
  • A power that gathers enemies together. It could be targeted on a team member, enemy, or ground position, idk! This would be a fun and unique way for the set to act offensively without tacking on -Res, -Def, or -Regen. Force fields can push stuff out, why not have one that can pull them in and gather them by knocking them inward, or having a Singularity-like pull?



Thanks for reading this post that got WAY longer than I expected. You're all doing great work and I hope some of this can help out!



Edited by thundersquall
typos and slight expansion on suggestions
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On 10/4/2022 at 5:38 PM, The Curator said:

Force Bolt (now Repulsion Bolt)

  • Now applies -20% (Defender Values) Resistance to all damage for 30s.
  • Recharge increased to 10s.

Fine, maybe make it do tier 1 level damage perhaps though, or make it an aoe kd to juggle off with repulsion bomb. Can keep the single target knockback if people complain, but have the aoe be KD, similar to propel kinda. Though really, knockdown would be fine enough on the single target (set has repulsion field and force bubble to position, ST kb was always just bad on this power, and slotting can still make it juggle-worth on a single target)


On 10/4/2022 at 5:38 PM, The Curator said:

Dispersion Bubble

  • Dispersion buff lasts for 15s, allowing it to apply if you leave its radius or the toggle drops briefly.

Good change, but adding a proccing absorb has always been one of the main asks for this power too.


On 10/4/2022 at 5:38 PM, The Curator said:

Repulsion Bomb (now Force Bomb)

  • Activation time lowered to 1.67s from 3.07s.
  • Damage lowered to Scale 0.6 from Scale 1. 
  • Stun chance lowered to 10% from 40%
  • Now uses Vectored Knockdown
  • Now applies -15% (Defender Values) Resistance to all damage for 30s.

Stun chance doesn't need lowered, it was key to stack stuns with other stuff, now the stun may as well just be removed. Don't forget to also fix it's radius issue on non-defenders. IIRC the other AT's have only a 12ft radius for it, where defenders have 15ft. Please adjust those up to 15ft properly, or given the lower damage and more debuff-oriented state of the power, up it to 20ft radius.


On 10/4/2022 at 5:38 PM, The Curator said:

Repulsion Field

  • Combined with Force Bubble, now includes a 20ft radius Repel aura alongside a 9ft radius Knockback aura.
  • The larger repel area acts just as Force Bubble does.
  • No longer drains endurance per target hit in PvE.
  • If slotted for KB2KD, the repel is also disabled.


On 10/4/2022 at 5:38 PM, The Curator said:

Force Bubble (now Dampening Bubble)

  • Now a Click power with 90s rech, and 5.2 Endurance cost.
  • Summons a Pseudopet at your location that casts a 55ft radius Dampening Bubble for 45s.
  • Applies +Special Resistance to yourself and allies (Defender Values):

    • 43.25% res to ToHit, Accuracy, Perception, Slow, Recharge, and Regeneration debuffs

    • 21.63% res to Defense Debuffs. This is enhanceable with Defense enhancements.

  • Applies -Special to a max of 16 enemies inside the field:

    • -43.25% ToHit, Slow, Perception, Regeneration

    • -23.63% Defense

  • The Dampening Bubble will move to your location if summoned again during it's duration.

These are very bad moves. Obviously the not costing end per target on repulsion is good, never should have been there, don't forget to adjust this for all versions and sonic repulsion and repel too.


But regarding this, no. I've always suggested a location field bubble kinda like the hami goo, that would do -speed/rech/resistance/defense etc, but do not get rid of force bubble. It's key to position mobs around, and should not go into repulsion field. Doing so removes the individual use of the repel when you need it, and turning it off when you don't, and the smaller radius of repulsion field helps keep you alive without affected the field of play much, and for those using it for the KD instead, really hurts losing that repel of force bubble altogether.


A better fix, would be for repulsion field, add a wider area big -speed to it, maybe even -range too like hurricane, and of course remove the end cost per target. Done.


