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Bad mood :/

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So with my level 50+ blaster (DP, Ninja that has 3 self rezzes [Relentless, and 2 from the VFW something vendor] and slotted 90% with purples]) I decided to set up an s/l farm to help get xp for players who are levels 40 and up. A great one too. Nexutron, the short one at City Hall. 


This one guy comes in, then leaves less than a minute. I asked him why did he leave. "Constellation of red flags" he says. "what red flags?"


I'm a blaster. 

I didn't have a full team.

I didn't start immediately.

I was asking for specific levels.

The farm was s/l. 


What the fuck. Did I miss something? Normally I am wholly indifferent but this shit pissed me off royally.


Feh. 😒

Edited by Stunticon_Mechanic
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I suppose only beggars CAN'T be choosers... sitters can haha.

While there are sure to be a few players in every shard who will not share your world view, you shouldn't let that get you down. Just keep doing what you find fun. The bloke probably wasn't aware how blasters can kick major buttocks. BTW, dp/ninja is one of my favourites. And I can attest to its awesome-sauciness... I have 3 of them. Mine didn't take self rez powers because they have no plans on dying. I've been on team wipes where my toon was the only one left standing and fighting while the others "walked it off" or walked back from the nurse's office.

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He was probably a "scrub" or "Stop having fun guy", aka extremely intollerant of how other people play or other peoples builds so he immedietly assumed in anger you weren't gonna be able to do much since you weren't the "One true way" farmer.  Don't let it get to you.


Those kinds of players are usually to bitter and angerable to be worth having along anyways in my experience.

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1 hour ago, Stunticon_Mechanic said:

(DP, Ninja that has 3 self rezzes [Relentless, and 2 from the VFW something vendor]


VFW vendor made me laugh. 🤣 


But I think those 2 share a cooldown. So don't be caught off guard if you use one and can't use the other!


Also will echo what everyone else said: some people are finicky toolbags. I'm guilty of it myself from time to time. 


Their loss for not sticking around!

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17 minutes ago, twozerofoxtrot said:


VFW vendor made me laugh. 🤣 


But I think those 2 share a cooldown. So don't be caught off guard if you use one and can't use the other!


Also will echo what everyone else said: some people are finicky toolbags. I'm guilty of it myself from time to time. 


Their loss for not sticking around!

I got 3 level ones to 20 so there's that. At least I was able to give them a pleasant welcome to Paragon.





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20 minutes ago, twozerofoxtrot said:


VFW vendor made me laugh. 🤣 


But I think those 2 share a cooldown. So don't be caught off guard if you use one and can't use the other!


Also will echo what everyone else said: some people are finicky toolbags. I'm guilty of it myself from time to time. 


Their loss for not sticking around!

VFW FTW! They've got great pancakes on the weekend lol

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I'm all for helping newbies, but giving them a free ride isn't the way I approach it. I prefer teaching them how to help themselves.


It's also very easy to create a second account and dedicate that one to your farmer so you can use that one to PL your main account. By today's machine specs it's easy to run 2 instances of COH on most computers. I suspect a lot of seasoned players do this. And my opinion is that the beggars that can't even be bothered to do something like that and help themselves do not deserve my attention (or my help).

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Liberty, Torchbearer, Excelsior, Everlasting

Jezebel Delias

Level 50 Fire/Elec/Mace Blaster


I am the Inner Circle!

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2 minutes ago, Nemu said:

I'm all for helping newbies

I don't think the person mentioned in the OP was a newbie.  My read was that they probably weren't satisfied with the rate of XP gain or simply with the farming method employed by the OP, and just ragequit...

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3 hours ago, Stunticon_Mechanic said:

This one guy comes in, then leaves less than a minute. I asked him why did he leave. "Constellation of red flags" he says. "what red flags?"




What the fuck. Did I miss something? Normally I am wholly indifferent but this shit pissed me off royally.


From my PoV, the only thing you missed was the opportunity to teach him that it is more appropriate to refer to a "bunting of red flags".

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"constellation of red flags" bullshit. 


"Can't do it on your own." I just wanted to help people get to 50 faster. I didn't need help. What a fucking ignorant baseless assumption.


"S/L tag." So, fucking, what. What's wrong with s/l?


"Asking for 40+" And what's wrong with that? 


"Hadn't started yet." Oh my fucking god. and? People are always waiting to start something. 2 people were switching over and asked to wait and I agreed. Is that so bad? I just made the announcement and you barely waited. 


"Blaster." So what?!


Yes, I lost my temper and let myself be annoyed and depressed. And for that I apologize. I am so tired of the lack of courtesy from players.


All I wanted to do was to help people in their 40s get to 50. Your reasons were absolute nonsense. You could have said, "Hey, can we start soon?" or "Sorry, I'm pressed for time I have to leave." But instead you opted to quit w/o explanations. Other players I've seen explain why they can't join or have to quit early and the like. Common courtesy. That's all. But you give some absurd reasons.


the "S/L tag," "blaster," and "40+" were especially irksome. You weren't a fire tanker, what does the dmg type matter? And as for the level preference? What's wrong with that?


I made it clear it was a farm. You asked to join and I invited you. You could have decided not to message me for an invite if you had a short amount of time.





Edited by Stunticon_Mechanic
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6 hours ago, biostem said:

Nope - just a spoiled brat who didn't get everything they wanted.  Don't let it get you down...

I mean, wtf happened to saying, "Sorry, I can't wait. I don't have time?" Courtesy is dead. So much for running a farm for my first time.. I'll just stick to helping my SG mates get xp and influence. I give up.

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"Slow, unproductive charlie foxtrot." Well it wasn't fucking slow nor was it unproductive. I helped players get a lot of levels, the action was very very intense and there were an insane number of groups around and in city of hall. Even at +3, the groups were a challenge due them having moves that stunned the players. And the enemy designs were fun as hell. These lumbering androids with exposed brains.

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5 hours ago, Krimson said:

Are you on Excelsior? Would you like to see what Smashing/Lethal farming can really do from someone who laughs at the Fire addicts? Send me a PM. Smashing/Lethal is simply superior to Fire farming, and the only reason people choose Fire is because you can sneeze and hit Rez cap on a Fire Brute. That's it. Oh... and you have to actually pay attention when making NPCs for a farm. 


Screw people like that. I AM a team. Give me a shout.


I'd like that but I'm not going to try run any farms for awhile. I don't know. We'll see. Thank you, though

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I'm still trying to parse "red flags" - like what, he expected to wake up in a tub of ice water to find all his purple slots stolen or something????

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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32 minutes ago, Stunticon_Mechanic said:

I mean, wtf happened to saying, "Sorry, I can't wait. I don't have time?" Courtesy is dead. So much for running a farm for my first time.. I'll just stick to helping my SG mates get xp and influence. I give up.

Some people have this weird notion that, even though YOU are doing THEM a favor, they expect you to go about it in a very specific way.  Even though a few bad apples may spoil the bunch, keep in mind that even a bad bunch doesn't spoil the orchard...

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9 hours ago, Stunticon_Mechanic said:

What the @#$$. Did I miss something? Normally I am wholly indifferent but this #%@$ pissed me off royally.


People can leave a team whenever they want. They aren't obligated to stay on any team.

It's really stalkery to press someone on why the left a team. You were lucky to get any answer.


You do appear to be the issue. You need to calm down.

There is no need for all the vulgarity.


I don't have time for your vulgarity. You can interact with other people that do.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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