Ukase Posted August 5, 2024 Posted August 5, 2024 So...I guess my obtuse nature didn't even notice this was a thing until yesterday. So, I made one. AR/Martial Combat. This is such a different kind of thing compared to the same old type of secondary with the toggle sustain powers. I don't know if I like it yet - but I do appreciate the different option. I see so many players wanting mez protection...and I have no recollection of anyone mentioning Inner Will. True, it's only good for 30 seconds, and the base recharge is 3 minutes. So, without external support, it's never going to be perma - and typically, with external support, you wouldn't need it to be perma. Still, this is an amazing thing for blasters with this secondary. Still need to carry a break free to be safe, but it beats a poke in the eye. The build in Combat Teleport is also interesting. It's called Burst of Speed. (it buffs damage, however, instead of ToHit) I almost screwed up and took it as a substitute travel power, given its 200 foot range. But alas, the fine print said I could only use it 3x before it would need to recharge. Still, a nice option to have. I don't yet see the utility, but I'll try to find it if I can train my fingers to work properly. This is exciting for me - as it's new to me. I'm sure some have played these a dozen times before. I honestly don't know how I missed it. Or maybe my memory is fading. Either way, time to explore this powerset.
twozerofoxtrot Posted August 5, 2024 Posted August 5, 2024 5 minutes ago, Ukase said: True, it's only good for 30 seconds, and the base recharge is 3 minutes. So, without external support, it's never going to be perma Even with it down to the lowest recharge possible, it wouldn't really matter. It's condition-based activation, so you wouldn't be able to use it (like a perma mez protection click) unless at or below half HP, End, or if mezzed. If you slot it for a lot of recharge, I'm sure you'll feel like it's up when you really need it. 9 minutes ago, Ukase said: I don't yet see the utility, but I'll try to find it if I can train my fingers to work properly. This power excels on Blast sets with melee AoE powers and/or nukes. That's one reason why DP/MC is a popular pairing. Going Fire/MC is also a nice treat; nothing says "Fire" like a damage-buffed Inferno.
lemming Posted August 6, 2024 Posted August 6, 2024 I really should rework my MC chars to use Burst of Speed. It is pretty good. Inner Will is something I know some blasters use on Auto so that it fires if the char is held or below a health threshold.
Uun Posted August 6, 2024 Posted August 6, 2024 Reaction Time is the toggle sustain. It just happens to be combined with an PBAoE slow. Uuniverse
Ukase Posted August 6, 2024 Author Posted August 6, 2024 12 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said: Even with it down to the lowest recharge possible, it wouldn't really matter. It's condition-based activation, so you wouldn't be able to use it (like a perma mez protection click) unless at or below half HP, End, or if mezzed. If you slot it for a lot of recharge, I'm sure you'll feel like it's up when you really need it. This power excels on Blast sets with melee AoE powers and/or nukes. That's one reason why DP/MC is a popular pairing. Going Fire/MC is also a nice treat; nothing says "Fire" like a damage-buffed Inferno. That will be the next combo I tried, as it seems to be a nifty way to use not just inferno but FSC as well. Kind of like jousting, just different keys - only a damage buff comes with it.
arcane Posted August 6, 2024 Posted August 6, 2024 I have historically stayed away from Martial solely because I don’t know what to do about Burst of Speed. I already take Teleport and Combat Teleport on my typical toons, and Burst of Speed is not quite the same as either. Then do I really want a third thing I have to set up a keybind for? If not, what’s the point in playing Martial without it? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
Ukase Posted August 6, 2024 Author Posted August 6, 2024 5 minutes ago, arcane said: These are the questions that keep me up at night. I'm kind of the opposite. Thus far, I've only taken Combat Teleport on one character - a dark/Mental blaster. I thought CT would be useful for zipping in for Drain psyche. It is - but it's also easier to just zip in with super speed, or even sprint, or neither. That is, I'm more used to doing it like that. I like the toHit buff, but it's not like I really need it with Focused Accuracy and a kismet 6% IO. I mean, does it really make sense to learn/relearn to do things differently when the other way works just fine? Still, having the option on Martial Combat without needing to take the tp pool is a nice option to have. It will let me play around with it without taking a power pool. Maybe the mechanic of using the keybind will catch on for my feeble fingers.