Force bubble, honestly should stay as is, but just lower its cast/rech times/end costs, maybe add -speed to it as well to make it more effective.


The special resistances, should then really be, adding the DDR to the ally shields and dispersion bubble, and then adding those other special resistances (most which are in the ally shields already) to dispersion bubble so you can get them yourself too.

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Repulsion Field needs either the KB or Repel to be throttled back a bit. Using it, I was sending foes 100-200 feet away in an outdoor setting. Granted I do have Kinetic Crash set slotted in the power (current value =13.34).


Repulsion Bolt seems fine. With the IO sets I have slotted it recharges fast enough to keep up with other powers (6.58 sec). Force Feedback set slotted.


Most other changes are fine. Haven't been able to try some due to server populations at the hours I am usually on.


Further Repulsion Field / Force Bubble Comment:


To further restate the current Live design of the Repulsion Field / Force Bubble synergy.  Repulsion Field especially & Force Bubble are absolute aggro magnets.  This allows a cunning Force Fielder to /use/ this to lure enemies close and Field / Bubble 'tank'.  For the benefit of themselves and their team (albeit at risk if you try this with a Defender's HP). 


Making wholesale changes to the powerset must be done carefully so as not to remove or damage this playstyle (Repulse & Push) for the benefit of the team.  You Repulse enemies rushing at your hero and when the threat or hits get too much Force Bubble or Personal Force Field can be deployed, with really persistent threats targeted with Force Bolt.


Please:  Any changes should not damage this quick and reactive playstyle!



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Posted (edited)



I flipped with excited when my old duo partner Force Fielder linked me these changes.  Defender FF/EN was the 1st L50 on HC CoH's return.  So I'm pretty intimate with the set and did a L50 FF/En on live too.


There's a lingering taste of disappointment in my mouth.


Force Field has 'hard' 'Offender' style gameplay to it.


Boss bugging you?  Detention Field.  (I, for one, love this supposedly...'niche' power.)  And I'm glad it's untouched.


Force Bolt.  I don't like the longer cast.  Not a fan.  I do have Power Push and Torrent in addition from the Energy blast side of things.  But I did like playing table tennis with mobs with Forcebolt's high acc, low end and super fast recharge.  Defensive 'offense.'  If you take my drift.


I echo's Tath's please to keep Force Bubble and the 'hard' offensive control of Force Field intact.  eg.  Many of the debuffs in 'Dampening Field' feel like an attempt to shoe horn this into the F.Field set whilst, critically, removing of the pivotal gameplay style elements to this power.  eg.   Keeping mobs at bay and moving them around.  Positioning aggro'.  Like a pseudo tank using negative space to pin mobs around corners.  Not this project bubble at your location debuff non-sense.  It feels liek a transplant from Elec Affinity.


Why not wrap those debuffs into Dispersion Bubble itself?  Which is a very 'defensive' style power?  More 'Defender' whilst Force Bubble is more 'Offender.'  


Post is live.  I'll edit.  Add more.  


Repulsion Field now feels like a cludge of 'two' powers now rather than keeping each one's unique appeal.


Force 'Bomb' (the real villain of the set...) gets off scott free.  I always thought this power was a little naff.  I didn't like the animation.  It felt like 'volley ball' animation.  And the end result was hardly 'bomb.'  Something more 'Energy Nova' like would be what I'd call a 'bomb.'  BOMB!  (See AR for what BOMBs are really like.)  I'd like something more dramatic.  There's no reason why this can't have the dramatic effect of eg. Shield Charge.  A genuine force explosion.   It's still rather limp.


Noble intentions.  But sadly.  This isn't right for me.  Probably the 1st HC design pass which has left me completely cold.


If it was me?


It's this.


Force Bolt.  Keep it fast, high acc and cheap end.  Lower the res debuff.  If you have to.

Insulation shield.  Self buff.  (Part of what I'd like to see for a Defender's Design Pass...)

Deflection shield.  Self buff.  (Same again.)

