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Sigh. I quit another TF.


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11 hours ago, InvaderStych said:

This means that I've failed in my duties as Grand High Poobah of the Church of the Almighty Combat Teleport!


Because you keep replying to people complaining about scattered enemies (note the plural) by saying your amazing single teleport power somehow solves enemies being spread out all over creation.  CT is a wonderful power.  It does many great things.  It does NOT, however, solve scatter.


The issue is that while one person is blasting enemies into the four corners of a room and cackling to themselves, their teammates who had Fireballs and Foot Stomps heated up and ready to go are now using them against ONE enemy.  Yay?


I meant, great, you can BAMF over to each individual enemy quickly. You still gotta beat each one down separately.  Meanwhile, I've gone and gotten a sandwich and a beer because this mission, I can already tell... is gonna take a while.   


Everyone is free to do whatever they want in this game.  But what these freedom-loving knockback artists need to realize too is that that means the rest of us are free to excuse ourselves from Captain Handclap's team at the first available opportunity when we decide that what's fun for him isn't fun for us and that perhaps separately, we can both have our fun.  Isn't that the goal?

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13 hours ago, InvaderStych said:

Can I unsee him now?


That is the question. 🤣

No this is the question


The Question (DC Universe) | DC Hall of Justice Wiki | FANDOM powered ...

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My Dear you deserve the services of a great wizard but youll have to settle for the aid of a second rate pick pocket



So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

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3 hours ago, ZemX said:


Because you keep replying to people complaining about scattered enemies (note the plural) by saying your amazing single teleport power somehow solves enemies being spread out all over creation.  CT is a wonderful power.  It does many great things.  It does NOT, however, solve scatter.


The issue is that while one person is blasting enemies into the four corners of a room and cackling to themselves, their teammates who had Fireballs and Foot Stomps heated up and ready to go are now using them against ONE enemy.  Yay?


I meant, great, you can BAMF over to each individual enemy quickly. You still gotta beat each one down separately.  Meanwhile, I've gone and gotten a sandwich and a beer because this mission, I can already tell... is gonna take a while.   


Everyone is free to do whatever they want in this game.  But what these freedom-loving knockback artists need to realize too is that that means the rest of us are free to excuse ourselves from Captain Handclap's team at the first available opportunity when we decide that what's fun for him isn't fun for us and that perhaps separately, we can both have our fun.  Isn't that the goal?

This being speaks truth.


I joined a +4 speed Yin an hour ago.  Overall it was a good experience.  Sort of.  You have to create your own happy.


We get into the first mission.  By the third spawn in i identify a huge issue.  On my Dark Dark Tank I am racing to the new mobs spawn first.  Taunting herding so the first round of AoEs hit hard.  A MASSIVE knockback attack.  Then someone drops ice slick on me and then an immobilize field.  There is no way the mobs are coming back.  In team chat I say "Hey, someone is doing massive KB and then other people are slowing the mobs from coming back in" two replies "oh the KB is mine, not sure why that is happening" and "We do not need a Tank"  Heh.  So for the rest of the TF I got as far away from that team as possible.  My Tank can happily chew through +4 Freakshow at that level.  Bye suckers.  I went far out to the last objectives I could find and happily soloed those spawns.  


Edited by Snarky
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I'll never understand how people simply fail to communicate what type of run they're planning. Back on Live I joined an ITF with my fire blaster. The leader decides to wait until the TF is started, and we're all loading in to the first mission, to inform us that it's a Master run! No mention in the broadcasts, no mention in team chat the entire time we're forming. Now, that specific blaster of mine, I don't care what we're running: She gonna die. Rise of the Phoenix was part of her attack chain. There will be faceplanting. I will dash up to Ol' Rommy and fireball his face while the rest of the team is still coming up the hill, I DO NOT CARE. I took Rise of the Phoenix and I am using it.


....So I felt bad that they had to restart and reform, but also: Maybe give the important details a bit sooner.

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14 hours ago, ZemX said:


Because you keep replying to people complaining about scattered enemies (note the plural) by saying your amazing single teleport power somehow solves enemies being spread out all over creation.  CT is a wonderful power.  It does many great things.  It does NOT, however, solve scatter.


The issue is that while one person is blasting enemies into the four corners of a room and cackling to themselves, their teammates who had Fireballs and Foot Stomps heated up and ready to go are now using them against ONE enemy.  Yay?


I meant, great, you can BAMF over to each individual enemy quickly. You still gotta beat each one down separately.  Meanwhile, I've gone and gotten a sandwich and a beer because this mission, I can already tell... is gonna take a while.   


Everyone is free to do whatever they want in this game.  But what these freedom-loving knockback artists need to realize too is that that means the rest of us are free to excuse ourselves from Captain Handclap's team at the first available opportunity when we decide that what's fun for him isn't fun for us and that perhaps separately, we can both have our fun.  Isn't that the goal?