Frozen Burn Posted August 6, 2024 Posted August 6, 2024 32 minutes ago, arcane said: I have historically stayed away from Martial solely because I don’t know what to do about Burst of Speed. I already take Teleport and Combat Teleport on my typical toons, and Burst of Speed is not quite the same as either. Then do I really want a third thing I have to set up a keybind for? If not, what’s the point in playing Martial without it? These are the questions that keep me up at night. Burst of speed can do a decent amount of damage. I like to use a full Winter PBAOE set in it with the KD proc. It's a great opener to other PBAOEs you might have and follow up with your kicks and attack chain. @Ukase Being AR primary, you'll have little use for Burt of Speed since you will mostly want to be at range for your cones. As mentioned above, /MC is better suited to those primaries best for blapping. Earth/MC and Energy/MC are my two faves.
Ukase Posted August 6, 2024 Author Posted August 6, 2024 5 minutes ago, Frozen Burn said: you will mostly want to be at range for your cones. This is why I don't take cones with an arc less than 45 degrees. Cones are about positioning; and in this day and age with folks using fold space, it can either be super easy if you time it right, or absolutely useless if you don't. Please don't get me started on my trigger word "blap" and all it's forms. 1
tidge Posted August 6, 2024 Posted August 6, 2024 1 hour ago, arcane said: I have historically stayed away from Martial solely because I don’t know what to do about Burst of Speed. I already take Teleport and Combat Teleport on my typical toons, and Burst of Speed is not quite the same as either. Then do I really want a third thing I have to set up a keybind for? If not, what’s the point in playing Martial without it? These are the questions that keep me up at night. I have Burst of Speed with 3x Blaster's Wrath (the Recharge pieces, including %Fire) and 3x %Damage. It is a reliable source of damage on top of popping into combat. 22 hours ago, Ukase said: I see so many players wanting mez protection...and I have no recollection of anyone mentioning Inner Will. True, it's only good for 30 seconds, and the base recharge is 3 minutes. So, without external support, it's never going to be perma - and typically, with external support, you wouldn't need it to be perma. Still, this is an amazing thing for blasters with this secondary. I have Inner Will 2-slotted with Heal/Recharge, no set bonuses. This is the power I keep on Auto... sometimes it is "overkill' on the mezz recovery, many times it is not. I find that it is rather trivial to maximize Global recharge on Blasters without worrying about Hasten, I also picked up Rune of Protection as the backup mezz protection.
Uun Posted August 6, 2024 Posted August 6, 2024 2 hours ago, arcane said: I have historically stayed away from Martial solely because I don’t know what to do about Burst of Speed. I already take Teleport and Combat Teleport on my typical toons, and Burst of Speed is not quite the same as either. Then do I really want a third thing I have to set up a keybind for? If not, what’s the point in playing Martial without it? These are the questions that keep me up at night. As long as you're not looking to stealth in, Burst of Speed can replace Combat Teleport (and use the same keybind). Uuniverse
Jacke Posted August 6, 2024 Posted August 6, 2024 As the randomly-trigger self-buff Reach for the Limit has double Damage enhancement for Psychic and Toxic Damage, I thought it would be good to have more of them. Thus, maybe a Psychic Blaster/Martial Combat Blaster? Remember! Let's be careful out there! City Global @Jacke, @Jacke2 || Discord @jacke4913 @TheUnnamedOne's BadgeReporter Popmenu Commands Popmenu including Long Range Teleport Available Zones Finding Your City Install Root on Windows for HC Launcher, Tequila, Island Rum
arcane Posted August 7, 2024 Posted August 7, 2024 (edited) 17 hours ago, Uun said: As long as you're not looking to stealth in, Burst of Speed can replace Combat Teleport (and use the same keybind). This makes the most sense to me, although all it really nets me is Teleport Target because I’d still be getting Teleport/Fold Space on every one of my toons. Could be a fun change though. I have a Psychic/Martial I could reslot some day. EDIT: I do also like the thought of proc bombing it though. Edited August 7, 2024 by arcane