Force Bubble.  Stays!  (and 'walks with' the caster.)  Proc Smashing damage for each villain hit.

Dispersion Bubble/Field.  Put the debuffs in here.   So the debuff protection stays with you.

Repulsion.  Just lower the end cost.  *(Smashing proc damage.)

'Force Bomb.'  Give it the Energy Nova consequences.  And a more dynamic cast animation.  The volley ball animation always bugged me.  A bit beach ball.

PFF.  I'm fine with it.  It is what it is.


If anything, what I'm calling for is outright recognitition of the Offender sub class offensiving Defender style of play.  And with rewards for bold play.  Ergo.  Some Smashing Proc dam for this hard edged 'buff' set.


Keep Force Bubble as it is...and add slow debuffs to mobs and Debuff protection to the Defender.  The more layers a Force Field defender has...the harder it is for foes to get through.  So this should be reflected in Debuff values perahps.  But we must keep the power, play wise?  As is.


We have heard you, Tath.  


We have listened to your siren call.



Edited by Golden Azrael
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Posted (edited)
On 10/6/2022 at 4:32 PM, Tath99 said:

Point for Consideration / IO Sets:


Do the proposed changes / should the proposed changes allow Force Fielders to take a wider selection of IO sets?


One of the previous issues with Force Field -- there was not a real incentive to invest slots into the powers to make heavy slotting of IO sets worthwhile.


Point for Consideration / New IO Sets:


Is there scope for creating new IO sets which strengthens the roles / playstyles of Force Field characters?


Point for Consideration / Skippable Powers:


Does each Force Field power stand tall as a power worth taking in its own right?  If powers are to be skippable, do the other powers offer an alternative play style?



Forgive me for raising these issues here, but I feel part of the issue of making FF great, is that the solution for making the powerset standout is more than a mere question of numbers alone.  It has always played a little different and the solution is looking at the set as a whole and from different angles.  Otherwise its flavour may be lost in an attempt to improve it.





And there's no need to lose it's flavour of hard edged play...to make it less 'different' because it dares to be different.


Otherwise, we lose what made this iconic CoH set such an old school great.



Edited by Golden Azrael
8 hours ago, Tath99 said:

Further Repulsion Field / Force Bubble Comment:


To further restate the current Live design of the Repulsion Field / Force Bubble synergy.  Repulsion Field especially & Force Bubble are absolute aggro magnets.  This allows a cunning Force Fielder to /use/ this to lure enemies close and Field / Bubble 'tank'.  For the benefit of themselves and their team (albeit at risk if you try this with a Defender's HP). 


Making wholesale changes to the powerset must be done carefully so as not to remove or damage this playstyle (Repulse & Push) for the benefit of the team.  You Repulse enemies rushing at your hero and when the threat or hits get too much Force Bubble or Personal Force Field can be deployed, with really persistent threats targeted with Force Bolt.


Please:  Any changes should not damage this quick and reactive playstyle!




I concur with fundamental assessment.


Repulse and Push.  Are iconic pillars of this set.


I would welcome the debuffs for the Tier 9 but KEEP Force Bubble as is.  It's that or push them over to Dispersion Bubble/Field.  A slow for mobs and slow debuff protection for the Force Bubble would make sense to me.



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I'll hold off on giving my full feedback for now, because I can't even get the offensive portion of Dampening Bubble to work.


Testing in a PI radio and on some rando-grey mobs around the area. Dampening Bubble provided me with the intended benefits, but did nothing to the baddies.


I tested both pulling them into the bubble, and forming the bubble right next to enemies.


Is anyone else having this problem?

Just now, brass_eagle said:

I'll hold off on giving my full feedback for now, because I can't even get the offensive portion of Dampening Bubble to work.


Testing in a PI radio and on some rando-grey mobs around the area. Dampening Bubble provided me with the intended benefits, but did nothing to the baddies.


I tested both pulling them into the bubble, and forming the bubble right next to enemies.