The problem is that the fun is dividing teams. There are people who knockback because they have no choice; like my warshade.


Knockback powers need to be overhauled. Not all of them. The dedicated ones can stay like gale and the like but powers that have a chance to knockback or its secondary to the attack need to be updated to knockdown.


And no I don't care if you like energy blast the way it is; it sucks in its current form because of the random knockback and I stand by my opinion on this.

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3 hours ago, Yaliw said:

The problem is that the fun is dividing teams. There are people who knockback because they have no choice; like my warshade.


Knockback powers need to be overhauled. Not all of them. The dedicated ones can stay like gale and the like but powers that have a chance to knockback or its secondary to the attack need to be updated to knockdown.


And no I don't care if you like energy blast the way it is; it sucks in its current form because of the random knockback and I stand by my opinion on this.

Knock back can be updated to knockdown, using Sudden Acceleration.

If you choose not to, that’s of course your choice.  But don’t act like there is no option for you. 

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48 minutes ago, Ghost said:

Knock back can be updated to knockdown, using Sudden Acceleration.

If you choose not to, that’s of course your choice.  But don’t act like there is no option for you. 

Yup. I slotted all my KB to KD for my AR/TA main. Much. Better for teams, though I wonder how things would fly sometimes.:-)

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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On 4/22/2023 at 1:47 AM, Yaliw said:

The problem is that the fun is dividing teams. There are people who knockback because they have no choice; like my warshade.


Knockback powers need to be overhauled. Not all of them. The dedicated ones can stay like gale and the like but powers that have a chance to knockback or its secondary to the attack need to be updated to knockdown.


And no I don't care if you like energy blast the way it is; it sucks in its current form because of the random knockback and I stand by my opinion on this.

My problem is less with knockback itself and more with misusing knockback. I'm 100% ok it once I've pulled the group up against a wall or into a corner. Blast on them all you want. It's a different story when people zip into groups and unleash a PBAOE with knockback or use it to push mobs away from the melee people. 


That's how I use it on my Forcefield/Energy defender. All the AOE powers got changed to knockdown, but the cone and force bolt have KB ramped up so I can use him like a leaf blower to push mobs into the whirlpools, rains of fire, and foot stomping tanks the rest of the team is laying down. 

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12 minutes ago, Random Axis said:

My problem is less with knockback itself and more with misusing knockback. I'm 100% ok it once I've pulled the group up against a wall or into a corner. Blast on them all you want. It's a different story when people zip into groups and unleash a PBAOE with knockback or use it to push mobs away from the melee people. 


That's how I use it on my Forcefield/Energy defender. All the AOE powers got changed to knockdown, but the cone and force bolt have KB ramped up so I can use him like a leaf blower to push mobs into the whirlpools, rains of fire, and foot stomping tanks the rest of the team is laying down. 

There is the problem though, energy blast has a chance to knockback- you can't control it. Even if you try to, you might not get a knockback effect anyway.


Powers like gale, repel, hurricane are all great and I have zero problem with them- it's very specifically energy blast and other similar powers where knockback is secondary to the primary function which is damage. Quasar is anti-synergistic with the rest of my kit as a warshade for example. I *want* enemies close to me for either Orbiting Death or Eclipse or sunless mire etc.

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1 hour ago, Random Axis said:

That's how I use it on my Forcefield/Energy defender. All the AOE powers got changed to knockdown, but the cone and force bolt have KB ramped up so I can use him like a leaf blower to push mobs into the whirlpools, rains of fire, and foot stomping tanks the rest of the team is laying down. 

This is the way.

The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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I am a bit baffled by PUG leaders trying to be all macho with the +4 nonsense after they’ve opened up the team to any level. That level 16 whatever and my level 22 fill-in-the-blank aren’t going to even have enhancements in most powers, nevermind purpled up. So don’t get all ranty that we’re whiffing against mobs that are five levels above us and protected by overlapping force fields. Or that we’re faceplanting every other encounter. And stop being surprised when people quit because it’s not fun.


It’s gotten to the point where I mostly join teams and TFs only if I’m significantly higher level than they are.

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On 4/22/2023 at 6:39 AM, MrPengy said:

I'll never understand how people simply fail to communicate what type of run they're planning. Back on Live I joined an ITF with my fire blaster. The leader decides to wait until the TF is started, and we're all loading in to the first mission, to inform us that it's a Master run! No mention in the broadcasts, no mention in team chat the entire time we're forming. Now, that specific blaster of mine, I don't care what we're running: She gonna die. Rise of the Phoenix was part of her attack chain. There will be faceplanting. I will dash up to Ol' Rommy and fireball his face while the rest of the team is still coming up the hill, I DO NOT CARE. I took Rise of the Phoenix and I am using it.


I'd love a whole team with Rez power tactics, vengeance et al. Would be a fun group. 

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Wanna watch the world burn?  Create a Knockdown/Up to Knockback IO . . . and more procs that ADD knockback chance.  Oh the pain would be glorious.