High_Beam Posted August 10, 2024 Posted August 10, 2024 MC especially when paired with DP makes for an excellent playing toon. Di Di Guns is my DP/MC Blaster and she is Glorious fun. Smooth attack chains and IF she gets mezzed I do pop Inner Will but honestly, I rarely have to because of her defense and as a Blaster I have several powers I can still fire while mezzed (as you well know). BoS is procced so unlike combat TP is got extra usability and killiness. BoS is especially useful when tied to a target macro and I don't even bother using it to bounce out. Such a Secksi attack chain against Mobs. BoS (Target Macro) --> Hail of Bullets --> Dragon's Tail --> Eagles Claw the Boss --> BoS Twice (Via Target Macro) --> Back Flip to Clear Stragglers --> Dual Wild --> Bullet Rain = No More Mob (and that is if they weren't wiped before). GD! Its making me tingly just writing about it! 3 Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie Babes of War - Excelsior - High Beam (Yay), Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria Many alts and lots of fun. Thank you Name Release For letting me get my OG main back!
Crysis Posted August 26, 2024 Posted August 26, 2024 On 8/10/2024 at 10:24 AM, High_Beam said: BoS (Target Macro) --> Hail of Bullets --> Dragon's Tail --> Eagles Claw the Boss --> BoS Twice (Via Target Macro) --> Back Flip to Clear Stragglers --> Dual Wild --> Bullet Rain = No More Mob (and that is if they weren't wiped before). GD! It’s making me tingly just writing about it! You forgot BoS to target>Ki Push>Executioners Shot kill while they are still in mid-air and flying backwards. DP/MC just ooooooozes style. Maybe more than any other pairings. Whomever did the animations for MC and DP I headcanon got married and had a flock of beautiful babies together. Because these two are just…..PB&J levels of meant to be together. Seriously, any time I get bored of the game I roll out one of my various retired DP/MC builds (I’ve three now) and the poetic combat just gives me a rush for the game all over again! 3 1
High_Beam Posted August 26, 2024 Posted August 26, 2024 1 hour ago, Crysis said: Seriously, any time I get bored of the game I roll out one of my various retired DP/MC builds (I’ve three now) and the poetic combat just gives me a rush for the game all over again! Secksi never retires, it just goes on vacation to even more Secksier locations. 1 1 Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie Babes of War - Excelsior - High Beam (Yay), Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria Many alts and lots of fun. Thank you Name Release For letting me get my OG main back!
Lusiphur Malache Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 My favorite blapper is a Dark/Martial. I can tank a +1 with Burst of Speed, Reaction Time and Dragon Kick so easily. I have a macro that I say "pull" in chat, hit Ki Push and then I hit them with Moonbeam.
Lockpick Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 I'm actually playing my 2nd DP/MC now. I skipped Burst of Speed on both. Well, I had it on my 1st one, but never used it so respecced out of it. My 2nd DP/MC I went down the Inner Will and Rune of Protection path and am finding it quite good. Both were built for 45%+ Range and S/L, so survive pretty well. I still get a kick out of Ki Push and then shooting the baddie as he flies through the air.
Marshal_General Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 If you are fast enough with the keys, you can push, spin kick and then shoot them as one glorious move.
Octogoat Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 3 hours ago, Marshal_General said: If you are fast enough with the keys, you can push, spin kick and then shoot them as one glorious move. A girl can dream ...
High_Beam Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 6 hours ago, Marshal_General said: If you are fast enough with the keys, you can push, spin kick and then shoot them as one glorious move. Tingly Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie Babes of War - Excelsior - High Beam (Yay), Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria Many alts and lots of fun. Thank you Name Release For letting me get my OG main back!
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