Is anyone else having this problem?


dampening bubble does not debuff the enemies directly. It debuffs the effectiveness of powers used within it, such as Build Up for example.


 To test it you have to use it on mobs with Active powers using the attributes in question.

Just now, Wavicle said:


dampening bubble does not debuff the enemies directly. It debuffs the effectiveness of powers used within it, such as Build Up for example.


 To test it you have to use it on mobs with Active powers using the attributes in question.


If that's true and -special for slow and not just "slow"... I did not see any effect still on a CoT Behemoth that has movement enhancement powers. I would also expect enemies to actually aggro on me, they did not.

2 minutes ago, Wavicle said:


dampening bubble does not debuff the enemies directly. It debuffs the effectiveness of powers used within it, such as Build Up for example.


 To test it you have to use it on mobs with Active powers using the attributes in question.

Which to be fair, does really little for most of the actual PVE game versus actually just debuffing them.


I haven't checked, but also correct me if I'm wrong, that this -special that's applied, is also lessened by the purple patch.

1 minute ago, WindDemon21 said:

Which to be fair, does really little for most of the actual PVE game versus actually just debuffing them.


I haven't checked, but also correct me if I'm wrong, that this -special that's applied, is also lessened by the purple patch.

Yes, that’s true. It’s meant to be just a little extra boost beyond what the bubble already does.

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Just now, Wavicle said:

Yes, that’s true. It’s meant to be just a little extra boost beyond what the bubble already does.

Yeah, i mean I explained as others have how in general repulsion field and force bubble changes are really pretty bad. But giving it -speed on the force bubble and repulsion field would be useful.


If force bubble was changed to anything else other what what it currently does for the most part, I'd only accept it as a location power, with the same radius, that did the pull-in to it's center like singularity's. With that radius at least, the need to push them around with it like on live, woudln't be needed as it'd already be doing the job of pulling the mob together. Add in that -speed and stuff to it then, still golden.

  • Thanks 1
Just now, WindDemon21 said:

If force bubble was changed to anything else other what what it currently does for the most part, I'd only accept it as a location power, with the same radius, that did the pull-in to it's center like singularity's. With that radius at least, the need to push them around with it like on live, woudln't be needed as it'd already be doing the job of pulling the mob together. Add in that -speed and stuff to it then, still golden.

Ironically, the exact same thing I suggested dimension shift be changed into (but with knockdown added like an inverse bonfire). Adding slow and knockdown to it then, would make it really nice.

20 minutes ago, brass_eagle said:


If that's true and -special for slow and not just "slow"... I did not see any effect still on a CoT Behemoth that has movement enhancement powers. I would also expect enemies to actually aggro on me, they did not.


I wasn't aware that a CoT Behemoth has any movement enhancement powers.


It SHOULD reduce the "Slow" effect on YOU when someone hits you with, say, an Ice Blast of some kind.

Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, brass_eagle said:

I'll hold off on giving my full feedback for now, because I can't even get the offensive portion of Dampening Bubble to work.


Testing in a PI radio and on some rando-grey mobs around the area. Dampening Bubble provided me with the intended benefits, but did nothing to the baddies.


I tested both pulling them into the bubble, and forming the bubble right next to enemies.


Is anyone else having this problem?


Replying to my own topic. I guess I misunderstood the slow -special portion. I tested an AE Claws / Regen +2 minion.


From power analyzer -- enemy has Fast Healing and Follow Up -- before and after:




It is working. However it did not affect the passive buff from Fast Healing, even though the -special regen should overcome the regen resistance in Fast healing I think.


Testing with a AE mob that has Integration did see the regeneration from the power go down though. I was confused.


Edited by brass_eagle
random attachment
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Damp bubble confuses me. When should It be used? on Devouring earth Eminators, crey protectors and such that buff other badies? 


is dampening bubbles design to be used on the post level 32 type mobs that sometimes do that kind of mass buffing like nemisis with vengence and all that?

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