Oh and you really want to spice things up?  Put a knockback chance in like the Set IO that gets used in so many auto fire powers and is muled in mass doses elsewhere; Luck of the Gambler.  Change the Global Recharge to still have the Rech bonus but also a chance for a knockback proc.  You have to accept the bad with the good.  God it would be fantastic!


Oh and I actually like KB on toons where it is the mechanic (Energy Blaster for example).  Do not fear mechanism, make it work for you.

Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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I'd state a horror story but I play on Reunion.  We have the nicest and most polite player base imho.  You guys should try Reunion out, especially in mornings and early afternoons American times since we are the Euro server (I'm American tho)

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So the TF was going fine and you quit... why, exactly?


Why didn't you rez the people that died? Or at least give them a wakie?


Very confusing story. It just sounds like you got mad that it was going too slow and ragequit.

Edited by Solvernia
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2 minutes ago, Solvernia said:

So the TF was going fine and you quit... why, exactly?


Why didn't you rez the people that died? Or at least give them a wakie?


Very confusing story. It just sounds like you got mad that it was going too slow and ragequit.

It was a Master run.  With many deaths in the 1st mission.  This limits a level 50 ITF to no incarnates and some other restritions.  And it was being run at +4.


But the real reason I quit was the leader never advertised it as a "All Tank +4 Master run"  Then was the first to die.  I just try to avoid stepping in dog shit. 

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9 minutes ago, Snarky said:

It was a Master run.  With many deaths in the 1st mission.  This limits a level 50 ITF to no incarnates and some other restritions.  And it was being run at +4.


But the real reason I quit was the leader never advertised it as a "All Tank +4 Master run"  Then was the first to die.  I just try to avoid stepping in dog shit. 


You can still do the TF without getting the badge... or without incarnate powers. In fact a decent tanker should be able to *solo* level 54 ITF. Especially a Dark/Dark, considering I could do it on my SR/WM no problem.


Honestly, missions where people die a lot are a lot more fun than mindless steamroll, because then you can organize them, and get them to use tactics, etc. I ran 54x8 PI radio missions plus a safeguard with a team of random lowbies that way, even though people died multiple times per mission. But just reminding them to use their insps and to stick together worked wonders, combined with liberal use of revival/resuscitator on my end. And it wasn't even council only!


But I guess giving up and calling it dogshit is easier ᖍ(ツ)ᖌ

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10 minutes ago, Solvernia said:


You can still do the TF without getting the badge... or without incarnate powers. In fact a decent tanker should be able to *solo* level 54 ITF. Especially a Dark/Dark, considering I could do it on my SR/WM no problem.


Honestly, missions where people die a lot are a lot more fun than mindless steamroll, because then you can organize them, and get them to use tactics, etc. I ran 54x8 PI radio missions plus a safeguard with a team of random lowbies that way, even though people died multiple times per mission. But just reminding them to use their insps and to stick together worked wonders, combined with liberal use of revival/resuscitator on my end. And it wasn't even council only!


But I guess giving up and calling it dogshit is easier ᖍ(ツ)ᖌ

I could lick the sidewalk clean instead of using a powerwasher too.  I choose not to.

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On 4/20/2023 at 8:22 PM, Sir Myshkin said:

My assumption is always 100% that whatever task at whatever setting that I am responsible for, I can solo and everyone else is along for the ride.

At the risk of opening myself up to all manner of downvoting, lectures on how to "actually" play the game, and etc. this is exactly the attitude that drives me away from most higher level teams these days. If I'm hopping on a team it's because I want to experience team play. Not to say I need every mission to be a grueling +4 nightmare that rivals 4 star challenge runs where everyone has to be on point, but lordy do I seem to end up on lots of so-called teams where it becomes abundantly clear that it's actually seven soloers that happen to be sharing the same map. It was a special flavor of hell when I was leveling my Elec Affinity character and could barely stick to one other teammate to bounce stuff off of, let alone multiple.


See also: Whatever tanking style apparently requires you to jump three mobs ahead, leaving half the team trailing behind slowly cleaning up purple con bosses that survived the initial alphas on the last several mobs. Really feels like some folks out there don't actually play "tanks" they play "farmers"...


Edit: I guess one way to put it is that there's many different speeds of play out there and people are bad at navigating those differences on both the macro ("obviously this is a speed ITF and I don't need to advertise it as such") and micro ("everyone hold back, I'ma corner pull every. single. mob.").

Edited by SarahTheM1
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I was one of a couple heavies on a Shadow Shard TF last night.  In my opinion the tougher of the heavies for that content.  Judging by my teammates health bars.  I stayed smart about how I did the groups.  I would jump to the next group IF our team was doing well.  This allowed me to get agro fully and draw the mobs in tight.  Especially important with two spawns right next to each other.  You got to help the team kill.  Do not divide your team, focus your team

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